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-> The AutoIt3Wrapper GUI was removed ,stupid! Therefore the "#AutoIt3Wrapper_prompt=y" no longer has any effect.

suggested edit for clarity. :lol

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Posted (edited)

Uploaded a test version of AutoIt3Wrappper v which has the below modifications.

Would appreciate when people that used to use the GUI / INI for the AutoIt3Wrapper settings, to test the conversion option to convert the INI information to Directives at the top of the script, before I release this in the regular installer.

*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.4 (JdeB)
    - Added check for Scriptname.ini and offer the option to convert to #directives at the top of the script and recycle the INI file.
    - Changed the Reshacker routine to only run once now and use a "script file" with commands. 
    - Fixed Reshacker problem when filepath contains a comma. 
    - Fixed issue handling INI settings.
    - Added warning when directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_prompt=y is found.


Edited by JdeB

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  • Developers
Posted (edited)

Uploaded a test version of AutoIt3Wrappper v which has the below modifications.

Added the option to add extra IC0's to the resources like:

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Icons\au3.ico
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Icons\filetype1.ico
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Icons\filetype2.ico
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Icons\filetype3.ico
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Icons\filetype-blank.ico
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
GUICreate("Demo resource ICO's")
$h_Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("my picture button", 10, 20, 40, 40, $BS_ICON)
For $x = 0 To 7
    $rc = TraySetIcon(@ScriptFullPath, $x)
    $rc2 = GUICtrlSetImage($h_Button1, @ScriptFullPath, $x)
    If $x < 3 Then
        TrayTip("Default ico:" & $x, "TraySetIcon rc:" & $rc & @LF & "GUICtrlSetImage rc:" & $rc2, 3)
        TrayTip("New ico:" & $x, "TraySetIcon rc:" & $rc & @LF & "GUICtrlSetImage rc:" & $rc2, 3)

Would appreciate when people that used to use the GUI / INI for the AutoIt3Wrapper settings, to test the conversion option to convert the INI information to Directives at the top of the script, before I release this in the regular installer.

*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.5 (JdeB)
    - Added directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add to add extra ICO(s) to the output program resources file. 
      These added Ico(s) can than be use in the scripts logic. See helpfile for a working example.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.4 (JdeB)
    - Added check for Scriptname.ini and offer the option to convert to #directives at the top of the script and recycle the INI file.
    - Changed the Reshacker routine to only run once now and use a "script file" with commands. 
    - Fixed Reshacker problem when filepath contains a comma. 
    - Fixed issue handling INI settings.
    - Added warning when directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_prompt=y is found.


Edited by JdeB

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Posted (edited)


*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.5 (JdeB)

- Added directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add to add extra ICO(s) to the output program resources file.

These added Ico(s) can than be use in the scripts logic. See helpfile for a working example.

VERY NICE adition JdeB!!! :) :) :)



better than my solution

Edited by Zedna


yeah thats pretty cool. Any known limits?

So long,


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

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  • Developers
Posted (edited)

Uploaded a test version of AutoIt3Wrappper v which has the below modifications.

Considering the overwhelming feedback, is it save to assume that nobody had any problems converting the scriptfile.au3.ini files to directives using this test version ?

*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.7 (JdeB)
    - Added Option to automatically update all #Compiler_ directives to #AutoIt3Wrapper_ directives.
      You will be prompted when an old #Compiler_ directives is found.
    - Fixed issue with #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Name not being recognised.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.5 (JdeB)
    - Added directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add to add extra ICO(s) to the output program resources file. 
      These added Ico(s) can than be use in the scripts logic. See helpfile for a working example.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.4 (JdeB)
    - Added check for Scriptname.ini and offer the option to convert to #directives at the top of the script and recycle the INI file.
    - Changed the Reshacker routine to only run once now and use a "script file" with commands. 
    - Fixed Reshacker problem when filepath contains a comma. 
    - Fixed issue handling INI settings.
    - Added warning when directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_prompt=y is found.


Edited by JdeB

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Posted (edited)

Hi JdeB,

maybe you can convert the #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Name=<Text1> and #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Value=<Text2> to #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=<Text1>|<Text2>.

Now the wrapper gives an error on these fields.

For some reason the ...1Name and ....1Value don't give an error.

I hope this explanation makes sense to you, else let me know.

btw. this is not a showstopper, I just wanted to let you know.

Thanks for all your great work,


Edit: I am always using the latest version, that is now

Edited by Dickb
  • Developers

Hi JdeB,

maybe you can convert the #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Name=<Text1> and #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Value=<Text2> to #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=<Text1>|<Text2>.

Now the wrapper gives an error on these fields.

For some reason the ...1Name and ....1Value don't give an error.

I hope this explanation makes sense to you, else let me know.

btw. this is not a showstopper, I just wanted to let you know.

Thanks for all your great work,


Edit: I am always using the latest version, that is now

Fixed and uploaded v1.9.1.7 :)

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JdeB keeps me suprising :) Nice additions with those icons! Thanks

I liked the GUI in AutoIT3Wrapper because it allowed me to visually select an icon to use for the executable instead of going to Windows Explorer to see the icons and then copying & pasting the ICO file name onto the directive line. Is this what the "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add" directive does? I know -- I should read the Help file. I will do so after work tonight -- when I have more time. I assume that there is a list of the AutoIT3Wrapper directives there also.

In any case -- thanks to all for such a great tool!! :)

Have a great day,


  • Developers

I liked the GUI in AutoIT3Wrapper because it allowed me to visually select an icon to use for the executable instead of going to Windows Explorer to see the icons and then copying & pasting the ICO file name onto the directive line.

In the beginning it only had the GUI and didn't have the Directives at all. Now since the Directives were added I have never used the GUI since because its now a one time thing to set and you're of.

Is this what the "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add" directive does? I know -- I should read the Help file.

Nope. the "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add" is to add Extra Ico's to the program resources.

To change the Program ICO you use: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=

This is not a resource update setting but a standard AUT2EXE setting.


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In the AutoIt3Wrapper directory, you will find a file called directives.au3 that contain the latest directives for you to use. You can also type the word "compiler" into scite and press space bar to expand some AutoIt3Wrapper directives. Also the help file as you mentioned has them listed.

This directive adds the main ico file.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=                         ;Filename of the Ico file to use



In the AutoIt3Wrapper directory, you will find a file called directives.au3 that contain the latest directives for you to use. You can also type the word "compiler" into scite and press space bar to expand some AutoIt3Wrapper directives. Also the help file as you mentioned has them listed.

This directive adds the main ico file.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=                        ;Filename of the Ico file to use


Thanks to both of you!! I'm a proponent of "RTFM" :) , but I got caught off-guard when our Enterpeise Symantec deleted all of my compiled AutoIT scripts and the AutoWrapper executable yesterday morning. I really needed to complete a script I started developing on Wednesday so I went to the Web site and discovered that there were new releases of of AutoIT and SciTE. Symantec seems to like the new stuff -- for now.

As far as using the directives, I just need to figure out what the defaults are and then set something up to automatically include the rest of my favorite settings. HOMEWORK!!

Have a great weekend,


  • Developers
Posted (edited)

6/3/2007: Uploaded a new SciTe4AutoIt3.exe installer..

see below for the detail changes made over the last month. It important you understand the ANSI/Unicode option limitations when Compiling!

==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE/Scintilla updates.

==> Visit the SciTe4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions

==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extra's you get with this installer.



*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.1.8 (JdeB)
    - Added: Option to automatically update all #Compiler_ directives to #AutoIt3Wrapper_ directives.
             You will be prompted when an old #Compiler_ directives is found.
    - Added: Option "p" for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion_AutoIncrement.
             This option will prompt if you want to increased the versionnumber of #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion.
    - Added: option "v" for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_cvsWrapper.
             This option will only run cvsWrapper when the Version of the source was increased by #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion_AutoIncrement.
    - Added: directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add to add extra ICO(s) to the output program resources file. 
             These added Ico(s) can than be use in the scripts logic. See helpfile for a working example.
    - Added check for Scriptname.ini and offer the option to convert to #directives at the top of the script and recycle the INI file.
    - Added warning when directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_prompt=y is found.
    - Changed the Reshacker routine to only run once now and use a "script file" with commands. 
    - Fixed issue with #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Name not being recognised.
    - Fixed Reshacker problem when filepath contains a comma. 
    - Fixed issue handling INI settings.
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.13 (JdeB)
    - Fixed some internal testing for /StripUnUsedFunc and warning message made more descriptive.
*** Updated Abbreviations file. (MHz)
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.9.0 (JdeB)
    - *** Removed GUI to set compiler options. ****. This is replaced by the #AutoIt3Wrapper_ directives in the source itself.
      Existing scriptname.au3.ini settings are still used as defaults which will be overridden by the Directives when specified.
    - Renamed the Explorer Right-Mouse-Click option from "Compile with Options" to "Compile with AutoIt3Wrapper"
    - Renamed ALL Directives from #Compiler_???? to #AutoIt3Wrapper_???? and also updated them in SciTE. 
       The Old Directive names are supported for backwards compatibility.
    - Changed the Reshacker step. It will now update the output EXE generated by AUT2EXE.
    - Added an UPX step when UPX is requested. UPX is always switched off for AUT2EXE to allow ResHacker to update the resources.   
    - Added check for UTF16 (Unicode) encoded files whioch will show the following warning:
       ! ***************************************************************************************************
       ! * Input file is UTF16 encoded, Au3Check/Tidy/Obfuscator do no support UNICODE and will be skipped.*
       ! ***************************************************************************************************
    - Updated the program ICO ....  thanks George (GEOSoft)
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.12 (JdeB)
    - Fixed: Avoid warning message for Empty params for Special funcs.
    - Remove possible DoubleQuotes around AutoIt InstallDir and Includedir path retrieved from the registry.
    - Updated the program ICO ....  thanks George (GEOSoft)
    - Added check for UTF16 (Unicode) encoded files and stop processing when detected. (Not supported)
*** Updated Tidy v 2.0.13 (JdeB)
    - Updated the program ICO ....  thanks George (GEOSoft)
    - Added check for UTF16 (Unicode) encoded files and stop processing when detected. (Not supported)
*** Updated AutoIt3.LUA (JdeB)
    - Changed "Open Include" (Alt+I) And "Jump to Func" (Ctrl+J) to allow Comments behind includes eg:
       #include"filename.au3"; comment
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.8.4.0 (JdeB)
    - Fixed resource update problem when "Compile with Options" is used from Explorer or Compile from SciTE.
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.11 (JdeB)
    - Ignore longer than 2047 characters comment lines.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.8.3.2 (JdeB)
    - Fixed resource update problem when ANSI is used.
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.10 (JdeB)
    - Fixed: Detection of #obfuscator_on/off when there are leading Tabs/Spaces.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.8.3.1 (JdeB)
    - Added Directive: #Compiler_UseAnsi=y;(y/n) Use Ansi versions for AutoIt3a or AUT2EXEa. Default is n
    - Added logic to Run/Compile with Ansi version when used in Win9x or WinME.
*** Recompiled Utilities with Ansi version for Win9x/WinME support.
*** AutoIt3.lua (JdeB)
    - Updated Ctrl+J which will now Jump to the Select Func and when not found in the script it will search the 
      listed #include files. When found it will open the Include file and jump to the Func.   
    - Added Ctrl+Alt+J. Same as Ctrl but will scan for Func in the Beta UDF files. 
*** Updated Tidy v 2.0.12 (JdeB)
    - Fixed possible false report of "#Tidy error" with If-ElseIf-EndIf.
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.9 (JdeB)
    - Fixed: Problem when #NoTrayIcon isn't located on the first line.
    - Fixed: Conversion of Eval variables.
    - Fixed: Crash with long Functions.
    - Fixed: Occasional wrong bracket interpretation.
*** Updated SciTEConfig.exe v1.6.5 (Mhz)
    - Added Standard Color scheme selections with 2 included standard setting files.
    - Added SciteTools.ini which will retain the setting between SciTE4AutoIt3 upgrades.
*** Updated Abbreviations file. (MHz)
*** Updated PROD definitions to AutoIt3 v
*** Added au3.Auto3lib.calltips.api to au3.properties to support Auto3Lib UDFs.
*** Updated Tidy v 2.0.11 (JdeB)
    - Added /keepnversions /kv support to #tidy_parameters= directive.
    - Added /Sort_funcs /sf support which will sort Sort all Func-Endfunc Blocks in sequence 
        and when #Region-#EndRegion is used sort them within that scope.
    - Added /sort_funcs_comments /sfc support which will sort Sort all Func-Endfunc Blocks in sequence.
        It uses the first 10 characters of the comment on the Func statemnt as sortkey before the FuncName. 
        When #Region-#EndRegion is used, sort them within that scope.
    - Added support for other then .au3 file extensions.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.8.3 (JdeB)
    - Fixed problem when filepath contained .au3.
    - Added support for other then .au3 file extensions.
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.7 (JdeB)
    - Fixed: Avoid removal of #NoTrayIcon.
    - Fixed: Fix problem with literal Strings longer than 2000 characters generating too long Obfuscated string.
    - Fixed: possible "Variable not declared" error when AdLib is used.
    - Added support for other then .au3 file extensions.
Edited by JdeB

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Posted (edited)

Was about to ask if this update would break things in my script as i use compiler directives,but just noticed in the changelog that it asks to update them to AutoIt3Wrapper directives.Does the updating go through without any issues?Can i just update them myself and if so where are these directives for AutoIt3Wrapper?Sorry if ive missed it somewhere.Oh,also curious but could i keep using the compiler directives even if i update and whats the benefit of using these new directives compared to old ones.Wow,that was alot of questions,sorry. :)

Ok,i just found the AutoIt3Wrapper directives and am curious about the icons.How do i determine which icon would be the main one,that is used in systray and in dialogs throughout script?I see a couple icon options



Edited by xStylezx

I think I found a small bug:

If I use this in my script:



Then it says FileHash is an unknown function.

But if I leave out the Obfuscator portion then it works fine.

Hope this helps.

  • Developers

Was about to ask if this update would break things in my script as i use compiler directives,but just noticed in the changelog that it asks to update them to AutoIt3Wrapper directives.Does the updating go through without any issues?Can i just update them myself and if so where are these directives for AutoIt3Wrapper?Sorry if ive missed it somewhere.Oh,also curious but could i keep using the compiler directives even if i update and whats the benefit of using these new directives compared to old ones.Wow,that was alot of questions,sorry. :)

All should remain working fine assuming I didn't screw up somewhere :)

Ok,i just found the AutoIt3Wrapper directives and am curious about the icons.How do i determine which icon would be the main one,that is used in systray and in dialogs throughout script?I see a couple icon options



This Directive "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon= " sets the main Program Icon which is done with AUT2EXE.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add add extra ICO files to the resources of the program which you can use as shown in the helpfile.


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  • Developers

I think I found a small bug:

If I use this in my script:



Then it says FileHash is an unknown function.

But if I leave out the Obfuscator portion then it works fine.

Hope this helps.

yea you are right... the "#AutoIt3Wrapper_PlugIn_Funcs=FileHash" line is stripped and when AutoIt3Wrapper runs AU3Check for the Obfuscated source it will report a Warning. Just Hit the "Continue Anyway" button for the time being but I guess I will need to leave the "#AutoIt3Wrapper_PlugIn_Funcs=FileHash" in the Obfuscated source.

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All should remain working fine assuming I didn't screw up somewhere :)

This Directive "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon= " sets the main Program Icon which is done with AUT2EXE.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add add extra ICO files to the resources of the program which you can use as shown in the helpfile.


Thanks,you were alot of help :)

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