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It does not say if the latest KODA is in here?

I saw it was posted but haven't included it yet because I wasn't sure Lazycat wanted me to yet.

I am sure I will update SciTE4AutoIt3 soon again when bugs are reported.


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Posted (edited)

I have a problem with the latest SciTE update, $(autoit3dir) now point to 'Program Files' where it should point to 'Programs' instate as where my AutoIt3 and SciTE is and has always been installed - normal procedure in many countries...

What and where do I set this or is it a bug...

kjactive :">

Edited by kjactive

I saw it was posted but haven't included it yet because I wasn't sure Lazycat wanted me to yet.

Formally I'm have nothing opposite if beta will be included, so you feel free to do that if you want, but surely, don't think that it is reasonable. Many changes here, and not only new ones, some old code is changed too. So no guarantee that even what already was here will work fine :shocked:
  • Developers
Posted (edited)

I have a problem with the latest SciTE update, $(autoit3dir) now point to 'Program Files' where it should point to 'Programs' instate as where my AutoIt3 and SciTE is and has always been installed - normal procedure in many countries...

What and where do I set this or is it a bug...

kjactive :">

The program UpdateDefs, located in the Scite\defs directory, is ran at the end of the installer and will try to find out where AutoIt3 is installed and set this field in au3.properties.

It could be, when you don't use the regular AutoIt3 installer for example, that it is unable to find it and sets it to for you the "wrong" directory .

Or are you using the SciTE4AutoIt3.ZIP file ?

Have a look at UpdateDefs and see where it goes wrong.... let me know when you understand where it goes wrong.


Edited by JdeB

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  • Developers

Formally I'm have nothing opposite if beta will be included, so you feel free to do that if you want, but surely, don't think that it is reasonable. Many changes here, and not only new ones, some old code is changed too. So no guarantee that even what already was here will work fine :shocked:

I prefer when you tell me when its good enough for you to be included in SciTE4AutoIt3 to avoid and mistakes... Thanks :(

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Posted (edited)

Well I just did an SciTE by installer install and that didn't help me, still the same trouble - where get the $(autoit3dir) initiated, by installer or everytime SciTE opens...

kjactive :shocked:

As said in my previous post: At the end of the installer process, updatedefs.exe is ran. This script is located in Scite\Defs.

In the script you will find Func Update_Autoit_Path($SciTEPath) which contains this portion of code to determine the AutoIt3 directory:

; get new registry settings for AutoIt3 location
    $AutoItDir = RegRead("HKLM\Software\Autoit v3\AutoIt", "InstallDir")
    ; if wrong.. check for Old registry settings
    If @error Or Not FileExists($AutoItDir & "\autoit3.exe") Then
        $AutoItDir = RegRead("HKLM\Software\HiddenSoft\AutoIt3", "InstallDir")
        ; if wrong guess ourselfs
        If @error Or Not FileExists($AutoItDir & "\autoit3.exe") Then
            $AutoItDir = @ProgramFilesDir & "\AutoIt3"
    ; if still wrong AutoIt3 Directory then prompt for it.
    While Not FileExists($AutoItDir & "\autoit3.exe")
        $AutoItDir = FileSelectFolder("Select the AutoIt3 programfolder", @ProgramFilesDir)
        If @error = 1 Then
            $RC = MsgBox(4100, "Update SciTE Definitions", "do you want to stop the process?")
            If $RC = 6 Then Exit

Run UpdatedDefs.exe manually and see if it still is a problem.

If it still is then the above code needs debugging.

Edited by JdeB

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I did that and I ended up with a SciTE with a minimal Tool section and still the same trouble, I can't quiet understand this as my

autoit3 installdir with RegRead("HKLM\Software\Autoit v3\AutoIt", "InstallDir") is and has always been C:\Programmer\AutoIt3 and

FileExists($AutoItDir & "\autoit3.exe") should be true and I didn't get a filerequester on where autoit2 is installed...

Thanks anyway for a nice autoit3 editor...

kjactive :shocked:


Just add this line into your User Option file and Scite4AutoIt3 should hopefully work fine for you. This is assuming that your Scite directory is inside the AutoIt directory.



  • Developers

I did that and I ended up with a SciTE with a minimal Tool section and still the same trouble, I can't quiet understand this as my

autoit3 installdir with RegRead("HKLM\Software\Autoit v3\AutoIt", "InstallDir") is and has always been C:\Programmer\AutoIt3 and

FileExists($AutoItDir & "\autoit3.exe") should be true and I didn't get a filerequester on where autoit2 is installed...

Thanks anyway for a nice autoit3 editor...

kjactive :shocked:

Please copy the attached Test version to SciTE\Defs dirtectory and run it. then PM me the UpdateDefs.log so I can see whats happening.


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  • Developers
Posted (edited)

4/17/2007: Uploaded a new SciTe4Au3Upd.exe installer which will update Obfuscator to v1.0.1.

==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE/Scintilla updates.

==> Visit the SciTe4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions

==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extras you get with this installer.



*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.1 (JdeB)
    - Fixed:added support for Func OnAutoItStart(), OnAutoItExit() and Opt("OnExitFunc","User_OnAutoItExit")
Edited by Jos

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CTRL +F7 doesn't give me the options anymore before compile.

This was caused by next entry in my script:


Always has been this way...

AutoIt3Wrapper assumes when you specify a Compiler Directive, that all info is given by means of Compiler Directives and doesn't prompt by default anymore.

Add this line to force the prompt:


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Can you add then an option to select it or not when pressing CTRL + F7 ?

Lost you now... isn't that what the posted option does?

Add this line to force the prompt:

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Lost you now... isn't that what the posted option does?

Add this line to force the prompt:
I think that what @FeReNGi means is could that be added to the Options menu in Scite4AutoIt3.

$Menu_ForcePrompt = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Force Prompt", Menu)

Click and it sets the menu item to checked and #compiler_prompt=y

Click again and it sets the menu item to unchecked and #compiler_prompt=n

BTW: personally I prefer to see 1 and 4 used as opposed to y and n or yes and no. It makes it much easier to set the control state on startup

GUICtrlSetState(-1, 64 + IniRead($Ini,"Section","Key", "1"))


Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.

Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.***

The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

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  • Developers

I think that what @FeReNGi means is could that be added to the Options menu in Scite4AutoIt3.

$Menu_ForcePrompt = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Force Prompt", Menu)

Isn't this what you call an catch 22 ?

To have a menu option shown means you have to display it first , and when you display it there is no use in setting an option.

Anyways.. I am not maintaining the GUI and am still planning for removing it at some point in time, because the compiler directives are SOOOO much easier to use and maintain.

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Isn't this what you call an catch 22 ?

To have a menu option shown means you have to display it first , and when you display it there is no use in setting an option.

Anyways.. I am not maintaining the GUI and am still planning for removing it at some point in time, because the compiler directives are SOOOO much easier to use and maintain.

As our friend @Valuater would put it 8).

The code that I used as you noticed was the code to use for an AutoIt GUI because I don't know what the equivellent code for Scite would be and I have no intention of looking it up either.

PX has several menu items that are checked or unchecked according to the INI settings so I just used that concept in the example.


Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.

Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.***

The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else.

"Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!"

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have one idea for new command in Scite/Tools menu.

I know there is a lot of stuff for now but this one would be very usefull.

It should be something like "Jump to Function" Ctrl+J with also "Open include"/"Open include Beta" Alt+I/Alt+Shift+I functionality.

So after "Jump to Function" if it can't find Funcion definition in current script it should find it in all include files defined in this script

and open that found include file in new tab and jump to this function definition in this opened include file.

So This could be new commands

"Jump to Function" - updated existing command where search/jump is done in release includes

"Jump to Function Beta" - new command and search/jump is done in beta includes

Edited by Zedna
  • Developers
Posted (edited)

5/4/2007: Uploaded a new SciTe4AutoIt3.exe installer which will update Obfuscator to v1.0.7.

==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE/Scintilla updates.

==> Visit the SciTe4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions

==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extras you get with this installer.



*** Updated Tidy v 2.0.11 (JdeB)
    - Added /keepnversions /kv support to #tidy_parameters= directive.
    - Added /Sort_funcs /sf support which will sort Sort all Func-Endfunc Blocks in sequence 
        and when #Region-#EndRegion is used sort them within that scope.
    - Added /sort_funcs_comments /sfc support which will sort Sort all Func-Endfunc Blocks in sequence.
        It uses the first 10 characters of the comment on the Func statemnt as sortkey before the FuncName. 
        When #Region-#EndRegion is used, sort them within that scope.
    - Added support for other then .au3 file extensions.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v1.8.0 (JdeB)
    - Fixed problem when filepath contained .au3.
    - Added support for other then .au3 file extensions.
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.7 (JdeB)
    - Fixed: Avoid removal of #NoTrayIcon.
    - Fixed: Fix problem with literal Strings longer than 2000 characters generating too long Obfuscated string.
    - Fixed: possible "Variable not declared" error when AdLib is used.
    - Added support for other then .au3 file extensions.
Edited by Jos

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