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hi guys, i just downloaded the autoit a few hours ago and i found it was great when making a silent install program. But i'm wondering that can autiit script run a .msi file? I want to make all of my setups to be silent install since i'm bored to use the mouse to input the serial key and press the next button manually. Can I use the .msi file?

  • Developers
Posted (edited)

hi guys, i just downloaded the autoit a few hours ago and i found it was great when making a silent install program. But i'm wondering that can autiit script run a .msi file? I want to make all of my setups to be silent install since i'm bored to use the mouse to input the serial key and press the next button manually. Can I use the .msi file?

Sure, use Run or RunWait with MSIEXEC, or just ShellExecute/ShellExecuteWait the .msi file.

Edited by JdeB

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Posted (edited)

Use SendToA3X to tell you the method using Identify Installer to tell you switches to use etc. it will make autoit template scripts etc. Much time saving for you. Sorry if I sound like a nagging salesman. :">

Edited by MHz

here comes my 'another' problem. I want to input the copied key into the product activation, apparently, when after the winactivate command, the 'blinking thingy'(sorry for my bad english) didn't appear at the next box after the part 1 of the serial key. I tried to use my keyboard to get to it but cant help it but to use the mouse cursor. I wanna make this silent install program can be run under any resolution. Can tell me how to solve this? the program to activate is flash 8 pro

Posted (edited)

A lot of programs use the registry to store the serial so you could try something like InstallRite to record the install and show what reg entries to add before or after install to activate it. This is easier then trying to play with the installer and you may be able to do it all silently.

Edited by MHz
  • 3 months later...

Use SendToA3X to tell you the method using Identify Installer to tell you switches to use etc. it will make autoit template scripts etc. Much time saving for you.

Can i get this program to create an autoit script to do the install rather than just executing the msi with switches

Posted (edited)

Can i get this program to create an autoit script to do the install rather than just executing the msi with switches

It will create a AutoIt script from the menu within Identify Installer which is switches based for silent installation. You can also choose to use "Send To -> AutoIt - Automated Script" to create a AutoIt script which is based for automating the installer. The later would be easiest to use with "Send To -> AutoIt - MacroGenerator" first. MacroGenerator is the "AutoitMacroGenerator" created by VoSs2o0o. Then use "Send To -> AutoIt - Tidy MacroGenerator Script", and then finally "Send To -> AutoIt - Automated Script".

SendToA3X will not do all of it for you but it will certain help you with a lot of time and the routine stuff required to create a script.


Edited by MHz

i think i'll stick to the autoit programming language. I'll use the mousecoordoption type to position the mouse automatically

better to use controlclick and the autoit window info program. much easier. although it might not let you do it with a text box

Posted (edited)

i think i'll stick to the autoit programming language. I'll use the mousecoordoption type to position the mouse automatically

Just use a Send("{TAB}") to jump to the next section of the key

Paste in the first part then Send("{TAB}") paste the second part Send("{TAB}") adinfinitum

You might even be able to make it work this way if the key is separated by a hyphen

$Txt = StringReplace("1234-2345-3456-abba-baba-6789", "-", @TAB)


$Txt = StringReplace(ClipGet(), "-", @TAB)
Edited by GEOSoft


Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.

Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.***

The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had hell trying to call an MSI installation for the following peculiar reasons:

- I can't use ShellExec as it seems to fail all the time, so I tried RunWait but I had the following constraints,

example from my app:

c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i "C:\Documents and Settings\glenn\Desktop\scriptplay\Wizard\packages\mysql-essential-5.0.45-win32.msi" /log install_mysql_essential_install.log /passive

This is the full call towards the msi installer as passed on to RunWait. Whenever there is a space somewhere in the path of the installer you NEED to doublequote that path. This is what kept on backfiring on me.

Like this the installation works like a charm. Now I still need to adapt my program to use a dynamic path given on the command line mentioned above, but I think you catch my drift here. The calling of msiexec.exe is mandatory or it doesn't work.

Hope this helps some people not to loose as much time like me.


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