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  • 2 weeks later...
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"AutoIt Menu 1.2.8 could not be installed because it is not compatible with FireFox 3.5"

Any updates for this? I love this addon and I can't do without it :)

I will test it with 3.5 and get an update out shortly.


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Firefox 3.5 doesn't like it.... :)


You caught it while it was trying to get it updated. Since Firefox 3.0.x it is very picky on the signatures and file hashes. It should be good now.

Good stuff!

If anyone has suggestions for enhancements feel free to post them.

(I use it frerquently too.)

Since you make the invitation..

I would like to be able to dictate where the files are saved if I choose "Edit with SciTE" or "Run with SciTE" for example. Some files I copy I want to keep so I don't want them in a temporary folder but in a special folder. But in general I would prefer at least to be able to set the folder used for all files. Maybe I already can but don't know how.

Also, I have problems with some files having illegal characters and these stop the script from running. As far as I recall I can always get round this by copying the highlighted text in FireFox and pasting it over the text in SciTE. Since I haven't given an example here I realize I am not being very helpful, so if you would like an example then the next time I have the problem I'll make a link to the problem post.

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.

I would like to be able to dictate where the files are saved if I choose "Edit with SciTE" or "Run with SciTE" for example.

Perhaps it will be a great idea to add 2 personal lines where we can choice the command line. Like this we can use "Edit with Scite Sandboxed" and "Run with Scite Sandboxed" for those how use it. :)

Best Regards.Thierry

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I would like to be able to dictate where the files are saved if I choose "Edit with SciTE" or "Run with SciTE" for example. Some files I copy I want to keep so I don't want them in a temporary folder but in a special folder. But in general I would prefer at least to be able to set the folder used for all files.


Also, I have problems with some files having illegal characters and these stop the script from running. As far as I recall I can always get round this by copying the highlighted text in FireFox and pasting it over the text in SciTE.

This is a known bug with the "Edit all with SciTE" command. Are you seeing this with the single edit command as well?

Perhaps it will be a great idea to add 2 personal lines where we can choice the command line. Like this we can use "Edit with Scite Sandboxed" and "Run with Scite Sandboxed" for those how use it. :)


Big_daddy, isn't it annoying as shit for you as a developer that firefox breaks backwards compatibility for literary all versions?

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

Posted (edited)


I've added ru-RU locale to your add-on autoit-menu-v1.2.9.xpi and tested it for Russian Firefox (3.5).

It works fine for me.

But I can't to upload it into this forum.

Add-on is here.

It is Link to Message.

Thank you for useful tool.

Edited by big_daddy

The point of world view



I reserved two keys "Z" and "Y" for extra links (AutoItMenu.dtd!):

<!ENTITY group.url "http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/autoitgroup">


<!ENTITY list.url "http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/autoitlist">

See, now two forums are in archive.

The point of world view


Before i get into the problem Im having I want to say this extention is sweet! I use it all the time! Great job. the new 3.5 version is giving me problems I didn't see anyone else report. "Edit with Scite" and "Edit all with Scite" both work, but only work the first time I use either of them. If I try to use either of them more than once, nothing will happen. I can restart firefox, but this again will only allow me to use the extension once. Anyone else having these problems?

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@bchris01 - I will be fixing any issue the new forum upgrade has introduced. I just wanted to give it some time to make sure nothing else changes. You can follow my progress at my Assembla site (see signature).

  • 6 months later...

Any chance you can make this FF3.6 compatible? :huggles: Not working anymore

Yes! I would like to see a FF3.6 compatible version too.

By the by, why you didn't have added your nice add-on to FireFox add-ons site? :D

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