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Posted (edited)

#include <File.au3>
#include <Process.au3>

_GetProxyIPS("C:\lol.html", "<td>", 1)

Func _GetProxyIPS($file, $qry, $flag)
InetGet("http://hidemyass.com/free_proxy_lists.php", $file)
_RunDOS("find /i """&$qry&""" "&$file& " >> " &@TempDir&"\results.txt")
If Not @error Then
FileSetAttrib(@TempDir&"\results.txt", "-N+H+T", 0)
$CHARS = FileGetSize(@TempDir&"\results.txt")
$read = FileRead(@TempDir&"\results.txt", $CHARS)&@CRLF
$replace = StringRegExpReplace($read, "[<td></td>]", "")
FileWrite(@TempDir&"\results.txt", $replace)
$count = _FileCountLines(@TempDir&"\results.txt")
for $i = 8 to $count step 5
$readline = FileReadLine(@TempDir&"\results.txt", $i)
if $readline = "" then Exit
if $flag = 1 then  MsgBox(0, "HIDEMYASS.COM PROXIES", $readline)
if $flag = 0 then FileWrite(@HomeDrive&"\proxies.txt", $readline&@CRLF)

well thats my script, i will explain what it does

1. its downloads a page with working nice proxies

2. uses dos to find the "ips", example output:

---------- C:\LOL.HTML
        srongSor By:srong 
        selec name="sor"
        selec name="counry"
        selec name='limi'
        inpu value="Sor Proxy Lis!" ype="submi"
      HTTP anon., SSLUnknown
    iv i="i12581-1"
      HTTP elieUnknown
    iv i="i12566-1"
      HTTP elieUnknown
    iv i="i12541-1"

(cuts <td> & </td> out of it)

3. a msgbox or filewrite puts evrey ip in it, skips by 5 (step 5)

well you also need a port for a proxy but it doesn't get there because of the step 5

well what i want is something like this

if step = 5 then step = 1 (i know it doesn't exitst)

that its grabs the ip (step 5) then the port (step 1) then skips by 4 (step 4).. just getting the ip and port but not the rest..

i know this is extremely confusion but someone that can help me PLS! :whistle:

Edited by broodplank
Posted (edited)

Couldn't you just make it step by a variable taht equals 5:

$num = 5
for $i = 8 to $count step $num
Then have the variable be redeclared at the right time when you want it to step by one and step by four?

(Sorry if I misunderstood what you're trying to do.)

Edited by BALA
[font="Comic Sans MS"]BA-LA[/font]http://ba-la.110mb.comJoin my community, CLICK HEREAlternative links to my site:http://www.ba-la.tkhttp://www.ba-la.co.nrContact me if you would like to help with some of my projects: joeythepirate@gmail.com

Couldn't you just make it step by a variable taht equals 5:

$num = 5
for $i = 8 to $count step $num
Then have the variable be redeclared at the right time when you want it to step by one and step by four?

(Sorry if I misunderstood what you're trying to do.)

i get your point but how to do it "at the right" time :whistle:?

i will try some

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