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Request Assistance: Passing data between two instances


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Greetings again.

I am trying to make a program that will detect if it is already running, and if so, will pass information received via a command line parameter to the first instance of the program, then exit the second instance.

I have searched the forums for an hour trying to find a solution, but to no avail. I'm sure it's been discussed before.

Typically, I use the console for debugging my uncompiled scripts (in SciTE), but never used it for compiled scripts before.

Anyhow, here are snippets of what I have so far (Compiled script is named "VideoLan.exe")....

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

If $CmdLine[0] = 1 Then
    $sSourceFile = $CmdLine[1]

$aProcess = ProcessList("VideoLan.exe")
if $aProcess[0][0] > 1 Then
        ConsoleWrite("VideoLan: " & $sSourceFile)
        Exit 0

<gui stuff goes here>

While 1
    If ConsoleRead(0,true) > 0 Then
        $sCon = ConsoleRead()
        if StringLeft($sCon,8) = "VideoLan" Then
            GUICtrlSetData ($gSourceInput,StringMid($sCon,11))

<functions go here>

I think that the ConsoleRead/ConsoleWrite isn't the correct functions for what I need. I looked at StdoutRead/StdoutWrite, but from what I understood, that would only work for child processes, which this program wouldn't apply.

Thank you in advance,


PS: I'm using AutoIT

Edited by TrystianSky
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Thank you. I read those threads, but was hoping to use something a bit more simplistic, without having to resort to requiring TCP/UDP, File or Registry Access. Perhaps I'm being too picky. :whistle:

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neogia's method (second link) using standard i/o steam to communcate between 'threads' which (in my mind) would be the standard method. If you elimnate std i/o, tcp, file and registry access as communcation types your really not left with much else besides direct memory modfications (you dont wanna do that).

Edited by evilertoaster
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If you are speaking of your own AutoIt App.. _SingleTon() will kill the 2nd instance, and you could always write to a file for the 1st instance to check occasionally if it must know the 2nd instance was ever launched, maybe with AdlibEnable() (to check periodically).

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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I've actually done something like this before with a program I created.

I just wanted it to activate itself if you ran the program again. This is what I used.

#region - unique run
Global $s_AutoItWinTitle = 'AutoIt3.FireKey.Window'
If WinExists($s_AutoItWinTitle) Then
    ControlSetText($s_AutoItWinTitle, '', 'Edit1', 'SHOW')
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Ok, I got it to work now, and here's the code....

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

if $CmdLine[0] = 1 Then
    $sSourceFile = $CmdLine[1]

$aProcess = ProcessList(@ScriptName)
if $aProcess[0][0] > 1 Then
    $handle = WinGetHandle("classname=AutoIt v3 GUI","VideoLan Stream Launcher")
    Exit 0

<gui stuff goes here>

While 1

<functions go here>

Thank you all for the assistance. :whistle:

Edited by TrystianSky
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