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Is it possible to use RegWrite by a non admin user? I have tried to use the RunAsSet and then setting the admin, but that only applies to the Run methods I believe. Do I have to log off as the user and then back on as the admin? Thanks


If anything else fail you can always create a .reg file on the fly with FileWrite() and Run('regedit /s thatfile.reg') after setting Runasadmin and finally delete the reg.


Here the messy idea coded and tested.

$Adminuser = "Administrator"
$Adminpass = "Password"
$Domain = "Domain"

;Copy and paste the .reg file adding ' at beginning of lines and ' & @crlf &_ at the end
;Be careful about the 4096 chars limit of the lines.

FileWrite(@TempDir & "\TheReg.reg",_
'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00' & @crlf &_
@crlf &_
'[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]' & @crlf &_
'"Tweak UI"="RUNDLL32.EXE TWEAKUI.CPL,TweakMeUp"' & @crlf)

RunWait(@windowsdir & '\regedit.exe /s "' & @tempdir & '\TheReg.reg"','')

FileDelete(@tempdir & "\thereg.reg")
Posted (edited)

Great idea!

Untested code:

$Name = "Name of the script"
If WinExists($Name) Then WinClose($Name);In the case the other script is still running

If Not IsAdmin() Then 
   If @Compiled Then
      Run(@comspec ' /c cmd start ' & FileGetShortname(@scriptfullpath),'',@SW_HIDE)

;Real script there....
Edited by ezzetabi

JdeB has a great script somewhere that detects if it is running under admin mode, and if not restarts itself with RunAsSet.  Very nifty and means you only need to have a single script.

And here it is.

$RUN = 0
If $CMDLINE[0] = 1 Then $RUN = $CMDLINE[1]
; set to admin mode
If $RUN = 0 Then
  If Not IsAdmin() Then
     RunAsSet($USERNAME, @ComputerName, $PASSWORD)
   ; start the script program (itself) again but now in Adminmode...so all done tasks will run in Adminmode
     Run('"' & @ScriptFullPath & '" " 1"') 
     If @error = 1 Then
        MsgBox(48, "Error", "cannot start Admin mode.")   

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" -Dante (Hicks)


Cool.  This might be worth putting in the FAQ.

Another gem is the script that resumes after the computer reboots.


Some thing like this:

Dim $Reboot = "False", $c = 0

If $cmdline[0] > 1 Then
   For $c to 1 to $cmdline[0]
      If $cmdline[$c] = "/reboot" Then
         $Reboot = "True"

If $Reboot == "False"
  ;The starting script is there
   If @compiled = 1 Then
      AutoItWinGetTitle(),"reg_sz",@scriptfullpath & ' /reboot')
      AutoItWinGetTitle(),"reg_sz",'%comspec% /c start ' & GetShortname(@scriptfullpath) & ' /reboot')
  ;the resumed script is there

I've set up the wiki to make it easier to create a tutorial. Everybody can add text to it without having knowledge of HTML.


I've set up the wiki to make it easier to create a tutorial. Everybody can add text to it without having knowledge of HTML.


To elaborate, wiki is a web authoring system, the largest use of it, that I know of, is wikipedia the free online encyclopedia created and maintained by it's users. I'm attracted to the communal aspect of editing and updating...

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" -Dante (Hicks)

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