Achilles Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 (edited) This program will let you have a list of reminders and it will pop up with a message box when the selected time/date comes... expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) GuiCreate("Reminder", 600, 500, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor (0x6BC072) $main = GuiCtrlCreateListview("", 5, 5, 590, 445, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0xA6D9AA) _GUICtrlListViewInsertColumn($main, 0, "Event", "", 316) _GUICtrlListViewInsertColumn($main, 1, "Time", "", 100) _GUICtrlListViewInsertColumn($main, 2, "Date", "", 100) $addreminder = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add a new reminder", 15, 460, 230, 30) $deletereminder = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Delete selected reminders", 260, 460, 230, 30) $exit = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 505, 460, 80, 30) $addReminderItem = TrayCreateItem("Add reminder") TrayCreateItem('') $show = TrayCreateItem("Open Reminder...") $exitItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") $pastinfo = InireadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini") If IsArray($pastInfo) then For $a = 1 to $pastInfo[0] $info = InireadSection(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $pastinfo[$a]) If IsArray($info) and $info[0][0] <> 0 then For $b = 1 to $info[0][0] $temp = StringSplit($info[$b][1], ":") $pos = _InsertOrder($info[$b][0], $temp[1], $temp[2]) _GUICtrlListViewInsertItem ($main, $pos, $pastinfo[$a] & "|" & $info[$b][1] & "|" & $info[$b][0]) Next Endif Next Endif GUIsetstate() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() $trayMsg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $exit Exit Case $msg = $deleteReminder _DeleteReminder() Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE WinSetState('Reminder', '', @SW_HIDE) Case $trayMsg = $exitItem Exit Case $trayMsg = $addreminderItem or $msg = $addReminder _AddReminder() Case $trayMsg = $show WinSetState('Reminder', '', @SW_SHOW) Case Else If _GUICtrlListViewGetItemCount($main) > 0 Then $splitInfo = Stringsplit(_GUICtrlListViewGetItemText($main, 0), "|") $splitDate = Stringsplit($splitInfo[3], "/") $splitTime = Stringsplit($splitInfo[2], ":") If Number($splitDate[3]) <= @YEAR and Number($splitDate[1]) <= @MON and Number($splitDate[2]) <= @MDAY and Number($splitTime[1]) <= @Hour and Number($splitTime[2]) <= @MIN then Msgbox(0, "Reminder alert", $splitInfo[1]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $splitInfo[1]) _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItem($main, 0) Endif Endif EndSelect Wend Func _Addreminder() $gui = GuiCreate("Add a reminder", 200, 280) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) $name = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) $date = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal(@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) $hour = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 40, 220, 40, 25) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Minute:", 100, 223, 35, 25, $SS_RIGHT) $minute = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 140, 220, 40, 25) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, "0|5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") $ok = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add Reminder", 10, 250, 180, 25) Guisetstate(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $ms = GuiGetMsg() If $ms = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then GuiDelete($gui) Return Endif If Bitand($ms = $ok, GuiCtrlRead($name) <> "", GuiCtrlRead($hour) <> "", GuiCtrlRead($minute) <> "") Then $date = Stringsplit(GuiCtrlRead($date), "/") If $date[2] < 10 then $date[2] = StringTrimLeft($date[2], 1) If $date[3] < 10 then $date[3] = StringTrimLeft($date[3], 1) $date = $date[2] & "/" & $date[3] & "/" & $date [1] $hour = GuiCtrlRead($hour) $minute = GuiCtrlRead($minute) If StringLen($minute) < 2 then $minute = _StringInsert($minute, "0", 0) Endif $pos = _InsertOrder($date, $hour, $minute) $time = $hour & ":" & $minute _GUICtrlListViewInsertItem ($main, $pos, GuiCtrlRead($name) & "|" & $time & "|" & $date) If StringLen($hour) < 2 then _StringInsert($hour, "0", 0) Iniwrite(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", GuiCtrlRead($name), $date, $time) GuiDelete($gui) ExitLoop EndIf Wend EndFunc Func _DeleteReminder() $selected = _GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedIndices($main, 1) If $selected <> -1 then If IsArray($selected) then For $a = 1 to $selected[0] $temp = _GUICtrlListViewGetItemTextArray ($main, $selected[$a]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1], $temp[3]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1]) Next Else $temp = _GUICtrlListViewGetItemTextArray ($main, $selected) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1], $temp[3]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1]) Endif _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItemsSelected ($main) Endif Endfunc Func _InsertOrder($date, $hour, $minute) $temp = StringSplit($date, "/") Dim $checkInfo[5] = [Int($temp[3]), Int($temp[1]),Int($temp[2]),Int($hour),Int($minute)] If _GUICtrlListViewGetItemCount($main) = 0 then Return -1 For $a = 0 to _GUICtrlListViewGetItemCount($main) $temp = _GUICtrlListViewGetItemTextArray ($main, $a) If IsArray($temp) then $listDate = StringSplit($temp[3], "/") $listTime = StringSplit($temp[2], ":") Dim $listInfo[5] = [Int($listDate[3]),Int($listDate[1]),Int($listDate[2]),Int($listTime[1]),Int($listTime[2])] For $b = 1 to 5 If $checkInfo[$b] < $listInfo[$b] then Return $a If $checkInfo[$b] > $listInfo[$b] then $b += 5 Next Else Return -1 Endif Next Endfunc Please let me know about any bugs/suggestions/comments! EDIT: Does anyone know how to make the font bold for the menu item? Edited January 7, 2007 by Piano_Man My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
Charlemagne Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 hey this is cool. i thought i would say something cause noone else was... nice work piano_man Daniel
Achilles Posted January 11, 2007 Author Posted January 11, 2007 hey this is cool. i thought i would say something cause noone else was... nice work piano_manDanielFinally someone! Thanks Daniel... or Charlemagne (cool name), and welcome to AutoIt! My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
n3wbie Posted December 22, 2016 Posted December 22, 2016 Script Isnt Working Anymore I guess Function names Have Changed a bit "_" here anyways got an idea of how its done Thanks
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted December 22, 2016 Moderators Posted December 22, 2016 @n3wbie yes, typically scripts written 11 years and two dozen releases ago don't work so well. You would be better served starting a new topic in Help and Support, explaining exactly what you are wanting to do, and showing what you have tried. You can even link to this post if this is the script you have been using it. n3wbie 1 "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
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