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Posted (edited)

Hallo WoolTown

I checked the 'include functions' routine and did find a seldom bug that occurs when the last function in the list was included with the editor but I had no trouble with your function - I think that there must be another reason but never the less I did attached some extra checking and did an update...

Could you drop the _ToggleHotKeys function and the calling line sepparated to me then I'll do a deep testing...

Please download from site


kjactive :rolleyes:

Edited by kjactive

Hallo Wooltown

So you did found a bug - The dubble include was because Hotkey called functions do also get buildin and I forgot to attach a check on Function editor already included - Sorry and fixed...

But my new extended error checking found a called but missing function, I think that it's called _CheckUsersToday or something like that - could you come back on that if the error check notification is wrong - your application is that heavy to get involved on checking

Download from site:


Thanks for your effort and report...

kjactive :rolleyes:


Hallo Wooltown

Okay I didn't change the internal build date as this was a fast update to test if the trouble you showed was okay, look at the icon date and you would see 14.6.07 - this is the only one available, Sorry

kjactive :rolleyes:


Hallo Wooltown

I think that the problem is that you didn't remove the Project Manager directory compleatly, sounds like there is a wrong terratec language script running around...

Please do a compleatly remove, unzip and use the new - It's not posible just to copy PM then it use an old and wrong language script and the same goes to example and code script - the language scripts has almost same time and same date ( icon )...

If the trouble goes on please attach a picture but should not, as this is a Macro system compiled and controlled process with no human mistakes posible - hø ( danish for laught )...

kjactive :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Rainy day update to

Attached the automatic update system check again but those users that didn't update to Prpject Manager with the macro language system should do a compleatly update...

Added an new option to Preferences - to write and attach a log file script with extended process informations, error messages, buildin lists and finally run Tylo Au3Check to include these messages too...

Wrote some Macro scripts that got included...

Download from site or turn auto update on:


Please keep on doing comments and make bug reports...

kjactive :rolleyes:

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

Update to

I offen lent my laptob to my childrens examen - Everytime I go into a hell of backup trouble - I attached a new option - automatic or manuel backup to both single scripts as to the scripts compleatly directory into a uniqe path for every script - I prefer one single menstick path but never mind...

Download from site


kjactive :rolleyes:

Edited by kjactive

I have noticed another small bug. If I use the remove around operators, it also removes any spaces that are used in labels or buttons that contain the '&' char. I think that it needs to check if the symbol in question is wrapped in qoutes.

Keep up the great work..

Posted (edited)

Hallo AMD

Yes 'Remove around operators' do tighten up around '&' as well as 15 other common operators but sorry to say 'speed is a vital issue to PM' as a small script like the Project Manager.au3 has 3307 lines of native code that change into 'when the PreProcess has finish & all is buildin' that PM has processed 861,8 KB of code [ PROCESS DATA ] 861.8 KB PreProcessd into Final: 161.2 KB - Process Time: 38.75 Sec

as one of the heavy scripts is from WoolTown [ PROCESS DATA ] 1828.6 KB PreProcessd into Final: 341.3 KB - Process Time: 94.84 Sec,

process time is already a little to slow but will get down a bit when I remove some testing functions ec. but if PM has to deal with string or operator in any aspects would slow down the process a lot - afterall 'Remove blank characters around operators' is about speedup execute and process time, actually a lot...

This function do a pass on the compleatly preprocessed script as one, I'm sorry to say that you have to plan a little to use this function as & in strings could maybe be translated into 'and' as = into equal ec.

Another way around this problem that I use is to init a global Const variable like $and = Chr(0x26) and put this variable into the special spots that can't do without a '&' character offen only a few spots but this is a walk around.

Sorry to say but I'm more in the process of speeding things up than include more preprocess options...

Thanks for your responce...

kjactive :rolleyes:

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

Hallo AMD

Actually there is one option more - Let the macro system do the trick, 'ReplaceInPre' exchange a character or string directly in the previous PreProcessed script - the command is case sensitive as a uniqe string like && could with one line in a macro script be Replaced to a & character ec, then you could still use 'Remove around operators' and use & in strings without any strip...

New update available, new options: Console Compile ( Change the PE header - based on Sioa's nice example ), I think that this option can be used as a easy debug to executes and with a little walk around make console I/O executes ( Why windows, We want the old console days back - naaa, well as an option anyway )

Other new options:

Attached four new Macro commands - WriteLogScript, OpenMakeFile, ReadPrefs and WritePrefs

Bug fix - Macro command BackUp failed while the automatic didn't...

Attached an error handle process to most commands in the macro system that stops the runnig script and display an error

Uptimized compile process speed and added a dubble check on the reshacker tool...

Attach a 'check disk size' to avoid this run out of space....

Bug fix - Makefile didn't initiated all variables before setting local script uniqe parametre...

Dowload from site:


Or turn the auto update system on, please do comments and report bugs...

kjactive :rolleyes:

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

Another rainy week update - shit#¤% 'sorry'

1.Changed the compile and run tests system as now controlled by the preferences ( parameter Model - Project Manager Internal or Autoit3wrapper tool )

2.Attach new menu option - Run test on the previous created execute - Ctrl+Shift+E

3.attach menu shortcut to - Run test on Script_Pre ( PreProcessed ) Ctrl+Shift+R

3.Attach new macro commands, RunExe - run the previous created execute ( .a3x or .exe ), MsgBox - Displays a simple message box with option to skip integer number of lines in the macro script, Help - get a uniqe Project Manager node from the topics...

4.Attach an option to run macro scripts in the compile Run Before/after interface...

5.Bug fix - The phrass decompilation compile option worked but was opposite disabled - never use it me self...

6.Optimized the write log script informations...

7. Vital Bug fix - Function editor included functions/list was not wiped if the next project had non of these special makefile included functions...

8.Changed macro commands that take more than one parameter - sepparators from a comma , to a Vertical line |

9.Attach accelerator F1 GUISetHelp related topics to all intuitions...

10.Add a function to check for Reshacker.exe tool and notification if not present...

11.Changed and wrote some new macro scripts - only available with a full upload...

Download from site:


or turn auto update option on...

Please do comments and bugs reports...

kjactive :rolleyes:

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

Still rain update#¤& :rambo:

Added a new compile option ( makefile included ) - Support IdeB's Obfuscator inbetween Preprocess and compile, added as a macro command, included is a macro to do a Preprocess and obfuscalation too. Obfuscator application makes scripts dam unreadably but also add 25% extra kb to executes.

Still no changes made to the origin script...

download from site:


kjactive :rolleyes:

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

Some more input...


A function that does not start with '_' inside an include file, was not shown in the function editor to be added to the script, but it was listed in the log file as an availble function under all availble functions.


The autoupdate is great, but I find it kind of a pain to close the app, jump to its folder to run the update script then delete it. My thinking would be so that upon DL the update, would ask you if you want to update now (with a ckbx to allow restarting after done, default being checked). So then it would launch a small update app before exiting itself. After the update, if you didn't uncheck the box, it would restart the updated app for you.

I still commend you on a wonderfull job at creating this. I find myself using this for every script now, smaller, faster EXE...


Edited by AMD
Posted (edited)

Hallo AMD

A function that does not start with '_' inside an include file

Yes sometimes this happens in a typeless language like Autoit3 with that many options, could be three function calls in a row or more without underscore, could be dynamically called functions like in IE.au3 ec. ( there is that many options to failures ) - but never the less this happens, seldom but happens, that's why I've included the Function editor under Edit menu that can overrule scan process and manually include these seldom 'failures', the editor display all available functions, This special include process do only has to be done ones as written into the makefile system - truely this do speed up scan process too.

autoupdate is great, but I find it kind of a pain

True but I'm lost here to do it compleatly automatically on running executes - someone write me the function or show me how, I'll change it...

What is real nice, the compiled output is independed from autoit3 and can be distributet without any concern...

Thanks for responce, it's always nice to hear that things one has done actually find some use out there...

kjactive :rolleyes: yes it stopped raining...

Edited by kjactive

Below you will find basically what I'm getting at...this would be compilied into an exe and after a successful dl of the update PreProcessor would run this. Which runs the update au3 file and when it finishes, if the user didn't uncheck the box then it restarts it backup for them.

I didn't check if it has any bugs, but I would give it a 90% chance working the first time...

$autoit_dir = RegRead( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3","InstallDir" ) & "\autoit3.exe "

$frm_update = GUICreate("Update", 218, 163, -1, -1)
GUISetFont( -1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif" )
$lbl_1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Update was downloaded.", 50, 16, 157, 20)
$lbl_2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" Would you like to update now?", 36, 52, 191, 20)
$ckbx_restart = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Restart after done.", 92, 136, 113, 17)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED)
$btn_yes = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes", 20, 88, 75, 25, 0)
$btn_no = GUICtrlCreateButton("No", 124, 88, 75, 25, 0)
While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $btn_no
        Case $btn_yes
            GUISetState( @SW_HIDE )
            RunWait ($autoit_dir & @ScriptDir & "\Update Project Manager.au3",@ScriptDir)
            while 1 
                If WinWait("MESSAGE","Update compleated - please remove the update script...",1) Then ExitLoop
                If WinWait("ERROR","Update failed - please do a compleate new update...",1) Then Exit
            WinWaitClose("MESSAGE","Update compleated - please remove the update script...")
            FileDelete( @ScriptDir & "\Update Project Manager.au3" )
            If GUICtrlRead( $ckbx_restart ) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
                Run(@ScriptDir & "\Project Manager.exe")

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