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Little cosmetic bug:

In WINXP with classic theme there are stripped labels in Preferences window

Thanks Zedna - Yes radio controls 'snap' last text characters when windows is in classic mode and control width parametrer is -1, Relate both to WinME, Win2K and XP - this is a Autoit3 bug but fixed...

Download from site:


I'm working on a preprocess option more - Preprocess Global variables in the main script and for those autoitters that has concern about other reading there scripts - this make scripts absolutely unreadable, Finished durring weekend....

Thanks for the reports - keep up the great work as without I coundn't do this debugging...

kjactive :)


There a little "feature" I just came across.

#include<GUIConstants.au3> is ignored while #include <GUIConstants.au3> is recognized by PM.

Here is the respective output of a test script demonstrating this "feature".

;;;;Output without the space.
; =======================================================================
; Project Manager 3.1 Preprocessed - Date 10:05:2007 Time 14:40
; =======================================================================
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 145, 147, 193, 115)
While 1
Func ExitFunc()
; =======================================================================
; Preprocessed included functions...
; =======================================================================
;;;Output with the space.-----------------------------------------------------------------------
; =======================================================================
; Project Manager 3.1 Preprocessed - Date 10:05:2007 Time 14:41
; =======================================================================
Global Const $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE = -3
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 145, 147, 193, 115)
While 1
Func ExitFunc()
; =======================================================================
; Preprocessed included functions...
; =======================================================================

Without the space, the script is just a copy of the original (see the one on top half).

Posted (edited)

Hallo elTorro

Ohh yes, I was not aware that this special little 'misstypos' could actually work - well fixed...

To Zedna

I've included the commandline arguments you requested - Pleas read more under Special notes in the topics...

Thanks to you I found a seldom beta/public bug that I got rid of too - Please checkit out and keep up your great works...


kjactive :)

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

Commandline (/p /B) are bad - it should work also without makefile (I know it's described in helpfile) this should be changed.

Also my previous idea number 8) should be good to solve :)

8) I setup Scite/Tools menu for Project manager and when "Quit when done" is checked shouldn't occur MessageBox with text: Quit request - continue

that's very annoying: I want to autoprocess/autocompile/autoquit without any prompts after invoke from Scite

I want to have two commands in Scite Tools menu:

Project Manager - compile production

Project Manager - compile beta

In project manager I have these options:

Process at startup = 1

Auto compile pass = 1

Quit when done = 1

So when I invoke "Project Manager - compile beta" or "Project Manager - compile production" from Scite menu

I expect to Project manager will make EXE for me without MessageBox with text: Quit request - continue

and without making some makefiles.

Here is my change in au3.properties:

# 38 Include The Project Manager - a excerpts library manager by (c)by Kare Johansson
command.38.*.au3=$(autoit3dir)\Extras\Project Manager\Project Manager.exe /in "$(FilePath)" /p
command.name.38.*.au3=Project Manager - compile production
# 39 Include The Project Manager - a excerpts library manager by (c)by Kare Johansson
command.39.*.au3=$(autoit3dir)\Extras\Project Manager\Project Manager.exe /in "$(FilePath)" /b
command.name.39.*.au3=Project Manager - compile beta


Edited by Zedna
Posted (edited)

Commandline (/p /B) are bad - it should work also without makefile (I know it's described in helpfile) this should be changed.

Well Project Manager is build around an idear to make uniqe makefile preprocess options to every script as not all options is vise in any conditions and this is to heavy to be changed, so the first time one process a script - one create a makefile like options to where to compile this uniqe script to, then this controls every aspect of preprocess actions without the commandline option as to what autoit3 model used ( public / beta ) that now can be overruled.

I could se the point that it would be smart as seppatate SciTE menus used to do testing - I know that there was a bug previous but this is gone now. There is no way that I can include all PreProcess options into commandline keywords and to use the default settings to every projects would not make any point here as this is vital to know exactly what options used with evevry particulare script - that why the makefile is vital as to overrule functions included to cope with dynamically function calls ec. one should always start a new project by createing a uniqe makefile...

If there is no makefile, the deafult preferences is used and this get saved durring a quit ( changed ) but the makefile do not and do only has to be created ones...

Your SciTE toolmenu code example should work now, the only messagebox that should popup if no errors is a 'Quit - Continue' with the yes control as active ( enter )

Every language preprocessor use a kind of makefile script...

In Preferences - couldn't swith Scan from Low to High After close Preferences window and Open Preferences it's back to Scan/Low)

No you forgot to save the makefile - there should be a tooltip noting...

in Scite Tools menu adition is used F2 shortcut --> F2 is already used for "Next Bookmark"

Yes I know but all shortcuts is used and I never use bookmarks - feel free to change...

Please use the link below to download...

I will look at some of your other Idears later but could you explane these two idears a little closer

3 new function in IDE for opening AU3 in default editor (Scite) --> maybe Lookup function should open it this way

4) I vote for new topic for Project manager with link to download latest version

kjactive :)

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

There is no way that I can include all PreProcess options into commandline keywords and to use the default settings to every projects would not make any point here as this is vital to know exactly what options used with evevry particulare script - that why the makefile is vital as to overrule functions included to cope with dynamically function calls ec. one should always start a new project by createing a uniqe makefile...

I think commandline options needn't be for ALL options, just these /b /p should overide default settings.

For other options should be the default ones saved in global settings in if makefile not exists.

Thanks for changes.

EDIT: fixed typo

Edited by Zedna

I think commandline options needn't be for ALL options, just these /b /p should overide default settings.

For other options should be the default ones saved in global settings in makefile not exists.

Thanks for changes.

I think that you durring time of use would see the benefit of makefiles and the changes you suggest is totally different this application concept but keep on comming with Idears that's nice - could you explain the to in the previous topics a little closer...

kjactive :)


I think that you durring time of use would see the benefit of makefiles and the changes you suggest is totally different this application concept but keep on comming with Idears that's nice - could you explain the to in the previous topics a little closer...

kjactive :)

I want to use it only from Scite menu.

So for the first time I run Project manager standalone and setup all needed options in Preferences (autoprocess/autocompile/autoquit, etc.).

These options are in my case the same for ALL projects therefore I needn't makefiles for them

Now I can compile any of my projects directly from Scite (with production or beta).

Only project which needs different settings will be treated by your way (I think I never will do that):

- open Project manager

- load project

- change settings

- process/write project

- change settings back to default settings


I want to use it only from Scite menu.

That is the intention - this is a SciTe macro Tool that can be used as standalone - afterall not evey autoitters use SciTE

So for the first time I run Project manager standalone and setup all needed options in Preferences (autoprocess/autocompile/autoquit, etc.).

These options are in my case the same for ALL projects therefore I needn't makefiles for them

I don't think that you wouldn't sometime in your computing include a special function, a uniqe compile path or some special setup that would ruin your appliaction if not, afterall autoit3 is a typeless language and not that easy to do preprocessing on - something could go wrong!

Only project which needs different settings will be treated by your way (I think I never will do that):

- open Project manager

- load project

- change settings

- process/write project

- change settings back to default settings

Naaa You got it wrong - The makefile settings should not change Preferences - I'll check that they don't durring weekend, the makefile is uniqe to the script and has only to be created ones...

Could you explain the two idears previous...

kjactive :)


That is the intention - this is a SciTe macro Tool that can be used as standalone - afterall not evey autoitters use SciTE

I don't think that you wouldn't sometime in your computing include a special function, a uniqe compile path or some special setup that would ruin your appliaction if not, afterall autoit3 is a typeless language and not that easy to do preprocessing on - something could go wrong!

Naaa You got it wrong - The makefile settings should not change Preferences - I'll check that they don't durring weekend, the makefile is uniqe to the script and has only to be created ones...

I know that makefile override global settings and is unique to script.

Could you explain the two idears previous...

If you think

3 new function in IDE for opening AU3 in default editor (Scite) --> maybe Lookup function should open it this way

4) I vote for new topic for Project manager with link to download latest version

3) when I run Project manager standalone and open some AU3 script then only "Test/Run" command is ready for use

but I want to open it for control look in Scite.

4) At least make in first post of this topic link to download of latest Project manager version.

This link is only in your signature.


Hallo Zedna

I was sleeping when I did answer previous, I just burned down a computer and light in the whole house too - had my mind a little away, The option you request is already awailable, Look at Preferences under 'Makefile' and select 'Use default' - woula you got your 'don't use makefile at all' - Sorry...

I know that makefile override global settings and is unique to script. - Actually there is a bug I'll have to fix - discovered thanks to you and the keywords !!

3) when I run Project manager standalone and open some AU3 script then only "Test/Run" command is ready for use

but I want to open it for control look in Scite.

I Still don't get this one as all options should be the same standalone / SciTE Tool used... and certanly Process, test, compile and write controls...

4) At least make in first post of this topic link to download of latest Project manager version.

This link is only in your signature.

Yes I know but as the first topics was about another program called Au3PreProcess ( the pre program ) it's not much sense BUT I will do anouther and more informative some

but first all light in the house back on the feet again...

Hope this solve your concerns

kjactive :)

Posted (edited)

New opdate available

Mostly bugfixes but a new option too...

Radio control Intuition text visual error when Windows is in classic mode - Zedna...

Includes that has no space characters inbetween keyword and name was skipped - elTorro...

In some conditions the beta includes was not used - fixed...

Included a third commandline argument to owerrule the Beta / public includes used ( /b or /p ) - Zedna...

Commandline third keyword crash - fixed...

New option attached - Check for Project Manager Updates on the inet with option to download - Located in the About window...

Makefiles changed default preferences, no changes to default setting from local makefile settings - fixed...

Attached a License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer notification...

Changed the archive zip file to single directory archive mode...

Thanks for the support as without I couldn't write this application...

Please use link below...

kjactive :)

Edited by kjactive

As I have just found this, and tested it some. I only found one problem.

If the #include line in the script is like this "#include<array.au3>" it will add the correct used functions, but it doen't remove the line then. But if theres a space between like this "#include <array.au3>", it works great..

Thanks BTW, I will be using this alot now!!


As I have just found this, and tested it some. I only found one problem.

If the #include line in the script is like this "#include<array.au3>" it will add the correct used functions, but it doen't remove the line then. But if theres a space between like this "#include <array.au3>", it works great..

Thanks BTW, I will be using this alot now!!

Ohhh yes dam, I forgot that spot - thanks, I'll fix that later on today, actually I didn't knew that it was accepted in autoit3 before eltorro mentioned previous....

kjactive :)

Posted (edited)

Well AMD

I did the bug fix - I knew exactly right I read your topics where the trouble spot was located, my mistake - sorry

Download from site:


Note: You can now check for new updates to the application - on the about window is a control 'Check Updates' that will check the running application revision against homepage application and provide a download...

kjactive :)

Edited by kjactive
Posted (edited)

New update - automatic update as an option attached...

No more constant manually updates / checking revision numbers - Project Manager now checks on a daily basis PM homepage for revision available and if not matched with internal build, PM notify on 'update available' - if preferences option 'update' is on, a messagebox popup too with option to download - all one has to do afterwards is to run a little script in the Project Manager path and the update is done...

I hate constant manual updates...

Download from site - for the last time!!!


kjactive :)

Edited by kjactive

kjactive, I have discovered an error in the preprocessor. If a folder with a space in the name is encountered in the #include directives, the script attempts to include from the first name before the space.

Example erroring code:

#include "Au3 Data\UDFHelper.au3"

This is a folder relative to the current script and is accepted by autoit.

Hope you can find a way to repair it soon.

Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

Hallo 'This-is-me'

Hope you can find a way to repair it soon.

The bug should be auto updated tomorrow ( or today if PM havn't been run before ), Project Manager checks for updates on a daily basis - Please check it out for me...

kjactive :)

Edited by kjactive

After installing AutoIT v3.2.4.x I have a problem, Project Manager can't find the Install files with <xxxx.au3>

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

The includes are in the column "Checked Includes", but when all included files are displayed I get the following message

Include GUIConstants.au3 failure - continue

include files as follow: #include "_Misc.au3" work OK

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