kjactive Posted May 24, 2008 Author Posted May 24, 2008 (edited) Just another small bug fix and updates, Rev. fix - PM & PM lite Couldn't compile to a path that didn't exists - fixed...2.Changed The 'Run test' control to run test on executes if the script is previous compiled...3.Bug Fix - The PreProcess handle failed on global constants that were multi dim. array type - fixed...4.Bug fix - Some Preprocess controls did in some cases not update correctly - Fixed...5.Bug fix - SciTe req key has been changed and for that reason did Obfuscator and autoit3wrapper path failure - fixed...6.Updated some time consuming functions to gain a little speed to the Preprocessor...7.Bug fix - the 'Makefile special buildin functions' editer listview controls was not updated correctly - fixed...8.Removed the old Xme.icl library ( Macro editer ) as the new Vme.icl was fit for XP as well as Vista ( Rename to Xme.icl )...Download from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipOr wait for the miner auto update to tricker ( Please rename the Vme.icl )kjactive Edited October 7, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted June 16, 2008 Author Posted June 16, 2008 (edited) Small update rev a new Preprocess option - from Menu 'Create Resource lists', No Preprocess just display resources ( #includes, Functions and Globals )2.Bug fix - There was some corresponding ID failures between the dynamically created Tools menu and the 'Checked includes' listview - Fixed...3.Bug fix - 'Compile to' entry in the 'compile with options' intuition didn't attached .exe if no suffix was written - fixed...4.Bug fix - Visual Vista trouble removed from the 'Translate Language tool' and 'Function editer' tool - fixed...5.Bug Fix - DllStructCreate structure sepparator ';' was treated as comments and failed if 'remove trail comments' was set - fixed...6.Add a new option to gain 10 - 20% preprocess speed by finally found log scripts usefull and attached a commandline keyword to control: If a log script is present in script local path, two time consuming process lists is left out, the scan for used #includes and create an 'all global variables available' list, these values are taken from the log script. This option is ment to be used at a final state ( not added new #includes to the script ), only scan for used functions and Globals is done - If there on the other hand is add new #includes a new log script must be done - this can easy be done from the buildin macro language. Write and Remove macro scripts attached with the compleate update.This option could come in handy at some final state where one just want to fine tune the application/script.7.Add the 'Create Resource lists' preprocess option to a commandline keyword argument as /Log 0, 1, 2 to force PM to do this act from a macro startup. 0 - force not to use a present log script ( Default ), 1 use a log script if present in local path, 2 Only write the resource lists.8.Updated both PM and PM lite ( Go.exe ) to latest beta system...Download from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipor wait to let the miner autoupdate trickerkjactive Edited October 7, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
ReFran Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 (edited) Download from site:http://www.sitecenter.dk/latenight/nss-fol...t%20Manager.zipMmmmh,I wanted to download and got:WARNING: ProxyAV has detected a virus in this file!ProxyAV (Version - http://www.BlueCoat.com/Antivirus Vendor: Sophos, Plc.Scan Engine Version: 2.75.4Pattern File Version: 4.31E.446909.3139354893 (Timestamp: 2008/07/15 10:16:00)Virus: "Mal/Emogen-N" found!URL: http://www.sitecenter.dk/latenight/nss-fol...t%20Manager.zipI don't really trust in our virus scanner F-Secure, but that massage came from some other global security settings.Did someone else download from this address?br, Reinhard Edited July 15, 2008 by ReFran
kjactive Posted July 15, 2008 Author Posted July 15, 2008 (edited) Mmmmh, I wanted to download and got: WARNING: ProxyAV has detected a virus in this file! ProxyAV (Version - http://www.BlueCoat.com/ Antivirus Vendor: Sophos, Plc. Scan Engine Version: 2.75.4 Pattern File Version: 4.31E.446909.3139354893 (Timestamp: 2008/07/15 10:16:00) Virus: "Mal/Emogen-N" found! URL: http://www.sitecenter.dk/latenight/nss-fol...t%20Manager.zip I don't really trust in our virus scanner F-Secure, but that massage came from some other global security settings. Did someone else download from this address? br, Reinhard Hallo Reinhard I just did a compleat vira test on my link with AVG 8.0.138 ( fully opdated ) and there's no Virus or mallware found and the source code is included too - You could just run the source or make your own compile if you don't trust my virus system but because of the nature of the application, this has to be in exactly the same placement and named... Image5.bmp kjactive muttley Edited July 15, 2008 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
ReFran Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 ..... and there's no Virus or mallware found.You are right.I checked/downloaded it now from home also with full updated Virusscan. No Problem.Please excuse. At time I'm more at work as at home so I tried only to download from work.At work - since some time - I've the feeeling that our security software get bored from time to time and then reports random choosed applications as virus infected. One month ago it reported an application on drive D: as infected. The same software I have on C: and on a Network drive, which also will be scanned and was reported as virus-free.So I should have checked it better.Thanks for the tool, Reinhard
kjactive Posted August 22, 2008 Author Posted August 22, 2008 (edited) Just another mostly bug fix to Rev. the option 'Create Resource lists' NOT to write a log script but just create these lists...2.Bug fix - The /Log keyword was not initiated back to default at process end - fixed...3.Bug fix - Global variabels as stem arrays could in some conditions fail - fixed...4.bug fix - '[' was not treated correctly by the script cleanup process - fixed...5.Bug fix - the remove #Region keyword failed in some conditions - fixed...6.Bug fix - drag and Drop scripts at Project Manager to be preprocessed did block the intuition update until finished - fixed...7.Changed the drag and drop a script to be preprocessed into make use of a log script if available, to speedup handle...8.Bug fix - Some miner log script texture bugs, no big deal but - fixed..Download from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipOr wait for the miner autoupdate to tricker...Read instructions about the use of this scripting preprocessor...#445742kjactive Edited October 7, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted September 22, 2008 Author Posted September 22, 2008 (edited) New updates and bug fixes to Rev. the 'drag and drop' files as PM now handles Macro scripts too - If a macro script get dropped on intuition, the Macro editer opens with the selected macro script ready to edit or run - this macro script get high priority flag set as last edited macro and can be reloaded with Ctrl+Alt+L...2.Extended the 'drag and drop' files as PM intuition now handles both Makefile scripts '.o' suffix, Macro scripts and autoit3 scripts...3.Bug fix - the First #include used in main script could be shown twice in the PM 'Checked Includes' list at rare conditions - only visual trouble but anyway - fixed...4.Bug fix - Project Manager Lite ( Go.exe ) didn't cleanup temporary files if the current directory had 'Readonly' attributes set - fixed...5.Bug fix - the 'dock all subpanels' option from Preferences had wrong Vista values to some panels - Hopefully fixed...6.Changed the preferences always to save PM intuition location and size - even if the option 'save preferences at exit' is not set...7.Big Fix - Some UDF functions has some Local variables that has a counterpart as global ( debug option I think ) failed if the Process 'Preprocess buildin Globals' was on - fixed...8.Bug fix - a few UDFs has a large comment block before any #include line ( Bad 3.level language programming practice I think as the intepretter has to readin all txt before any action - leave documentation as external scripts ) , had to enlarge the amound of search lines a lot to cope fore these - fixed...9.Changed the 'Preprocess option' Remove tab characters as to exchange these with space 0x20 characters and remove all 0x20 in start of line as all dobbles, as in most cases, one can't remove @TABS totally in places other than in start of line without getting failures...10.Changed the Notefy on missing 'create language keyword' failures to add intuition tooltip too...11.add %lng% keyword to the 'run after' commandline in compile handle - inserts the created Terratec language file path...Note: autoit3 has two seldom used type of function calls that PM can't handle, dynamically calls 'Call($var)' and Global variables that point to functions as initiation in start of the script - These functions are not automatically buildin but has to be manually included with the function editer ( only ones ) and saved into the makefile system...Download from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipor wait for the miner autoupdate to tricker...kjactive Edited October 7, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted December 22, 2008 Author Posted December 22, 2008 (edited) Just another Update Rev. to played around with Extend the direct SciTe interface as to open / close the preprocessed script in SciTe as a new page - only macro language related, more commands to come...New macro commands:TextToSciTE - Write text into SciTE console...PretoScite - Insert the Preprocessed script into Scite as a new page...PreRemScite - Remove the preprocessed script if Previous attached into Scite with command PretoScite...2.Add Listview attachment - Rightmouse control in a listview opens the selected #include,function or constant in proper view - just like hitting the listview title...3.Add a 'Use log script' notification if a failure occures, could be the trouble if one adds new #includes that didn't get searched durring a 'log script controled' scan...4.Add a 'Project Manager notification' if process is already active - one do not want two PMs running...5.Bug Fix - PM was a little to efficient with the preprocess option 'Remove Compiler directive' - removed #Compiler_PlugIn_'s too, produced an error - Fixed...6.Bug fix - Constants in sub #includes that wasn't declared as Constants but only as Globals was not preprocessed - fixed...7.Bug fix - Ord fix but anyway, Global variables used in script failed if they was last at line and had a trailing Tab character attached - Fixed...8.Changed the 'Console compile' to work both in Public as Beta modes durring the resent changes in aut2exe...9.Changed the Language support error handle as this now provides an msgbox option to 'break or fix' early in the preprocess...10.Bug fix - the Scan process for used #includes in subincludes could fail if #include<...( no space or tabs inbetween ) was used - fixed...Download from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipOr wait for the miner auto update to tricker...Merry Christmas to all Kjactive Edited October 7, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
corz Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 (edited) I had to login to drop a thank you here. THANK YOU!I've been looking for something like this, in fact, exactly this, almost since I started coding AutoIt, but for some reason skipped over it, more than once. I think I figured it was a SciTe-only thing (I don't use SciTe), couldn't get it to work on my fully manual setup (missing "required" registry entries and more), and didn't go any further with it.After ditching yet another constants generator, I came back to Project Manager for another look, and I'm real glad I did. Thanks for including the source (though it's a pity it's the processed version!). After some tweaking, I got it working, and HOLY SHIT! THANK YOU SIR! What an excellent utility!Gone is that feeling that I'm including the entire UDF's collection with every application, even when I'm only using one function! And being leaner, my apps use less memory, too. It's Win-Win! I've got it plugged into an Editplus HotKey, "Pre-Process", now an essential step.Anyways, wonderful stuff, Good Work, KĂĄre! I hope you maintain this for a long, long time.;o)(orps. You asked for ideas and suggestions, so.. resizable window (which would be remembered, along with position information), option to remove only leading tabs (but leave other tabs alone), ini file preferences (instead of the registry), console feedback about which system is currently being used (beta or production), lists that scrolled as they fill up, ToolTip help for the controls, an "Exit When Done" that just works instead of asking you every time whether or not you meant it (this dialog makes the whole preference complete pointless, if you are gonna have to click something *anyway*, you might just as well click "x", and close the program!). I'd also like to get my mits on the source before it's been processed.bugs: Backup preferences are forgotten/ignored (and in my opinion, superfluous, anyway). Also, PM misses functions called inside other functions if their names do not begin with an underscore - as a work-around, I added a dummy function call into the script, to force Project Manager to include the function - fortunately, this works even when you comment-out the line! This is also surely a bug - though please do not fix it until after you've fixed the functions-within-functions bug, or else my work-around will stop working! Aside from these foibles, Project Manager runs superbly on my Windows XP SP2 box. Once the system was setup to handle PM, the latest version (which I've just tried) worked right out of the box. Thanks again! Edited January 13, 2009 by corz nothing is foolproof to the sufficiently talented fool..
kjactive Posted January 14, 2009 Author Posted January 14, 2009 (edited) Thanks CorzNice to know that there are users out there in cyperspace other than 'me self, I', The Project Manager get constantly developed when I stumble over bugs, need a new function or if any bugs get reported - It's rather easy to maintain as I use this preprocessor constantly...How you managed to edit in the Preprocessed script is over my mind as this script should be almost unreadable with all constants preprocessed and the language support text put into a stem array - cool..Regarding the fix you made for the functions used that do not has an starting underscore well would be great and I would like to see your code and the spot ( linenumber ) in the script to put it in - you could just mail it to me...about your ideas and suggestions well there is one huge drawback in putting more stuff into the preprocessing handle process and that's speed, I already think and work on reduce preprocess handle time to gain as much speed as posible...1.Resizeable main intuition - is on the todo list2.remove only leading tabs - I think that one is included ( strip leading and trail spaces )3.console feedback on autoit system used - well Preferences and infoline after a preprocess action notify and it's available to a macroscript - but I leave it in mind4.lists that scrolled as they fill up - in the todo list5."Exit When Done" that just works instead of asking you every time - That's because some scripts could endup into a loop, I beleave that the macro function 'Exits' has no 'are you shure' request and as the matter of fact I use macro scripts in most tasks, it's fair easy to make complext actions in any manners6.preference complete pointless - naaa this is to control different setups to different scripts saved down into scripts uniqe makefile system...7.Backup preferences are forgotten/ignored - yes I know on the todo list8. about the function underscore needed well I do not think that this can be overcome as some other small details as dynamically created function calls with the function 'Call(' - would be nice though but in a typeless language like autoit3 there is that much to considder when writting a preprocessor and process speed is vital too - there has to be some sort of standard to work from...thanks idears and suggestions I take them in mindFor those autoitters that's new to the preprocessor and want to read more....http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...mp;#entry445742kjactive Edited January 14, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted January 21, 2009 Author Posted January 21, 2009 (edited) Update to Rev. Ctrl+Shift+T to test a macro in the Macroediter if the this window is open - else still test a preprocessed script...2.Changed the Macro command 'MsgBox' to be with topmost flag and to be positive with Yes as the default control...3.Bug fix - auto backup file or dir path now get saved down into scripts uniqe makefile correctly - fixed...4.Add resize ability to the main intuition with a minimun at 670*350 Note: a resize durring the preprocess action will take place afterwards...5.Bug fix - the extra option to change resource information from .ini script was not functional correctly in some conditions - fixed...Download from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipor wait for the miner autoupdate to trickerkjactive Edited October 7, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted October 7, 2009 Author Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) Major update - The 'Project Manager' scripting preprocessor has moved to next generation with Au3PP there were some bugs that anoid me enough to do a rewrite but turned out to be that serious as theymade me do almost a compleate rewrite. This simplified the application system, provided more interface options,added a lot of power to the buildin macro language as it's now posible to add user comstumizedpreprocesses, the intuition looks almost the same but a lot of changes is hidden below the hoodand the application holds all resources needed, compiled into three models that can be placed anywherewithout special install processes...The preprocessor can be used from editers with macro subsystems ( like SciTE ), Consoleline driven or as a standalone...What's removed or changed...1.The option to treat special lines in the script has gone2.the infocontrol rightmost to the infoline where process info was displayed is moved to the infoline... 3.Default Preferences is moved to the Compile and Resource editer intuition as a tap window as part of the makefile scripting edit...4.A lot of different testing options has gone, was not of much use anyway as this is treated automatically by the 'Run Test' control handle... 5.The window is now resizeable, a minimum limit is attached... 6.The function scan do now not relay on the starting underscore character but uses the 'all available functions' list... 7.The Terratec translation preprocess option is moved to the macro language as external macro script... 8.New preprocess option 'Remove broken lines' - this is probably already done by the intepreter but anyway... 9.Bug fix - The scan for available UDFs had a fatal bug as the order was not correct at the end of the scan process - Fixed...10.The buildin macro language is totally changed ( simplified ) but stil provide a lot of vital options to do mass processes...11.The MacroEditer has moved to the macro language as external macro script.. 12.The default settings has changed and the option in the preferences is removed as this is done automatically at exit... 13.The ascii compile option has been removed as autoit3 compile system do not provide this option anymore... 14.Support for the autoitwrapper and other tools has been removed as Au3PP can do most processes just as well...15.The PreProcess speed is highly uptimized...16.The runtime lite application Go.exe has been integreated, Au3PP different modes is activated from arguments.... 17.A non intuition mode to preprocess and do compile wraps has been integreated as Au3PP integreate three different process models... 18.A lot of accelerater shortcuts has been removed... 19.The cmd arguments has changed and provide easy access to all processes modes... 20.The Tools menu has been removed as all options can be activated from the macro language and inserted here as scripts... 21.The buildin functions order is now correct as first used, first in list, speedup execute time... 22.all proces handle functions is updated to add as much handle speed as posible - PM was to slow at large jobs... 23.The internal about menu has gone as it was not at much use... 24.The write and read log script has moved to the macro language and has no fast buildup lists function anymore - was to dangeres... 25.The outfile name is now automatically attached if not provided...26.New option to remove all temporary files with suffix '_PP.au3', can be overruled by preferences... 27.Highly optimize the remove characters around operators process... 28.Made the preprocess global variables preprocess more secure... 29.Add OnAutoitstart and OnAutoitexit special functions to the scan process if these were located in a subscript... 30.Updated the Macro Language to interact directly with autoit3 scripts as an option to provide user costumized preprocess handle...31.Au3PP comes in three compile models, a Console model, x64 architecture and aplain x32 compile...32.No need for install processes or special locations anymore, come with preprocessed code, a topic and Macro examples...33.Simplified the help topics as the old was to messy...34.Probably forgot some new options or bugs durring the rewrite - checkit out, please do bugs or comments reports...For those autoitters that's new to the preprocessor and want to read more....http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...mp;#entry445742That's all folkskjactiveDownload from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipkjactive Edited October 7, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted February 14, 2010 Author Posted February 14, 2010 (edited) Just finished up some updates and bug fixes...the autoupdate should now fire up and install as new updates arrive but I'll still notefy in this post, and users that want changes, do comments or bugs reports are welcome to make suggestions...Rev. preprocess search and buildin of functions used / included by:Opt("OnExitFunc...GUICtrlSetOnEvent(...GUISetOnEvent(...OnAutoItExitRegister...AdlibRegister(...DllCallbackRegister(...GUIRegisterMsg(...trayitemsetonevent(...TraySetOnEvent(...#OnAutoItStartRegister...2.Local Ini script path 'overrule function' breaked the process if returned failure - Fixed...3.Added some missing process success text into the infoline...4.Bug fix - Macro editer had wrong location update - fixed...5.Added Hotkey Alt+F2 - F11 accelerators support option to add favorite macro scripts attached...6.Attached Hotkey F1 as a macro language help attachment to the Macro script editer too...7.Bug fix - the MacroEditer 'Edit Control' had wrong size - fixed...8.Bug Fix - The registry interact was not correct at x64 architecture - fixed...9.Added a control handle function to modify the IconFileVersion variable durring the compile process...10.Changed the 'MacroEdit' script to notify and save script if changed...11.Added a new Macro command - IconFileVersion, opens a input requester with option to change compiled icon fileversion...12.Bug fix - The MacroEditer didn't updated the string len durring a save - fixed...13.Bug fix - The Cmdkeyword /B 'force to beta' model didn't overrule the makefile scripts - fixed...14.Changed the edit Resource info editer to a Vista related type...15.Changed Non intuition mode as if a makefile script if available, this get loaded ready to be edited...16.Attached a new request option to the 'edit macro' menu - Create new or open selected macro ( open selected default ) 17.Attached Console StdOut to 'RunTest' to obtain any write pass to consoleout durring testing...18.Bug fix - Listing included contents ( right mouse click ) in listviews was not showing broken lines correctly - fixed...19.Updated the auto notification on new updates and rewired the download processs...Download total system from site:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipOr just the x32 system PreProcessor:http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.exeNo need for special install process, Come as Three compiled models: x32 / x64 & Console attached - preprocessed code, a topics and macro examples included...That's all folkskjactive Edited February 14, 2010 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
AMD Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Another very small bug... When you resize the window, the Preprocess Group doesn't get resized/moved
kjactive Posted April 6, 2010 Author Posted April 6, 2010 Hallo AMDJust came back from easter holliday - How could I ever miss that one, well thanks anyway...I just finished some changes and bug fixes in rev. the macro hotkeys to Alt+F1 - F11 ( just drop a macro script and attach it to hotkeys )2.Included a blocking function to 'run test' on x64 scripts in non x64 version of AutoIt...3.Attched drop icon interface to the compile preferences, compile the dropped icon resource into application as main icon...4.Bug fix - The application couldn't startup from icon in the previous version only as macro attached - I realy don't know why but gone...5.Bug fix - Increased the 'used constants' search code as in some special conditions constants was not preprocessed - fixed...6.Optimized the operators preprocess handle...7.Bug fix - First and last function in the 'all functions list' was in seldom cases not treated right - fixed...8.Changed the filehandle system to the new options in autoit3 ( fileopen / FileSetPos etc. )...9.Changed the autoupdate system to the new autoit3 INet options...10.Bug fix - Visual resize trouble to the PreProcess group control - fixed ( Thanks AMD )...Download x86 model from sitehttp://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.exeDownload the compleate system with macro examples, topics and sourcehttp://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipOr wait for auto update to tricker...kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted April 17, 2010 Author Posted April 17, 2010 (edited) Update to Rev. bugfix related to the new filehandle system...1.Bug fix - If a icon is attached to a compile fails the default autoit3 icon should be used But nop - Fixed...2.Add a new macro command - ToggleIntuition, does just that display or remove intuition at every call...3.AdlibEnable(, Opt("OnExitFunc", OnAutoitstart, OnAutoitExit functions has been removed from the preprocess as codeguidens for autoit3 fix - In attemt to use the new filehandle system a bug slipped my eye - Fixed...5.Optimized the 'buildin functions' preprocess handle speed quite a bit...6.Changed #OnAutoItStartRegister preprocess to cope for included in subfunction too - seldom but posible...Download the compleate system with code, topics and macro examples...http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.zipOr just download the x86 model - No need for special install processes...http://www.fritidshjemmet.com/Au3PP/Au3PP.exeor wait to the autoupdate tricker...Though I made a larger testing - bugs can occur when preprocessing a typeless language like autoit3, bugs reports or comments to improvments are welcome...That's all folks... kjactive Edited April 17, 2010 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
GEOSoft Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 I have not started playing with this yet, in fact I had forgotten all about it until your post in another thread. Before I do try it I have one question. Where does the preprocessor place the required functions, in the original script (top or bottom?) or in a separate file? George Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.*** The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number. Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else. "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!"
GEOSoft Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 (edited) I'm testing it and I think I've pretty much answered my own questions. As someone else mentioned, I would rather see the settings in an Ini file. That way when, something messes up, it's easy for the user to just delete the ini file instead of deleting registry keys. Now to what messed up. before saving the Window position on exit, always check to make sure it isn't minimized. Otherwise it will set the Y position to 3200. I do that by using If WinGetState("my window") < 16 Then ;; Do your RegWrite or IniWrite here EndIf I just had to delete the reg key because I happened to close the window while it was minimized so it wrote a value that is off screen and the next time I attempted to open i, the GUI wouldn't display. EDIT: I don't know if this is a bug or not but it certainly isn't desired behaviour. As soon as I select the file to work with it starts processing. before I get a chance to set the checkboxes, NONE of which I want selected so the code comes out as what I consider a total mess. I'll get around that by modifying your code so none of the boxes are selected at startup. Really, all I want it to do is strip the unused functions from the Standard UDFs. I don't want my own local UDFs touched (#Include "myudf.au3") and I don't care if constants get done or not. Suggestion. Do something to show that the script is actualy running. Change the cursor or add a status bar or whatever it takes to let the user know it's doing something. Edited May 20, 2010 by GEOSoft George Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.*** The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number. Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else. "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!"
kjactive Posted May 20, 2010 Author Posted May 20, 2010 (edited) Hallo GeosoftWhere does the preprocessor place the required functions|| RE the preprocessor do NOT make any changes to the original script but create temorary scripts and finally default write a clone with a _PP attached ( this can be supprest in preferences )See settings as a ini file|| RE - well the makefile scripts is actually a kind of ini file, if this is not present in the local script path the application default settings is used - you can suppres to use the makefile script in the preferences too, Or you could make a macro script providing an option to selectprocessing options...Now to what messed up. before saving the Window position on exit, always check to make sure it isn't minimized || RE ofcouse I'm avare of this and I could not locate any bug here as it always did turned up with intuition no matter what i did, you just have to give me a more detailed action picture and I'll look into it...I don't know if this is a bug or not but it certainly isn't desired behaviour. As soon as I select the file to work with it starts processing || RE It's a huge application with lots of options and settings available and one of the basics is the console arguments available that could provide you with a lot of different startups options like not to begin the preprocess ( keyword /NoProcess ) - actually this is a very powerfull initial that can control every aspect in the preprocess, read more in tropics...Really, all I want it to do is strip the unused functions from the Standard UDFs || RE I suggest that you read a bit more of the options to this application and options provided in the topics as in every other preprocessors there is a lot available going on under the hood and the real power comes when one uses the included macro scripting system where one can write simple macros doing just that and nothing else, installed and executeable from the macro menu...Suggestion. Do something to show that the script is actualy running || RE yes I know but an high issue for me is the preprocess speed and there will come a notification if an error do occure else the application only provide process nofication but I'm avare that this could be better...anyway it's free to use but I suggest one read the basic topics before use...kjactive Edited May 20, 2010 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
GEOSoft Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Thanks. I'm still digging into it more and with your help I'll get it to do what I want yet. George Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.*** The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number. Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else. "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!"
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