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Thanks Zedna

where trying to do our best to make this a great addon for autoit


try to make text sprites ,you get funny results :)

Posted (edited)

Its a Swarm!! Don`t get stung! :)

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

#include <Prospeed.au3>


Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)


$gui = GUICreate("Prospeed",800, 400, -1, -1,$WS_POPUP)


;Background(FILE, POSX, POSY) ;loads Background

Background(@scriptdir & "\Hintergrund.jpg", 0, 0)

$POSX = 0

$POSY = 0

$SprOfX = 0

$SprOfY = 0

$SpWid = 24

$SpHgt = 18

$SpFrms = 4

$SpStFrm = 1

$SpFrmSpd = 6

$SpPosX = -30

$Sprite1 = @scriptdir & "\Sprites.gif"

$Sprite2 = @scriptdir & "\Sprites2.gif"

;Sprite("Sprite picture", offsetX, offsetY, WIDTH, HEIGHT, FRAMES, START_FRAME, FRAME_SPEED, posX, posY) ;loads sprites

sprite($Sprite1,$SprOfX, $SprOfY, $SpWid, $SpHgt, $SpFrms, $SpStFrm, $SpFrmSpd, $SpPosX,40)

sprite($Sprite2,$SprOfX, $SprOfY, $SpWid, $SpHgt, $SpFrms, $SpStFrm, $SpFrmSpd, $SpPosX,60)



syntax : CopySprite(nr)

Note ; copies a sprite with indentical parameters

If you want to make a lot of incentical sprites you better use CopieSprite

Create first sprite with Sprite func and then copie that sprite multiple times


$NumOfSpr = 80

For $i = 1 to $NumOfSpr




$SprSpdX = 3

$SprSpdY = 4

For $i = 1 to $NumOfSpr

SetSpriteSpeed($i, $SprSpdX, $SprSpdY)




syntax : SetSpriteAnimMove(Spritename, Sprite nr, Direction, offsetX, offsetY)

Note ; Spritename = name created with func Sprite()

Sprite nr = number of the sprite created by function Sprite()

Direction = The direction to face the sprite to

For every direction the sprite moves you can change the animation sequence

0 = Standing still

1 = right up

2 = right

3 = right down

4 = down

5 = left down

6 = left

7 = left up

8 = up

offsetX = Where to find the sprite in the bitmap on x position ;Mostly starts with zero

offsetY = Where to find the sprite in the bitmap on y position


SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $NumOfSpr, 1, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $NumOfSpr, 2, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $NumOfSpr, 3, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $NumOfSpr, 5, 0, 32)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $NumOfSpr, 6, 0, 32)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $NumOfSpr, 7, 0, 32)

For $i = 1 to $NumOfSpr/2

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $i, 1, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $i, 2, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $i, 3, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $i, 5, 0, 32)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $i, 6, 0, 32)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite1, $i, 7, 0, 32)


For $i = $NumOfSpr/2 to $NumOfSpr

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite2, $i, 1, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite2, $i, 2, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite2, $i, 3, 0, 0)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite2, $i, 5, 0, 32)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite2, $i, 6, 0, 32)

SetSpriteAnimMove($Sprite2, $i, 7, 0, 32)


;SetmovingRectangle(Sprite nr, LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM) sets cage for sprite

For $i = 1 to $NumOfSpr

SetmovingRectangle($i, 0, 0, 790, 390)


For $n = 1 to 19

For $i = 1 to $NumOfSpr - 1

Movesprite($i,Random(5,800, 1),Random(5,410, 1), 4, 1)




While 1

For $i = 1 to $NumOfSpr - 1

$pos = MouseGetPos()

Movesprite($NumOfSpr,$pos[0],$pos[1], 1, 1)

Movesprite($i,800 ,400, 2, 1)




Func _exit()



EDIT: has correct sprite Anim now.

Edited by Lakes

2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.

Posted (edited)


func "LoadImage"

does what you want now, but not for all effects

you can first load a image put it on screen or hold it in memory swich = 0/1

then put 1 or more effects on it

hope that helps you

Thanks jpam. Works like a charm for what I want. This project is moving quite fast. Before to long you will have all prospeed functions as UDF's. The joystick stuff might prove usefull. Thanks for this great addition to AutoIt.

Edited by Hallman


It doesnt work by me. ive testet you sprite example but he crash ever with the Subscript crash

D:\skripts\Autoit\wg01.au3 (512) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:


DllCall($S_DLL,"long","CopyExtBmp","long",$S_fensterkopie1^ ERROR

Btw: Why open you every funktion the Dll prospeed and close it then in the funct? Why not on Start of the UDF (e.g. Line 32: Dim $S_DLL = DllOpen("ProSpeed.dll") ) and then with OnAutoItExit() ( DllClose($S_DLL)) I think so its just a little bit faster...

But what ive seen so far from your udf is very very great! Thanks to you jpam and Frank!

Mfg/best regards Spider :)

www.AutoIt.de - Moderator of the German AutoIt Forum



make sure you put the Prospeed.dll in windows/system32 or in the scriptdir

and download the lasted prospeed.dll from franks webpage



Sprite limit of 10 bug removed !

Joystick Functions allmost done

DirectXsound Allmost done

That's it for today guys :)



There's a new updated for you guys

added GetSpriteMoveX

added GetSpriteMoveY

added InitPixelEffects

added SetPixelEffect

added DeInitPixelEffects

Have fun

For Joystick functions there's comming a new special prospeed.dll version

frank change some things in the dll to work with Joysticks and AutoIt


Current UDF has a few bugs, sprites no longer work, I`m using an old version of the UDF for now...

Anyone have the version before this one?


2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.



updated a faulty expirimental version

new working version online now, redownload please !


Corrected missing $S_StartPixel var in

Func SetPixelEffect($S_offsetX, $S_offsetY, $S_Color, $S_StartPixel, $S_Disperse, $S_PixelStrenght, $S_Pixeldirection, $S_PixelAmount, $S_Colormode, $S_LifeTime)

2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.

Posted (edited)

New Update

Added BackgroundScroll

Added Scroll_Left()

Added Scroll_Right()

Added Scroll_Up()

Added Scroll_Down()

Added Scroll_Stop()

Download Example code + pictures from first page

All Collision functions working properly now

Movesprite function changed to

"Movesprite(Sprite number, posX, posY)"

Speed settings are set with function "SetSpriteSpeed(Sprite number, SpeedX, SpeedY)"

Don't forget to update your "Prospeed.au3" from first page

Have fun


Edited by jpam


thanks for your help, ive iv downloaded the newest prospeed.dll but now he gives me another error: -1073741819 (autoit.exe exit code..) Am I incorect? I think that Frank has Fixed the "bug"?!?

Mfg / Best regards Spider

www.AutoIt.de - Moderator of the German AutoIt Forum


Posted (edited)

Working Ok here, but I have the original Dll here...

I mean the one after the original version where the autoit bug was fixed, I think Frank may have changed the Dll to work for Autoit Joystick functions?

Edited by Lakes

2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.

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