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New Update !

added Joystick functions

added FindJoystick()

added JoystickX()

added JoystickY()

added JoystickButton() ;up to 32 buttons

Collision deletesprite combination bug removed by Frank !

Redownload Prospeed.dll and Prospeed.au3 @ post 1

Have fun :)

Simple joystick demo ;

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Prospeed.au3>

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

$GUI = GUICreate("Prospeed",800,400,-1,-1,$WS_POPUP)

Background(@scriptdir & "\Hintergrund.jpg", 0, 0)

$Sprite1 = @scriptdir & "\Sprites.gif"
$bee1 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 400, 200)
SetmovingRectangle($bee1,0, 0, 800-24, 400-18)
SetSpriteMovingMode($bee1, 1)
SetSpriteSpeed($bee1, 5, 5)
SetSpriteAnimMove($Bee1, 1, 0, 0)
SetSpriteAnimMove($Bee1, 2, 0, 0)
SetSpriteAnimMove($Bee1, 3, 0, 0)
SetSpriteAnimMove($Bee1, 5, 0, 32)
SetSpriteAnimMove($Bee1, 6, 0, 32)
SetSpriteAnimMove($Bee1, 7, 0, 32)

$bee2 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 150, 150)
$bee3 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 200, 200)
$bee4 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 250, 250)

$bee5 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 100, 300)
$bee6 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 150, 350)
$bee7 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 200, 400)
$bee8 = sprite($Sprite1, 0, 0, 24, 18, 4, 1, 6, 250, 100)

While 1


$butt = JoystickButton(1)
    Case $butt = 1
        MsgBox(0,"Buttons","Button 1 pressed",1)
    Case $butt = 2  
        MsgBox(0,"Buttons","Button 2 pressed",1)
    Case $butt = 3  
        MsgBox(0,"Buttons","Button 3 pressed",1)
    Case $butt = 4
        MsgBox(0,"Buttons","Button 4 pressed",1)
$gy = $current_Y
$gx = $current_X
$a = 0
$joyx = JoystickX(1)
$joyy = JoystickY(1)

If $joyx > 24 Then  
    MoveSprite($bee1, $gx+$joyx, $gy+$joyy)
    $a = 1
If $joyx < -24 Then
    MoveSprite($bee1, $gx+$joyx, $gy+$joyy)
    $a = 1
If $joyy > 24 Then
    MoveSprite($bee1, $gx+$joyx, $gy+$joyy)
    $a = 1
If $joyy < -24 Then
    MoveSprite($bee1, $gx+$joyx, $gy+$joyy)
    $a = 1
If $a = 0 Then
    MoveSprite($bee1, $gx, $gy)

$B2Hit = CollideUnknown()
If $B2Hit <> 0 then 

Func _exit()
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Posted (edited)

New Update !

added CountJoystickButtons()

added JoystickZ()

added JoystickR()

added JoystickU()

added JoystickV()

Changed Background() ;has now resizes function build in

added Water effect function ; if used wirh many sprites ,you need a fast computer ! :D

added Iniwater()

added Water()

Example water ;


image needed ;


Enjoy :)

Edited by jpam

It would be nice not to have to create a background image to use scroll screen. That way the back ground could be 100% generated with sprites so we wouldn't have to make a new image for the level but rather a map file containing sprite #'s


When I run the water example it works but I get several warnings.

D:\Program\AutoIt3\Include\Prospeed.au3(299,91) : WARNING: $S_FXHANDLE1: possibly used before declaration.
D:\Program\AutoIt3\Include\Prospeed.au3(299,111) : WARNING: $S_FXHANDLE2: possibly used before declaration.
D:\Program\AutoIt3\Include\Prospeed.au3(338,96) : WARNING: $S_InitExtFX1: possibly used before declaration.
D:\Program\AutoIt3\Include\Prospeed.au3(386,94) : WARNING: $S_InitExtFX: possibly used before declaration.
D:\Program\AutoIt3\Include\Prospeed.au3(280,39) : WARNING: $S_FXHANDLE1: declared global in function only. Prefer top of file.
    Global $S_FXHANDLE1 = $S_FXHANDLE1[0]
Posted (edited)

I updated the prospeed.au3 !

sorry for the errors :">

please redownload @ post1

Edited by jpam


I presume by your request that you're interested in making a tile-based game with scrolling capability. There is nothing in Prospeed that will give your game this ability directly. You'll have to manually shuffle/scroll the sprites around for each move. Since sprite position updating takes such a long time to perform per move in AutoIt, it's not the most appealing language to write a scrolling tile-based game in. The larger your grid is, the slower the shuffle gets. Users will be able to see the shuffling happen in a grid larger than about 8x8 tiles using Prospeed. Even if you don't mind the slowdown, it's not a clean look.

In that scenario, to preserve the clean look, it might be better to use a swapping trick, similar to double-buffered screen swapping, but I haven't done it myself yet. Essentially this would be a screenshot situation with the following flow:

1. Screenshot the grid at current position (which, using Prospeed, is very fast).

2. When user moves, throw up the screenshot immediately.

3. Perform the tile shuffle (scroll) behind the screenshot.

4. When the shuffle is finished, remove the screenshot to reveal the shuffled grid.

5. Go back to step 1.

Of course, the tile shuffle speed would increase as the grid size increases, so one would have to balance time per move vs. grid size in order to find an acceptable rate.

So far I have compromised by moving the character instead of the whole grid. When the character moves off the screen, I swap in a whole new grid (with screenshot during shuffle) and move the character to the opposite side. Using this method, it is still possible to create large maps with grid-sized windows into the playing field.


(Yet Another) ExcelCOM UDF"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly...[indent]...specialization is for insects." - R. A. Heinlein[/indent]

Fantastic! :)


(Yet Another) ExcelCOM UDF"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly...[indent]...specialization is for insects." - R. A. Heinlein[/indent]
Posted (edited)

Nice to see you fix it so fast.

Two questions. What are the two last parameters (both set to constant 1) in the InitSprite dllcall in the Sprite() function used for?

(a bit edited for easier reading)

$Sprite_ID = DllCall($S_DLL,"long","InitSprite","long",$S_Spriteplane[0],"long",$hDC,"long",$S_fensterkopie1[0], _
                            "long",$S_fensterkopie2[0],"long",$S_offsetX,"long",$S_offsetY,"long",$S_WIDTH, _
                            "long",$S_HEIGHT,"long",$S_FRAMES,"long",$S_START_FRAME,"long",$S_FRAME_SPEED, _

Also, did the pixel Sprite() use to determine transparency change from top-left to top-right?

(The green thing is a single 128x128 sprite)

Posted Image

Edited by Lej

The last 2 parameters are speedsettings X and Y

i don't use them because you can set it by function SetSpriteSpeed ()

the second question ,i don't understand what you want with transparency change

transparency doesen't change as far as i no

Posted (edited)

Been fooling around some with prospeed today and ran into a problem.

So far all apps I've seen has been made in windows with $WS_POPUP.

This means no border and as prospeed.au3 always chooses the active window

(usually looks like this:)

$WIN_TILLE = WinGetTitle("","")
$RAW_HDC = DllCall("user32.dll","ptr","GetWindowDC","hwnd",$WIN_GETHANDLE)
Global $hDC     = "0x" & Hex($RAW_HDC[0])oÝ÷ Ù8b²g̨º»§{h²¶º.nW°éò¢ëkÊÚ.±æ§¢¹§v¢¼¨º¶©¥«"·¥ÚÚÁúèØ^½êò¶¢¹Þ®) Ûiÿø¦n9f zÈZrK¬þ) ÛßÏ5ýÚÚÂ)à¢÷«nÝzºóâàþ) "ÚâyÛh²ozØb±¼¬zÛb Úß±ëZÛazwX§ëÞ¯+ax0Øm«H·ljZ-¡ü(®F§uÚ²z-Âä×M(^)(çîËb¢{j}ýµ·jY^w­¬r¦j׫~ÞÅ©©è¦m§ÿâwf zÈZrK¬þ) çöÓ^ÿÁ«^¯­ß±ë[·ªgø¦kçm¢Ê%½è­o))àjz-êðwhí­nÝz»¶Ø^®(!¶Zqæ§w­Ø^®(!¶È³y8b²ÇÉbëay·¬¶Ê%ºØ¨ú+êÞßÛ(æâènW¦¶.èëmæè­×«ë,Â)Ý£h²Ö²zeiÇ¢*.v¶ ¶¢·^­çpwhÃ*.ß×pj{m¢f¤z+Zr¥tz0z÷«ü¨¹Ú,¡h§ëSÙ^ªê-ªê-ªê-ªê-Â)e­ën®{az«z{pwhÃl¶+ey©ÝÝýYh¢Ibëayø«²ÚbrÛ«x.¬·*.©²Á¬¢»azë®Ú,zÜ!Èpwh°j{l¶kk
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    ][ÝÝÙÌ  ][ÝË  ][ÝÜ][ÝË    ][ÝÑÙ]Ú[ÝÑÉ][ÝË    ][ÝÚÛ    ][ÝË  ÌÍÕÒSÑÑUSJBÛØ[  ÌÍÚÈH   ][ÝÌ  ][ÝÈ  [È^

If the global is "" WinGetHandle() returns the current active window if it's a windowhandle it returns the same windowhandle.

Another way would be to add a window handle parameter to all function. That would mean a lot of work both for you and programmers and might not be an ideal solution.

Edited by Lej
Posted (edited)

changed the udf

not satisfied yet, but i am working on it

Posted Image

Edited by jpam
Posted (edited)

New Update !

All issues with window styles solved

please redownload the prospeed.au3 @ post 1

Did a lot of testing

If there are functions that do not function properly

Please report here , so i can fix it

jpam :)

Edited by jpam

Working on Fmod support

playing ; .MOD, .S3M, .XM, .IT .MID .WAV, .MP2, .MP3, .OGG or .RAW

what do you guys want ?

inside prospeed.udf or new UDF ?

let me know :whistle:

Kind Recards



Working on Fmod support

playing ; .MOD, .S3M, .XM, .IT .MID .WAV, .MP2, .MP3, .OGG or .RAW

what do you guys want ?

inside prospeed.udf or new UDF ?

let me know :)

Kind Recards


Excellent!!! :whistle:

Seperate UDF I think, not too difficult to add an extra include in my script :lol:, and people may want to use just this for the Midi stuff.

2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi jpam, just wondering if you plan to update this so it runs correctly under latest autoit version(V3.2.2.0)?

As i understand it needs older version to run correctly.


Breakout coming soon, I have a working game, but just need to add some Game Start and Over Titles and some more levels, nothing fancy, just different coloured bricks.. :whistle:

2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.


Hi Jpam

None of your examples are working with AutoIt :whistle:

You should say on the main post which script is working with which AutoIt version.

You've done a fantastic work, so bad we have to debug the examples to play with them :)

SetBackAutoCollision.au3 is bugfull too : some vars ($S_A, $S_:lol: are used but defined nowhere.

I hope to see a fully compatible prospeed.au3+dll+examples soon :)




i will update all the examples ASAP

last few weeks i had no time to work on prospeed :">

some other things where eating my time (wife,kids,house)

The udf has made a lot of changes and some of them make the examples not working anymore

so, in the next few days i will post new examples

Kind Regards



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