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I was looking into how to react to a double-click event within a listbox and I came across a method using $WM_NOTIFY.

I modified some code (apparently originally created by GaFrost) to do this and it works well. My question is why do you need

to also make use of the AutoIt event handler (the switch/$Event_Code block) when you already have the switch block in the

WM_Notify_Events function. It seems like you could just put your code within the WM_Notify_Events function and be done with


But, I know there must be a reason. If GaFrost or anyone else can enlighten me I'd sure appreciate it.



#include <GuiConstants.au3>;Inclusion file for the GUI interface controls

#include <GuiListView.au3>

Global $Event_On_Control

Global $Event_Code

Global Const $WM_NOTIFY = 0x004E

Global Const $DebugIt = 1

;ListView Events

Global Const $NM_CLICK = -2

Global Const $NM_DBLCLK = -3

Global Const $NM_RETURN = -4

Global Const $NM_RCLICK = -5

;#endregion End Global variables

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

$main_GUI = GUICreate("GuiRegisterMsg Test", 225, 400, 300, 10, BitOR($WS_THICKFRAME, $WS_SIZEBOX))

$Event_On_Control = GUICtrlCreateListView("Entry Name|Category", 5, 75, 195, 280, BitOR($LVS_SORTASCENDING, $LVS_SINGLESEL))

;~ $Event_On_Control = $CodeListView

_GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($Event_On_Control, 0, 100)

_GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($Event_On_Control, 1, 100)



$Trans_slider = GUICtrlCreateSlider(203, 75, 20, 280, $TBS_VERT, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)

GUICtrlSetLimit($Trans_slider, 255, 62); change min/max value

GUICtrlSetData($Trans_slider, 255)

$Transparency = Int((((Int(GUICtrlRead($Trans_slider)) / 255) * 100) - 100) * - 1)


;Register WM_NOTIFY events

GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "WM_Notify_Events")

While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg()

Switch $msg


;This case statement exits and updates code if needed




;put all the misc. stuff here

Case Else

If $Transparency <> Int((((Int(GUICtrlRead($Trans_slider)) / 255) * 100) - 100) * - 1) Then

$Transparency = Int((((Int(GUICtrlRead($Trans_slider)) / 255) * 100) - 100) * - 1)

WinSetTrans($main_GUI, "", Int(GUICtrlRead($Trans_slider)))


Switch $Event_Code


$Event_Code = 0



$Event_Code = 0


Case Else

$Event_Code = 0




; WM_NOTIFY event handler

Func WM_Notify_Events($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)

#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID

Local $tagNMHDR, $event

Switch $wParam

Case $Event_On_Control

$tagNMHDR = DllStructCreate("int;int;int", $lParam);NMHDR (hwndFrom, idFrom, code)

If @error Then Return

$event = DllStructGetData($tagNMHDR, 3)

Switch $event


$Event_Code = $event

If $DebugIt Then ConsoleWrite("-->$NM_CLICK" & @LF)


$Event_Code = $event

If $DebugIt Then ConsoleWrite("-->$NM_DBLCLK" & @LF)



$tagNMHDR = 0

EndFunc ;==>WM_Notify_Events


You had to of gone a ways back for that one, that was early on.

btw use code tags

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

Global Const $DebugIt = 1
Global Const $WM_COMMAND = 0x0111

GuiCreate("MyGUI", 460, 260,-1, -1)

$Edit_1 = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("Edit1", 10, 10, 360, 210)
$Input_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input2", 10, 230, 360, 20)
$List_3 = GuiCtrlCreateList("List3", 380, 10, 70, 240, BitOR($LBS_SORT, $LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT, $LBS_NOTIFY, $WS_TABSTOP))


While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    Case Else

Func List_DoubleClick()
    If $DebugIt Then    _DebugPrint ("$LBN_DBLCLK: " & GUICtrlRead($List_3))
EndFunc   ;==>ListView_DoubleClick

Func MY_WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam)
    Local $nNotifyCode = _HiWord($wParam)
    Local $nID = _LoWord($wParam)
    Local $hCtrl = $lParam
    Local Const $LBN_ERRSPACE = (-2);
    Local Const $LBN_SELCHANGE = 1;
    Local Const $LBN_DBLCLK = 2;
    Local Const $LBN_SELCANCEL = 3;
    Local Const $LBN_SETFOCUS = 4;
    Local Const $LBN_KILLFOCUS = 5;

    Switch $nID
        Case $List_3
            Switch $nNotifyCode
                Case $LBN_ERRSPACE
                    _DebugPrint ("$LBN_ERRSPACE")
                Case $LBN_SELCHANGE
                    _DebugPrint ("$LBN_SELCHANGE")
                Case $LBN_SELCANCEL
                    _DebugPrint ("$LBN_SELCANCEL")
                Case $LBN_SETFOCUS
                    _DebugPrint ("$LBN_SETFOCUS")
                Case $LBN_KILLFOCUS
                    _DebugPrint ("$LBN_KILLFOCUS")
                Case $LBN_DBLCLK
    ; Proceed the default Autoit3 internal message commands.
    ; You also can complete let the line out.
    ; !!! But only 'Return' (without any value) will not proceed
    ; the default Autoit3-message in the future !!!
EndFunc   ;==>MY_WM_COMMAND

Func _DebugPrint($s_text)
    $s_text = StringReplace($s_text, @LF, @LF & "-->")
    ConsoleWrite("!===========================================================" & @LF & _
            "+===========================================================" & @LF & _
            "-->" & $s_text & @LF & _
            "+===========================================================" & @LF)
EndFunc   ;==>_DebugPrint

Func _HiWord($x)
    Return BitShift($x, 16)
EndFunc   ;==>_HiWord

Func _LoWord($x)
    Return BitAND($x, 0xFFFF)
EndFunc   ;==>_LoWord

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.



That's why its dangerous to rely just on what you get in a search of the archives!!!

So, I take it that the reliance on the Autoit event handler is redundant since I didn't see it in your modified version. Cool.

And by "code tags" do you mean commenting??



Well, I tried to add your new notification code and can't seem to get it to work for my listview. I must have looked at this thing

over 100 times and can't figure it out. I don't know if it has something to do with the lack of a listview style equivalent to $LBS_NOTIFY or what.

Any help would be appreciated.

#include <GuiListView.au3>
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>

Global $Event_Code
Global $Event_On_Control
Global Const $WM_COMMAND = 0x0111
Global Const $DebugIt = 1

;ListView Events
Global Const $NM_FIRST = 0
Global Const $NM_CLICK = $NM_FIRST-2
Global Const $NM_DBLCLK = $NM_FIRST-3
Global Const $NM_RETURN = -4
Global Const $NM_RCLICK = -5

$GUI = GUICreate("MyGUI", 1016, 687, 2, 11)
$Opencaselist = GUICtrlCreateListView("Days|Case Name|Amount", 377, 122, 317, 533, BitOR($LVS_REPORT,$LVS_SINGLESEL,$LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS,$LVS_SORTDESCENDING))

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case Else


Func MY_WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam)
    Local $nNotifyCode = _HiWord($wParam)
    Local $nID = _LoWord($wParam)
    Local $hCtrl = $lParam
    Local Const $NM_CLICK = -2
    Local Const $NM_DBLCLK = -3
    Local Const $NM_RETURN = -4
    Local Const $NM_RCLICK = -5
    Switch $nID
        Case $Opencaselist
            Switch $nNotifyCode
                Case $NM_CLICK
                    _DebugPrint ("$NM_CLICK")
                Case $NM_RCLICK
                    _DebugPrint ("$NM_RCLICK")
                Case $NM_DBLCLK
                    _DebugPrint ("$NM_DBLCLK")
                Case $NM_RETURN
                    _DebugPrint ("$NM_RETURN")                  
    ; Proceed the default Autoit3 internal message commands.
    ; You also can complete let the line out.
    ; !!! But only 'Return' (without any value) will not proceed
    ; the default Autoit3-message in the future !!!
EndFunc   ;==>MY_WM_COMMAND

Func _DebugPrint($s_text)
    $s_text = StringReplace($s_text, @LF, @LF & "-->")
    ConsoleWrite("!===========================================================" & @LF & _
            "+===========================================================" & @LF & _
            "-->" & $s_text & @LF & _
            "+===========================================================" & @LF)
EndFunc   ;==>_DebugPrint

Func _HiWord($x)
    Return BitShift($x, 16)
EndFunc   ;==>_HiWord

Func _LoWord($x)
    Return BitAND($x, 0xFFFF)
EndFunc   ;==>_LoWord
Posted (edited)

What should happen on a double-click?

Edit: I see. You'r talking about ListView, gafrosts example was for List only, guess for ListView the WM_COMMANDs are different, if there are any. Implemented the above code in a list here: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=38178, dont know if this works for ListView. According to the help-file, i dont see a Notify Style for ListView.

Edited by Polyphem
This post will be edited again by Polyphem: Tomorrow, 11:55 AM
Posted (edited)


Well, I tried to add your new notification code and can't seem to get it to work for my listview. I must have looked at this thing

over 100 times and can't figure it out. I don't know if it has something to do with the lack of a listview style equivalent to $LBS_NOTIFY or what.

Any help would be appreciated.

It would help if I gave you the example for Listview instead of ListBox

; Events - ListView
#include <GuiConstants.au3>;Inclusion file for the GUI interface controls
#include <GuiListView.au3>

Global $ListView
Global Const $WM_NOTIFY = 0x004E
Global Const $DebugIt = 1

;ListView Events
Global Const $NM_FIRST = 0
Global Const $NM_LAST = (-99)
Global Const $NM_OUTOFMEMORY = ($NM_FIRST - 1)
Global Const $NM_CLICK = ($NM_FIRST - 2)
Global Const $NM_DBLCLK = ($NM_FIRST - 3)
;~ Global Const $NM_RETURN = ($NM_FIRST - 4)
;~ Global Const $NM_RCLICK = ($NM_FIRST - 5)
;~ Global Const $NM_RDBLCLK = ($NM_FIRST - 6)
;~ Global Const $NM_SETFOCUS = ($NM_FIRST - 7)
;~ Global Const $NM_KILLFOCUS = ($NM_FIRST - 8)
;~ Global Const $NM_CUSTOMDRAW = ($NM_FIRST - 12)
;~ Global Const $NM_HOVER = ($NM_FIRST - 13)
;~ Global Const $NM_NCHITTEST = ($NM_FIRST - 14)
;~ Global Const $NM_KEYDOWN = ($NM_FIRST - 15)
;~ Global Const $NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE = ($NM_FIRST - 16)
;~ Global Const $NM_SETCURSOR = ($NM_FIRST - 17)
;~ Global Const $NM_CHAR = ($NM_FIRST - 18)
;~ Global Const $NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED = ($NM_FIRST - 19)
#endregion End Global variables

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

$main_GUI = GUICreate("GuiRegisterMsg Test", 225, 400, 300, 10, BitOR($WS_THICKFRAME, $WS_SIZEBOX))

$ListView = GUICtrlCreateListView("Entry Name|Category", 5, 75, 195, 280, BitOR($LVS_SORTASCENDING, $LVS_SINGLESEL))
_GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($ListView, 0, 100)
_GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($ListView, 1, 100)
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Name 1|Category 1", $ListView)
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Name 2|Category 2", $ListView)

;Register WM_NOTIFY  events
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "WM_Notify_Events")

While 1
   $msg = GUIGetMsg()
   Switch $msg
    ;This case statement exits and updates code if needed
       ;put all the misc. stuff here
        Case Else

Func ListView_Click()
    If $DebugIt Then    _DebugPrint ("$NM_CLICK")
EndFunc   ;==>ListView_Click

Func ListView_DoubleClick()
    If $DebugIt Then    _DebugPrint("$NM_DBLCLK")
    MsgBox(0,"Double Clicked", _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText ($ListView, _GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedIndices($ListView)))
EndFunc   ;==>ListView_DoubleClick

; WM_NOTIFY event handler
Func WM_Notify_Events($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
    #forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam
    Local $tagNMHDR, $event, $hwndFrom, $code
    $tagNMHDR = DllStructCreate("int;int;int", $lParam) ;NMHDR (hwndFrom, idFrom, code)
    If @error Then Return
    $event = DllStructGetData($tagNMHDR, 3)
    Case $wParam = $ListView
            Case $event = $NM_CLICK
                ListView_Click ()
            Case $event = $NM_DBLCLK
                ListView_DoubleClick ()
    ; Proceed the default Autoit3 internal message commands.
    ; You also can complete let the line out.
    ; !!! But only 'Return' (without any value) will not proceed
    ; the default Autoit3-message in the future !!!
EndFunc   ;==>WM_Notify_Events

Func _DebugPrint($s_text)
    $s_text = StringReplace($s_text, @LF, @LF & "-->")
    ConsoleWrite("!===========================================================" & @LF & _
            "+===========================================================" & @LF & _
            "-->" & $s_text & @LF & _
            "+===========================================================" & @LF)
EndFunc   ;==>_DebugPrint
Edited by gafrost

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.



Hu, i better shut up here... thats to hot for me (replace _DebugHeader with _DebugPrint)... gafrost, could you tell me what the equivalent for "Global Const $NM_RETURN = ($NM_FIRST - 4)" for the list example in your first post of this thread would be?

This post will be edited again by Polyphem: Tomorrow, 11:55 AM
Posted (edited)

Hu, i better shut up here... thats to hot for me (replace _DebugHeader with _DebugPrint)... gafrost, could you tell me what the equivalent for "Global Const $NM_RETURN = ($NM_FIRST - 4)" for the list example in your first post of this thread would be?

Yeah keep forgetting to update my snippet, fixed

Global Const $NM_RETURN = -4

I just like to keep them the same way that I find it used in other languages.

Edited by gafrost

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


Posted (edited)

Thats for Listview, right? What to i need for a notification on RETURN in a ListBox?

Edited by Polyphem
This post will be edited again by Polyphem: Tomorrow, 11:55 AM

Tried it / searched for it and failed. Guess it has something to do with "The WM_VKEYTOITEM message is sent by a list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to its owner in response to a WM_KEYDOWN message." Guess I'll have to learn a lot more...

This post will be edited again by Polyphem: Tomorrow, 11:55 AM

Hmmmm. so i wasn't that far off with your original snippet that I found way back. It would make more sense if the notification

procedure weren't control dependent....i.e. WM_COMMAND versus WM_NOTIFY. Not to mention the way you get the event

is different within each of those functions too......very confusing.

I'm up and running again so on to the next problem. Many thanks. Maybe someday I'll look back on these procedures and they will make more


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