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I have a script that runs rasdial to connect to a dialup ISP.

That works fine, but my WinMove and WinSetTrans lines don't seem to work. Are "DOS" windows special?

Or maybe I've just keyed something wrong?

Here's what that part of the script looks like

run ("rasdial connectionname username#LCC@i.56k.cc pwd")

WinSetTrans ("C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasdial.exe", "", 100)

WinMove ("C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasdial.exe", "", 10,10,200,300)


You need a WinWait line:

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'pause', "")
WinMove("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "", 100, 100)
Haven't read up yet on compspec.

When I insert this code in the script, it creates a 2nd window, but both of them fail to move/resize. ... maybe my run rasdial line needs to go somewhere other than where it is? Here's how I have it...

run ("rasdial connname username#LCC@i.56k.cc pwd")

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'pause', "")


WinMove("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "", 100, 100)

WinSetTrans ("C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasdial.exe", "", 100)

Posted (edited)

Sorry, I did not mean for you to insert the code that I posted - just take note of where the WinWait is in that sample code. Your code should look more like this:

Run("rasdial connectionname username#LCC@i.56k.cc pwd")
WinMove("C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasdial.exe", "", 10, 10, 200, 300)
Edited by herewasplato



Sorry, I did not mean for you to insert the code that I posted - just take note of where the WinWait is in that sample code. Your code should look more like this:

Run("rasdial connectionname username#LCC@i.56k.cc pwd")
WinMove("C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasdial.exe", "", 10, 10, 200, 300)
Thanks. Got it now. I decided to do a run cmd first, then winwait and winmove then rasdial. This is working pretty well.

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