MadBoy Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 (edited) Hello, I've been using DIR output to find .inf files in subdirs of some dir. Recently i found on forum better (so i thought) method totally made in autoit so i thought it would be faster and nicer (less buggy). But it seems a looot slower. It's like 10seconds with DIR command output and over 1minute with with autoit only commands. So my question is anyone knows how to improve that autoit code to have it much faster? If it will be 10% slower i don't mind but when it's 600% slower it's preety much bad Lemme know expandcollapse popupFunc SearchDirectories($current) Local $extension = "inf" Local $search = FileFindFirstFile($current & "\*.*") Local $already_added = "" While 1 Dim $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Or StringLen($file) < 1 Then ExitLoop If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($current & "\" & $file), "D") And ($file <> "." Or $file <> "..") Then If StringRight($current & "\" & $file, StringLen($extension)) = $extension Then ;MsgBox (0, "Has the file extension " & $ext, $current & "\" & $file) ;this is where you do what you need to do If $current <> $already_added Then RegistryDevicePathMethod($current) EndIf $current = $already_added EndIf EndIf If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($current & "\" & $file), "D") And ($file <> "." Or $file <> "..") Then SearchDirectories($current & "\" & $file) EndIf Sleep(1) WEnd FileClose($search) EndFunc ;==>SearchFiles Func RegistryDevicePathMethod($path_to_add) $registryadd = $path_to_add & ";" $oldkey = RegRead($HKLM & "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", "DevicePath") $newkey = RegWrite($HKLM & "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", "DevicePath", "REG_EXPAND_SZ", $oldkey & $path_to_add) If $logging_option = "Advanced" Then _AddLineBox("Added to registry: " & $path_to_add) EndIf EndFunc ;==>RegistryDevicePathMethodoÝ÷ Ú÷«²ëºÚ"µÍY ÌÍØÛÜWÙ]ÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈ[ ÌÍÙ]×Ù]HHÝ[ÓY ÌÍØÛÜWÝÚKJB ÌÍÙ]×Ù]HHÝ[Õ ÌÍÙ]×Ù]JB[YY ÌÍÛY]ÙH ][ÝÔYÚÝQ]XÙT] ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÔÙ][È][ÈYÚÝHÚ[ÈYÚÝQ]XÙT]Y]Ù][ÝÊBÈÙ]È]XÙT]ÈQUSY ÌÍÜYÚÝWÜ]H ][ÝÐYÚ[][ÝÈÜ ÌÍÜYÚÝWÜ]H ][ÝÉ][ÝÈ[YÕÜ]J ÌÍÒÓH [È ][ÝÉÌLÔÓÑÐTIÌLÓZXÜÜÛÙ ÌLÕÚ[ÝÜÉÌLÐÝ[Ú[Û][ÝË ][ÝÑ]XÙT] ][ÝË ][ÝÔQ×ÑVSÔÖ][ÝË ][ÝÉTÞÝ[TÛÝ IÌLÚ[É][ÝÊBY ÌÍÜYÚÝWÜ]H ][ÝÑ[ ][ÝÈÜ ÌÍÜYÚÝWÜ]H ][ÝÓÛI][ÝÈ[YÕÜ]J ÌÍÒÓH [È ][ÝÉÌLÔÓÑÐTIÌLÓZXÜÜÛÙ ÌLÕÚ[ÝÜÉÌLÐÝ[Ú[Û][ÝË ][ÝÑ]XÙT] ][ÝË ][ÝÔQ×ÑVSÔÖ][ÝË ][ÝÉ][ÝÊB ÌÍÑÝ]]H[ÛÛTÜXÈ [È ][ÝÈØÈTÐNÔÈ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜ]Ý×Ù]Ë ÌÎNÉÌÎNËÕ×ÒQKBÚ[HB ÌÍÑ]HHÝÝ]XY ÌÍÑÝ]] BYÜ[^]ÛÜY ÌÍÑ]H[ ÌÍÑÝ]]ÛÙH [ÏH ÌÍÑ]B[ÙBÛY L B[YÑ[È[[ÝHÜXÙÈÛHÝ]] ÌÍÑÝ]]ÛÙHHÝ[ÔÝÔÊ ÌÍÑÝ]]ÛÙKÊBÈÜ]Ý]][È^B ÌÍÑÜ]HÝ[ÔÜ] ÌÍÑÝ]]ÛÙKÔJBÜ ÌÍÚHHHÈ ÌÍÑÜ]ÌBY ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÑÜ]ÉÌÍÚWJBYÝ[Ò[Ý ÌÍÑÜ]ÉÌÍÚWK ÌÍÜ]Ý×Ù]ÊH[Y ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓN ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÑÜ]ÉÌÍÚWJB ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÈHÝ[ÔÜ] ÌÍÑÜ]ÉÌÍÚWK ÌÍÙ]×Ù]H [È ][ÝÎÌLÉ][ÝËJBY ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈS ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌHHH[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌH [È ][ÝÈH ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌWJBY ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈS ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌHH[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌH [È ][ÝÈH ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌWH [È ][ÝÈH ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌJBY ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌHH[ÈÝ[È[[Ý[Ù[[Y[È[^KY[ÜH[^]ÂYÝ[Ò[Ý ÌÍÙ]×Ù]H [È ][ÝÎÌLÉ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌK ÌÍÜ]Ý×Ù]ÊH[ÈXZÚ[ÈÝH]]È]^ÝÈ[Ý[ÂY ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓÎ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÙ]×Ù]H [È ][ÝÎÌLÉ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌJBY ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌJB ÌÍÙ]×ÙXÝÜHH ÌÍÙ]×Ù]H [È ][ÝÎÌLÉ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜYÚÝÝ[ÖÌB ÌÍÜÙXÚÚ[HH ÌÍÙ]×ÙXÝÜH [È ][ÝÉÌLÊ[][ÝÂY ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓ N ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÜÙXÚÚ[JB ÌÍÚÔÙXÚH[Q[Ý[J ÌÍÜÙXÚÚ[JBY ÌÍÚÔÙXÚ ÉÝÈHH[Y ÌÍÙXYÈH ][ÝÖYÉ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑPQÈ[QÒTÕQUPÑTUSÕSÓ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÚÔÙXÚ B ÌÍÜYÚÝXYH ÌÍÙ]×ÙXÝÜH [È ][ÝÎÉ][ÝÂÐY[ÜÈ[ÈYÚÝB ÌÍÛÛÙ^HHYÔXY ÌÍÒÓH [È ][ÝÉÌLÔÓÑÐTIÌLÓZXÜÜÛÙ ÌLÕÚ[ÝÜÉÌLÐÝ[Ú[Û][ÝË ][ÝÑ]XÙT] ][ÝÊB ÌÍÛ]ÚÙ^HHYÕÜ]J ÌÍÒÓH [È ][ÝÉÌLÔÓÑÐTIÌLÓZXÜÜÛÙ ÌLÕÚ[ÝÜÉÌLÐÝ[Ú[Û][ÝË ][ÝÑ]XÙT] ][ÝË ][ÝÔQ×ÑVSÔÖ][ÝË ÌÍÛÛÙ^H [È ÌÍÜYÚÝXY BY ÌÍÛÙÙÚ[×ÛÜ[ÛH ][ÝÐY[ÙY ][ÝÈ[ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÐYYÈYÚÝN ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÙ]×ÙXÝÜJB[Y[Y[PÛÜÙJ ÌÍÚÔÙXÚ B[Y[Y[Y^Y ÌÍÜYÚÝWÜ]H ][ÝÑ[ ][ÝÈ[ ÌÍÛÛÙ^HHYÔXY ÌÍÒÓH [È ][ÝÉÌLÔÓÑÐTIÌLÓZXÜÜÛÙ ÌLÕÚ[ÝÜÉÌLÐÝ[Ú[Û][ÝË ][ÝÑ]XÙT] ][ÝÊB ÌÍÜYÚÝWÙ]×ÙY][H ][ÝÉTÞÝ[TÛÝ IÌLÚ[É][Ý ÌÍÛ]ÚÙ^HHYÕÜ]J ÌÍÒÓH [È ][ÝÉÌLÔÓÑÐTIÌLÓZXÜÜÛÙ ÌLÕÚ[ÝÜÉÌLÐÝ[Ú[Û][ÝË ][ÝÑ]XÙT] ][ÝË ][ÝÔQ×ÑVSÔÖ][ÝË ÌÍÛÛÙ^H [È ÌÍÜYÚÝWÙ]×ÙY][ B[Y ÌÍÙ[[Ù^HHYÔXY ÌÍÒÓH [È ][ÝÉÌLÔÓÑÐTIÌLÓZXÜÜÛÙ ÌLÕÚ[ÝÜÉÌLÐÝ[Ú[Û][ÝË ][ÝÑ]XÙT] ][ÝÊB ÌÍÙ[[Ù^WØÛÝ[HÝ[Ó[ ÌÍÙ[[Ù^JBÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑ]XÙH][YÚÝHÝ[HÈ ][ÝÈ [È ÌÍÙ[[Ù^WØÛÝ[ [È ][ÝËX^[][H]È MÚXÝË][ÝÊBY ÌÍÙ[[Ù^WØÛÝ[ ÝÈ [ÐY[PÞ ][ÝÒ]ÈÝYÙÙÝY]Y]XÙH]ÈÛÙ[ ÚXÝÈ[ÝHÚÝ[ÙHÙ]ÛÜSÙ[R[Y]Ù][ÝÊBÐY[PÞ ][ÝÒY[ÝHÛÌÎNÝØ[ÈÈÛÈ[ÝHØ[Ý]ÛÛYH[YÈÛÈÜÙHÚ[HÚÜÝ][ÈÝÛH[XÙÚXÝÈÝ[][ÝÊB[Y ÌÍÑ]XÙQ]ÈH ][ÝÔTÔÑQ ][ÝÂÐY[PÞ ][ÝÑ]È]ØÈÙ]ÝXØÙÜÙ[H[ÈYÚÝK][ÝÊB[Y Edited December 18, 2006 by MadBoy My little company: Evotec (PL version: Evotec)
dabus Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 Search for _FileListToArrayEx, that's really fast. While testing, dir was always faster than autoit...
MadBoy Posted December 24, 2006 Author Posted December 24, 2006 Search for _FileListToArrayEx, that's really fast.While testing, dir was always faster than autoit...Tnx i'll check it out. My little company: Evotec (PL version: Evotec)
martin Posted December 24, 2006 Posted December 24, 2006 I can't see anything wrong with your code to make it take so long. I wrote a very similar routine to recursively check for files to backup and it is quite fast. There are some very small changes to your code which might knock a few milliseconds off but I doubt this will give any noticeable improvement. However, maybe it's worth a try. Func SearchDirectories($current) Local $search = FileFindFirstFile($current & "\*.*") Local $extension = "inf" Local $already_added = 0;<---------integer is faster than string While 1 Dim $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Or StringLen($file) < 1 Then ExitLoop if ($file <> "." And $file <> ".." Then;<-------extra loop for this condition If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($current & "\" & $file), "D")Then If not $already_added then If StringRight($file, StringLen($extension)) = $extension Then ;MsgBox (0, "Has the file extension " & $ext, $current & "\" & $file) ;this is where you do what you need to do RegistryDevicePathMethod($current) $already_added = 1 EndIf EndIf Else;<---------------------instead of checking file attribs again SearchDirectories($current & "\" & $file) EndIf EndIf ;Sleep(1) - remove this if you want to go faster WEnd FileClose($search) EndFunc ;==>SearchFiles Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted December 24, 2006 Moderators Posted December 24, 2006 Martin, calling the function from within itself like that with large filed folders could run into a recursive issue. The before mentioned _FileListToArrayEx that I wrote is much faster at the same time if speed is an issue. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
martin Posted December 25, 2006 Posted December 25, 2006 Martin, calling the function from within itself like that with large filed folders could run into a recursive issue. The before mentioned _FileListToArrayEx that I wrote is much faster at the same time if speed is an issue.Thanks SmOke N, that looks like a useful function. I might need that because I haven't worried about recursive problems. I've looked in the help and I see that the limit is currently 384 levels so I need to be aware of that. Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
MHz Posted December 25, 2006 Posted December 25, 2006 Martin, calling the function from within itself like that with large filed folders could run into a recursive issue. The before mentioned _FileListToArrayEx that I wrote is much faster at the same time if speed is an issue.Glad to see ya limit So can see....
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