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How can I do this?

I know people will say to try it myself, but i've tried various functions, and searched these very forums. They all seem to only return the first charachter of the file.

I've attached a sample file, but added .txt to the end so that it'd upload.

Thanks in advance.



The file contains null characters and is in binary:

Dim $b_readdata
Dim $b_fixeddata
$b_readdata = FileREad("1049721.vmg")
$b_fixeddata = StringReplace($b_readdata,Chr(0),"")
$ho_output = FileOpen("1049721-translated.vmg",2)

"So man has sown the wind and reaped the world. Perhaps in the next few hours there will no remembrance of the past and no hope for the future that might have been." & _"All the works of man will be consumed in the great fire after which he was created." & _"And if there is a future for man, insensitive as he is, proud and defiant in his pursuit of power, let him resolve to live it lovingly, for he knows well how to do so." & _"Then he may say once more, 'Truly the light is sweet, and what a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to see the sun.'" - The Day the Earth Caught Fire


Ok, so i've got it into a string now, and with that comes another problem :P Doing StringSplit($string,'END:VBODY') returns a 50+ part array, whereas i'd expect it to only return 2 parts, seeing as there is only 1 instance of END:VBODY.


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