Alek Posted February 22, 2008 Posted February 22, 2008 (edited) Edit: ah, finaly i got my little travling bot to work but so far it can only use 1 profile for the waypoints :s When loading the waypoints it looks for the closes waypoint and sets that waypoint as the first when it starts walking (Small bug here, it sometimes walks trought the first waypoint if your standing to close to it :s). also i made a small 'auto-make waypoints' function, you turn it on and it will store 1 waypoint where you are atm and another waypoint when your 10 yards away from the previus waypoint also the its not very accurate, it misses the waypoints by up to 10yards, thats why i added the offset so that when the bot is close to the waypoint it starts walking towards the next waypoint. Hotkeys F5 = Start 'auto make waypoint' F6 = Store current coords as a waypoint F7 = Run the Bot Esc = Stop the bot expandcollapse popup#include <NomadMemory.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <math.au3> SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1) HotKeySet("{F5}","_AutoStoreWaypoint") HotKeySet("{F6}","_StoreWaypoint") HotKeySet("{F7}","_RunBot") HotKeySet("{Esc}","_Exit") ;Setings Global $Stop_On_Last_Waypoint = False Global $Waypoint_Offset = 10 Global $Cur_Waypoint = 1 Global $Pi = 4 * ATan(1) Global $radToDeg = -180 / $Pi Global $Run = 0 Global $Walk_Type Global $Stuc_Stage Global $Auto_Store = 0 $Form1 = GUICreate("Waiting for Wow To start.", 320,135, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST + $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) GUICtrlCreateLabel("X",5,5,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Y",5,30,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Z",5,55,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Map",5,80,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Rot",5,105,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",35,5,50,20) $Input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",35,30,50,20) $Input3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",35,55,50,20) $Input4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",35,80,50,20) $Input5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",35,105,50,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("X",105,5,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Y",105,30,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Z",105,55,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Map",105,80,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Rot",105,105,25,20,$SS_SUNKEN) $Input6 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",135,5,50,20) $Input7 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",135,30,50,20) $Input8 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",135,55,50,20) $Input9 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",135,80,50,20) $Input10 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",135,105,50,20) $List1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 190, 5, 125, 125) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Do $ProcessID = ProcessExists('Wow.exe') $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch Until $ProcessID WinSetTitle($Form1, "", "") AdlibEnable("_SetData",1000) For $x = 1 To _FileCountLines(@ScriptDir & "\Waypoints.txt") GUICtrlSetData($List1, FileReadLine(@ScriptDir & "\waypoints.txt", $x)) Next $Timer = TimerInit() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch If Not ProcessExists("wow.exe") Then Exit EndIf WEnd Func _GetCoords() Local $Array[4] Local $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to open memory.") Exit EndIf $Array[0] = Floor(_MemoryRead(0x00BBD200, $DllInformation, 'float')) ;x If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to read memory.") Exit EndIf $Array[1] = Floor(_MemoryRead(0x00BBD204, $DllInformation, 'float')) ;y If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to read memory.") Exit EndIf $Array[2] = Floor(_MemoryRead(0x00DC4E4C, $DllInformation, 'float')) ;z If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to read memory.") Exit EndIf $Array[3] = _MemoryRead(0x008F0310, $DllInformation, 'dword') ;map If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to read memory.") Exit EndIf _MemoryClose($DllInformation) Return $Array EndFunc Func _GetRotation() Local $s_Rot Local $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to open memory.") Exit EndIf $s_Rot = _MemoryRead(0x00C4994C, $DllInformation, 'float') ;rotation If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to read memory.") Exit EndIf _MemoryClose($DllInformation) Return Floor($s_Rot /(3.14159265358979 / 180)) EndFunc Func _StoreWaypoint() Local $s_Coords = _GetCoords() FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Waypoints.txt",$s_Coords[0] & "," & $s_Coords[1] & "," & $s_Coords[2] & "," & $s_Coords[3] & @CRLF) GUICtrlSetData($List1, $s_Coords[0] & "," & $s_Coords[1] & "," & $s_Coords[2] & "," & $s_Coords[3]) EndFunc Func _Turn() Local $Cur_Coords = _GetCoords() Local $Next_Coords = StringSplit(FileReadLine(@ScriptDir & "\waypoints.txt",$Cur_Waypoint), ",") If @error Then Return Local $PosX = $Cur_Coords[0]-$Next_Coords[1] Local $PosY = $Cur_Coords[1]-$Next_Coords[2] Local $Next_Rot = Floor( _Degree( ATan($PosY/$PosX))) If $Next_Rot < -922337203 Then $Next_Rot = Floor( _Degree( ATan($PosX/$PosY))) If $Next_Rot < -922337203 Then MsgBox(48, "Error","Wtf error?!") If $Next_Coords[1] < $Cur_Coords[0] Then $Next_Rot += 180 EndIf If $Next_Rot > 359 then $Next_Rot -= 360 If $Next_Rot < 0 Then $Next_Rot = 360-($Next_Rot*-1) GUICtrlSetData($Input6, $Next_Coords[1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input7, $Next_Coords[2]) GUICtrlSetData($Input9, $Next_Coords[3]) GUICtrlSetData($Input10, $Next_Rot) $Cur_Rot = _GetRotation() If $Next_Rot = $Cur_Rot Then Return $Next_Rot While $Cur_Rot <> $Next_Rot And $Run $Cur_Rot = _GetRotation() _Rotate($Next_Rot, $Cur_Rot) GUICtrlSetData($Input5, $Cur_Rot) WEnd MouseUp("Right") Return $Next_Rot EndFunc Func _WalkToWaypoint() Local $Should_Rot = _Turn() Local $Waypoint = FileReadLine(@ScriptDir & "\Waypoints.txt",$Cur_Waypoint) Local $Old_Coords[2] = [0, 0] Local $Stuck_Timer = 0 Local $Stuck_Stage = 0 $Waypoint = StringSplit($Waypoint, ",") Send("{w Down}") While $Run If _GetRotation() <> $Should_Rot Then $Should_Rot = _Turn() EndIf $Cur_Coords = _GetCoords() If $Cur_Coords[0] <> $Old_Coords[0] Or $Cur_Coords[1] <> $Old_Coords[1] Then $Old_Coords = $Cur_Coords ElseIf Not $Stuck_Timer Then $Stuck_Timer = TimerInit() EndIf If $Stuck_Timer And TimerDiff($Stuck_Timer) > 5000 Then Switch $Stuck_Stage Case 0 For $x = 1 To 5 Send('{space}') Sleep(750) Next $Stuc_Stage = 1 Case 1 Send('{q down}') Sleep(1000) Send('{q up}') $Stuc_Stage = 2 Case 2 Send('{e down}') Sleep(1000) Send('{e up}') $Cur_Waypoint -= 1 ExitLoop EndSwitch EndIf If _Inrange($Cur_Coords[0], $Waypoint[1], $Waypoint_Offset) Then If _Inrange($Cur_Coords[1], $Waypoint[2], $Waypoint_Offset) Then ExitLoop EndIf EndIf WEnd Return 1 EndFunc Func _RunBot() _Exit() $Run = 1 Local $Waypoints = _LoadWaypoints(@ScriptDir & "\waypoints.txt") If $Waypoints = 0 Then MsgBox(48, "Error","Was unable to find the file 'waypoints.txt") _Exit() Return EndIf Local $Way = 1 $s_Last_Waypoint = StringSplit(FileReadLine(@ScriptDir & "\waypoints.txt",$Waypoints), ",") $s_First_Waypoint = StringSplit(FileReadLine(@ScriptDir & "\waypoints.txt",1), ",") $PosX = $s_Last_Waypoint[1]-$s_First_Waypoint[1] $PosY = $s_Last_Waypoint[2]-$s_First_Waypoint[2] $s_Dist = Floor(Sqrt($PosX^2 + $PosY^2)) If $s_Dist > 100 Then $Walk_Type = 2 While $Run _WalkToWaypoint() $Cur_Waypoint += $Way Sleep(10) If $Cur_Waypoint = $Waypoints Then If $Stop_On_Last_Waypoint Then ExitLoop ElseIf $Walk_Type = 2 Then $Cur_Waypoint -= 1 $Way = -1 Else $Cur_Waypoint = 1 $Way = 1 EndIf EndIf If $Cur_Waypoint = 0 Then $Cur_Waypoint = 1 $Way = 1 EndIf WEnd Send("{w up}") EndFunc Func _SetData() Local $data = _GetCoords() GUICtrlSetData($Input1,$data[0]) GUICtrlSetData($Input2,$data[1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input3,$data[2]) GUICtrlSetData($Input4,$data[3]) GUICtrlSetData($Input5,_GetRotation()) EndFunc Func _Exit() $Run = 0 $Waypoint = 1 $Auto_Store = 0 EndFunc Func _MouseMovePlus($X, $Y, $absolute = 0) Local $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 1 Local $MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 32768 DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "mouse_event", _ "long", $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE + ($absolute * $MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE), _ "long", $X, _ "long", $Y, _ "long", 0, _ "long", 0) EndFunc Func _Debug($s_String) ClipPut('/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("' & $s_String & '")') Send('{enter}') Sleep(20) Send('^v') Sleep(20) Send('{enter}') Return 1 EndFunc Func _Inrange($s_Num1,$s_Num2, $s_Range) If $s_Num1 > $s_Num2- $s_Range Then If $s_Num1 < $s_Num2 + $s_Range Then Return 1 EndIf EndIf Return 0 EndFunc Func _LoadWaypoints($s_File) Local $s_Num_Lines = _FileCountLines($s_File) $s_File = FileOpen($s_File,0) Local $s_Waypoints Local $s_Coords = _GetCoords() Local $s_Short_Dist $s_Waypoints = $s_Num_Lines For $x = 1 To $s_Num_Lines $s_To_Coords = StringSplit(FileReadLine($s_File, $x), ",") Local $PosX = $s_Coords[0]-$s_To_Coords[1] Local $PosY = $s_Coords[1]-$s_To_Coords[2] $s_Dist = Floor(Sqrt($PosX^2 + $PosY^2)) If $x > 1 Then If $s_Dist < $s_Short_Dist Then $s_Short_Dist = $s_Dist $Cur_Waypoint = $x EndIf Else $s_Short_Dist = $s_Dist $Cur_Waypoint = $x EndIf Next FileClose($s_File) Return $s_Waypoints EndFunc Func _Rotate($s_Next_Rot, $s_Cur_Rot) $Rot_Smallest = _Min($s_Cur_Rot, $s_Next_Rot) $Rot_Biggest = _Max($s_Cur_Rot, $s_Next_Rot) Local $rot_fast Local $down Local $s_Step Local $s_Way If $s_Cur_Rot = $Rot_Biggest Then If ($s_Cur_Rot - $s_Next_Rot) < 190 Then $s_Way = 1 If ($s_Cur_Rot - $s_Next_Rot) < 50 Then $s_Step = 10 If ($s_Cur_Rot - $s_Next_Rot) < 9 Then $s_Step = 2 EndIf Else $s_Step = 20 EndIf Else $s_Way = -1 If (($s_Next_Rot + 360) - $s_Cur_Rot) < 50 Then $s_Step = 10 If (($s_Next_Rot + 360) - $s_Cur_Rot) < 9 Then $s_Step = 2 EndIf Else $s_Step = 20 EndIf EndIf Else If ($s_Next_Rot - $s_Cur_Rot) < 190 Then $s_Way = -1 If ($s_Next_Rot - $s_Cur_Rot) < 50 Then $s_Step = 10 If ($s_Next_Rot - $s_Cur_Rot) < 9 Then $s_Stept = 2 EndIf Else $s_Step = 20 EndIf Else $s_Way = 1 If (($s_Cur_Rot + 360) - $s_Next_Rot) < 50 Then $s_Step = 10 If (($s_Cur_Rot + 360) - $s_Next_Rot) < 9 Then $s_Step = 2 EndIf Else $s_Step = 20 EndIf EndIf EndIf MouseDown("right") Sleep(20) _MouseMovePlus($s_Step*$s_Way, 0) Sleep(10) EndFunc Func _AutoStoreWaypoint() If $Auto_Store = 0 Then $Auto_Store = 1 Else $Auto_Store = 0 EndIf $Temp = 0 WinSetTitle($Form1, "", "Auto Storing Waypoints") While $Auto_Store $s_Cur_Coords = _GetCoords() If $Temp = 0 Then _StoreWaypoint() $s_Last_Coords = $s_Cur_Coords $Temp = 1 Else If Floor(Sqrt(($s_Cur_Coords[0]-$s_Last_Coords[0])^2 + ($s_Cur_Coords[1]-$s_Last_Coords[1])^2)) > 10 Then _StoreWaypoint() $s_Last_Coords = $s_Cur_Coords SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav") EndIf EndIf WEnd WinSetTitle($Form1, "", "") EndFunc Edited February 25, 2008 by Alek [font="Impact"]Never fear, I is here.[/font]
Spudsz Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Hello malu05! its good to see you back on the forums posting again i know i havnt posted much, but im more of a reader then a posterBUT i would like to say THANK YOU to malu05, you are my inspiration who started my autoit bottingIf it wasn't for i would probably be writing some lame scripts that tells u how to peel a banana Your scripts have taught me alot and i am forever in ur debt I have successfully reconstructed your ThermoPrime bot. I took it apart, analyzed each section and worked out what u were doing, once i figured it out, i opened up a blank autoit script, and started my own Thanks to you i have now written a bunch of combat algorithms and have also successfully written a fully automated AVBOT. Yes u heard me, joins AV, runs to Galv, pewpew's galv, then runs to Drek, Dynamically uses ur mount, can sense horde from npc's, will stop and shoot horde, properly responds to deaths and reloads waypoints according to spawn locations.Also written fully automated farming bots, runs a waypoint system, killing monsters, looting, resting, the whole shebang.So for all you people out there who said u never got malu05's code working... o how wrong u were u just didn't try hard enoughId like to say that i SUPPORT anyone who writes their own bots, and STRONGLY APPOSE anyone who leeches bots from cheat/hack sitesWrite your OWN or u'll get OWNEDThat said, dont hassle me about posting my code, its not going to happen. I didnt write 2,000 lines of code to see it posted on hacking sites Im not here boasting bout my bots, this post is more about showing malu05 that i apreciate his code and i just want to show him/you what ive made from it There are some things i simply cannot work out how malu05 accomplished, like the moving of objects in game and such. But one day ill crack ur encrypted safe and bask in the binary goodness. 0101001100 YumSo all u botters out there who ditched ThermoPrime, get it out of ur recycle bin and give it another read. Both the AV and Farming Bots were both made without the help of anyone, i wrote it myself, debugged it myself, taught myself LUA, wrote my own mods. You can do it too. So before you start msging malu05 or me, try it yourself Im sure u can do itThat said, if u need any help on projects malu05, im jumping with joy to help anything to b working with the guy who started it allSorry for the long post I talk alotIm also not a dick, if u have real questions, id love to helpKeep writing those bots and show me what u can do PeaceSpudsz
malu05 Posted February 24, 2008 Author Posted February 24, 2008 (edited) Well thanks for the words.It does require some skill to get something out of my crappy code About the object mover, i have recently updated it to work with the latest version of World Of Warcraft.I planned to release it for the Machinima authors who use clean ingame footage so they can fine tune their worlds. I just need to write some code for rotating the objects etc.I also intend to find a static pointer to the camera so i can release my camera tool also for Machinima authors.I have extended that a bit so i now can do "animated" camera movement etc.but gtg..Hehe.. here the other day i took a look on my old wow folder and found all the screenshots i made during the "development" period i had..This one was quite fun i think.So i was working on the datastream manipulator and accedently set my blink to +10k XYZ so i came up in a green space where i couldnt move.Then i made a GM ticket and he was quite convinced it was a bug so he ported me to TB and then said this; like harharhar....Now this is someting related to the WMO mover...Shader Editing Edited February 24, 2008 by malu05 [center][u]WoW Machinima Tool[/u] (Tool for Machinima Artists) [/center]
zeropoint Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 How does your memory-reading bot find the correct memory addresses to read its information from? Do you find the static addresses yourself and hardcode them into the bot? Then the bot only works for the current version of WoW, doesn't it? So you probably need to find teh new addresses every update. I'm curious how you find these addresses.
galpha Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 I know your code for the traveling one is old malu, but just a tip, put the rotation speed as the square root of th angle left to rotate. That will save a LOT of lines of codes.
BlackBlood Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 malu, how do you cheat the client to not disconnecting you when you are modify the X and Y pointer in the packages? thanks and sorry for my very bad english
Yorn Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 I'm worried to do any editing whatsoever due to not knowing how the MemoryScanner gets the addresses. I don't want to get kicked for cheating, even though I'm very interested in doing development of my own, if anything, just to play around with WoW and see what could be done.
Triblade Posted April 12, 2008 Posted April 12, 2008 Just don't download a illegal copy of the servers of WoW to try it out with... My active project(s): A-maze-ing generator (generates a maze) My archived project(s):Â Pong3 (Multi-pinger)
Erra Posted April 12, 2008 Posted April 12, 2008 How does your memory-reading bot find the correct memory addresses to read its information from?Do you find the static addresses yourself and hardcode them into the bot? Then the bot only works for the current version of WoW, doesn't it? So you probably need to find teh new addresses every update. I'm curious how you find these addresses.I'd like to know, too, how to find addresses in WoW
brotwurst Posted April 19, 2008 Posted April 19, 2008 Local $Next_Rot = Floor(ATan(($Cur_Coords[1]-$Next_Coords[2])/($Cur_Coords[0]-$Next_Coords[1]))*$radToDeg) for me it allways returns something like -12 or -8 ... any ideas?
OMNIslash3D Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 (edited) is Thermo Prime still in production? Is the current version released a working version? I've been using autoit to make some light bots, such as BG afk and what not, but I've always been really interested in making a bot that would go around and kill monsters for farming. Problem is though that if you have autoit hold down the left turn button for x amount of time, and then have it press the same direction again, and hold it for x amount of time, you end up turning 2 different directions and is not exact by any means. It does the same thing with mouse movement, so I don't know. Currently what is going on with this project? I'd love to contribute/learn about whatever is going down, so that I might make my own :-P. Thanks. Edited April 23, 2008 by OMNIslash3D
brotwurst Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 well, im trying to make my own little farmbot right now.i got all the walking stuff done but i just dont understand how to get the signature(s) of mobs-.- because when i know that its not that hard to get everything else together... please help me!
Bobnovak Posted June 27, 2008 Posted June 27, 2008 I'd just like to thank you guys for the work you've put into this project over the past couple years, it's pretty awesome being able to stumble across this thread and finding all kinds of great information about wow's memory pointers. I was poking around some bot source on the web and decided I wanted to try my hand at it as an interesting side project (although I'm not using AutoIt, this information is still fantastic). Normally I'm a web/database developer, but I should really get my hands dirty in memory every once in a while too. I was going to do the bot using a similar technique to maul5's original binary pixel encoding (although it was more like taking 3-byte chunks and turning them into RGB values rather than 8-pixels per byte), but upon seeing this thread, this is way better. I'll post back with results in my dabbling, for the time being I'm using images as maps for navigable terrain, but I imagine that could potentially be made unnecessary with some more advanced memory reading (gotta get the basics down first though).
onestcoder Posted June 27, 2008 Posted June 27, 2008 I get errors when I try and run the memory scanner. Can anyone help me correct: >"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>16:55:28 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 CPU:X86) >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3(65,47) : WARNING: $ProcessID: possibly used before declaration. Local $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3(112,38) : WARNING: $offset: possibly used before declaration. $startsearchX = $startsearchX+$offset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3(48,58) : WARNING: $ProcessID: declared global in function only. Prefer top of file. Global $ProcessID = WinGetProcess("World of Warcraft","") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3 - 0 error(s), 3 warning(s) ->16:55:29 AU3Check ended.rc:1 >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3" C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\NomadMemory.au3 (230) : ==> Can not redeclare a constant.: Const $TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x0020 Const ^ ERROR ->16:55:29 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1 >Exit code: 1 Time: 2.288 Need a website:
WhOOt Posted June 27, 2008 Posted June 27, 2008 (edited) I get errors when I try and run the memory scanner. Can anyone help me correct: >"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>16:55:28 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 CPU:X86) >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3(65,47) : WARNING: $ProcessID: possibly used before declaration. Local $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3(112,38) : WARNING: $offset: possibly used before declaration. $startsearchX = $startsearchX+$offset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3(48,58) : WARNING: $ProcessID: declared global in function only. Prefer top of file. Global $ProcessID = WinGetProcess("World of Warcraft","") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3 - 0 error(s), 3 warning(s) ->16:55:29 AU3Check ended.rc:1 >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\Memory Location Scanner.au3" C:\Documents and Settings\Onest\Desktop\Backups\Scripting\Wow Programming\NomadMemory.au3 (230) : ==> Can not redeclare a constant.: Const $TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x0020 Const ^ ERROR ->16:55:29 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1 >Exit code: 1 Time: 2.288 just add these two lines #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> Also - I've got a question for the guys who knows how to memory scan; How do you find the static memory addresses where the player loc (rotation, x,y,z) is stored, so you don't have to find and change those for every reboot? What is the clever way to do this? Edited June 28, 2008 by WhOOt
Skrip Posted June 27, 2008 Posted June 27, 2008 (edited) Hey guys. I don't mean to advertise, but you can test your stuff on this private server. http://roknet.exofire.netThe Realmlist is roknet.servegame.comTo create an account go to you get into the server, you'll see 3 realms. Select 'Pwndoras Box' Edited June 27, 2008 by Firestorm [left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left]
Blubber Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 I get an Error!!... C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(106,73) : WARNING: $SS_SUNKEN: possibly used before declaration. $FinalCharname = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Charname", 10,10,70,20,($SS_SUNKEN ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(1093,8) : ERROR: syntax error Endfunc( ~~~~~~~^ C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(106,73) : ERROR: $SS_SUNKEN: undeclared global variable. $FinalCharname = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Charname", 10,10,70,20,($SS_SUNKEN ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(29,30) : ERROR: terminate(): undefined function. HotkeySet("{ESC}","terminate") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(32,35) : ERROR: SaveDestination(): undefined function. hotkeyset("{F4}","SaveDestination") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(33,41) : ERROR: SaveDestination_Ghost(): undefined function. hotkeyset("{F5}","SaveDestination_Ghost") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(135,15) : ERROR: NewProfile(): undefined function. NewProfile() ~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Include\Thermo Prime.au3(353,23) : ERROR: _MouseMovePlus(): undefined function. _MouseMovePlus(-20,0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Daniel\Desktop\Neu AutoIt v3 Script (2).au3 - 7 error(s), 1 warning(s)
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