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I know this is simple :ph34r: but I can't seem to get the right calculation for it. :(

I want to put my gui window in the lower right corner of the desktop and want it to position itselt according to desktop height and width. I've got the basic calc but it does not seem to hit the right spot on different resolutions.



There are two gotchas:

1) Position of Windows' task bar.

2) The paramteres for GuiCreate are only the client area of the window, so you have to calculate the titlebar and border sizes..... I put code somewhere in AutoBuilder that calculates window titlebar dimensions.

I'll post an example if I get time.

Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

Disclaimer: tested only on Windows XP; based on this code

If you do NOT want to take the Windows' taskbar into consideration, then remove _WinLowerRightCorner and uncomment the call to WinMove.

$title = "Gui Example"
$width = 300
$height = 400

GuiCreate($title, $width, $height)
;;;;$size = WinGetPos($title);window size
;;;;;WinMove($title,"", @DesktopWidth - $size[2], @DesktopHeight - $size[3])


Func _WinLowerRightCorner($title)
    $pos = WinGetPos($title)
   If @error Then Return 1

   Local $xAdjust = 0, $yAdjust = 0
  $tb = WinGetPos("","Notification Area") ;taskbar x,y,width,height
  If @error Then Return 0
     Case ($tb[2] > $tb[3]) And ($tb[1] > 0) ;width>height && y>0
    $yAdjust = $tb[3]                    ;taskbar at bottom

     Case ($tb[2] > $tb[3]) And ($tb[1] <= 0);width>height && y<=0
    $yAdjust = -$tb[3]                   ;taskbar at top

     Case ($tb[2] < $tb[3]) And ($tb[0] > 0) ;width<height && x>0
    $xAdjust = $tb[2]                    ;taskbar at right

     Case Else                                
    $xAdjust = -$tb[2]                   ;taskbar at left

    $newX = (@DesktopWidth - $xAdjust - $pos[2])
    $newY = (@DesktopHeight - $yAdjust - $pos[3])
    WinMove($title, '', $newX, $newY)

Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

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