Hi. I just made this code, this code moves the mouse more smoothly. It smoothly starts, and smoothly ends. This function also do some random curves, but it is still smooth! The ease in function. Slowly increases the value, used in animations. $i = number between 0 and 1 representing the animation position. $sm = smoothness, if set to 1, it will be a linear animation. ; Ease in function func __calci1($i, $sm) return $i ^ $sm; endFuncoÝ÷ Ù´áyæ¬z)èº×îËb¢ÛRȧØ^y«v§uæ¬z­¶+y«^j÷«Êɨ¢ØZ)¶*'h!¶Úþ-uÚ