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Posted (edited)

The download file must be renamed to extension .flv and then you can see the video with flv viewer or convert to other formats (avi,mpg) with your prefered tools.

#include <INet.au3>
#include <IE.au3>
Local $sYouTubeLink="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv4Potdpjhw"
Local $oIE
$sYouTubeLink=InputBox("Download YouTube videos","YouTube link:", $sYouTubeLink)
if stringlen($sYouTubeLink)=0 Then
$sCode=_INetGetSource ($sYouTubeLink)
$s_t=StringRegExp($sCode, "&t=(.*?)&", 3)
$sDownloadLink="http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=" & $s_v & "&t=" & $s_t[0]
$oIE=_IECreate ($sDownloadlink,0, 0, 1)

The code could be better, you can change and post here.

I would like detect when cancel download button is pressed for abort/exit script.

Edited by Melba23
Title adjusted
WhoIsYouTube Video downloaderSoundex - SoundexEx - Levenshtein Distance (algorithms)[font="Arial"]I3osé[/font][font="Arial"]AutoIT[/font]
Posted (edited)

Made the cancel button function like you asked. :lmao:

#include <INet.au3>
#include <IE.au3>
Local $sYouTubeLink="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv4Potdpjhw"
Local $oIE
$sYouTubeLink=InputBox("Download YouTube videos","YouTube link:", $sYouTubeLink)
If @Error then Exit
if stringlen($sYouTubeLink)=0 Then
$sCode=_INetGetSource ($sYouTubeLink)
$s_t=StringRegExp($sCode, "&t=(.*?)&", 3)
$sDownloadLink="http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=" & $s_v & "&t=" & $s_t[0]
$oIE=_IECreate ($sDownloadlink,0, 0, 1)
Edited by SolidSnake
HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.

This looks very Cool. I cant wait to try it.

Did you know there is a site out there that does this.

maybe it would be smother to do a get method to there site and make them do all the work

Would you mind posting a link to the site? :lmao:

HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.


Nice work! I've ReWritten it with a GUI and so one:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <inet.au3>

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
GUICreate("You Tube", 223, 114, 193, 121, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,$WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE))
$DwnInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=", 8, 24, 201, 21)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("You Tube Download Link:", 8, 8, 198, 15)
$start = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Start", 8, 48, 99, 25, 0)
$Progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress(8, 80, 202, 16)
$abb = GUICtrlCreateButton("A&bbort", 112, 48, 99, 25, 0)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $start
            $dwnlink = GUICtrlRead($DwnInput)
            $sCode=_INetGetSource ($dwnlink)
            $s_t=StringRegExp($sCode, "&t=(.*?)&", 3)
            $save = FileSaveDialog("Save SWF","","Flash(*.swf)",-1,$s_v)
            If StringRight($save,4) <> ".swf" Then $save&=".swf"
            _Download("http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=" & $s_v & "&t=" & $s_t[0],$save,$Progress)

;By GtaSpider
Func _Download($site,$punkt,$prog=0)
    $orisize = InetGetSize($site)
    If $prog = 0 Then ProgressOn("Download","")
        $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        If $msg = $abb Then
            If MsgBox(4,"","Abbort?") = 6 Then Exit
        $size1 = FileGetSize($punkt)
        $MBsize1 = FileGetSize($punkt)
;~      $Prozent = $size1 / $orisize  * 100
        $inetget = @InetGetBytesRead 
        $Prozent = (100 * $inetget ) / $orisize
        $decimalplace = Round ($Prozent)
        $decimalplaceMBsize1 = Round (@InetGetBytesRead / 1024)
        If $prog = 0 Then
            ProgressSet ($Prozent, $decimalplace  & "% " & "(" & $decimalplaceMBsize1 & ") Kb has been Downloaded.")
    Until @InetGetActive = 0
    If $prog = 0 Then ProgressOff ()
    Return $punkt


www.AutoIt.de - Moderator of the German AutoIt Forum



How do you play the downloaded file?

I got a file called 'get_video' with no extension

How do you use it?


Nice file, I love it, one sugestion I had though, maby add this http://www.wimpyplayer.com/products/wimpy_...flv_player.html its a standalone flv player so maby could incorporate it to download them and be able to play them all in one nice program^^

[quote name='DaleHohm']You have a strange habit of posting error messages that don't match your code.[/quote][quote name='SmOke_N']Forget the learning... straight to the scripting :lol: (laugh.gif)[/quote]

Posted (edited)

Hi Paulie,

You must put ".flv" extension to the download file. Then you can view the video with a flv player or use another tool for convert the file to other format like: avi,mpg... I use "cinemaforge 2.0" you can download it from this link: http://www.download.com/CinemaForge/3000-2...4-10496506.html


Edited by Eusebio
WhoIsYouTube Video downloaderSoundex - SoundexEx - Levenshtein Distance (algorithms)[font="Arial"]I3osé[/font][font="Arial"]AutoIT[/font]

Heres an idea, Now make an flv player with autoit that previews the dowloaded file :lmao:

Posted (edited)

Hi Paulie,

You must put ".flv" extension to the download file. Then you can view the video with a flv player or use another tool for convert the file to other format like: avi,mpg... I use "cinemaforge 2.0" you can download it from this link: http://www.download.com/CinemaForge/3000-2...4-10496506.html


Now how do you get the flv file from a swf like this: http://www.cyberzerocool.com/projects

Note: there is no preloader so just wait a sec before you play it

Edited by zerocool60544
Check out ConsultingJoe.com
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  • 2 weeks later...

Using @InetGetBytesRead and a timer, you could work it out.

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