MisterBates Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Hi PaulIA,In this post I'm trying to find out the position of my taskbar icon using your menu functions and I'm finding that my taskbar icon does not return any button text, even when I've set the tooltip text.Is it just my machine? Does this work on your machine? Is this the easiest/quickest way to find my taskbar icon position? [u]MisterBates[/u]_____________________________________________________Suspend/Resume Windows ScreensaverWatchWindows - Window watcher/loggerUDF: Click systray menu/submenu itemsUDF: Outlook Express Folder/Message handling (+ example code)HowTo: Multiple icons in one compiled script
PaulIA Posted June 19, 2007 Author Posted June 19, 2007 Hi PaulIA,In this post I'm trying to find out the position of my taskbar icon using your menu functions and I'm finding that my taskbar icon does not return any button text, even when I've set the tooltip text.Is it just my machine? Does this work on your machine? Is this the easiest/quickest way to find my taskbar icon position?Answered in other thread. Buttons in a Toolbar are zero based, not one based. Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 @PaulIA The following will allow you to set the background image on the listview you create, needs some work Func _ListView_Create($hWnd, $iX, $iY, $iWidth = 150, $iHeight = 150, $iStyle = 0x0000000D, $iExStyle = 0x00000000) Local $hList Local Const $ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES = 0x1 Local Const $COINIT_MULTITHREADED = 0x0 Local Const $COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED = 0x2 Local Const $COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE = 0x4 Local Const $COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY = 0x8 Local $stICCE = DllStructCreate('dword;dword') DllStructSetData($stICCE, 1, DllStructGetSize($stICCE)) DllStructSetData($stICCE, 2, $ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES) DllCall('comctl32.dll', 'int', 'InitCommonControlsEx', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($stICCE)) DllCall('ole32.dll', 'long', 'CoInitializeEx', 'int', 0, 'long', BitOR($COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED, $COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE)) $iStyle = BitOR($iStyle, $WS_CHILD, $WS_VISIBLE) $hList = _API_CreateWindowEx ($iExStyle, "SysListView32", "", $iStyle, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $hWnd) _ListView_SetUnicodeFormat($hList, False) _Lib_SetFont ($hList, _API_GetStockObject ($DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)) Return $hList EndFunc ;==>_ListView_Create SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 19, 2007 Author Posted June 19, 2007 Cool! Seems to work without calling InitCommonControlsEx first. Is there a reason you'd need to do that? I was thinking that AutoIt did this for you, but I could be wrong. Also, if you using CoInitializeEx, don't you need to balance that with CoUninitialize during shutdown? I'm wondering if I can pull the CoInitializeEx part out and call it once, globally for all controls. Maybe do the CoUninitialize globally too. Thanks for the code. Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Cool! Seems to work without calling InitCommonControlsEx first. Is there a reason you'd need to do that? I was thinking that AutoIt did this for you, but I could be wrong. Also, if you using CoInitializeEx, don't you need to balance that with CoUninitialize during shutdown? I'm wondering if I can pull the CoInitializeEx part out and call it once, globally for all controls. Maybe do the CoUninitialize globally too.Thanks for the code. I was just going by what MSDN recommends to do.I was getting a crash earlier in using the CoUninitialize, but by removing the InitCommonControlsEx call, it doesn't crash. SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 19, 2007 Author Posted June 19, 2007 I was just going by what MSDN recommends to do.I was getting a crash earlier in using the CoUninitialize, but by removing the InitCommonControlsEx call, it doesn't crash.Thanks. I'll play around with it a bit and see if it can be done globally for all the controls without causing problems. Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
PaulIA Posted June 22, 2007 Author Posted June 22, 2007 Release 4.0.14Expanded the GDI+ library and added some new demos. Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 @PaulIA If you want your ListView styles and extended styles to work better Replace in ListViewConstantes.au3 oÝ÷ Û«¢+Ø(ìMÑå±Ì)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}%Q1 1LôÁàÈÀÀ)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}CON = 0x0 Global Const $LVS_REPORT = 0x1 Global Const $LVS_SLSPÓÓHÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÓTÕHÂÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÓÐÓÑTÔäTDU ÒC¤vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôäôÄ$TÅu$Ò¤vÆö&Â6öç7B`ÀÌØí1YM}9=M=IQ!H$$ôÁààÀÀÀ)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}M!=]M11]eLôÁàà)obal Const $LVS_SINGLESEL = 0x4 Global Const $LVS_SORTASCENDING <LÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÔÓÔTÐÑSSÈHÈÝY]È^[YÝZW0¤vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôUô$õ$DU%4TÄT5@Ò¤vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5õa} ! - =aLôÁàÐ)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}=U 1 UH$$ôÁàÄÀÀÀÀ)±½°Const $LVS_EX_FLATSB = 0x100 Global Const $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELEAHÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑVÑÔQSTÈHBÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑUôTDU$E$tE$õÒ¤vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôUôDTÄ$TÅ2Ò#¤vÆö%° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}%9=Q%@ôÁàÐÀÀ)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}1 1Q%@ôÀ4000 Global Const $LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS = 0x2000 Global Const $×ÑVÓÓPÓPÒÐPÕUUHH ÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑVÔQÒSÓSHÚö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôUõ4ätÄU$õrÒC¤vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôUõ4äEI%$$$ôÁààÀÀÀÀ)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}MU %Q5%5LôÁàÈ)±½° ½¹ÍÐ$LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE = 0x80 Global Const $LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT#HÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑVÕSTSRÕHÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓÔUõTäDU$ÄäT4ôÄBÒ Think you'll see an improvement in working with them after the change. Gary SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 @PaulIA If you want your ListView styles and extended styles to work better Replace in ListViewConstantes.au3 <snip> GaryBelow is the current list of styles/extended styles from A3LListView.au3. I think I have everything that you listed except for the Vista constants. I'm not currently supporting those as I have no way to test them. Building a Vista machine is on my "to do" list (with a lot of other things). I agree that it would be nice to get ListViewConstants.au3 file updated with the full list though. Who do we have to knee cap to make that happen. Global Const $LVS_ALIGNTOP = 0x00000000 ; Items are alYÛY]HÜ[XÛÛ[ÛX[XÛÛY]ÂÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÒPÓÓÒ²F27GÆR7V6fW26öâfWp£²vÆö&Â6öçÐÀÌØí1YM}IA=IPôÁàÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÄìQ¡¥ÌÍÑå±ÍÁ¥¥ÌÉÁ½t view ; Global Const $LVS_SMALLICON = 0x00000002 ; This Ý[HÜXÚYYÈÛX[XÛÛY]ÂÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÓTÕÒ2²F27GÆR7V6fW2Æ7BfWp¢vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5õeA5M,ôÁàÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÌìÑɵ¥¹ÌÑ¡½¹Ñɽ°ÌäíÌÕÉɹÐÝndow style ; Global Const $LVS_SINGLESEL = 0x00000004 ; OHÛH][H]H[YHØ[HÙ[XÝYÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÔÒÕÔÑSSÐV2Ò²FR6VÆV7Föâ2Çv26÷vࣲvÆö&Â6öç7Bb33í1YM}M=IQM 9%9ôÁàÀÀÀÀÀÀÄÀì%Ñ´¥¹áÌÉͽÉÑͽ¸item text in ascending order ; Global Const $LVS_SORTDESCENDING =È][H[^ÈHÛÜYÙYÛ][H^[ØÙ[[ÈÜFW ¢vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5õ4$TÔtTÄ5E2ÒC²FRÖv±¥ÍÐÝ¥±°¹½Ð±ÑÝ¡¸Ñ¡½¹Ñɽ°¥ÌÍÑɽå(ì±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌ;LVS_NOLABELWRAP = 0x00000080 ; Item text is displayed on a singH[H[XÛÛY]ÂÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÐUUÐTSÑHH²6öç2&RWFöÖF6ÆǶWB'&ævVBâ6öâæB6ÖÆÂ6öâfWp£²±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}%Q1 1LôÁàÀÀÀÀÀÈÀÀì%Ñ´Ñáиe edited in place Global Const $LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED = 0x00000400ÈHÝÛÚ[ÝÈØ[Z[][È[ÜY]ÂÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓe5ôÄtäÄTeBÒ²FV×2&RÆVgBÆvæVBâ6öâæB͵±°¥½¸Ù¥Ü(±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}1%95M,ôÁàÀÀÀÀÁÀÀ ; Determines the control's current alignment Global Const $LVS_ÔÐÔÓHÈØÜÛ[ÈÈØXYÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ 33c´Åe5ôäô4ôÅTÔäTDU"ÒC²6öÇVÖâVFW'2&Ræ÷BF7Æ奸ÉÁ½ÉÐÙ¥Ü(ì±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}9=M=IQ!HôÁàÀÀÀÀàÀÀ ; Column headers do not work like buttons Global Const $LVS_TYPEÕSSPTÒÈHÌÈ]Z[ÈHÚ[ÝÈÝ[ÂÛØ[ÛÛBb33c´Åe5ôDTdTÅBÒB²FVfVÇB6öçG&öÂ7GÆP £²±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}I%1%9LôÁàÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÄì¥ÍÁ±åÌÉ¥±¥es around items and subitems ; Global Const $LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES =È[ÝÜÈ[XYÙÈÈHÜ^YYÜÝX][ÂÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ 33c´Åe5ôUô4T4´$õU2ÒB²Væ&ÆW26V6²&÷W2f÷"FV×(ì±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}QI -M1 PôÁàÀÀÀÀÀÀÀà칱̡½Ðtrack selection ; Global Const $LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP = 0x00000010 È[XÈYËX[YÜ[Ü[ÈÙÛÛ[[ÂÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑVeTÄÅ$õu4TÄT5BÒ#²vVââFVÒ26VÆV7FVBÂFRFVÒæB°¥ÑÌÍեѵÌÉ¡¥¡±¥¡Ñ(ì±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}=9 1% - Q%YQ= 0x00000040 ; Sends an $LVN_ITEMACTIVATE message when the user cliÚÜÈ[][BÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑVÕÓÐÓPÒÐPÕUUHHÈVæG2âb33c´ÅdåôDTÔ5DdDRÖW76vRvVâFRW6W"F÷V&ÆR6Æ6·2âFVУ±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1YM}a}1QMôÁàÀÀÀÀÀÄÀÀ칱̱Ðcroll bars ; Global Const $LVS_EX_REGIONAL = 0x00000200 ; S]ÈHYÚ[ÛÈ[ÛYHÛHHXÛÛÈ[^Ú[ÈÙ]Ú[ÝÔÛÈÛØÂ6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôUôädõDÒC²ÖW76vR26VçBFÑ¡ÁɹнɥÍÁ±å¥¹¸¥Ñ´ÌäíÌQ½½±Q¥À(ì±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí1Y_EX_UNDERLINEHOT = 0x00000800 ; Causes hot items to be displayed wit[[Y^ÈÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑVÕSTSPÓÓHL²6W6W2æöâÖ÷BFV×2Fò&RF7ÆVBvFVæFW&ÆæVBFW@¢vÆö&Â6öçÐÀÌØí1YM}a}5U1Q%]=I-ILôÁàÀÀÀÀÈÀÀÀìQ¡½¹Ñɽ°Ý¥±°¹½ÐÕѽrrange its icons until a work area is defined ; Global Const $LVS_EX_LPSTH ÈYHX[HY[X[XÚÜÈÛÛFWBÂFRÆ&VÂvÆÂVæföÆ@£²vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôUô$õ$DU%4TÄT5BÒàÀÀÀÀàÀÀÀìQ¡½ÉȽ±½È½Ñ¡¥Ñ´¡¹ÌÝ¡¸Í±Ñ(±½°onst $LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER = 0x00010000 ; Paints via double-buff[ËÚXÚYXÙÈXÚÙÛØ[ÛÛÝ ÌÍÓ×ÑVÔÓTÑÔQH²6öç2WFöÖF6ÆÇ6æFòw&@¢vÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´Åe5ôU}M%5A1M1 PôÁàÀÀÄÀÀÀÀÀì5½ÙÌÑ¡ÍÑÑ¥µÑ¼Ñ¡Ñ½ÀÉ¥¡Ðf the large icon rendering Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Below is the current list of styles/extended styles from A3LListView.au3. I think I have everything that you listed except for the Vista constants. I'm not currently supporting those as I have no way to test them. Building a Vista machine is on my "to do" list (with a lot of other things). I agree that it would be nice to get ListViewConstants.au3 file updated with the full list though. Who do we have to knee cap to make that happen. Not a problem getting them added in.What I was showing you is the actual values need to be changed.Just for kicks try the values I gave you for those that I listed.Then add $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE as a forced extended style on the create listviewNow when you change/add extended listview styles you'll see an improvement on how they work.I found this out in trying to get your functions incorporated into the GuiListView.au3 to be part of the UDFs included on the install.Should be sometime next week that I'll send you the 1st draft of the files for you to look over, maybe even come up with better ways to get some of it doneI'm currently creating Examples for the help, this also gives me a chance to test out each function and fix anything related if needed.Gary SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 Not a problem getting them added in.What I was showing you is the actual values need to be changed.Just for kicks try the values I gave you for those that I listed.Then add $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE as a forced extended style on the create listviewNow when you change/add extended listview styles you'll see an improvement on how they work.I found this out in trying to get your functions incorporated into the GuiListView.au3 to be part of the UDFs included on the install.Should be sometime next week that I'll send you the 1st draft of the files for you to look over, maybe even come up with better ways to get some of it doneI'm currently creating Examples for the help, this also gives me a chance to test out each function and fix anything related if needed.GaryI guess I don't see what you're referring to. All the styles/exstyles you have listed I already have in A3LListView other than the Vista constants. The constants are value and name identical, so what would I be changing? As for forcing $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, I don't think you want to do that. There are many cases where you want the ListView to blend with a parent control (like a panel) to derive a custom control and forcing this style would prevent it from looking correct.As far as an improvement on how things work, maybe you could give me an example script showing what you're referring to? Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 I guess I don't see what you're referring to. All the styles/exstyles you have listed I already have in A3LListView other than the Vista constants. The constants are value and name identical, so what would I be changing? As for forcing $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, I don't think you want to do that. There are many cases where you want the ListView to blend with a parent control (like a panel) to derive a custom control and forcing this style would prevent it from looking correct.As far as an improvement on how things work, maybe you could give me an example script showing what you're referring to?Ok, try it this way.Leave the constants as they are and set extend listview to $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, then add $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES after creating it and see what happens to the edge.Then try it with adding extende listview value of 0x4 which is the value I get for $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES from my database.Gary SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 Ok, try it this way. Leave the constants as they are and set extend listview to $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, then add $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES after creating it and see what happens to the edge. Then try it with adding extende listview value of 0x4 which is the value I get for $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES from my database. GaryOk, so I'll write the code. I'm guessing this is what you're talking about for the first example? #include <A3LListView.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("ListView TeÝÕRI][ÝË Ì BÌÍÚÝHÓÝY]×ÐÜX]J ÌÍÚÕRKÎMÂ#cÂBÂb33cµu5ôUô4ÄTåDTDtR¤uT6WE7FFR ¥ôÆ7EfWuõ6WDWFVæFVDÆÑY¥ÝMÑå± ÀÌØí¡1¥ÍаÀÌØí1YM}a} ! - =aL¤()}1¥ÍÑY¥Ý}%¹ÍÉÑ ½±Õµ¸ 36;hList, 0, "Column 1", 100) _ListView_InsertColumn($hList,K ][ÝÐÛÛ[[][ÝËL BÓÝY]×Ò[ÙÛÛ[[ ÌÍÚÝ ][Ý6öÇVÖâ2gV÷C²Â¥ôÆ7EfWuôç6W'D6öÇVÖâb33c¶Æ7BÂ2ÂgV÷C´6öÇVÖâBgÕ½Ðì°äÀ¤()}1¥ÍÑY¥Ý}%Ñ´ ÀÌØí¡1¥ÍаÅÕ½ÐíI½ÜÄè ½°ÄÅÕ½Ðì°) _ListView_AddSubItem($hList, 0, "Row 1: Col 2", 1) _ListVi]×ÐYÝX][J ÌÍÚÝ ][ÝÔÝÈNÛÛÉ][ÝËBÓÝY]×ÐY]Òb33c¶Æ7BÂgV÷Cµ&÷r#¢6öÂgV÷C²¥ôÆ7EfWuôFE7V$FVÒb33c¶¥ÍаİÅÕ½ÐíI½ÜÈè ½°ÈÅÕ½Ðì°Ä¤()}1¥ÍÑY¥Ý}%Ñ´ ÀÌØí¡1¥Íаquot;Row 3: Col 1") do until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Ok, so I'll write the code. I'm guessing this is what you're talking about for the first example? hmmmm, yours keeps the edge here's one for you tho. Run the following, then click on another window that covers it up, then bring the script window back to the front, loses the client edge. #include <A3LListView.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("ListView TÝÕRI][ÝË Ì BÌÍÚÝHÓÝY]×ÐÜX]J ÌÍÚÕRKÎBÂ#cÂ&Dõ"b33c´Åe5õ4õu4TÄÅt2Âb33c´Åe5õ4ätÄU4TÂÂb33c´Åe5õ$Uõ%¤°ÀÌØí]M}a} 1%9Q¤)U%MÑMÑÑ ¤()}1¥ÍÑY¥Ý}MÑáѹ1¥ÍÑY¥ÝMÑå±($hList, BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, �ÍÓ×ÑVÐÒPÒÐÖTÊJBÓÝY]×Ò[ÙÛÛ[[ ÌÍÚÝ ][ÝÐÛÛ[[gV÷C²Â¥ôÆ7EfWuôç6W'D6öÇVÖâb33c¶Æ7BÂÂgV÷C´6öÇVÖâ"gV÷C²ÂÀÀ¤)}1¥ÍÑY¥Ý}%¹ÍÉÑ ½±Õµ¸ ÀÌØí¡1¥ÍаȰÅÕ½Ðí ½±Õµ¸ÌÅÕ½Ðì°ÄÀÀ¤)}1¥ÍÑiew_InsertColumn($hList, 3, "Column 4", 90) _ListView_AddI[H ÌÍÚÝ ][ÝÔÝÈNÛÛI][ÝË BÓÝY]×ÐYÝX][J Ì3c¶Æ7BÂÂgV÷Cµ&÷r¢6öÂ"gV÷C²Â¥ôÆ7EfWuôFE7V$FVÒb33c¶Æ7BÂÀ°ÅÕ½ÐíI½ÜÄè ½°ÌÅÕ½Ðì°È¤()}1¥ÍÑY¥Ý}%Ñ´ ÀÌØí¡1¥ÍаÅÕ½ÐRow 2: Col 1") _ListView_AddSubItem($hList, 1, "Row 2: Col 2][ÝËJBÓÝY]×ÐY][H ÌÍÚÝ ][ÝÔÝÈÎÛÛI][ÝÊBFð§VçFÂuTvWD×6rÒb33c´uTôUdTåEô4Äõ4P Tried the same thing with the one I've been working on and it doesn't lose the client edge. SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 hmmmm, yours keeps the edgehere's one for you tho.Run the following, then click on another window that covers it up, then bring the script window back to the front, loses the client edge.Yep. There's a bug in the SetExtended call that needs to be fixed. If you take out the call to _API_SetWindowLong, it works fine. I'll fix that, but I don't think there is any problem with the constants, unless you're seeing something else. Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Yep. There's a bug in the SetExtended call that needs to be fixed. If you take out the call to _API_SetWindowLong, it works fine. I'll fix that, but I don't think there is any problem with the constants, unless you're seeing something else.That may have been the problem all along, I'll do some more checking to make sure tho.Thanks for you time. SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 That may have been the problem all along, I'll do some more checking to make sure tho.Thanks for you time.No problem. Thanks for helping me find the bug. Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
PaulIA Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 Release 4.0.16Fixed a bug in _ListView_SetExtendedStyle that was over writing the control style (thanks gafrost) Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
GaryFrost Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Set Insert Mark is not working I realize this is for min. OS of WinXP I'm running WinXP Pro SP2 The Set Returns false and insert mark is -1 your example has _Lib_ShowMsg ("Insert Mark: " & $aMark[2])oÝ÷ ÚÈhºW[y«¢+Ù}1¥}M¡½Ý5Í ÅÕ½Ðí%¹ÍÉÐ5ɬèÅÕ½ÐìµÀìÀÌØí5ÉlÅt¤oÝ÷ Ù«¢+Ø(¥¹±Õ±ÐíÍ1%µ1¥ÍйÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±ÐíÍ11¥ÍÑY¥Ü¹ÔÌÐì()±½°$hGUI, $hList, $iI, $aMark ; Create GUI $hGUI = ERPÜX]J ][ÝÓÝY]É][ÝË Ì BÌÍÚÝHÓÝY]×ÐÜX]H Ï3c¶uTÂ"Â"Â3BÂ#cÂb33c´Åe5ô4ôâ¤uT6WE7FFR £²ÆöBÖvRÆ7@¢`ÀÌØí¡%µô}%µ1¥ÍÑ} ÉÑ ¤)}%µ1¥ÍÑ} ÀÌØí¡%µ°}1¥} ÉÑolidBitmap ($hList, 0xFF0000, 16, 16)) _ListView_SetImageList ($kÝ ÌÍÚ[XYÙK BÈY][ÂÓÝY]×ÐYÚ[]H ÌÍÚÝ BÜb33c¶ÒFò ôÆ7EfWuôFDFVÒb33c¶Æ7BÂgV÷C´FVÒgV÷C²f×°ÀÌØí¥$°À¤)9áÐ)}1¥ÍÑY¥Ý}¹UÁÑ ÀÌØí¡1¥ÍФ((ìMÐ¥¹ÍÉеɬ)}1¥ShowMsg ("Set Insert Mark?: " & _ListView_SetInsertMark (ÚÝJJBÌÍØSXÈHÓÝY]×ÑÙ][ÙXÈ ÌÍÚÝ BÓXÔÚÝÓ^rgV÷C´ç6W'BÖ&³¢gV÷C²fײb33c¶Ö&µ³Ò £²Æö÷VçFÂW6W"WG1¼)U¹Ñ¥°U%Ñ5Í ¤ôÀÌØíU%}Y9Q} 1=M SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
PaulIA Posted June 24, 2007 Author Posted June 24, 2007 Set Insert Mark is not workingI realize this is for min. OS of WinXPI'm running WinXP Pro SP2I'll fix this for the next release. Thanks for reporting this. Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
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