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> some new funktions like: ToolBar with icons, statusbar, splitter, richedit something like that will be more interesting :P

Splitter, RichEdit are not in standard AutoIt UDFs (but ToolBar and StatusBar are included)

so I dont think these will be implemented in Koda for now.

- if you create textlabel, then resize it, then save and open it again, his size will be dafault, thats not nice ;) ...

p.s: need normal status bar (in Koda) i'm tired to create it from text label... :\

Switch OFF AutoSize label's property :-)


> When you double click on control it opens you event editor like in delphi

> In background i think always need opened editor so you can view and edit what you creating

> some new funktions like: ToolBar with icons, statusbar, splitter, richedit something like that will be more interesting :P

> will be interesting to see some of speed/macross buttons to quick paste some of scripts in projects

sooo i think thats all... for first time...

It's planned ;)

- found a bug or kind of that - when creating a window and control on it, with the same color, control color not changing...

This worked for me...

p.s: need normal status bar (in Koda) i'm tired to create it from text label... :\

I'm missing StatusBar support in Koda very much too.

EDIT: and ToolBar too

This was planned a long time. I think, possible to add new tab "Custom Controls" and place controls that done via UDF there.
Posted (edited)

I found some bug in Koda

Here is KXF:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<object type="TAForm" name="Form1">
        <property name="Left" vt="Int16">259</property>
        <property name="Top" vt="Int16">158</property>
        <property name="Width" vt="Int16">538</property>
        <property name="Height" vt="Int16">394</property>
        <property name="Caption" vt="String">Form1</property>
        <property name="Color" vt="Ident">clBtnFace</property>
        <property name="Font.Charset" vt="Ident">DEFAULT_CHARSET</property>
        <property name="Font.Color" vt="Ident">clWindowText</property>
        <property name="Font.Height" vt="Int8">-11</property>
        <property name="Font.Name" vt="String">MS Sans Serif</property>
        <property name="Font.Style" vt="Set"/>
        <property name="OldCreateOrder" vt="False">False</property>
        <property name="Position" vt="Ident">poDesktopCenter</property>
        <property name="Visible" vt="True">True</property>
        <property name="Style" vt="Int32">-1798701056</property>
        <property name="ExStyle" vt="Int16">264</property>
        <property name="Version" vt="String">1.03</property>
        <property name="PixelsPerInch" vt="Int8">96</property>
        <property name="TextHeight" vt="Int8">13</property>
        <object type="TAList" name="List1">
                <property name="Left" vt="Int8">4</property>
                <property name="Top" vt="Int8">4</property>
                <property name="Width" vt="Int16">522</property>
                <property name="Height" vt="Int16">357</property>
                <property name="ItemHeight" vt="Int8">13</property>
                <property name="TabOrder" vt="Int8">0</property>
                <property name="CtrlStyle" vt="Int32">1350631427</property>
                <property name="CtrlExStyle" vt="Int16">512</property>
                <property name="Resizing" vt="Set"/>

Here is generated AU3 code:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 531, 368, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST,$WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE))
$List1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 4, 4, 522, 357)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

When I Import This AU3 code into Koda form is behind the corner (Left and Top are negative)

and I can't correct it by changing Left,Top properties - when I change it it goes back to negative ones

and I can't move Form by mouse dragging.

Edited by Zedna

When I Import This AU3 code into Koda form is behind the corner (Left and Top are negative)

and I can't correct it by changing Left,Top properties - when I change it it goes back to negative ones

and I can't move Form by mouse dragging.

Yes, it still not work. This is problem with incorrect handling of -1 while import... For instance for such forms replace all -1 to their corresponding values.

This will be GREAT Lazycat!!

I'm tried to play with it, and this is not so simple as thought.

This is easy to add new control, but here become a problem with consistency. Internal controls return ID, where for example statusbar - handle, so it's not usable in standard loop; event mode is not applicable; setting text/color etc done with different methods, an so on. Afraid this will be quite messing...

:) ahahah Dummy control ^_^ Mega powerful control... )) So whats that ? What can I do with this super-mega object??? And where is our super-cool status bar ? )
[RU] Zone

:) ahahah Dummy control :) Mega powerful control... )) So whats that ? What can I do with this super-mega object???

Isn't you think this was done in Autoit without a reason?..

And where is our super-cool status bar ? )

Where, yeah? ^_^

I'm explained my doubts about it two posts above. As you see, no ideas or responses yet.


This will be GREAT Lazycat!!

I'm tried to play with it, and this is not so simple as thought.

This is easy to add new control, but here become a problem with consistency. Internal controls return ID, where for example statusbar - handle, so it's not usable in standard loop; event mode is not applicable; setting text/color etc done with different methods, an so on. Afraid this will be quite messing...

I will be happy with it also if it will be inconsistent: control ID/control handle.

I use Koda only for GUI part. Every script logic is done by hand in my case.

So I know where I can expect control ID and where control handle.

If you would write your GUI with statusbar and button by hand (without Koda)

you must know where is control ID and where is control handle too.

So my suggestion:

Implement StatusBar even if it will return control handle.

and users can handle these differences by hand in script logic.

Posted (edited)

I will be happy with it also if it will be inconsistent: control ID/control handle.

I use Koda only for GUI part. Every script logic is done by hand in my case.

So I know where I can expect control ID and where control handle.

If you would write your GUI with statusbar and button by hand (without Koda)

you must know where is control ID and where is control handle too.

So my suggestion:

Implement StatusBar even if it will return control handle.

and users can handle these differences by hand in script logic.

The another problem (internal) here - support functions now are common for all controls, custom controls will requre separate handling... But if the change I talk about couple posts before will not cause a problems, this can be solved relatively painless.

Well, this is beta, at least we can try.

Edited by Lazycat

Uploaded a version with test custom controls support.


Implemented StatusBar and IPAddress controls, that rely on standard UDFs.

Also, %INCLUDES% substitute in the teplates now have a matter. Mentioned custom controls are already generate corresponding includes, and internal autoit ones will be too in near future (instead of GUIConstants.au3), due to upcoming rewrite of standard UDF library.


I want to import an external window in Koda with Form Captor.au3 but i don't know ho to do the help isn't suffisant. May be someone can help me ?


Uploaded a version with test custom controls support.


Implemented StatusBar and IPAddress controls, that rely on standard UDFs.

That's awesome!!! :)

Little note:

In StatusBar control last panel should have width=-1 according to HelpFile - _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts


If an element is -1, the right edge of the corresponding part extends to the border of the window.


I want to import an external window in Koda with Form Captor.au3 but i don't know ho to do the help isn't suffisant. May be someone can help me ?

When window with finder appear, drag "target" cursor over window you want to capture (just like in au3info) and release mouse. Then press OK button and you done.

Note, this work only with standard windows contols, so programs made in Delphi, VB etc will not captured.

  • 2 weeks later...

Uploaded a version with test custom controls support.


Implemented StatusBar and IPAddress controls, that rely on standard UDFs.

Also, %INCLUDES% substitute in the teplates now have a matter. Mentioned custom controls are already generate corresponding includes, and internal autoit ones will be too in near future (instead of GUIConstants.au3), due to upcoming rewrite of standard UDF library.

This new implemented StatusBar control is wonderfull.

So can you please implement also ToolBar control on the same (GuiToolbar UDF) basis?

This would be GREAT.

Posted (edited)

So can you please implement also ToolBar control on the same (GuiToolbar UDF) basis?

This would be GREAT.

I'll probably try toolbar in holidays. Also thought about bands but not sure - thing looks damn complicated to handle...

Edit: Btw, here is problem with images, which Koda should keep somewhere.

Edited by Lazycat

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