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Support for macro in paths is planned, but still in thoughts.

Well, meanwhile another way is to modify the buttons in the code, after the Koda section

GUICtrlSetStyle($AButtonSrce, $BS_ICON)

GUICtrlSetImage($AButtonSrce, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", 3, 0)

That's my choice for the moment...


I didn't understand why Koda generate

GUICtrlSetImage($AButtonSrce, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll|3")

instead of

GUICtrlSetImage($AButtonSrce, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll", 3, 0)

Hm... didn't understand this too :) Of course, this need to fix.

Are Koda supposed to memorize my "Small icons" choice ?

Nope... I'm revise it.

Maybe if an option allow us to type the path to the image instead of using a GUI for selecting it...

This was my first thought, but this way cause some problems, so it's need certain changes before this can work.
Posted (edited)

Koda is great tool for making AutoIt GUIs, and I am using it all the time. (The bulgarian translation of Koda is made by me :) )

I have an idea about a little feature, which I think, will make the autoit coders life a little bit easier.

How about, having simple code editor in the EventEditor dialog?

Something like this:

Posted Image

Just a simple edit control, so you can edit the code of the event.


_or_ a complete text editor :) No need for syntax highlighting - just simple editor where the final script is loaded allways you use "Update Script" - sometimes there is no need for Scite. (Maybe Im asking for much, but why not?)

And, finally, I have found one small bug - if you save the form, the "Save" button is grayed. Then, if you resize the form using the values Width and Height in the Object Inspector the button is ungrayed. But if save and then resize the form using the mouse, the "Save" button stays grayed.

Edited by lokster
Posted (edited)

Koda is great tool for making AutoIt GUIs, and I am using it all the time. (The bulgarian translation of Koda is made by me :) )

I have an idea about a little feature, which I think, will make the autoit coders life a little bit easier.

How about, having simple code editor in the EventEditor dialog?

Something like this:


Just a simple edit control, so you can edit the code of the event.

This idea was already tried (in real code) and abandoned atm. Using this kind of editor assume saving code in the control. But problem come when you have few controls with the same event: you can change code in any of this controls, what one should be used for the result code? So, this need synch between controls. The best way to solve this - saving events code in one place and reference it from control, but Koda have not such mechanism atm.

And, finally, I have found one small bug - if you save the form, the "Save" button is grayed. Then, if you resize the form using the values Width and Height in the Object Inspector the button is ungrayed. But if save and then resize the form using the mouse, the "Save" button stays grayed.

Yeah, well known issue. No solution now.

_or_ a complete text editor No need for syntax highlighting - just simple editor where the final script is loaded allways you use "Update Script" - sometimes there is no need for Scite. (Maybe Im asking for much, but why not?)

This idea is our "general line" now :) At least I'm not see better way to handle events... Edited by Lazycat

Here a new beta out.


The third incarnation of undo code finally seems working fine, so please test it.

Included new help file, in Koda enabled help context, this file is done for about 90%. Big thanks for help to EulerG!

In meantime, I'm think about Update function and so on. I noticed, that Update function not too easy to use, it's even not simple to make clear instruction, how to deal with it. Novice users just messed with it.

From other side, even for those who understand how it works, function not too convenient (for me too). It's require separately save forms and update script, it's require not too reliable system that search files for form reference, still need manually copying generated code to script, etc. I'm think a good solution - using project manager to manage all relations between forms and scripts.

I'm tried to add simple project manager while keep in mind idea to not overcomplicate program. Atm Koda can work as before for quick and simple form editing, and also will have (probably) project mode, where it's possible to keep relations between scripts and forms and save and update all forms and scripts in one click. This is unfinished, and if you have good idea for it (especially in usability area) or good examples of software that use projects, feel free to post it.


QUOTE(lokster @ May 29 2007, 06:12 PM) *

And, finally, I have found one small bug - if you save the form, the "Save" button is grayed. Then, if you resize the form using the values Width and Height in the Object Inspector the button is ungrayed. But if save and then resize the form using the mouse, the "Save" button stays grayed.

Yeah, well known issue. No solution now.


Apologies if I'm stating the obvious, but this needs

procedure WMExitSizeMove(var Message: TMessage); message WM_EXITSIZEMOVE;

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.


Apologies if I'm stating the obvious, but this needs

procedure WMExitSizeMove(var Message: TMessage); message WM_EXITSIZEMOVE;

This is obvious indeed, probably this moment I was just lazy or busy to find this out :"> Thanks, fixed, together with save button state changing when switching between forms.

Would it be possible to allow constants -1 and -2 in ListView Column Width.

These are constants for column autosizeing.

In Version they can be entered, but not saved. See appended image.



Would it be possible to allow constants -1 and -2 in ListView Column Width.

These are constants for column autosizeing.

In Version they can be entered, but not saved. See appended image.

Thanks, interesting bug, here some weirdness in the Delphi's ListView implementation, that parser don't handle. Fixed in current beta.

Little visual bug in Koda with control style:

1) Place Edit control on the form

2) set ES_AUTOHSCROLL and WS_HSCROLL style to off (horizontal scrollbar dissapear)

3) save form

4) open form -> now is horizontal scrollbar shown although ES_AUTOHSCROLL and WS_HSCROLL style is off

when you switch On/off WS_HSCROLL horizontal scrollbar dissapear


New beta is out: http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/lookfar/koda_2007.06.09.zip

Added custom picture path, where you can type name of some dll or autoit style path "as is". In those paths Koda currently understand @WindowsDir, @SystemDir and @TempDir macro.

Little visual bug in Koda with control style:

It's can be fixed right now with refreshing controls just after loading, but I'll try to find better way first.

New beta is out: http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/..._2007.06.09.zip

Custom Path for images is good in version, but there is a problem.

If you edit the path then every time you make a change there is an exception raised.

I can't show the screen shot in this post because my attachment space used is too high and I don't know how to recover space, but here's a link

screenshot link

But if you click OK each time the MessageDlg appears then it all works after that.

Very useful feature which was on my wish list. :) Thanks

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.

Custom Path for images is good in version, but there is a problem.

If you edit the path then every time you make a change there is an exception raised.

I can't show the screen shot in this post because my attachment space used is too high and I don't know how to recover space, but here's a link

screenshot link

But if you click OK each time the MessageDlg appears then it all works after that.

Very useful feature which was on my wish list. :) Thanks


On error message shown error in ActiveX property editor... this is absolutely not linked with picture editor... you sure you use current debug file?

And I can't throw this error anyway.

Anyone else can confirm?


Hello folks,

My Portuguese-BR (Brazilian Portuguese) translation for Koda ( too?) was updated. File http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/public/koda_language_files/lang_bra.zip (6.8KB), available from File Manager (MD5: A5E552591BF41C9712E3F24CC80F85B5), as always.

Please, report any problems via PM. Thanks.


Posted (edited)


On error message shown error in ActiveX property editor... this is absolutely not linked with picture editor... you sure you use current debug file?

And I can't throw this error anyway.

Anyone else can confirm?

I downloaded again from your last link but the problem is the same. The error is when I change the text in the edit for the 'Custom path to image'. Every time I enter a character I get an error message. It looks to me like you have an onchange event for the edit box, and if the path isn't found maybe then there is an error.

I have tried entering the path before and after loading the picture but the same problem.

I am using XP Home SP1

Tried it on another PC with XP Professional SP2 and I don't get error like you say. BUT, on my laptop (XP HOME) apart from the error messages, the custom paths work as I would like, on the other PC there are no errors yet it doesn't work as I would like.

This is how it works on my laptop and it seems to me the best way.

I drop an image on the form, and load a picture.

The selected/loaded picture is shown in the picture editor and the path is given in Custom path.

I want to design my form with the idea that the code produced for the end application is correct, but independent of the GUI design. So I type into the edit box for the custom path '@ScriptDir\Images\flag1.bmp' because that is where the file will be for the finished application or when I test the Autoit script. The image stays there and when Koda generates code is has the path to the file exactly as I want it; it says @ScriptDir.... etc. :)

On the XP Professional PC then I can load a picture in the picture editor, but as soon as I change the custom path the picture is cleared! :)

At the gui design time Koda might not know what the @ScriptDir is because it hasn't been associated with a script, and the script might not even exist yet. I think the custom path has to be unrelated to wherever Koda read the file from. If the custom path has to be the full path then the script will have to be edited every time the gui design is updated which is what I do now.

Or maybe I have completely misunderstood and I need to be told what to do.

Edited by martin
Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.

Hello folks,

My Portuguese-BR (Brazilian Portuguese) translation for Koda ( too?) was updated. File http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/public/koda_language_files/lang_bra.zip (6.8KB), available from File Manager (MD5: A5E552591BF41C9712E3F24CC80F85B5), as always.

Please, report any problems via PM. Thanks.

Just to mention the right MD5 signature: 369D3CD135C2922DAD46CE836088B8C6 (that, above, is from language file itself, not the package). Sorry, my bad.



I downloaded again from your last link but the problem is the same. The error is when I change the text in the edit for the 'Custom path to image'. Every time I enter a character I get an error message. It looks to me like you have an onchange event for the edit box, and if the path isn't found maybe then there is an error.

I have tried entering the path before and after loading the picture but the same problem.

I am using XP Home SP1

Tried it on another PC with XP Professional SP2 and I don't get error like you say. BUT, on my laptop (XP HOME) apart from the error messages, the custom paths work as I would like, on the other PC there are no errors yet it doesn't work as I would like.

This all weird, especially AX editor reference. Can you try this version


in separate folder, look for error message, and if this different from one you posted before, post it?

Also, I'm uploaded uncompressed version to be sure this problem is not UPX related.


This is how it works on my laptop and it seems to me the best way.

I drop an image on the form, and load a picture.

The selected/loaded picture is shown in the picture editor and the path is given in Custom path.

I want to design my form with the idea that the code produced for the end application is correct, but independent of the GUI design. So I type into the edit box for the custom path '@ScriptDir\Images\flag1.bmp' because that is where the file will be for the finished application or when I test the Autoit script. The image stays there and when Koda generates code is has the path to the file exactly as I want it; it says @ScriptDir.... etc. :)

On the XP Professional PC then I can load a picture in the picture editor, but as soon as I change the custom path the picture is cleared! :)

At the gui design time Koda might not know what the @ScriptDir is because it hasn't been associated with a script, and the script might not even exist yet. I think the custom path has to be unrelated to wherever Koda read the file from. If the custom path has to be the full path then the script will have to be edited every time the gui design is updated which is what I do now.

Or maybe I have completely misunderstood and I need to be told what to do.

Now this behaviour is expected:

On the XP Professional PC then I can load a picture in the picture editor, but as soon as I change the custom path the picture is cleared! :)

because Koda try to parse and load file from path given in the input. In this case you can for example type "shell32.dll" and got list of icons, path will be remain just "shell32.dll".

If this made as you suggest, you can have one picture loaded, but address totally different in input...

From other side, I'm understand your desire to using @ScriptDir here... Not sure how to do this better. Add some checkbox "fix picture", after checking you can change path as you want while picture will remain untouched? But this option need to be saved...

Or better disable inputbox until picture will be loaded? This drop ability using "shell32.dll" syntax, but if this will be fully independent, you still can use it. Anyway, I'm don't like situation, when user can save "picture path" (formally correct or not) while picture not loaded.

Any another good ideas?

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