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Posted (edited)

Hi guys, I did search for more info on this topic, but the approaches suggested havent worked. So I had to start a new thread.

I have uTorrent running at home, & I want to keep it running, while the computer is locked. My ISP is known to disconnect users every 3-4 hours, and thus I have to reconnect. To make matters worse, they deliberately block offered ppoe services for a few minutes to make sure that automatic redialing does not work.

I've already written a script to fix all this, though it does not work if the pc is locked.

More specifically there are two parts that I cant fix --

1. I run raspppoe at the command line, click the 'query available services offered' so that I can proceed with invoking the dialer.

How do I send a click to this button??

I've tried this --

WinActivate ( "No Service Offers" )

ControlSend ( "No Service Offers", "", 2, "{ENTER}" )

This doesnt work, while the simple Send doesnt work either.

Is there a way to do this??


2. The same problem exists for updating the tracker for the selected torrents. This is in uTorrent. This doesnt work ----

ControlFocus ("Torrent", "", 27)

ControlListView ( "Torrent", "", 27, "SelectAll")


Send ("{DOWN 14}")

Send ("{ENTER}")

Yes, I have tried ControlSend too, but it gets stuck when trying to send the APPSKEY.


I hope someone can help me to get around these issues! Please note once again that everything works great if the computer is not locked. But once locked, all this fails & the script pauses.



Edited by aria

You need to use function that do not need active windows.



Control*() functions




WinWaitActive(), WinActivte(), Send() and Mouse*() function are useless for locked computers as you cannot interact as you can on an active desktop.


Posted (edited)

The curious thing is that if the script invokes raspppoe, using ControlSend works, though it does not work if the raspppoe window already exists (being created outside the script)


The other question is about sending the APPSKEY via ControlSend. This does not work ? The code is --

WinSetState ( "Torrent", "", @SW_SHOW )

ControlListView ( "Torrent", "", 27, "SelectAll")

ControlSend ( "Torrent", "", 27, "{APPSKEY}" )

The ControlListView works fine, but the APPSKEY part doesnt.

Edited by aria
Posted (edited)

Hi, yes I tried that. It still does not work when the raspppoe window was present before the script started. Anyway I can bypass that because I let the script create raspppoe & work with it. So its not a problem anymore.

The other important question remains ---

Is it possible to send an APPSKEY with a ControlSend. If not, how do I write code for the equivalent that must run inside a locked computer ??

Edited by aria
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I assume that since you're asking that question, You've tried that as well?... If so, "how" did you try it?

ControlSend('RASPPPOE', '', 'Button1', '{APPSKEY}')

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


I assume that since you're asking that question, You've tried that as well?... If so, "how" did you try it?

ControlSend('RASPPPOE', '', 'Button1', '{APPSKEY}')
Here, this just selects all the torrents in the details window, its the last command that wont work -->

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

ControlListView ( "Torrent", "", 27, "SelectAll")

ControlSend ( "Torrent", "", 27, "{APPSKEY}" )

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