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If the interpreter allows this syntax, then by all means its proper.

I was just giving an example from

#region --- GuiBuilder code Start ---
; Script generated by AutoBuilder 0.5 Prototype

by which all noobs, will get the error if they run the compile from the SciTE editor

doesn't bother me, i just delete the line if i use the GuiBuilder

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.



Does the Au3Check not like UNC paths or maybe hidden folder in UNC paths?

Example of include statement the produces ERROR: can't open include file

#include "\\server\hidden_path$\Library\library.au3"

I select continue anyway, and the program compiles and runs as it should.

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


  • 1 month later...

tylo, FYI.

The line below is legal per docs - au3check chokes on it, won't let you define array elements when you dimension said array.

Dim $completed_patnums[2] = [1,StringStripWS(StringLeft($file_contents[$i], StringInStr($file_contents[$i], ',') - 1), 3)]

Reading the help file before you post... Not only will it make you look smarter, it will make you smarter.


Ok, so the following is new syntax:

- Const def in functions

- Array initialization

- I think SvenP mentioned once that obj methods could have empty arguments, like: meth(x,,,,). Is this implemented?

Anything else?



>Running AU3Check...C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTe\Defs\Unstable\Au3Check\au3check.dat
C:\Documents and Settings\Gary\My Documents\Projects\filegetter.au3(21,12) : ERROR: TCPStartup() [built-in] called with wrong number of args.
C:\Documents and Settings\Gary\My Documents\Projects\filegetter.au3(52,17) : ERROR: TCPShutdown() [built-in] called with wrong number of args.

I believe theres more

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.



Added v1.40 in the first post.

- added: Const parameters. Array initialization. Prevent redecl. of parameters.

No .dat file included, sorry. Could someone create this. JdeB, Valik.


  • Developers

Added v1.40 in the first post.

- added: Const parameters. Array initialization. Prevent redecl. of parameters.

No .dat file included, sorry. Could someone create this. JdeB, Valik.


Here's the last version generated from the beta docs: http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/jdeb/beta/au3check.dat


Download the latest SciTe4Au3Upd.exe which contains definition files for all included tools.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks, you should add:

%HotKeySet 2 <UDF>

/ADD: I've included the .dat and an updated TextPad .syn file.

Edited by tylo



Found two issues, tylo.

The first is pretty minor. This is legal AutoIt code:

Global Const $array[2] = [1, 2]

I get this error:

New AutoIt v3 Script.au3(6,20) : ERROR: syntax error

Global Const $array[


Removing the Const keyword avoids the error. Const arrays are allowed when using the initializer syntax so this shouldn't generate an error (I really do want to declare a constant array).

The second one causes syntax checking to fail on a lot of my functions. The example code looks like this:

Func Test($param = "")
    If $param = "" Then $param = "value"

And the error:

New AutoIt v3 Script.au3(9,38) : ERROR: $param already declared as parameter

If $param = "" Then $param = "value"


This issue is pretty much a show-stopper for 1.40. A large portion of my functions either modify a parameter ByRef (So it generates this error) or use a default parameter as demonstrated in the example. None of those can make it past syntax checking now.
  • Developers

Thanks, you should add:

%HotKeySet 2 <UDF>

/ADD: I've included the .dat and an updated TextPad .syn file.


Added it to both ...

Au3Check works fine for me as well....


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Just a small additional fix for broken checking of multiple parameters with same name in func declarations. Should be the last update for a while. :)



Trouble with #include syntax...

It turns out that the syntax for #include is actually more flexible than documented in the help file. Both of the following actually work fine, but Au3Check thows errors:

#include "c:\folder\include.au3"
#include <c:\folder\include.au3>



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Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead?

Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble


The first is pretty minor.  This is legal AutoIt code:

Global Const $array[2] = [1, 2]
Just curious. What would that code do. :)

as far as i can remember I never saw code like that before.

I just tried this:

Dim $Array[3]
Global $array[2] = [1, 2]

and I got this error:

C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\r.au3 (2) : ==> No variable given for "Dim", "Local", "Global" or "Const" statement.:

Global $array[2]= [1, 2]

Global $array[2] ^ ERROR

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