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I have a script that runs a webpage and automatically opens it again when closed (and locks the mouse top right). What i need to do is have it refresh the page every x seconds/minutes but load from cache if the page hasn't changed. Any ideas?



While 1

If Not ProcessExists("iexplore.exe") Then Run(@ProgramFilesDir &"\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -k http://www.xyz123.com.au/channel_1.htm")

MouseMove(@DesktopWidth + 100, 0, 0)


Posted (edited)

I recommend looking into IE.au3

Edited by ame1011
[font="Impact"] I always thought dogs laid eggs, and I learned something today. [/font]

I think I'm reading your post right (if not, my bad)...

Correct me if I'm wrong but the only way to know if a page has changed is to reload the page from the host site, right?!?! :P

You still need to reload the page every time and compare it to the last time you looked to determine if anything changed.

The only thing this line of coding will allow you to do (IMHO) is:

1. Launch IE to open the page when it changes, or

2. Generate a note/dialog/email that the page has changed

Caching the actual web page nowadays is pointless; too much changes. Back 10 years ago when bandwidth was governed by modems and pages never really changed, yes...THEN caching was useful but it meant that if the page updated, you didn't get to see the updates cuz you were pulling the older version of the page from the cache.

Just my 2 centavos

Sean Shrum :: http://www.shrum.net

All my published AU3-based apps and utilities

'Make it idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot'


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