rakudave Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 I made this little tool to measure things when testing GUI's 'n stuffit's resizable and transparent. there's also a optional tooltip with all infos.and you can toggle on/offfor the compiled version with icon: see attached filescreenie:and the source:CODE#include <GUIConstants.au3>AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",802)Global $oldwidth = 500, $oldheight = 100, $ontop = 1$main = GUICreate("Pangaea_Ruler",500,100,-1,-1,$WS_POPUP + $WS_SIZEBOX) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",28,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) $quit = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",133,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME + $SS_NOTIFY) _draw() GUICtrlCreateLabel("move",30,30,28,20,$SS_CENTER,$GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",28,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME) $trans = GUICtrlCreateSlider(60,37,73,18,$TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1,255,80) GUICtrlSetData(-1,220) GUICtrlCreateLabel("transparency:",70,25,100,12) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,7) $top = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('"Always On Top"',28,50) GUICtrlSetState(-1,1) $info = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Info",130,50,-1,-1,$SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetState(-1,1) GUICtrlCreateLabel("quit",135,30,28,20,$SS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",133,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME)GUISetState()WinSetTrans("Pangaea_Ruler","",220)WinSetOnTop("Pangaea_Ruler","",1)do$msg = GUIGetMsg() $size = WinGetPos("Pangaea_Ruler","") If $size[3] <> $oldheight then If $size[3] < 100 then WinMove("Pangaea_Ruler","",$size[0],$size[1],$size[2],100) Else $oldheight = $size[3] EndIf EndIf If $size[2] <> $oldwidth then If $size[2] < 200 then WinMove("Pangaea_Ruler","",$size[0],$size[1],200) Else $oldwidth = $size[2] EndIf EndIf If $msg = $top then select case $ontop = 0 WinSetOnTop("Pangaea_Ruler","",1) $ontop = 1 case $ontop = 1 WinSetOnTop("Pangaea_Ruler","",0) $ontop = 0 EndSelect EndIf If $msg = $trans then WinSetTrans("Pangaea_Ruler","",GUICtrlRead($trans)) If $msg = $quit then exit If $msg = $info then ToolTip("") If GUICtrlRead($info) = 1 then $cur = GUIGetCursorInfo() $pos = WinGetPos("Pangaea_Ruler","") ToolTip("Rel. mouse position: " & $cur[0] + 4 & "x" & $cur[1] + 4 & @crlf & "Abs. mouse position: " & MouseGetPos(0) & "x" & MouseGetPos(1) & @crlf & "Win position: " & $pos[0] & "x" & $pos[1] & @crlf & "Win size: " & $pos[2] & "x" & $pos[3]) EndIfuntil $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSEFunc _draw() for $x = 5 to @desktopwidth step 5 Select case $x = 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,0,1,10,$SS_BLACKRECT) case StringinStr($x / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,0,1,10,$SS_BLACKRECT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($x,$x - 4,10) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,0,1,5,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next for $y = 5 to @desktopheight step 5 Select case $y = 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,$y - 4,10,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($y,15,$y - 8) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) case StringinStr($y / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,$y - 4,10,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($y,10,$y - 4) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,$y - 4,5,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",842) for $x = 5 to @desktopwidth step 5 Select case $x < 30 case StringinStr($x / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel($x,$x - 4,80) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,90,1,10,$SS_BLACKRECT) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,95,1,5,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",804) for $y = 5 to @desktopheight step 5 Select case $y < 25 case StringinStr($y / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel($y,480,$y - 4) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",490,$y - 4,10,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",495,$y - 4,5,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",802)EndFunchope anyone uses it ^^Pangaea_Ruler.zip Xandy 1 Pangaea Ruler new, UDF: _GUICtrlCreateContainer(), Pangaea Desktops, Pangaea Notepad, SuDoku, UDF: Table
Bounda Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 havnt tested it yet, but it loks really cool and ill try it sometime tonight, as of now im busy CS:S Aimbot - List From INI Funcs
Vivvic Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Ooh, wow, great idea, I know I could use this alot XD when Im makeing GUI's it consists of alot of trialand error. [quote name='DaleHohm']You have a strange habit of posting error messages that don't match your code.[/quote][quote name='SmOke_N']Forget the learning... straight to the scripting :lol: (laugh.gif)[/quote]
nitekram Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 I made this little tool to measure things when testing GUI's 'n stuff it's resizable and transparent. there's also a optional tooltip with all infos. and you can toggle on/off for the compiled version with icon: see attached file screenie: and the source: CODE#include <GUIConstants.au3> AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",802) Global $oldwidth = 500, $oldheight = 100, $ontop = 1 $main = GUICreate("Pangaea_Ruler",500,100,-1,-1,$WS_POPUP + $WS_SIZEBOX) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",28,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) $quit = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",133,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME + $SS_NOTIFY) _draw() GUICtrlCreateLabel("move",30,30,28,20,$SS_CENTER,$GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",28,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME) $trans = GUICtrlCreateSlider(60,37,73,18,$TBS_NOTICKS) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1,255,80) GUICtrlSetData(-1,220) GUICtrlCreateLabel("transparency:",70,25,100,12) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,7) $top = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('"Always On Top"',28,50) GUICtrlSetState(-1,1) $info = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Info",130,50,-1,-1,$SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetState(-1,1) GUICtrlCreateLabel("quit",135,30,28,20,$SS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",133,28,32,20,$SS_BLACKFRAME) GUISetState() WinSetTrans("Pangaea_Ruler","",220) WinSetOnTop("Pangaea_Ruler","",1) do $msg = GUIGetMsg() $size = WinGetPos("Pangaea_Ruler","") If $size[3] <> $oldheight then If $size[3] < 100 then WinMove("Pangaea_Ruler","",$size[0],$size[1],$size[2],100) Else $oldheight = $size[3] EndIf EndIf If $size[2] <> $oldwidth then If $size[2] < 200 then WinMove("Pangaea_Ruler","",$size[0],$size[1],200) Else $oldwidth = $size[2] EndIf EndIf If $msg = $top then select case $ontop = 0 WinSetOnTop("Pangaea_Ruler","",1) $ontop = 1 case $ontop = 1 WinSetOnTop("Pangaea_Ruler","",0) $ontop = 0 EndSelect EndIf If $msg = $trans then WinSetTrans("Pangaea_Ruler","",GUICtrlRead($trans)) If $msg = $quit then exit If $msg = $info then ToolTip("") If GUICtrlRead($info) = 1 then $cur = GUIGetCursorInfo() $pos = WinGetPos("Pangaea_Ruler","") ToolTip("Rel. mouse position: " & $cur[0] + 4 & "x" & $cur[1] + 4 & @crlf & "Abs. mouse position: " & MouseGetPos(0) & "x" & MouseGetPos(1) & @crlf & "Win position: " & $pos[0] & "x" & $pos[1] & @crlf & "Win size: " & $pos[2] & "x" & $pos[3]) EndIf until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Func _draw() for $x = 5 to @desktopwidth step 5 Select case $x = 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,0,1,10,$SS_BLACKRECT) case StringinStr($x / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,0,1,10,$SS_BLACKRECT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($x,$x - 4,10) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,0,1,5,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next for $y = 5 to @desktopheight step 5 Select case $y = 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,$y - 4,10,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($y,15,$y - 8) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) case StringinStr($y / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,$y - 4,10,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($y,10,$y - 4) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,$y - 4,5,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",842) for $x = 5 to @desktopwidth step 5 Select case $x < 30 case StringinStr($x / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel($x,$x - 4,80) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,90,1,10,$SS_BLACKRECT) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",$x - 4,95,1,5,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",804) for $y = 5 to @desktopheight step 5 Select case $y < 25 case StringinStr($y / 20,".") = 0 GUICtrlCreateLabel($y,480,$y - 4) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,6) GUICtrlCreateLabel("",490,$y - 4,10,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) case else GUICtrlCreateLabel("",495,$y - 4,5,1,$SS_BLACKRECT) EndSelect next AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode",802) EndFunc hope anyone uses it ^^This is really cool - two questions first can you add a grid? and second can the back ground change colors? 2¢ All by me:"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." "Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" "As you teach others, you are really teaching yourself." From my dad "Do not worry about yesterday, as the only thing that you can control is tomorrow." WIKI | Tabs; | Arrays; | Strings | Wiki Arrays | How to ask a Question | Forum Search | FAQ | Tutorials | Original FAQ | ONLINE HELP | UDF's Wiki | AutoIt PDF AutoIt Snippets | Multple Guis | Interrupting a running function | Another Send StringRegExp | StringRegExp Help | RegEXTester | REG TUTOR | Reg TUTOT 2 AutoItSetOption | Macros | AutoIt Snippets | Wrapper | Autoit Docs SCITE | SciteJump | BB | MyTopics | Programming | UDFs | AutoIt 123 | UDFs Form | UDF Learning to script | Tutorials | Documentation | IE.AU3 | Games? | FreeSoftware | Path_Online | Core Language Programming Tips Excel Changes ControlHover.UDF GDI_Plus Draw_On_Screen GDI Basics GDI_More_Basics GDI Rotate GDI Graph GDI CheckExistingItems GDI Trajectory Replace $ghGDIPDll with $__g_hGDIPDll DLL 101? Array via Object GDI Swimlane GDI Plus French 101 Site GDI Examples UEZ GDI Basic Clock GDI Detection Ternary operator
WTS Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 This is really cool - two questions first can you add a grid? and second can the back ground change colors?very nice, i started a ruler project a few months ago this will help alot
taurus905 Posted August 18, 2006 Posted August 18, 2006 I made this little tool to measure things when testing GUI's 'n stuffit's resizable and transparent. there's also a optional tooltip with all infos.and you can toggle on/offrakudave,Very cool tool. Thanks for sharing.I think (as another option) the optional tooltip with all infos would fit nicely inside the ruler. As it is, when you are working on the right side of the screen the tooltip is off the screen.Good job.taurus905 "Never mistake kindness for weakness."-- Author Unknown --"The highest point to which a weak but experienced mind can rise is detecting the weakness of better men."-- Georg Lichtenberg --Simple Obfuscator (Beta not needed.), Random names for Vars and Funcs
Vivvic Posted August 18, 2006 Posted August 18, 2006 This is really cool - two questions first can you add a grid? and second can the back ground change colors?Would also Like to see a grid, maby cover entire desktop but not interfere with anything, likeyour background, but always be alligned with ruler....Would be a nice addition. [quote name='DaleHohm']You have a strange habit of posting error messages that don't match your code.[/quote][quote name='SmOke_N']Forget the learning... straight to the scripting :lol: (laugh.gif)[/quote]
rakudave Posted August 18, 2006 Author Posted August 18, 2006 @all: thanks...This is really cool - two questions first can you add a grid? and second can the back ground change colors?I can do that...I think (as another option) the optional tooltip with all infos would fit nicely inside the ruler. As it is, when you are working on the right side of the screen the tooltip is off the screen.ahm, good point...i'll try to solve this problem... Pangaea Ruler new, UDF: _GUICtrlCreateContainer(), Pangaea Desktops, Pangaea Notepad, SuDoku, UDF: Table
JSThePatriot Posted August 18, 2006 Posted August 18, 2006 Another thing I think might be useful is to be able to decide the amount of pixels to show on the ruler. You have 500 width with every 10 pixels showing. Someone could want it delimited 500 with every 5 pixels showing. JS AutoIt Links File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out. ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006 External Links Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)
RazerM Posted August 18, 2006 Posted August 18, 2006 very useful, i agree with the idea JSThePatriot My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
rakudave Posted August 18, 2006 Author Posted August 18, 2006 Another thing I think might be useful is to be able to decide the amount of pixels to show on the ruler. You have 500 width with every 10 pixels showing.Someone could want it delimited 500 with every 5 pixels showing.... not sure whether i'm getting your point, but you can resize the window and i'ts showing 5 pixels, with a bigger one every 20... Pangaea Ruler new, UDF: _GUICtrlCreateContainer(), Pangaea Desktops, Pangaea Notepad, SuDoku, UDF: Table
Bounda Posted August 18, 2006 Posted August 18, 2006 well, i got an idea, how bout u create an ini where the user chooses how many pixels? that may help instead of other ppl havng to edit it for their needs. CS:S Aimbot - List From INI Funcs
JSThePatriot Posted August 18, 2006 Posted August 18, 2006 ... not sure whether i'm getting your point, but you can resize the window and i'ts showing 5 pixels, with a bigger one every 20...In the example you have listed. Your lines are $X number of pixels apart. I was saying make $X be an option.You have big lines every 20 pixels, and the small lines are 5 pixels apart. In your picture above...$X = 5. What if someone wanted to show it ever 2 pixels or something similar?Thanks,JS AutoIt Links File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out. ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006 External Links Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)
rakudave Posted August 18, 2006 Author Posted August 18, 2006 well, i can do that, but it gets very hard to see anything if the lines are just 1px apart... Pangaea Ruler new, UDF: _GUICtrlCreateContainer(), Pangaea Desktops, Pangaea Notepad, SuDoku, UDF: Table
Vivvic Posted August 19, 2006 Posted August 19, 2006 (edited) I think hes saying add an option, like some people will leave it at 5 pixels, some might want two pixels, and some people might onle want it every 10 or 20 pixles. Like maby a small input for how many pixels apart the lines are. EDIT:TYPO Edited August 19, 2006 by Vivvic [quote name='DaleHohm']You have a strange habit of posting error messages that don't match your code.[/quote][quote name='SmOke_N']Forget the learning... straight to the scripting :lol: (laugh.gif)[/quote]
nitekram Posted August 19, 2006 Posted August 19, 2006 I think hes saying add an option, like some people will leave it at 5 pixels, some might want two pixels, and some people might onle want it every 10 or 20 pixles. Like maby a small input for how many pixels apart the lines are.EDIT:TYPOalso - for the grid if you can make it so we can adjust the length of the markers (line) - and one more thought if you can change (or make a radio button) the way the listing are for the numbers, I would like to be able to see the bottom the opposite of the top - say left to right on top is 1 - 600 and on the bottome i would like 600 - 1 - this way you can measure both ways - also the right and left of the ruler - would be the changed in the same way.I really like this ruler - I might just leave it up all the time 2¢ All by me:"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." "Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" "As you teach others, you are really teaching yourself." From my dad "Do not worry about yesterday, as the only thing that you can control is tomorrow." WIKI | Tabs; | Arrays; | Strings | Wiki Arrays | How to ask a Question | Forum Search | FAQ | Tutorials | Original FAQ | ONLINE HELP | UDF's Wiki | AutoIt PDF AutoIt Snippets | Multple Guis | Interrupting a running function | Another Send StringRegExp | StringRegExp Help | RegEXTester | REG TUTOR | Reg TUTOT 2 AutoItSetOption | Macros | AutoIt Snippets | Wrapper | Autoit Docs SCITE | SciteJump | BB | MyTopics | Programming | UDFs | AutoIt 123 | UDFs Form | UDF Learning to script | Tutorials | Documentation | IE.AU3 | Games? | FreeSoftware | Path_Online | Core Language Programming Tips Excel Changes ControlHover.UDF GDI_Plus Draw_On_Screen GDI Basics GDI_More_Basics GDI Rotate GDI Graph GDI CheckExistingItems GDI Trajectory Replace $ghGDIPDll with $__g_hGDIPDll DLL 101? Array via Object GDI Swimlane GDI Plus French 101 Site GDI Examples UEZ GDI Basic Clock GDI Detection Ternary operator
FuryCell Posted August 19, 2006 Posted August 19, 2006 Nice Job. This can prove useful in many situations. thanks for sharing. HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.
rakudave Posted August 19, 2006 Author Posted August 19, 2006 also - for the grid if you can make it so we can adjust the length of the markers (line) - and one more thought if you can change (or make a radio button) the way the listing are for the numbers, I would like to be able to see the bottom the opposite of the top - say left to right on top is 1 - 600 and on the bottome i would like 600 - 1 - this way you can measure both ways - also the right and left of the ruler - would be the changed in the same way.I really like this ruler - I might just leave it up all the time... getting more complicated every day ... but i'll try Pangaea Ruler new, UDF: _GUICtrlCreateContainer(), Pangaea Desktops, Pangaea Notepad, SuDoku, UDF: Table
JSThePatriot Posted August 19, 2006 Posted August 19, 2006 well, i can do that, but it gets very hard to see anything if the lines are just 1px apart...Of course it would have to be limited to the smallest being 2 pixels apart. Because if you did it every pixel then it would be a solid line because the lines themselves are 1px wide.I think hes saying add an option, like some people will leave it at 5 pixels, some might want two pixels, and some people might onle want it every 10 or 20 pixles. Like maby a small input for how many pixels apart the lines are.EDIT:TYPOThat is exactly what I am talking about, and I think he understands that now.Thanks,JS AutoIt Links File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out. ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006 External Links Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)
Vivvic Posted August 19, 2006 Posted August 19, 2006 (edited) Just a thought, you could make a slider to decide how far (like 2 pixels - 200 pixels) the lines are from each other. EDIT:After thinking about it, it would make it difficult to get what you want, could have a 'combobox?' (not sure on the name of it) with like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200 (just example of how it would need to be scaled 'in my opinion' ) that way. What Im thinking of 'combobox' is this __ |6|^ |_|V a box with a number in it that you can change with up and down arrows, dont think its called a combo box. Edited August 19, 2006 by Vivvic [quote name='DaleHohm']You have a strange habit of posting error messages that don't match your code.[/quote][quote name='SmOke_N']Forget the learning... straight to the scripting :lol: (laugh.gif)[/quote]
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