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Hi All.

Sorry, so, and I don't understan how work this skript.


May be wrong code is in this file...

Hi HR78,

$D_License = "123456789" ; developers license. your license number is on that pop-up.

it is the part that says....

Dev License = 3E908...( and the other letters and numbers too)



  • 3 weeks later...

Hi HR78,

$D_License = "123456789" ; developers license. your license number is on that pop-up.

it is the part that says....

Dev License = 3E908...( and the other letters and numbers too)


Please, how can i donate? It never gives me popup to donate, is there a way to make it easy OP?

Also how would you supply with full code that i can use for my own server? You do it to the email that donated?


The paid code is no longer supported. The free code has everything you need to get started. You may wish to modify according to your needs. You will need to use YOUR server info also.

You may donate to Autoit at anytime here...



Posted (edited)


B. The "Blacklist.txt" is a file yoiu would put on your site ( or Autoit's Fileman ) for storage

the $D_Link = "www.Your-Web-location/" and the inetget() will look for...


I have www.Your-Web-location.com/Blacklist.txt on my weblocation but Xprotec still ignores the email i entered there(just to test things i entered my own email registered with my prog)

I am putting one email per line, is that correct?

I compiled with

$D_Link = "http://mysite.com/"

Then i tested my xprotected app, registered with some email, received code to use, entered code from this email, then i put that email inside www.mysite.com/Blacklist.txt but it doesnt block anything when i run the app.

Sorry for bugging you again and if i forgot to say this program is life saver for me! than

Edited by Aktonius
Posted (edited)


#include<XProTec.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE

$D_Mail = "developer@msn.com " ; your email
$D_Program = "My_Program_Name" ; your program name
$U_Price = "0" ; not needed
$U_Trial = "0" ; not needed
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "123456789" ; developers license # 
$D_PayPal = "" ; not needed 
$D_Link = "www.mywebsite.com/.../" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist comments

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link)

; your script starts here ..............

That should do it... remember, it needs to be compiled!!


I tried this and it doesnt work(doesnt make the program work only on one pc), you register with one email, get license, copy the exe to another machine and just repeat the process.

So anyone who gets your app could just copy it on another machine and thats it :)

Edited by Aktonius

I have read this entire topic from page 1 to here and still have issues so i apologize if i perhaps ask alot Val but could you please tell me what is exactly needed for

1) blacklist to work (do i need to add one email per line or separate it with commas?)

2) how can i make sure a user cant just repeat trials forever?

Posted (edited)

Think i see where problem lies, there is inetget check in xprotec

If InetGet($D_Link & "Blacklist.txt", $rtemp, 1) = 1 Then
        $itemp = FileRead($rtemp)
        If StringInStr($itemp, $X_read003) Or StringInStr($itemp, $ND_Mail) Then mError("This program has been abused and will now close    ", 6, 1)

I tested this function separately in dummyscript and it succesfully gets the file but return is not 1 so for this reason it never does the blacklist email check.

I had to modify this manually to check for @error and removed if = 1

Edited by Aktonius
Posted (edited)

Valuater the only person who should say thanks here is me, you did amazing job i can just be happy to use for myself. :)

I also thought it must be something changed in Au3 heck you made this years ago anyway, glad i can at least contribute tiny bit by spotting things :)

Edited by Aktonius
  • 4 weeks later...

nice post :unsure:

1 thing... i tried this behind a proxy and it gives an error that i din't have a connection 2 the internet:S

maybe somebody sayd it already:)

but maybe something for an update;)

as finishing touch god created the dutch

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Nevermind got it working... for now.

Can someone create a tutorial for this program though...

Edited by AC130
  • Moderators

Nevermind got it working... for now.

Can someone create a tutorial for this program though...

Sorry, but :huh2:

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

Posted (edited)

Nevermind got it working... for now.

Can someone create a tutorial for this program though...

The first page is all tutorial....

Then there are 13 pages of Q&A... so far


Edited by Valuater


  • 1 month later...

I have read the entire thread and am having the same problem as ZenPro on page #8.

I never found the answer he did or did not recive. Can you or someone please assit me?

#include<XProTec.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE
#cs ===============================================================================
    *XProTec - Free Version f1.0.0 - 04.09.2007
    Autor:      Robert M @ QT Appraisal
    E-mail:     Valuater@aol.com
    Language:    English
    OSystem:    Windows Xp
    Features:   -Automated Program
                -Register Users
                -Receive Payment
                -Program Protection
    Requirements: Legal copy of Microsoft Windows Xp
    Construction: AutoIt, SciTE 1.73
    Thanks to all, Enjoy...
#ce ===============================================================================

$D_Mail = "testuser@google.com " ; your email
$D_Program = "myprogam" ; your program name
$U_Price = "20.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user
$U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "1" ; developers license #
$D_PayPal = "www.paypal.com/my account-link" ; - paypal link
$D_Link = "www.mywebsite.com/blacklist.txt" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or  $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option]

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link, $U_Return)

; your script starts here ..............


Global $smtpserver = "smtp.google.com"
Global $sendusername = "testsender@google.com"
Global $sendpassword = "mypassword"
; Info for this function by JdeB = http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=23860&view=findpost&p=166575

Func XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price = 0, $U_Trial = 0, $U_License = 1, $D_License = 1, $D_PayPal = 1, $D_Link = 1, $U_Return = 1)
    If @Compiled <> 1 and $D_License <> 1 Then Return SetError(1, -1, "Not a Compiled Program")

Output error

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\XProTec_Free.au3 (45) : ==> Duplicate function name.:
Func XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price = 0, $U_Trial = 0, $U_License = 1, $D_License = 1, $D_PayPal = 1, $D_Link = 1, $U_Return = 1)

>Exit code: 1    Time: 0.216

muppet hands are so soft :)


Ok i silenced the include of XPro_Tec and i get "ERROR - Not a Valid Program Name" no matter if i use .exe at the end of the program name or not

muppet hands are so soft :)


I guess that after reading the thread i have it in my mind the you MUST include " #include<XProTec.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE" at the top. As im using XProTecFree i assumed i must there as-well. Please someone correct me if im mistaking but the way iv understood it is as follows,

1.) The

#include<XProTec.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE

$D_Mail = "developer@msn.com " ; your email
$D_Program = "XPro-Tec-Free" ; your program name
$U_Price = "20.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user
$U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "1" ; developers license #
$D_PayPal = "www.paypal.com/my account-link to paypal" ; - paypal link
$D_Link = "www.mywebsite.com/.../" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or  $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option]

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link, $U_Return)

; your script starts here ..............
that was silenced at the top of XProtec_Free is to be the clients side to request a code from the smtp server.

2.) The remainder of XProTec is the server side (but fill out with Your own smtp information)

I suppose that in the shift from non free to free some people like myself got a little confused. I know non free is no longer supported so does this mean when i use the #include at the top i use XProTec_Free, do i not use one, or do i use the original? Next, (mind i have about 3 smtp serves) how am i suppose to put this exe on my server? do i compile to a php source or html... As i still have many questions i think i need the structure of the current supported Free version explained, not piece by piece but what parts go where kinda thing. Please someone speak up if im totally in the wrong, i would rather know now than to spend months with that mindset and give up.

muppet hands are so soft :)


For the record Valuater, i can tell alot of hard work and much time was spent on this. For that and shareing it with us I THANK YOU

muppet hands are so soft :)

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