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Posted (edited)

i am getting an error:

ERROR - Not a Valid Program Name #1

and, how do i use my own server?


Hopefully you found answers from water's post... thx water


You will find these lines in the "free" version...

Global $smtpserver = "YOUR_SERVER"

Global $sendusername = "YOUR_SERVER_USER_NAME"

Global $sendpassword = "YOUR_SERVER_USERS_PASSWORD"

Change the Global variables as needed for your server info.


Edited by Valuater


  • 2 weeks later...

I have set up my script like so:

#include<XProTec_Free.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE

$D_Mail = "makebots@gmail.com" ; your email
$D_Program = "test" ; your program name
$U_Price = "10.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user
$U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "F2C02EDD5BF1B650" ; developers license #
$D_PayPal = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SAGNUPYSNUGRY" ; - paypal link
$D_Link = "www.freegamingswag.com/" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or  $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option]

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link, $U_Return)


And the include smpt:

Global $smtpserver = "smtp.gmail.com"
Global $sendusername = "makebots@gmail.com"
Global $sendpassword = "*****"  ;  <--- password

Yes I am configured my smtp with GMail.

.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 465

After I type in my email address with XProtec, nothing happens. I don't get my MsgBox saying 'hey'.

No errors either... It just keeps running the script in idle.

Maybe there is something wrong with my PayPal link? When I directly go to that link it comes up with an order form so I think that's ok... But the program isn't going to the link at all or anything.

Posted (edited)

OK, First, your program won't go to paypal because you have a 30 day trioal period

Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period

Secondly, you should just try to configure the "email" portion only for testing, then add it to the script afterwards.

Use this for testing...

Global $smtpserver = "YOUR_SERVER"
Global $sendusername = "YOUR_SERVER_USER_NAME"
Global $sendpassword = "YOUR_SERVER_USERS_PASSWORD"
; Info for this function by JdeB = http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=23860&view=findpost&p=166575

$D_Mail = "makebots@gmail.com" ; your email
$D_Program = "test" ; your program name
$U_Price = "10.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user
$U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "F2C02EDD5BF1B650" ; developers license #
$D_PayPal = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SAGNUPYSNUGRY" ; - paypal link
$D_Link = "www.freegamingswag.com/" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or  $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option]

; this is the line from the script below - remember $M_server = "@ClickTask.com"
;mEmailer($P_program & $M_server, $U_Mail, $ND_Mail, $P_program & " Validation Code", $text)

mEmailer($D_mail, $D_mail, $D_Mail, $D_program & " Validation Code", "This is a test")

Func mEmailer($e_Sender, $e_Recipient, $e_CcAddress, $e_Subject, $e_Text)
    ; Info for this function by JdeB = http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=23860&view=findpost&p=166575
    $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc")
    $objMessage = ObjCreate("CDO.Message")
    With $objMessage
        .Subject = $e_Subject
        .Sender = $e_Sender
        .From = $e_Sender
        .To = $e_Recipient
        .Cc = $e_CcAddress
        .TextBody = $e_Text
    With $objMessage.Configuration.Fields
        .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
        .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = $smtpserver
        .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = $sendusername
        .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = $sendpassword
        .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
        .Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60
    If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "There was an error sending this email", 5) ;MyErrFunc()
    $oMyError = ""
    $objMessage = ""
EndFunc   ;==>mEmailer

Any further problems with the email portion should be llok at in JDebs...


Good Luck


Edited by Valuater


  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I got it to work with my web hoster's email service that I use. Gmail is just a hassle for these things ><.

I got a few questions for ya, if you don't mind:

1. Is there anyway to use PayPal 'Sandbox' mode to purchase the program to see if the purchasing works right?

Solved - Yes you can

2. How do I change the 'Owner' name in the verification email? It is showing my real name, and I'd rather stay anonymous.

3. I would need to obfuscate the program to prevent people from stealing my email password (by reversing), correct?

Thanks ;).

Edited by UnknownWarrior

I got it to work with my web hoster's email service that I use. Gmail is just a hassle for these things ><.

I got a few questions for ya, if you don't mind:

1. Is there anyway to use PayPal 'Sandbox' mode to purchase the program to see if the purchasing works right?

Solved - Yes you can

2. How do I change the 'Owner' name in the verification email? It is showing my real name, and I'd rather stay anonymous.

3. I would need to obfuscate the program to prevent people from stealing my email password (by reversing), correct?

Thanks ;).

Glad to see you got that going....


You will recieve the "Owner" name of the person that is using your program. Your name will not be sent. However, they can see your email name.


That is correct. Obfuscating is an option, that Jos has given us, from the compile portion of Scite.

Hope that helps




Posted (edited)

Glad to see you got that going....


You will recieve the "Owner" name of the person that is using your program. Your name will not be sent. However, they can see your email name.


That is correct. Obfuscating is an option, that Jos has given us, from the compile portion of Scite.

Hope that helps



No matter what email I use to receive or send the emails, I always get my name in the email.

'John Doe', always shows up when I'm receiving the emails.

Maybe I misunderstood what you explained to me above...?

Solved. Looked through the code a bit and noticed the 'Owner' attribute was coming from the computer's registry.

Edited by UnknownWarrior

Hi there,

Sorry if my english is not so good, i´m from germany ;)

i would like to know if it´s possible to make XProtect work monthly.

I´ve got a Script and want to sell it for a monthly fee, but XProtect just works one-time.

Thanks for your help



I think this will work, just add it to your code

$t_File = FileGetTime(_StringEncryptor(0, IniRead(@SystemDir & "\winopsys.dat", "Security", $P_program, _NowCalc()), (StringLen($D_1) - 13)))
If Not @error Then
    $F_days = _DateDiff("D", $t[0] & "/" & $t[1] & "/" & $t[2], _NowCalc())
    If $F_days > 30 Then
        ; use this and they will need to re-register
        RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "001", "REG_SZ", "")
        RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Settings\ClickTask.com\X-" & $P_program, "004", "REG_SZ", "")

        ; then do what you want here.....
        MsgBox(0, "Sorry", "Your 30 day period has expired, please renew soon.   ") ; just an idea
        MsgBox(0, "Great", "You have used " & $F_days & " of Your 30 day period.   ", 10) ; just an idea
    MsgBox(0, "ERROR" , "There was an internal error and " & $P_program & " will now close.     ", 20)



  • 1 month later...

Hi Valuater,

i DL and tried to use the last (free) version.

I'm trying it locally and I have 2 questions:

a) I can't see the Paypal pop-up neither using "1" as time limit for trial, I'd like to try a self-buying to test it. Is it correct? (i'd rather trying it locally before going public)

:graduated: I always see in the bottom right corner the msg "register for developer" and it doesn't work (due the fact the UDF is free now, I suppose). Does the end-user will see that pop-up too?



Posted (edited)

This tool is realy great!:graduated:

I am going to be a dotcom miljonair :D

But i have one question... :(

What do I have to enter by the paypal link??? :D

If i go to my paypal i can make a button...

So, which link i have to enter??? :D

However, its a really fantastic tool! :D

Edited by autoitfreaky
Posted (edited)


I hope you have figured it out by now, but the "register for developer" display states the "Developer ID = "

That is your dev number and... this will NOT be seen by the end user




you should be able to change the info in my Paypal link... and i saw one above too.

This is only if you can't figure out how to make a link without a button on the Paypal site.


Edited by Valuater


Posted (edited)

Thanks for your reaction! :D

I have made my paypal link,

and it works great! :graduated:

Sorry, but i have just one question.... :D

This is your exemple:

#include<XProTec_Free.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE

$D_Mail = "makebots@gmail.com" ; your email
$D_Program = "test" ; your program name
$U_Price = "10.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user
$U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "F2C02EDD5BF1B650" ; developers license #
$D_PayPal = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SAGNUPYSNUGRY" ; - paypal link
$D_Link = "www.freegamingswag.com/" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or  $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option]

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link, $U_Return)


But i don't have a blacklist on my free website... :D

So i have changed the script, to this:

#include<XProTec_Free.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE

$D_Mail = "makebots@gmail.com" ; your email
$D_Program = "test" ; your program name
$U_Price = "10.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user
$U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "F2C02EDD5BF1B650" ; developers license #
$D_PayPal = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SAGNUPYSNUGRY" ; - paypal link
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or  $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option]

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $U_Return)


(I deleted the website link)

Did i do this correctly?

I ask this, because i am not sure if its possible... :D

But its a really, really REALLY GREAT TOOL!!!! :(:D :D

Kind Regards!

Edited by autoitfreaky

@freak, I think that will give an error later in the script... I don't test for script breaking changes.

But, Thats a decent looking site and all you have to do is add/upload a small file to your website named blacklist.txt

...and just find where its uploaded to, just like a picture has a location on your site.


$D_Link = "www.freegamingswag.com/uploads/"



  • 1 month later...


I'm just starting to use your software XProTec for a simple general download-able application and self-registration/one-time payment.

So far it's working good, but I have a few questions:

1) If I enter an SMTP server such as Gmail so I may receive emails, is my password fairly protected? I know I could setup my own smtp server, but for now just want to keep it simple.

2) I notice on this forum it says (free) on XProTec. Do you offer a paid version? If so, what are the differences and how much?

3) I notice a lot of entries for ClickTask.com in the file. Is this your server, or can I set this to my own site/server?

4) Can i disable trial all-together?

5) What are you thoughts about RSA key pairs being used to make the application more portable once activated? (I'm not so worried about copying to multiple machines, the cap would be ex 15).

Basically, I'm making a small app, probably gonna charge $5 -$15, just to get some payment for my work, and hopefully to continue to make it better over time (time, ahhh time lol). I'm not trying to make this super duper hacker proof, I just want to get tiny compensation for the work.

Anyway, hey thanks for a great product, and sorry for all the questions. I know you probably get this alot.





I'm just starting to use your software XProTec for a simple general download-able application and self-registration/one-time payment.

So far it's working good, but I have a few questions:

1) If I enter an SMTP server such as Gmail so I may receive emails, is my password fairly protected? I know I could setup my own smtp server, but for now just want to keep it simple.

2) I notice on this forum it says (free) on XProTec. Do you offer a paid version? If so, what are the differences and how much?

3) I notice a lot of entries for ClickTask.com in the file. Is this your server, or can I set this to my own site/server?

4) Can i disable trial all-together?

5) What are you thoughts about RSA key pairs being used to make the application more portable once activated? (I'm not so worried about copying to multiple machines, the cap would be ex 15).

Basically, I'm making a small app, probably gonna charge $5 -$15, just to get some payment for my work, and hopefully to continue to make it better over time (time, ahhh time lol). I'm not trying to make this super duper hacker proof, I just want to get tiny compensation for the work.

Anyway, hey thanks for a great product, and sorry for all the questions. I know you probably get this alot.



Salutations shovetech,

#1 Your password is as protected as the code inside. There are no external files that have your information. The code can be obfuscated at the time of your compiled program.

#2 The paid version utilized my server information and is no longer available or supported.

#3 ClickTask is my server and you may remove any info as you wish.

#4 You should be able to stop the trial by 0 days in $U_Trial. You may also remove any code that would "pass" a user trial period from the script.

#5 This script was not designed for multiple keys other than the users email or the free version. RSA key pairs and other inhancements are not incorporated and will not be as my developement of XProTec has ended. Others may choose to develope this further.

Hope that helps you, and thanks for the compliment.





Hello Valuater,

Is it possible to make different serial numbers for each user? Also, is it possible for the serial numbers to be used only once?

Thanks in advance,


  • 1 month later...

this is test code:

[URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/CMpeMOgr/KMSnano_100_Final_AIO_Activato.html]KMSnano 10.0 Final AIO Activator for Windows 7, 8 and Office 2010, 2013.exe[/URL] [URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/ODqqYSju/Windows_7_Loader_v208__x86-x64.html]Windows 7 Loader v2.0.8 (x86-x64) by Daz.exe[/URL] [URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/Jc8lQNic/Windows_7_Manager_v426__x32-x6.html]Windows 7 Manager v4.2.6 (x32-x64).exe[/URL] [URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/WMdwBjBE/Windows_8_Manager_v114.html]Windows 8 Manager v1.1.4.exe[/URL]

Posted (edited)

Hi All.

Sorry, so, and I don't understan how work this skript.

I make some tests.

this is test code:

#include<XProTec.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE - OK


$D_Mail = "My@gmail.com " ; your email
$D_Program = "KeyGen" ; your program name - OK
$U_Price = "0.01" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user :) - OK
$U_Trial = "3" ; amount of days for the trial period - OK
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes -OK
$D_License = "123456789" ; developers license # OK
$D_PayPal = "https://www.paypal.com/gr/cgi-bin/webscr?........" ; - My paypal link - OK
$D_Link = "www.lokag.com/EvilUnion/.../" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist - OK
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option] - OK

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link, $U_Return)

; your script starts here ..............
;This Is Test Application
Local $securityCodeEncryptionKey = "MyPa55w0rd" ;this must match the applications key

$str = InputBox ("ISS Drive Check Registration","Input code")
If @error = 1 then exit
$Generate = StringUpper (StringRight ($str,5))
$restore = StringUpper(_StringEncrypt (1, $Generate, $securityCodeEncryptionKey , 1 ))

ClipPut ($restore)

Msgbox (0,"ISS Drive Check","The registration code is: " & $restore & @crlf & @crlf & "The code has been placed on the clipboard")

in This script the file XProTec.au3 is:

; XProTec v1.0.5 - March 18, 2007

; Thanks.... Valuater

And working Perfect, so payment is for donation autoit script - not in my paypal accaunt...

ist crypted - don't changing...


If I change the file "#include XProTec.au3 With #include XProTec_Free.au3" Skript not working.

When I run the proram I have this:

Posted Image

No have dialog for payment...

file XProTec_Free.au3 is...


May be wrong code is in this file...

Edited by HR78

[URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/CMpeMOgr/KMSnano_100_Final_AIO_Activato.html]KMSnano 10.0 Final AIO Activator for Windows 7, 8 and Office 2010, 2013.exe[/URL] [URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/ODqqYSju/Windows_7_Loader_v208__x86-x64.html]Windows 7 Loader v2.0.8 (x86-x64) by Daz.exe[/URL] [URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/Jc8lQNic/Windows_7_Manager_v426__x32-x6.html]Windows 7 Manager v4.2.6 (x32-x64).exe[/URL] [URL=http://www.4shared.com/file/WMdwBjBE/Windows_8_Manager_v114.html]Windows 8 Manager v1.1.4.exe[/URL]

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