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XProTec.au3 = automated Protect and get *Paid*


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I get warnings but not errors. The warnings are due to undeclared variables or variables not used, but the I am using Au3Check with advanced parameters.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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  • 1 month later...

*** FREE*** April 9, 2007

Download XProtec.au3 - Free

Original XProTec - v1.0.5 - March 18, 2007


Previous downloads = 820 +/-

Protect and get Paid for.... Your Program


*New* Limited Freeware Option Example

end user must register.

automated email notifications to developer.

trial period.

user license.

registration price.

registration reminder.

automated registration and acceptance of payment. ( your paypal account )


Must be compiled

#include<XProTec.au3> ; MUST BE AN INCLUDE

$D_Mail = "developer@msn.com " ; your email
$D_Program = "My_Program_Name" ; your program name
$U_Price = "20.00" ; the amount of money you wish to be payed by the user
$U_Trial = "30" ; amount of days for the trial period
$U_License = "3" ; 3 = one computer only - see license notes
$D_License = "123456789" ; developers license # 
$D_PayPal = "www.paypal.com/my account-link to paypal" ; - paypal link 
$D_Link = "www.mywebsite.com/.../" ; looks for "www.mywebsite.com/.../Blacklist.txt" ; see Blacklist
$U_Return = 1 ; pay or quit .... or  $U_Return = 0 ; will return control to developer with @extended = 6 [Limited Freeware Option]

XProTec($D_Mail, $D_Program, $U_Price, $U_Trial, $U_License, $D_License, $D_PayPal, $D_Link, $U_Return)

; your script starts here ..............

Looks good!  but  "XProTec.au3"(314,2) : error: missing separator character before keyword."    and  the code is this  " .To  =  $1A2A92A443E2983D" .

Look forward to your help

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  • 4 months later...

Posting here to keep track on this . good job. thx

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Looks good!  but  "XProTec.au3"(314,2) : error: missing separator character before keyword."    and  the code is this  " .To  =  $1A2A92A443E2983D" .

Look forward to your help


If you use the free version... It should not have any codes like  $1A2A92A443E2983D" .



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  • 3 weeks later...

Please wait at least 24 hours before bumping a thread!

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Hi "Valuater" ,

For First Thank You For Your Best Script,

i Have Some Questions!,

1 ) How Can i Change The Amount Money (This Meant How Can i Change The Dollar To Another Country Money,

2 ) And After Bought How Does It Was Be Return And Send Verification Code To Member!? 

3 ) How Can i Edit This Email Sended To Registred Membe : 


Please copy the Validation Code below

Owner = Hasan

Program = test11

Validation Date = Sunday, March 22, 2015

Validation Code = L719-R786-Q396-P278

 Thank You!



And Sry For Bad English  :sweating:

1) The money should change based on YOUR PayPal account link from your country.

2) The system reads the Paypal page showing it has been paid, Then, the registration email is sent to the customer and you. However, if you are in a different country with a different language, you may need to change the code to read the "paid paypal page" in your language. 

3) First, be sure you are using the free version, the paid version is encrypted. Second, you will need to make the appropriate changes for the email sent and the contents.

I do not make/customize these type of code changes.

Good Luck



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@ Hassan11

1) I you are going to send the program to only 3 people. I would change the built-in program...

A) Test for internet service.

B) send you an email with users info and email address

C) Based on the info, send an encrypted code to that person to open the program. ( If you receive an email from anonymous, don't send a code)

2) Yes, you would need to change the code for your payment system.

3) Test.com may be your answer to this dilemma.

4) the built-in email system is from Jos - you can view his thread for more info on how it works.

REMEMBER - I do not customize this free code for people.... But, I will try to answer questions... When I can.

Good Luck



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  • 2 months later...

It is a bug in Au3Check. Disable Au3Check or grab the latest beta version. This has been discussed many times on the forum.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Greetings Valuater.

Very cool script.  I was curious about one thing.

The line:

    $t = FileGetTime(_StringEncryptor(0, IniRead($F_file, "Security", $P_program, _NowCalc()) , (StringLen($D_1) - 13)))

Isn't that supposed to be a DateTimeSplit instead of a FileGetTime since the StringEncryptor is returning a DateTime?



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  • 11 months later...

Thats interesting to see that entire source is encrypted.

My question is:

Because everything is encrypted and we have no way of knowing what does it do and where does it go, can we trust it ?

Releasing the decryption for this script will equal to making it susceptible to exploits (because am sure hackers reading these forums too) so i understand why its not done. But still i wonder how did the moderators allow codes like that being posted if they do unknown functions.

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  • 9 months later...

I keep getting a COM Fatal error has occured after entering my email address - I cannot figure out how to correct this :(

I am using the smtp.gmail.com and changed the port to 465. 


Anyone know of how to fix this or of a newer version somewhere?

Edited by Nick3399
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You will get more help when you provide the following information:

  • Exact error message
  • Your script - or at least the statements you use to call XProtec

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