Foxnolds Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 (edited) Here is my MsgBoxEx UDF:OK, you all use that last parameter in MsgBox to auto select the defualt button in "x" number of seconds... BUT how do you see how many seconds you have left before you need to panic?? Well use this UDF instead!Not only does it count down the seconds remaining in the Default button text but it will ALSO change the wording in the dialog text as well via a token string substitution.But there's more...Wouldn't it be nice to BOLD a few lines to help get the message text across...Wouldn't it be nice to be able to PARENT the Dialog back to your main Autoit window so if it closes, the dialog also closes...Wouldn't it be nice if the dialog was modeless or modal allowing events in your main Autoit window to happen and process while the Dialog is displayed...Here is a STILL snapshot of my MsgBoxEx in action.The MsgBoxEx UDF and a simple Test example. v1.01MsgBoxEx.zipThe Extentsion to the normal old MsgBox is that it:-Will add Count-down text to the default button that counts down... Will replace the characters <##> with the current remaining number of seconds on up to 5 lines of textWill BOLD a while line of text if <b> or </B> tags are seen on any message line.Accepts optional Parent window parameter so when parent minimises, closes then so does MsgBoxEx dialog.Supports Minimize and Close SysMenu buttonsWorks as a drop-in Modal like replacement for MsgBox() but can also work modeless in your own EventLoop environment. Button action generate Callbacks to your event handler.The 1 to 3 buttons can be of ANY text by an optional Array of button text and button count values.Special Return Codes for Type 8 buttons - PC Lock/Cancel.P.S. The best Parent Window examples of MsgBoxEx use is on the About Dialog Test Button actions in my UnAttended Script .. Edited 15 August 2006: Added Button Text length check for User Defined Buttons Text.The UDF: (I use Tabs)expandcollapse popup; Include Version:1.01 (15 August 2006) #include-once ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: ; Language: English ; Description: Alternative to MsgBox() with extended functionality. ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Global $ghMBEX = 0, $giMBEX_Secs = 0, $gaMBEX_SecLines[6][2], $gsMBEX_Text, $giMBEX_PrevOnEventMode Global $ghMBEX_Button1, $ghMBEX_Button2, $ghMBEX_Button3, $ghMBEX_Button, $giMBEX_ButtonFlag Global $gsMBEX_ButtonText, $gsMBEX_CallBack, $giMBEX_RtnVal, $gaMBEX_BT[4], $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Global $giMBEX_TmrStart, $giMBEX_TmrEnd ; #include <GUIDefaultConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> ; ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _MsgBoxEx() and _MsgBoxExCreate() ; Description: Extensions to the inbuilt MsgBox() Function. ; Adds a drop in replacement or Event driven Mode ; Adds CountDown of Timeout to Default Buttons and|or Text. ; Adds Bolding of up to 5 text lines ; Author(s): Foxnolds <foxnolds at ewise dot com> ; ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== ; +++ This is to emulate a Modal MsgBox($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout]) +++ ; _MsgBoxEx($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]]) ; ; +++ This is the call to use if you have your own EventLoop where you call _MBEX_TickTock() +++ ; _MsgBoxExCreate($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]]) ; __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; $iFlag The flag indicates the type of message box and the possible button combinations. See remarks. ; $sTitle The title of the message box. ; $sText The text of the message box. "<b>" and/or "</b>" will Bold Text of whole Line only. ; Upto 5 lines may have <##> text replaced with the current second countdown value. ; $iTimeout [optional] Timeout in seconds. After the timeout has elapsed the message box will be closed. ; Default value of 0 will disable timeout. ; $sReturnCallBack [optional] The name of a function you provide that takes a single argument, the ReturnCode. ; Default value is Null String "" which is replaced with internal handler when ; _MsgBoxEx() funcion called. ; If using _MsgBoxExCreate(), ; you MUST register your own ReturnCallBack function here... ; And in your Event Loop, you need to call _MBEX_TickTock() to update timers. ; $iLeft [optional] X Position of Dialog, default of -1 centers dialog horizontally. ; $iTop [optional] Y Position of Dialog, default of -1 centers dialog vertically. ; $hParent [optional] Handle to a Parent Window, defaults to 0. ; __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Note, as this is Modeless, this version does not support multiple instances which can be invoked. ; The code uses the Dialog handle of non-zero to test if another is running already. ; ; Failure: Returns -1 if the message box timed out. ; ; Button Pressed Return Value sent to $gsMBEX_CallBack function you provide ; OK 1 ; CANCEL 2 ; ABORT 3 ; RETRY 4 ; IGNORE 5 ; YES 6 ; NO 7 ; TRY AGAIN ** 10 ; CONTINUE ** 11 ; LOCK PC 12 - You have to do the locking... ; CLOSE 13 - New Return code ; _____________________________________________________________________ ; ; The flag parameter can be a combination of the following values: ; ; decimal flag Button-related Result hexadecimal flag ; 0 OK button 0x0 ; 1 OK and Cancel 0x1 ; 2 Abort, Retry, and Ignore 0x2 ; 3 Yes, No, and Cancel 0x3 ; 4 Yes and No 0x4 ; 5 Retry and Cancel 0x5 ; 6 ** Cancel, Try Again, Continue 0x6 ; 7 ++ +++ See Note7 +++ 0x7 ; 8 ++ Lock PC, Cancel 0x8 ; ; +++ Note7 +++ User sets the Global Array Variables Before Calling this Function ; $gaMBEX_BT[0] = 1, 2 or 3 ; $gaMBEX_BT[1] = "Left Button" ; $gaMBEX_BT[2] = "Right Button" ; $gaMBEX_BT[3] = "Middle Button" ; _____________________________________________________________________ ; decimal flag Icon-related Result hexadecimal flag ; 0 (No icon) 0x0 ; 16 Stop-sign icon 0x10 ; 32 Question-mark icon 0x20 ; 48 Exclamation-point icon 0x30 ; 64 Information-sign icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle 0x40 ; _____________________________________________________________________ ; decimal flag Default-related Result hexadecimal flag ; 0 First button is default button 0x0 ; 256 Second button is default button 0x100 ; 512 Third button is default button 0x200 ; 1024 +++ Default Button has CountDown text 0x400 ; _____________________________________________________________________ ; decimal flag Modality-related Result hexadecimal flag ; 0 Application 0x0 ; 4096 ++ System modal (dialog has an icon) 0x1000 ; 8192 -- Task modal - Not supported 0x2000 ; _____________________________________________________________________ ; decimal flag Miscellaneous-related Result hexadecimal flag ; 0 (nothing else special) 0x0 ; 262144 MsgBox has top-most attribute set 0x40000 ; 524288 -- title and text are right-justified 0x80000 ; ; ** was Only valid on Windows 2000/XP and above. ; ________________________________________________________________ ; ;=============================================================================== ; +++ This is to emulate a Modal MsgBox($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout]) +++ ; _MsgBoxEx($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]]) ; ; Function Entry for backwards compatability for MsgBox() is really a ; Local EventLoop to service this _MsgBoxEx UDF. ; Usually you would use your own EventLoop but this will do if none other. ;=============================================================================== Func _MsgBoxEx($piFlag, $psTitle, $psText, $piTimeout = 0, $psReturnCallBack = "", $piLeft = -1, $piTop = -1, $phParent = 0) _MsgBoxExCreate($piFlag, $psTitle, $psText, $piTimeout, $psReturnCallBack, $piLeft, $piTop, $phParent) ; Local Event Loop for Timer CountDown Tick While $giMBEX_RtnVal == 0 Sleep(250) ; Allow events to happen... _MBEX_TickTock(True) ; Do CountDown display as required WEnd ; Restore Previous OnEventMode Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $giMBEX_PrevOnEventMode) ; 0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled Return $giMBEX_RtnVal EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; +++ This is the call to use if you have your own EventLoop where you call _MBEX_TickTock() +++ ; _MsgBoxExCreate($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]]) ;=============================================================================== Func _MsgBoxExCreate($piFlag, $psTitle, $psText, $piTimeout = 0, $psReturnCallBack = "", $piLeft = -1, $piTop = -1, $phParent = 0) Local $liPrevCoordMode, $laText, $li, $liMaxStrLen = 0, $liTextWidth, $lsValue, $liStyle, $liStyleEx, $lbTabs Local $liIconOffset, $liIconIndex, $liXpos, $lbBold, $liButtonWidth, $liBoldVOffset = 0, $liHeight, $lbButton1Centered Local $liNumOfButtons, $lsButton1Text, $lsButton2Text, $lsButton3Text, $liDefButtonNum, $liLeftGrow, $liRightGrow Local Const $lciCharWidth = 5, $lciBtnCharWidth = 7, $lciButtonWidth = 70, $lciBoldWidth = 7 Local Const $lciCharHeight = 15, $lciLineHeight = 12, $lciButtonHeight = 25, $lciBoldHeight = 16 If $ghMBEX Then Return 0 ; Already displayed! If $psReturnCallBack == "" Then $psReturnCallBack = "_MBEX_DefaultReturnCallBack" ; No CallBack provided - Mandatory! $gsMBEX_CallBack = $psReturnCallBack $liPrevCoordMode = Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) ; 1 = absolute coordinates (default) still relative to the dialog box. ; 0 = relative position to the start of the last control (upper left corner). ; 2 = cell positionining relative to current cell. ; A -1 for left or top parameter don't increment the start. ; So next line is -1,offset; next cell is offset,-1; current cell is -1,-1. $giMBEX_PrevOnEventMode = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; 0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] = 0 ; Initialse Counter of Lines needing SECONDS update <##> to Zero $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][1] = "" $giMBEX_Secs = $piTimeout $gsMBEX_Text = " (<##> secs)" $laText = StringSplit($psText, @LF, 1) $liMaxStrLen = 0 For $li = 1 To $laText[0] $lbBold = False $lbTabs = False $liTextWidth = StringLen($laText[$li]) If StringInStr($laText[$li], "<b>", 0, 1) > 0 OR StringInStr($laText[$li], "</b>", 0, 1) > 0 Then $lbBold = True If StringInStr($laText[$li], @TAB, 0, 1) > 0 Then ; Expand TAB characters.. to 4-Char boundary $lbTabs = True Local $liLen = 0, $c = "" For $liIconOffset = 1 to $liTextWidth $c = StringMid($laText[$li], $liIconOffset, 1) If $c == @TAB Then If Mod($liLen, 4) == 0 Then $liLen += 4 Else $liLen += Mod($liLen, 4) EndIf Else $liLen += 1 EndIf Next $liTextWidth = $liLen EndIf If $lbBold Then $liTextWidth = $liTextWidth * $lciBoldWidth $liBoldVOffset = $liBoldVOffset + $lciBoldHeight - $lciLineHeight ElseIf $lbTabs Then $liTextWidth = $liTextWidth * $lciBoldWidth Else $liTextWidth = $liTextWidth * $lciCharWidth EndIf If $liTextWidth > $liMaxStrLen Then $liMaxStrLen = $liTextWidth Next $liTextWidth = 250 If $liMaxStrLen > $liTextWidth Then $liTextWidth = $liMaxStrLen ; Set up Button info $lbButton1Centered = False Select Case BitAND($piFlag, 8) == 8 ; Lock PC, Cancel $liNumOfButtons = 2 $lsButton1Text = "Lock PC" $lsButton2Text = "Cancel" $lsButton3Text = "" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 8 Case BitAND($piFlag, 7) == 7 ; User Defined ; User sets the Global Variables Before Calling this Function $liNumOfButtons = $gaMBEX_BT[0] ; 1, 2 or 3 $lsButton1Text = $gaMBEX_BT[1] ; "Left Button" $lsButton2Text = $gaMBEX_BT[2] ; "Right Button" $lsButton3Text = $gaMBEX_BT[3] ; "Middle Button" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 7 If $liNumOfButtons == 1 Then $lbButton1Centered = True Case BitAND($piFlag, 6) == 6 ; Cancel, Try Again, Continue $liNumOfButtons = 3 $lsButton1Text = "Cancel" $lsButton2Text = "Continue" $lsButton3Text = "Try Again" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 6 Case BitAND($piFlag, 5) == 5 ; Retry and Cancel $liNumOfButtons = 2 $lsButton1Text = "Retry" $lsButton2Text = "Cancel" $lsButton3Text = "" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 5 Case BitAND($piFlag, 4) == 4 ; Yes and No $liNumOfButtons = 2 $lsButton1Text = "Yes" $lsButton2Text = "No" $lsButton3Text = "" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 4 Case BitAND($piFlag, 3) == 3 ; Yes, No, and Cancel $liNumOfButtons = 3 $lsButton1Text = "Yes" $lsButton2Text = "Cancel" $lsButton3Text = "No" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 3 Case BitAND($piFlag, 2) == 2 ; Abort, Retry, and Ignore $liNumOfButtons = 3 $lsButton1Text = "Abort" $lsButton2Text = "Ignore" $lsButton3Text = "Retry" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 2 Case BitAND($piFlag, 1) == 1 ; OK and Cancel $liNumOfButtons = 2 $lsButton1Text = "OK" $lsButton2Text = "Cancel" $lsButton3Text = "" $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 1 Case Else ; OK button $liNumOfButtons = 1 $lsButton1Text = "OK" $lsButton2Text = "" $lsButton3Text = "" $lbButton1Centered = True $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 0 EndSelect ; Select default Button to Count Down $liDefButtonNum = 1 ; First button is default button $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton1Text If BitAND($piFlag, 256) == 256 Then ; Second button is default button If $liNumOfButtons == 2 Then $liDefButtonNum = 2 ; Second of 2 $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton2Text ElseIf $liNumOfButtons == 3 Then $liDefButtonNum = 3 ; The Middle button $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton3Text Else $liDefButtonNum = 1 ; First button is default button $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton1Text EndIf ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 512) == 512 Then ; Third button is default button If $liNumOfButtons == 3 Then $liDefButtonNum = 2 ; Button 2 is always the RHS one. $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton2Text ElseIf $liNumOfButtons == 2 Then $liDefButtonNum = 2 ; Button 2 is always the RHS one. $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton2Text ElseIf $liNumOfButtons == 1 Then $liDefButtonNum = 1 ; Button 1 is the only one. $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton1Text EndIf EndIf ; Look for CoutDown text on Default Button request $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD = False If BitAND($piFlag, 1024) == 1024 Then $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD = True ; Look for Icon Index $liIconOffset = 10 $liIconIndex = 0 If BitAND($piFlag, 48) == 48 Then $liIconIndex = 1 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 48 - Exclamation $liIconOffset = 60 ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 16) == 16 Then $liIconIndex = 3 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 16 - Stop Sign $liIconOffset = 60 ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 32) == 32 Then $liIconIndex = 2 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 32 - Ques Mark $liIconOffset = 60 ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 64) == 64 Then $liIconIndex = 4 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 64 - Information $liIconOffset = 60 EndIf ; Test for enough room for 3 standard Buttons If $liNumOfButtons == 3 And $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD AND ($liTextWidth + $liIconOffset) < 290 Then $liTextWidth = 290 - $liIconOffset EndIf ; redo width calculation incase User Defined Button text is large? If $giMBEX_ButtonFlag == 7 Then $liMaxStrLen = StringLen($lsButton1Text) + StringLen($gsMBEX_Text) + 2 If $liNumOfButtons > 1 Then $liMaxStrLen += StringLen($lsButton2Text) + 2 If $liNumOfButtons > 2 Then $liMaxStrLen += StringLen($lsButton3Text) + 2 $liMaxStrLen = ($liMaxStrLen * $lciBtnCharWidth) - $liIconOffset ; buttons can use Icon horizontal space If $liMaxStrLen > $liTextWidth Then $liTextWidth = $liMaxStrLen EndIf ; Get Topmost flag $liStyleEx = -1 If BitAND($piFlag, 262144) == 262144 Then $liStyleEx = $WS_EX_TOPMOST $liStyle = BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP) If BitAND($piFlag, 4096) == 4096 Then $liStyle = BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_SYSMENU) ; System Modal has Icon.. If BitAND($piFlag, 524288) == 524288 Then $liStyle = BitOr($liStyle, $SS_RIGHT) If $phParent == 0 Then $ghMBEX = GuiCreate($psTitle, $liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10, 55 + ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + $liBoldVOffset, $piLeft, $piTop, $liStyle, $liStyleEx) Else $ghMBEX = GuiCreate($psTitle, $liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10, 55 + ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + $liBoldVOffset, $piLeft, $piTop, $liStyle, $liStyleEx, $phParent) EndIf If @Compiled Then GUISetIcon(@AutoItExe, 0) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_MBEX_SpecialEvents") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, "_MBEX_SpecialEvents") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESTORE, "_MBEX_SpecialEvents") If $liIconIndex > 0 Then GUICtrlCreateIcon("user32.dll", $liIconIndex, 10, 10) $liBoldVOffset = 0 For $li = 1 To $laText[0] $lbBold = False $lsValue = StringStripCR($laText[$li]) If StringInStr($lsValue, "<b>", 0, 1) > 0 Then $lbBold = True $lsValue = StringReplace($lsValue, "<b>", "", 0, 0) EndIf If StringInStr($lsValue, "</b>", 0, 1) > 0 Then $lbBold = True $lsValue = StringReplace($lsValue, "</b>", "", 0, 0) EndIf $liHeight = $lciCharHeight If $lbBold Then $liHeight = $lciBoldHeight $liStyle = -1 If BitAND($piFlag, 524288) == 524288 Then $liStyle = BitOr($liStyle, $SS_RIGHT) If StringInStr($lsValue, "<##>", 0, 1) > 0 And $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] < 5 Then ; Update Counter of Lines needing SECONDS update <##> $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] = $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] + 1 $gaMBEX_SecLines[$gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0]][1] = $lsValue $lsValue = StringReplace($lsValue, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0) $gaMBEX_SecLines[$gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0]][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lsValue, $liIconOffset, ((($li-1) * $lciLineHeight) + 10 + $liBoldVOffset), $liTextWidth, $liHeight, $liStyle) Else GUICtrlCreateLabel($lsValue, $liIconOffset, ((($li-1) * $lciLineHeight) + 10 + $liBoldVOffset), $liTextWidth, $liHeight, $liStyle) EndIf If $lbBold Then GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 800) $liBoldVOffset = $liBoldVOffset + $lciBoldHeight - $lciLineHeight EndIf Next ; Set Button1 Text $lsValue = $lsButton1Text If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 AND $liDefButtonNum == 1 AND $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0) EndIf ; Get Button Width $liButtonWidth = StringLen($lsValue) * $lciBtnCharWidth If $liButtonWidth < $lciButtonWidth Then $liButtonWidth = $lciButtonWidth $liLeftGrow = $liButtonWidth - $lciButtonWidth ; Set Button1 Position If $lbButton1Centered Then $liXpos = Int(($liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10) / 2) - Int($liButtonWidth / 2) ; Centered Else $liXpos = 10 ; $liIconOffset EndIf ; Set Defult Button action If $liDefButtonNum == 1 Then $liStyle = $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Else $liStyle = -1 EndIf $ghMBEX_Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lsValue, $liXpos, ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + 25 + $liBoldVOffset, $liButtonWidth, $lciButtonHeight, $liStyle) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MBEX_Button1_Pressed") If $liDefButtonNum == 1 Then $ghMBEX_Button = $ghMBEX_Button1 If $liNumOfButtons > 1 Then ; Set Button2 Text $lsValue = $lsButton2Text If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 AND $liDefButtonNum == 2 AND $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0) EndIf ; Get Button Width $liButtonWidth = StringLen($lsValue) * $lciBtnCharWidth If $liButtonWidth < $lciButtonWidth Then $liButtonWidth = $lciButtonWidth $liRightGrow = $liButtonWidth - $lciButtonWidth ; Set Defult Button action If $liDefButtonNum == 2 Then $liStyle = $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Else $liStyle = -1 EndIf $ghMBEX_Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lsValue, $liTextWidth + $liIconOffset - $liButtonWidth, ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + 25 + $liBoldVOffset, $liButtonWidth, $lciButtonHeight, $liStyle) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MBEX_Button2_Pressed") If $liDefButtonNum == 2 Then $ghMBEX_Button = $ghMBEX_Button2 EndIf If $liNumOfButtons > 2 Then ; Set Button3 Text $lsValue = $lsButton3Text If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 AND $liDefButtonNum == 3 AND $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0) EndIf ; Get Button Width $liButtonWidth = StringLen($lsValue) * $lciBtnCharWidth If $liButtonWidth < $lciButtonWidth Then $liButtonWidth = $lciButtonWidth ; Set Defult Button action If $liDefButtonNum == 3 Then $liStyle = $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Else $liStyle = -1 EndIf $liXpos = Int(($liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10) / 2) - Int($liButtonWidth / 2) + Int($liLeftGrow / 2) - Int($liRightGrow / 2) ; Centered $ghMBEX_Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lsValue, $liXpos, ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + 25 + $liBoldVOffset, $liButtonWidth, $lciButtonHeight, $liStyle) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MBEX_Button3_Pressed") If $liDefButtonNum == 3 Then $ghMBEX_Button = $ghMBEX_Button3 EndIf ; GUI MESSAGE LOOP is performed by Main Dialog loop GuiSetState() Opt("GUICoordMode", $liPrevCoordMode) $giMBEX_RtnVal = 0 $giMBEX_TmrStart = TimerInit() $giMBEX_TmrEnd = ($giMBEX_Secs * 1000) ; Total Duration in millisecs GUICtrlSetState($ghMBEX_Button, $GUI_FOCUS) return $ghMBEX EndFunc ;==>_MsgBoxEx ;=============================================================================== ; Updates CountDown Text if second has changed. ; Returns CountDown Value in seconds ;=============================================================================== Func _MBEX_TickTock($pbUseInternalTimer = True) Local $li, $lsValue, $liTmrDiff, $liCountDownSecs, $lbSecChanged ; ConsoleWrite(@LF & "in _MBEX_TickTock() - $ghMBEX=" & $ghMBEX) If Not $ghMBEX Then Return 0 ; incase users leave this call permanently in their own EventLoop If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 Then If $pbUseInternalTimer Then $liTmrDiff = Int(TimerDiff($giMBEX_TmrStart)) ; Elapsed time in milliseconds ; $giMBEX_TmrEnd == Total Duration in millisecs $liCountDownSecs = Round(($giMBEX_TmrEnd - $liTmrDiff) / 1000, 0) If $liCountDownSecs < 0 Then $liCountDownSecs = 0 ; Only update display on second value change.. If $liCountDownSecs <> $giMBEX_Secs Then $giMBEX_Secs = $liCountDownSecs ; Decrament CountDown secs - $giMBEX_Secs -= 1 $lbSecChanged = True EndIf Else $giMBEX_Secs -= 1 $lbSecChanged = True EndIf If $lbSecChanged Then If $giMBEX_Secs < 0 Then $giMBEX_Secs = 0 If $ghMBEX Then If $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0) GUICtrlSetData($ghMBEX_Button, $lsValue) EndIf If $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] > 0 Then For $li = 1 To $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] $lsValue = StringReplace($gaMBEX_SecLines[$li][1], "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0) GUICtrlSetData($gaMBEX_SecLines[$li][0], $lsValue) Next EndIf EndIf If $giMBEX_Secs <= 0 Then If $ghMBEX Then GUIDelete($ghMBEX) $ghMBEX = 0 EndIf $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock! Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, -1) ; -1 == Timedout EndIf EndIf EndIf Return $giMBEX_Secs EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== Func _MBEX_Button1_Pressed() Local $liRtnVal ; @GUI_CTRLID contains $ghMBEX_Button1 when called directly by GUICtrlSetOnEvent() ; and @GUI_WINHANDLE would equal $ghMBEX $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock! If $ghMBEX Then GUIDelete($ghMBEX) $ghMBEX = 0 EndIf Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag Case 0 ; OK $liRtnVal = 1 Case 1 ; OK $liRtnVal = 1 Case 2 ; Abort $liRtnVal = 3 Case 3 ; Yes $liRtnVal = 6 Case 4 ; Yes $liRtnVal = 6 Case 5 ; Retry $liRtnVal = 4 Case 6 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case 7 ; UserDef $liRtnVal = 1 ; Button Number Case 8 ; Lock PC $liRtnVal = 12 Case Else $liRtnVal = -1 EndSwitch Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, $liRtnVal) EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_Button1_Pressed ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== Func _MBEX_Button2_Pressed() Local $liRtnVal ; @GUI_CTRLID contains $ghMBEX_Button2 when called directly by GUICtrlSetOnEvent() ; and @GUI_WINHANDLE would equal $ghMBEX $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock! If $ghMBEX Then GUIDelete($ghMBEX) $ghMBEX = 0 EndIf Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag Case 1 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case 2 ; Ignore $liRtnVal = 5 Case 3 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case 4 ; No $liRtnVal = 7 Case 5 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case 6 ; Continue $liRtnVal = 11 Case 7 ; UserDef $liRtnVal = 2 ; Button Number Case 8 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case Else $liRtnVal = -1 EndSwitch Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, $liRtnVal) EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_Button2_Pressed ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== Func _MBEX_Button3_Pressed() Local $liRtnVal ; @GUI_CTRLID contains $ghMBEX_Button2 when called directly by GUICtrlSetOnEvent() ; and @GUI_WINHANDLE would equal $ghMBEX $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock! If $ghMBEX Then GUIDelete($ghMBEX) $ghMBEX = 0 EndIf Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag Case 2 ; Retry $liRtnVal = 4 Case 3 ; No $liRtnVal = 7 Case 6 ; Try Again $liRtnVal = 10 Case 7 ; UserDef $liRtnVal = 3 ; Button Number Case Else $liRtnVal = -1 EndSwitch Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, $liRtnVal) EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_Button3_Pressed ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== Func _MBEX_DefaultReturnCallBack($piReturnVal) $giMBEX_RtnVal = $piReturnVal ; Breaks Local Event Loop when not Zero EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== Func _MBEX_SpecialEvents() Local $liRtnVal Select Case @GUI_CTRLID = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock! If $ghMBEX Then GUIDelete($ghMBEX) $ghMBEX = 0 EndIf Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag Case 1 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case 2 ; Ignore $liRtnVal = 5 Case 3 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case 4 ; No $liRtnVal = 7 Case 5 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case 6 ; Continue $liRtnVal = 11 Case 7 ; UserDef $liRtnVal = 2 ; Button Number 2 Case 8 ; Cancel $liRtnVal = 2 Case Else $liRtnVal = -1 EndSwitch Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, 13) ; Hard Code Close == 13 Case @GUI_CTRLID = $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE Return Case @GUI_CTRLID = $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE Return EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_SpecialEvents Edited August 15, 2006 by Foxnolds My UnAttended Event Handler , MsgBoxEx , DriveGetDriveEx and SysTray modified.
MHz Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Looks very nice. It makes the standard MsgBox look very basic indeed. Thanks for sharing.
rbhkamal Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 (edited) Looks good I was trying to do this but I lost my will before I finish it. Thanks for sharing.Edit: Thanks again RK Edited August 11, 2006 by rbhkamal "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace"-Jimi Hendrix
Foxnolds Posted August 11, 2006 Author Posted August 11, 2006 Ah ha, another Aussie burning the Midnight Oil!Thanks for sharing. Thanks for the feedback Mhz and rbhkamal. I forgot to mention that I only write for the latest Beta Version. I am new to Autoit and I found version too limiting. For my needs, it was not worth investing any time in it at all. I don't know why the old is still around? Version 2 is the legacy version... My UnAttended Event Handler , MsgBoxEx , DriveGetDriveEx and SysTray modified.
RazerM Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I agree with MHz, make sthe standard MsgBox look basic. Well done Foxnolds, I like the script. My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
Moderators SmOke_N Posted August 11, 2006 Moderators Posted August 11, 2006 Nice job... How many times did you get lost in the code Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
jefhal Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 (edited) Never mind... I dwnldd 133 and it works fine. By the way, the test file "lock PC" button REALLY WORKS!...Where do I get these three includes:#include <GUIDefaultConstants.au3>#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>#include <ButtonConstants.au3>Included in beta 131-133, etc. Edited August 11, 2006 by jefhal the way, it's pronounced: "JIF"... Bob Berry --- inventor of the GIF format
jefhal Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Just a thought, but any way to make the msgbox scale to fit the custom buttons? If I put too much text on the buttons they end up overlapped. I did a kludge of putting 60+ spaces in front of the first line of text, but it's ugly... Just an idea... the way, it's pronounced: "JIF"... Bob Berry --- inventor of the GIF format
WTS Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Ah ha, another Aussie burning the Midnight Oil! Thanks for the feedback Mhz and rbhkamal. I forgot to mention that I only write for the latest Beta Version. I am new to Autoit and I found version too limiting. For my needs, it was not worth investing any time in it at all. I don't know why the old is still around? Version 2 is the legacy but man whats up with all the new constants in the latest beta..
Moderators SmOke_N Posted August 11, 2006 Moderators Posted August 11, 2006 cool.. but man whats up with all the new constants in the latest beta.. Making sure you keep up with the times!! Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
FeReNGi Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 awesome script ! Can you add a trayicon with a countdown ? ServicesPE|LoadVMDK
Foxnolds Posted August 15, 2006 Author Posted August 15, 2006 Just a thought, but any way to make the msgbox scale to fit the custom buttons? If I put too much text on the buttons they end up overlapped. I did a kludge of putting 60+ spaces in front of the first line of text, but it's ugly... Just an idea... No problem. I've edited the first post and included a check for user defined button text length.I used 2 characters for between button space padding. Just a guess...Let be know if it helps.If not, please give a sample of the button text that is giving you a problem and I will look into it. My UnAttended Event Handler , MsgBoxEx , DriveGetDriveEx and SysTray modified.
Dave in PNG Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 This looks like what I need, but the icons do not display when I run the test code. Any ideas? Dave
GaryFrost Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 This looks like what I need, but the icons do not display when I run the test code. Any ideas?Dave SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs  Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Â
Dave in PNG Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 Found the answer here: the second parameter changed in GUICtrlCreateIcon(). Icon numbers are now negative.To make this excellent code work, modify the MsgBoxEx.au3 file like this:Lines 305-317If BitAND($piFlag, 48) == 48 Then $liIconIndex = -2; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 48 - Exclamation $liIconOffset = 60 ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 16) == 16 Then $liIconIndex = -4; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 16 - Stop Sign $liIconOffset = 60 ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 32) == 32 Then $liIconIndex = -3; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 32 - Ques Mark $liIconOffset = 60 ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 64) == 64 Then $liIconIndex = -5; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 64 - Information $liIconOffset = 60 EndIfLine 348If $liIconIndex < 0 Then GUICtrlCreateIcon("user32.dll", $liIconIndex, 10, 10)
James Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 That's cool! Its quite easy to use, and is just what I have been looking for, for my Network. Blog - Seriously epic web hosting - Twitter - GitHub - Cachet HQ
frodo Posted February 23, 2007 Posted February 23, 2007 This is almost the single best improvement ive seen in the gui side of things.It makes things look very professional indeed!Im surprised it isnt in the latest release.
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