this-is-me Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 (edited) Drumroll please............. HERE IT IS AT LAST After much testing I may safely say this is a less complicated and safer way to have all the functionality we need.parser.au3expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include "webinclude.au3" _StartWebApp() $_script = '#include "' & @ScriptDir & '\webinclude.au3"' & @CRLF $_tmp_fl = "" If $cmdline[0] = 0 Then die("Au3 support disabled. Please check server parameters.") Else If $cmdline[1] = @ScriptName Then die("Script cannot run itself.") $_au3_file_content = FileRead(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1], FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1])) ;begin validation $_au3_begin = StringInStr($_au3_file_content, "<?au3") $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_file_content, "?>") If $_au3_end < $_au3_begin Then die("Improperly ended or incorrectly formatted tags in script.") EndIf $_spl1 = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, "<?au3", 1) $_spl2 = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, "?>", 1) If $_spl1[0] <> $_spl2[0] Then die("Too many or too few au3 tags (tags are not symmetrical).") EndIf ;begin parsing $_au3_file_content = StringReplace($_au3_file_content, "<?au3", "|") $_au3_file_content = StringReplace($_au3_file_content, "?>", "|") $_parselines = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, "|") For $_var_i = 1 To $_parselines[0] If mod($_var_i, 2) = 0 Then ;even $_script &= StringStripWS($_parselines[$_var_i], 3) & @CRLF ;au3 scripting Else ;odd $_script &= 'echo("' & StringReplace(StringReplace($_parselines[$_var_i], '"', '""'), @CRLF, '" & @CRLF & "') & '")' & @CRLF ;html EndIf Next $_tmp_fl = _TempFile() FileWrite($_tmp_fl, $_script) $_write_lines = "" $pid = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /ErrorStdOut "' & $_tmp_fl & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, 2) Do $_write_lines &= StdOutRead($pid) Until @error ConsoleWrite($_write_lines) EndIf Func OnAutoItExit() If FileExists($_tmp_fl) Then FileDelete($_tmp_fl) EndIf EndFuncand a test webpage to see that it does indeed work correctly:index.au3<html> <head> <title>AutoIt <?au3 echo(@AutoItVersion) ?> Test Webpage located at <?au3 echo(@WorkingDir) ?></title> </head> <body> Testing this page<br> <?au3 echo("test1<br>") ?> Something else stupid<br> <?au3 echo($_REMOTE_ADDR) ?> <?au3 Func alert($msg) echo("<script>alert('" & $msg & "')</script>") EndFunc alert("funny stuff") ?> </body> </html> Edited September 25, 2006 by this-is-me Who else would I be?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted September 26, 2006 Moderators Posted September 26, 2006 If you are parsing line by line, this might work:$String = "Variable 1 is <?au3 echo(var1) ?>. Variable 2 is <?au3 echo(var2) ?>." MsgBox(0, '', _ParseVars($String)) Func _ParseVars($sString) Local $sCombine $aVarNum = _SRE_BetweenEX($sString, 'Variable ', ' is <') $aVarGet = _SRE_BetweenEX($sString, 'au3 ', ' \?>') If IsArray($aVarNum) And IsArray($aVarGet) Then For $iCC = 0 To UBound($aVarNum) - 1 If Not $iCC Then $sCombine &= 'echo("Variable ' & $aVarNum[$iCC] & ' is ")' _ & @CRLF & $aVarGet[$iCC] & @CRLF Else $sCombine &= 'echo(". Variable ' & $aVarNum[$iCC] & ' is ")' _ & @CRLF & $aVarGet[$iCC] & @CRLF EndIf Next $sCombine &= 'echo(".")' Return $sCombine EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc Func _SRE_BetweenEX($s_String, $s_Start, $s_End, $iCase = 'i') If $iCase <> 'i' Then $iCase = '' $a_Array = StringRegExp ($s_String, '(?' & $iCase & _ ':' & $s_Start & ')(.*?)(?' & $iCase & _ ':' & $s_End & ')', 3) If @extended & IsArray($a_Array) Then Return $a_Array Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_SRE_BetweenEXFor the question I had before I fell asleep this morning. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
this-is-me Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Thanks for the code, but I am simply at a loss to understand it. I attempted to get the gist of what was going on, but I don't understand StringRegExp all that well. Would you mind explaining the logic to me and how your code works.? If not, that's ok. I understand you may have other work to do. Who else would I be?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted September 26, 2006 Moderators Posted September 26, 2006 Thanks for the code, but I am simply at a loss to understand it. I attempted to get the gist of what was going on, but I don't understand StringRegExp all that well. Would you mind explaining the logic to me and how your code works.? If not, that's ok. I understand you may have other work to do.It's just parsing through looking for strings I told it to search for and the end string to search for, then returning the end result back. I told it to look for Variable[space] and [space]is[space] (or something ike that), and it returns the Variable number to me, then I wanted the echo(var#) so I told it to search for the strings that are constant that echo(var#) sits between. The function I wrote is like StringBetween, but it's StringRegExpBetween (thus _SRE_Between) simply returing the inbetween results from constants I tell it to look for. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
a6m1n0 Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Very inventive idea guys! It is interesting what people come up with using AutoIt.
JSThePatriot Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Something useful that AutoIt could really do other than spit out HTML written from scripts is interface with a database such as SQLite. (Now being used alot by PHP users over MySQL and PostgreSQL, also officially released with Apache now as well) HTML could talk to the AutoIt script, and request information from a datasource. Make it a server language, not a new HTML Maybe the above is what is trying to be done, I am not quite sure. JS AutoIt Links File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008Â Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out. ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006 External Links Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)
this-is-me Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 @Smoke, now that I look at it with that understanding, it makes much more sense. @JS, yes, that is exactly what we are doing, and what you can do with this. With this script, it is like php with Au3 instead. You can use "regular html" outside of <?au3 ?> tags, and autoit 3 inside them on the server side. Who else would I be?
JSThePatriot Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 @Smoke, now that I look at it with that understanding, it makes much more sense.@JS, yes, that is exactly what we are doing, and what you can do with this. With this script, it is like php with Au3 instead. You can use "regular html" outside of <?au3 ?> tags, and autoit 3 inside them on the server side.I thought that was the case as I finished reading the thread, but I thought I should post anyways JS AutoIt Links File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008Â Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out. ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006 External Links Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)
this-is-me Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 I updated the script to take into account if the parser is compiled. You can now have a truly portable version of Au3 scripting. This is useful if you have an example webpage and server you keep on a USB stick. You can include parser.exe and have full Au3 server-side access.The only changes are to webinclude.au3, where I removed #include <IE.au3> altogether and removed the _Mail function.parser.au3expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include "webinclude.au3" _StartWebApp() If @Compiled Then FileInstall("webinclude.au3", @TempDir & "\webinclude.au3", 1) EndIf If @Compiled Then $_script = '#include "webinclude.au3"' & @CRLF Else $_script = '#include "' & @ScriptDir & '\webinclude.au3"' & @CRLF EndIf $_tmp_fl = "" If $cmdline[0] = 0 Then die("Au3 support disabled. Please check server parameters.") Else If $cmdline[1] = @ScriptName Then die("Script cannot run itself.") $_au3_file_content = FileRead(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1], FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1])) ;begin validation $_au3_begin = StringInStr($_au3_file_content, "<?au3") $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_file_content, "?>") If $_au3_end < $_au3_begin Then die("Improperly ended or incorrectly formatted tags in script.") EndIf $_spl1 = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, "<?au3", 1) $_spl2 = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, "?>", 1) If $_spl1[0] <> $_spl2[0] Then die("Too many or too few au3 tags (tags are not symmetrical).") EndIf ;begin parsing $_au3_file_content = StringReplace($_au3_file_content, "<?au3", "|") $_au3_file_content = StringReplace($_au3_file_content, "?>", "|") $_parselines = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, "|") For $_var_i = 1 To $_parselines[0] If mod($_var_i, 2) = 0 Then ;even $_script &= StringStripWS($_parselines[$_var_i], 3) & @CRLF ;au3 scripting Else ;odd $_script &= 'echo("' & StringReplace(StringReplace($_parselines[$_var_i], '"', '""'), @CRLF, '" & @CRLF & "') & '")' & @CRLF ;html EndIf Next $_tmp_fl = _TempFile() FileWrite($_tmp_fl, $_script) $_write_lines = "" $pid = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /ErrorStdOut /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $_tmp_fl & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, 2) Do $_write_lines &= StdOutRead($pid) Until @error ConsoleWrite($_write_lines) EndIf Func OnAutoItExit() If FileExists($_tmp_fl) Then FileDelete($_tmp_fl) EndIf If @Compiled Then If FileExists(@TempDir & "\webinclude.au3") Then If Not FileIsOpen(@TempDir & "\webinclude.au3") Then FileDelete(@TempDir & "\webinclude.au3") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func FileIsOpen($file) Local $a = _RealFileOpen($file) If $a == "FFFFFFFF" Then Return 1 _RealFileClose($a) Return 0 EndFunc Func _RealFileOpen( $szFile ) Local $GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000 Local $OPEN_EXISTING = 3 Local $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080 Local $RFO_h $RFO_h = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "hwnd", "CreateFile", "str", $szFile, "long", $GENERIC_READ, "long", 0, "ptr", 0, "long", $OPEN_EXISTING, "long", $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, "long", 0) Return $RFO_h[0] EndFunc Func _RealFileClose( $hFile ) Local $RFC_r $RFC_r = DllCall( "kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "hwnd", $hFile ) Return $RFC_r[0] EndFunc Who else would I be?
this-is-me Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 (edited) LOL! If you don't want your tray icons constantly flashing as users visit your site, don't forget to add #NoTrayIcon to the top of the parser script. EDIT: I was just thinking that it may be advisable to use a copy of _INetSmtpMail as the mailer on the server... I also see an issue with the portable version of parser if the au3 webpage wants to call an #include line for anything in the (autoit) includes directory. Should we script for this? Full Au3 Support at all times from parser.au3 or only what support we have now? Edited September 26, 2006 by this-is-me Who else would I be?
mother9987 Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 @This: Ok, you've rekindled my love for this project! I'm using my own version of your cgi handler which does the same thing as yours AFAIK... I just love writing my own stuff Plus my pages use my webCGI include file instead of the webinclude your using and I had to rewrite for that! But, seriously - awesome! I never would have thought to do it how you did. I briefly pondered how to make a handler and was no where close to what you came up with. Now I just have to incorporate your most recent changes for the compiled version LOL. Stop changing it!
this-is-me Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 LOL I believe that any changes needed to be added (if any at all) will be in relation to adding #include support to those scripts run from compiled versions of parser.au3 and changes to webinclude.au3 to make it more portable in itself. Who else would I be?
lte5000 Posted September 29, 2006 Posted September 29, 2006 (edited) theguy0000 or anyone else, could you provide a short example of how to use session variables? I played with it a bit but did not quite understand how to correctly use them (session vars). Thanks for your work on this project! Edit: What I had in mind: A script that would allow someeone to enter a username and password and then remeber that they are logged in for the entire session. Is that doable? Edited September 29, 2006 by lte5000
spyrorocks Posted October 1, 2006 Posted October 1, 2006 AutoForum v1.0 is almost done [center] My Projects: Online AutoIt Compiler - AutoForum - AutoGuestbook - AutoIt Web-based Auto Installer - Pure AutoIt Zipping Functions - ConfuseGen - MindReader - P2PChat[/center]
theguy0000 Posted October 1, 2006 Author Posted October 1, 2006 AutoForum v1.0 is almost done awsome The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
gamerman2360 Posted October 1, 2006 Posted October 1, 2006 Wow, it's been a while since I was last on here. I have to say, this is awsome. I'll have to read more about this when I have the time. You could use this for a faster StringFindOccurances(). I'm not sure who to credit for it, tho (I just remember seeing it somewhere). Searching for "Return UBound" seems to get a good list of ppl (if you really want to give credit to someone).Func __StringFindOccurances($sStr1, $sStr2) Return UBound(StringSplit($sStr1, $sStr2, 1)) - 2 EndFunc
spyrorocks Posted October 1, 2006 Posted October 1, 2006 awsome Finnished. Look in Scripts and Scraps. [center] My Projects: Online AutoIt Compiler - AutoForum - AutoGuestbook - AutoIt Web-based Auto Installer - Pure AutoIt Zipping Functions - ConfuseGen - MindReader - P2PChat[/center]
nfwu Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 theguy0000 or anyone else, could you provide a short example of how to use session variables?I played with it a bit but did not quite understand how to correctly use them (session vars).Thanks for your work on this project!Edit: What I had in mind:A script that would allow someeone to enter a username and password and then remeber that they are logged in for the entire session.Is that doable?You could store stuff in an INI file or database or what have you.#) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
JSThePatriot Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 With the new StringRegExp* functions this may be able to go even faster in parsing the data. JS AutoIt Links File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008Â Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out. ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006 External Links Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)
AzKay Posted October 8, 2006 Posted October 8, 2006 Well, This is good, Now I can make a "remote control" to turn remote admin on and off ^^ I go to the page, (from someone elses pc) and click start, and itll run it on this pc , And stop stops it. Funkeh eh? Ima make a fully fledged webbased remote control, lol. # MY LOVE FOR YOU... IS LIKE A TRUCK- #
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