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there is alredy a mini web server written in autoit.

It is very easy to run autoit scripts with it. I was using it to build an app untill I figured out how to parse links directly using ie.au3 wihout using the server.

Posted (edited)

have a look at the dinamic web page enviroment for autoit

Autoit Hypertext Processor(AHP), autoit topic for dinamic web scripting


dinamic database based scripts :

web counter

repair table

products table and selection of items to sale pc out of many parts

user management

Edited by BasicOs
Autoit.es - Foro Autoit en EspaƱol Word visitors Image Clustrmap image: - Football Spanish team - Spanish team: Casillas, Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Puyol, Campdevilla, etc..Programando en Autoit+Html - Coding Autoit-Html - Arranca programas desde Internet - Preprocesador de Autoit a http

Ahem.... Why not create a preprocessor?

PHP is by default HTML and you add php statements with <?php ?> tags.

Why not the same here?


<title><?au3 echo("AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & " Test Webpage") ?></title>
Who else would I be?

Ahem.... Why not create a preprocessor?

PHP is by default HTML and you add php statements with <?php ?> tags.

Why not the same here?


<title><?au3 echo("AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & " Test Webpage") ?></title>
I've been thinking about that, and if you were to tell me how, I would be more than happy to.

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN

Posted (edited)

It seems to my simple mind, that you can use a find/replace kind of logic to parse the script. You can setup the web server in this way:

7.) Interpreter: C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\AutoIt3.exe , or wherever your BETA AutoIt3.exe is.

8.) Arguments: /ErrorStdOut "C:\Path_To_Parser.au3"

The parser.au3 can pull out the code inside <?au3 and ?> and send it to @AutoItExe /ErrorStdOut /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "C:\Path_To_temp_script.au3" (Give it some random number and delete it afterwards)

On the other hand, you could use Execute() for each script line, since it already has lower permissions mentioned in the helpfile:

Environment, Files, Dir, Disk, GUI, InputBox, MsgBox, Misc, Network, Obj/COM, Process, Registry, Tray, WinKill functions implying deletion or modification will not be executed. They will set @error to 9999 and return "".

Execute() would also allow you to have a set of variables outside the currently-running script that were still accessable. This would also prevent problems having a separate temp file. It would prevent having to add #include au3webscript.au3 or whatever to the temp file.

Any code in the au3 tags would only be executed after the html before them was echoed to the console.

In fact, I may attempt something like this soon, since it seems fairly easy...

EDIT: Don't forget to add an option for die() with badly formatted tags. Any nested tags should throw an error.

Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

I have completed a beta script for inclusion into a webserver:


#include "webinclude.au3"
$_script_open = 0
$_script_current = ""
$_au3_begin = 0
$_au3_end = 0
If $cmdline[0] = 0 Then
    die("Au3 support disabled. Please check server parameters.")
    If $cmdline[1] = @ScriptName Then die("Script cannot run itself")
    $_au3_file_content = FileRead(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1], FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1]))
    $_au3_lines = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, @CRLF, 1)
    For $_var_i = 1 To $_au3_lines[0]
        $_au3_begin = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "<?au3")
        If $_au3_begin Then
            $_au3_begin += 5 ;take into account the beginning "<?au3"
            If $_script_open Then
                die('<br><br>Error on line "' & $_var_i & '". Nested au3 tags are not supported.')
            $_script_open = 1
            $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "?>")
            If $_au3_end Then
                If $_au3_end > $_au3_begin Then
                    echo(StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin - 6)) ;-6 because of zero base and "<?au3"
                    Execute(StringMid($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin, $_au3_end - $_au3_begin))
                    echo(StringRight($_au3_lines[$_var_i], StringLen($_au3_lines[$_var_i]) - $_au3_end - 1)) ;-1 because of zero base
                    $_script_open = 0
                    $_au3_end = 0
                    $_au3_begin = 0
                    die('<br><br>Error on line "' & $_var_i & '". Nested au3 tags are not supported.')
                echo(StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin - 6)) ;-6 because of zero base and "<?au3"
                Execute(StringMid($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin, StringLen($_au3_lines[$_var_i]) - $_au3_begin + 1)) ;+1 because StringLen is not zero based
            If $_script_open Then
                $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "?>")
                If $_au3_end Then
                    Execute(StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_end - 1)) ;-1 because of zero base
                    echo(StringRight($_au3_lines[$_var_i], StringLen($_au3_lines[$_var_i]) - $_au3_end - 1)) ;-1 because of zero base
                    $_script_open = 0
                    $_au3_end = 0
                    $_au3_begin = 0
                $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "?>")
                If $_au3_end Then
                    die('<br><br>Error on line "' & $_var_i & '". Nested au3 tags are not supported.')


<title><?au3 echo("AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & " Test Webpage") ?></title>
Testing this page<br>
Something else stupid<br>


This parser script does not take into account multiple "<?au3" or "?>" tags on the same line.

This script is not able to create new functions, if/endif, loops, etc. because of the problems (limitations) of Execute() not being multiline.

This script is _VERY_ beta, but I tried to keep the ability for internal variables not to interfere with scripts on the page.

I am considering another option here in writing a temp file. Therefore, for the time being I am leaving the $_script_current variable for later perusal.

I will post updated versions when I see what can be done about these and other issues.

EDIT: For clarity, webinclude.au3 is your script posted on the first page, and my argument line in abyss is /ErrorStdOut parser.au3 (no path needed, but put parser.au3 in htdocs)

EDIT EDIT: The more I look at this, it seems that the best option is to create a temp file. I am now looking into that and will update here when completed.

Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?

Bleah.. I am almost done, but I am stuck on one point.

I have 2 scripts which I will call a.au3 and b.au3 for example purposes.

I want to use ConsoleWrite in b.au3 and read it from a.au3.

That is all I need at this moment, but considering it is 2:51 AM here, I cannot seem to get it running. Please tell me in the morning and I will submit a mostly functional script.

Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

Bleah.. I am almost done, but I am stuck on one point.

I have 2 scripts which I will call a.au3 and b.au3 for example purposes.

I want to use ConsoleWrite in b.au3 and read it from a.au3.

That is all I need at this moment, but considering it is 2:51 AM here, I cannot seem to get it running. Please tell me in the morning and I will submit a mostly functional script.

I find it is not so bad as it is working at the moment, you have only to make an echo() in any part of it ,where it is no au3 code but HTML. it is not the best but a good solution. have a look at my topic and download and compare php scripts converted into au3 scripts:http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33308#

It is an easier way to make what you want:

1st solution

run an script inside and script:

c:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\AutoIt3.exe parser.exe html_aut3_code.au3

you could make automatically to make an echo("") what ever code is outside of the <au3? au3?>

2nd solution

I think the best where what I mean.. if Jonh like the idea, he would make a change in the autoit3.exe so that when you run:

c:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\AutoIt3.exe anyscript.ahp (new extension), then it preprocesess all html and all <au3? ?>

title><?au3 echo("AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & " Test Webpage") ?></title>


Edited by BasicOs
Autoit.es - Foro Autoit en EspaƱol Word visitors Image Clustrmap image: - Football Spanish team - Spanish team: Casillas, Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Puyol, Campdevilla, etc..Programando en Autoit+Html - Coding Autoit-Html - Arranca programas desde Internet - Preprocesador de Autoit a http

@BasicOS, there seems to be a basic communication mishap here.

you have only to make an echo() in any part of it ,where it is no au3 code but HTML

This is exactly what I have done in this script above.

run an script inside and script:

c:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\AutoIt3.exe parser.exe html_aut3_code.au3

This is also exactly what I have done.

you could make automatically to make an echo("") what ever code is outside of the <au3? au3?>

This is the purpose of the above code. Therefore we are saying the same thing up to this point.

However, now we reach the crux of the matter:

I think the best where what I mean.. if Jonh like the idea, he would make a change in the autoit3.exe so that when you run:

c:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\AutoIt3.exe anyscript.ahp (new extension), then it preprocesess all html and all <au3? ?>

I believe I may safely say that neither Jon nor many of the developers (Valik feel free to chime in) are interested in making AutoIt a web-based scripting language as part of the language itself. AutoIt is not designed to be a web-based HTML parser. It is designed to be a

freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI

It is a great thing that some are able to bring this functionality to webpages, but it was not originally designed for this, and there will be many pitfalls along the way.

In short, Au3 was not designed for command line, for web servers or for linux, all products that others have asked for support of. This may never happen. I would not be getting my hopes up about the prospect of this.

Who else would I be?

@BasicOS, there seems to be a basic communication mishap here.

This is exactly what I have done in this script above.

This is also exactly what I have done.

This is the purpose of the above code. Therefore we are saying the same thing up to this point.

However, now we reach the crux of the matter:

I believe I may safely say that neither Jon nor many of the developers (Valik feel free to chime in) are interested in making AutoIt a web-based scripting language as part of the language itself. AutoIt is not designed to be a web-based HTML parser. It is designed to be a

It is a great thing that some are able to bring this functionality to webpages, but it was not originally designed for this, and there will be many pitfalls along the way.

In short, Au3 was not designed for command line, for web servers or for linux, all products that others have asked for support of. This may never happen. I would not be getting my hopes up about the prospect of this.

Before you speak on have a look at my samples, you will change your opinion:

Samples http://www.emesn.com:8000

dinamic database based scripts :

web counter

repair table

products table and selection of items to sale pc out of many parts

user management

Autoit.es - Foro Autoit en EspaƱol Word visitors Image Clustrmap image: - Football Spanish team - Spanish team: Casillas, Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Puyol, Campdevilla, etc..Programando en Autoit+Html - Coding Autoit-Html - Arranca programas desde Internet - Preprocesador de Autoit a http

BasicOS, all that webpage shows is that you are able to follow the instructions on the first page. We have already verified that it is possible to create a webpage with autoit. This is not the issue and if you think it is, then you are mistaken.

The problem is that you are trying desparately to get this functionality included in the official version of autoit. This would mean a fundamental shift in the reason behind autoit. Autoit was and always will be designed first and foremost to be a "Windows Automation Language". Any proposals that stray from this basic explanation of autoit will be strenuously scrutinized to prevent autoit from becoming a general-purpose scripting language.

This is why it will be most unlikely that your proposal will be a part of autoit

Who else would I be?

you dont need to use xecute ( ). Try to just get all the info between <?au3 and ?>, multiple lines and all, and save it to a file, and run it with AutoIt3.exe /ErrorStdOut :)

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN


That is exactly what I am doing now (to some degree). I am at the point of a fully functional script except for multiple <?au3 occurrances on the same line.

Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

BasicOS, all that webpage shows is that you are able to follow the instructions on the first page. We have already verified that it is possible to create a webpage with autoit. This is not the issue and if you think it is, then you are mistaken.

The problem is that you are trying desparately to get this functionality included in the official version of autoit. This would mean a fundamental shift in the reason behind autoit. Autoit was and always will be designed first and foremost to be a "Windows Automation Language". Any proposals that stray from this basic explanation of autoit will be strenuously scrutinized to prevent autoit from becoming a general-purpose scripting language.

This is why it will be most unlikely that your proposal will be a part of autoit

You are wrong nothing desparately, It is open eyes and amazed and surprised, I wrote it is script of the year.

but you have no view of future to realize something amazing I did realize.

If John includes that or not is a thing only of John, I dont blame him for doing or not, because he has the right to do and a lot of many things to finish.

I laugh as mad when you say something I heared before search in the forums and you will realize when you read that with the SAME EXACT WORDS THAN YOU some mods tell that database was not to be made in autoit. with your same reasons... why are you interested in database when it is no automation?

Please this me .. I wish you broaden your mind to new ideas and I apprecite your work and posts.

you have only to have a look at the samples to change your mind: SAMPLES

Edited by BasicOs
Autoit.es - Foro Autoit en EspaƱol Word visitors Image Clustrmap image: - Football Spanish team - Spanish team: Casillas, Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Puyol, Campdevilla, etc..Programando en Autoit+Html - Coding Autoit-Html - Arranca programas desde Internet - Preprocesador de Autoit a http

Nevertheless, database support is not a part of autoit. It is only because Com support or DllStruct support were added that you can access a database in autoit. It is not a function of the main autoit program. Therefore, I will continue my work on this script, because it will provide the functionality you, I and theguy0000 want without it being an integral part of the main autoit program.

Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

I have completed this script up to the point that it is able to overcome the limitation of Execute(). The problem still exists with multiple <?au3 tags per line, but I am open to suggestions on how this can be avoided.


#include <File.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include "webinclude.au3"
$_script_open = 0
$_script_current = '#include "' & @ScriptDir & '\webinclude.au3"' & @CRLF
$_au3_begin = 0
$_au3_end = 0
$_tmp_fl = ""
If $cmdline[0] = 0 Then
    die("Au3 support disabled. Please check server parameters.")
    If $cmdline[1] = @ScriptName Then die("Script cannot run itself")
    $_au3_file_content = FileRead(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1], FileGetSize(@WorkingDir & "\" & $cmdline[1]))
    $_au3_lines = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, @CRLF, 1)
    $_tmp_fl = _TempFile()
    $_tmp_fl_hndl = FileOpen($_tmp_fl, 2)
    For $_var_i = 1 To $_au3_lines[0]
        $_au3_begin = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "<?au3")
        If $_au3_begin Then
            $_au3_begin += 5 ;take into account the beginning "<?au3"
            If $_script_open Then
                die('<br><br>Error on line "' & $_var_i & '". Nested au3 tags are not supported.')
            $_script_open = 1
            $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "?>")
            If $_au3_end Then
                If $_au3_end > $_au3_begin Then
                    _HTMLAdd(StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin - 6)) ;-6 because of zero base and "<?au3"
                    $_ex_line = StringMid($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin, $_au3_end - $_au3_begin)
                    If $_ex_line <> "" Then _ScriptAdd($_ex_line)
                    _HTMLAdd(StringRight($_au3_lines[$_var_i], StringLen($_au3_lines[$_var_i]) - $_au3_end - 1)) ;-1 because of zero base
                    $_script_open = 0
                    $_au3_end = 0
                    $_au3_begin = 0
                    die('<br><br>Error on line "' & $_var_i & '". Nested au3 tags are not supported.')
                _HTMLAdd(StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin - 6)) ;-6 because of zero base and "<?au3"
                $_ex_line = StringMid($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin, StringLen($_au3_lines[$_var_i]) - $_au3_begin + 1) ;+1 because StringLen is not zero based
                If $_ex_line <> "" Then _ScriptAdd($_ex_line)
            If $_script_open Then
                $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "?>")
                If $_au3_end Then
                    $_ex_line = StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_end - 1) ;-1 because of zero base
                    If $_ex_line <> "" Then _ScriptAdd($_ex_line)
                    _HTMLAdd(StringRight($_au3_lines[$_var_i], StringLen($_au3_lines[$_var_i]) - $_au3_end - 1)) ;-1 because of zero base
                    $_script_open = 0
                    $_au3_end = 0
                    $_au3_begin = 0
                    $_ex_line = $_au3_lines[$_var_i]
                    If $_ex_line <> "" Then _ScriptAdd($_ex_line)
                $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "?>")
                If $_au3_end Then
                    die('<br><br>Error on line "' & $_var_i & '". Nested au3 tags are not supported.')
    FileWrite($_tmp_fl_hndl, $_script_current)
    $_write_lines = ""
    $pid = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /ErrorStdOut "' & $_tmp_fl & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, 2)
        $_write_lines &= StdOutRead($pid)
    Until @error

Func OnAutoItExit()
    If FileExists($_tmp_fl) Then

Func _HTMLAdd($var)
    If $var <> "" Then
        $_script_current &= "echo('" & $var & "')" & @CRLF

Func _ScriptAdd($var)
    If $var <> "" Then
        $_script_current &= $var & @CRLF

Func _AddCRLF()
    $_script_current &= "echo(@CRLF)" & @CRLF

This multiple scripts per line thing is freaking me out. I cannot seem to change enough of this current script be capable of running something as simple as

Variable 1 is <?au3 echo(var1) ?>. Variable 2 is <?au3 echo(var2) ?>.

I may need to completely rewrite the script to handle the needed functionality.

Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?
  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

I have absolutely no idea what ya'll are doing in this thread (me being too lazy to read 14 pages), but I like string issues if that's what you're having. What is the ideal output there so that you can carry on without error?

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

Posted (edited)

Here is an example of the input page:

<title><?au3 echo("AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & " Test Webpage") ?></title>
Testing this page<br>
Something else stupid<br>

Func alert($msg)
    echo("<script>alert('" & $msg & "')</script>")
alert("funny stuff")

And this is what it should theoretically output:

#include "C:\au3netroot\webinclude.au3"
echo("AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & " Test Webpage") 
echo('Testing this page<br>')
echo('Something else stupid<br>')
Func alert($msg)
    echo("<script>alert('" & $msg & "')</script>")
alert("funny stuff")

My problem is getting

Variable 1 is <?au3 echo(var1) ?>. Variable 2 is <?au3 echo(var2) ?>.

to come out as

echo("Variable 1 is ")
echo(". Variable 2 is ")
Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

My problem is getting

Variable 1 is <?au3 echo(var1) ?>. Variable 2 is <?au3 echo(var2) ?>.

to come out as

echo("Variable 1 is ")
echo(". Variable 2 is ")
Try substituting:

$_au3_lines = StringSplit($_au3_file_content, "<?au3", 1)
    $_tmp_fl = _TempFile()
    $_tmp_fl_hndl = FileOpen($_tmp_fl, 2)
    _HTMLAdd( $_au3_lines[1] )
    For $_var_i = 2 To $_au3_lines[0]
        $_script_open = 1
        $_au3_end = StringInStr($_au3_lines[$_var_i], "?>")
        If not $_au3_end Then
            die('<br><br>Error on line "' & $_var_i & '". Nested au3 tags are not supported.')
            _HTMLAdd(StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_begin - 6)) ;-6 because of zero base and "<?au3"
            $_ex_line = StringLeft($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_end - 1)
            If $_ex_line <> "" Then _ScriptAdd($_ex_line)
            _HTMLAdd(StringMid($_au3_lines[$_var_i], $_au3_end + 2)) ;-1 because of zero base
            $_script_open = 0
            $_au3_end = 0
            $_au3_begin = 0
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I noticed that straight-away when I tried to run one of your other scripts... i.e. that it was now broken - oops!

Edited by mother9987

Thank you a lot for the help mother9987, but I have decided on a different way of parsing scripts, and this will require a rewrite, which is what I am doing at the moment. I will return to the code later tonight and hope to have a fully functional example tonight some time.

Who else would I be?

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