mother9987 Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 Well, I haven't quite gotten bored with this yet, although I'm getting there. For myself, I decided to split the "CGI" functions that interface with the Web Server from the "HTML" functions that just format text and put tags around it. I tried to standardize the names and parameters some. Here's the complete CGI functions I'm currently using: _cgiStartApp() - Sets up the variables, pretty much has to be first CGI command _cgiBufferMode( [bMode]=true ) - Switches between buffered mode where each Write waits for a _cgiCommitBuffer command or non-buffered where each goes instantly. Can be executed before _cgiStartApp. Page defaults to non-buffered. _cgiClearBuffer() - In buffered mode, clears everything waiting to be written. _cgiCommitBuffer() - In buffered mode, writes everything waiting to be written. _cgiEndApp() - Commits the buffer and prevents further writing of the page. _cgiWrite( sText ) - Place text on the web page. _cgiRedirect( sURL ) - Sends a page redirect. In buffered mode, must be executed before the first commit buffer. In non-buffered mode, must be executed before first _cgiWrite(). _cgiReadGet( sVariable ) _cgiReadPost( sVariable ) _cgiReadCookie( sVariable ) - Read Get, Post or Cookie with the name of sVariable. Can be executed before _cgiStartApp. _cgiWriteCookie( sVariable, sValue ) - Writes Cookie. Must be executed before firse _cgiCommitBuffer in buffered mode, or before first _cgiWrite in non-buffered mode. _cgiURLEncode( sText ) _cgiURLDecode( sText ) (De)codes text for embedding in URLs. Hope someone finds some use in them. Hope no one finds any remaining typos in them. expandcollapse popupGlobal $__WebPageInitializationString[4] ; [0]=Redirect ; [1]=Content-Type ; [2]=Cookies ; [3]=Page text Global $__WebPageInitializationFlags=0 Global $__WebPageFlagsDataSent = 1 Global $__WebPageFlagsBuffered = 2 Global $__WebPageFlagsRedirected = 4 Global $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted = 8 Func _cgiStartApp ( ) If BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsDataSent ) Then SetError( 1 ) Return ElseIf BitAnd( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) Then SetError( 3 ) Return EndIf $__WebPageInitializationString[0] = "" $__WebPageInitializationString[1] = "Content-Type: text/html" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) $__WebPageInitializationString[2] = "" $__WebPageInitializationString[3] = "" $__WebPageInitializationFlags = BitOR( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) EndFunc Func _cgiBufferMode ( $bBuffer=true ) If $bBuffer Then $__WebPageInitializationFlags = BitOR( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsBuffered ) Else $__WebPageInitializationFlags = BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, BitNot( $__WebPageFlagsBuffered ) ) EndIf EndFunc Func _cgiClearBuffer( ) $__WebPageInitializationString[3] = "" EndFunc Func _cgiCommitBuffer( ) Local $i, $iStart=0 If Not BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) Then SetError( 3 ) Return EndIf If BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsDataSent ) Then $iStart = 3 EndIf $__WebPageInitializationString[2] &= @CRLF If BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsRedirected ) Then $__WebPageInitializationString[3] = "" EndIf For $i=$iStart to 3 ConsoleWrite( $__WebPageInitializationString[ $i ] ) $__WebPageInitializationString[ $i ]="" Next $__WebPageInitializationFlags = BitOR( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsDataSent ) EndFunc Func _cgiEndApp( ) If Not BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) Then SetError( 3 ) Return EndIf _cgiCommitBuffer( ) $__WebPageInitializationFlags = BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, BitNOT( $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) ) EndFunc Func _cgiRedirect( $sURL ) If Not BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) Then SetError( 3 ) Return EndIf If BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsDataSent ) Then SetError( 1 ) Return Else $__WebPageInitializationString[0] = "Location: " & $sURL & @CRLF $__WebPageInitializationFlags = BitOR( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsRedirected ) EndIf EndFunc Func _cgiWrite($sText, $bNewLine=1) If Not BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) Then SetError( 3 ) Return EndIf $__WebPageInitializationString[3] &= $sText If $bNewLine Then $__WebPageInitializationString[3] &= @CRLF EndIf If Not BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsBuffered ) Then _cgiCommitBuffer( ) EndIf EndFunc Func _cgiReadPost( $sVar) Local $vars, $var_array If ConsoleRead( 0,true ) > 0 Then $varstring = ConsoleRead( EnvGet("CONTENT_LENGTH"), true) Else $varstring=EnvGet( "POST_STRING" ) EndIf If Not StringInStr($varstring, $sVar&"=") Then Return "" $vars = StringSplit ($varstring, "&") For $i=1 To $vars[0] $var_array = StringSplit ($vars[$i], "=") If $var_array[0] < 2 Then Return "error" If $var_array[1] = $sVar Then Return _cgiURLDecode( $var_array[2] ) Next Return "" EndFunc Func _cgiReadGet( $sVar ) Local $vars, $var_array $varstring = EnvGet("QUERY_STRING") If Not StringInStr($varstring, $sVar&"=") Then Return "" $vars = StringSplit ($varstring, "&") For $i=1 To $vars[0] $var_array = StringSplit ($vars[$i], "=") If $var_array[0] < 2 Then Return "error" If $var_array[1] = $sVar Then Return _cgiURLDecode( $var_array[2] ) Next Return "" EndFunc Func _cgiReadCookie($sVar) Local $vars, $var_array $varstring = EnvGet("HTTP_COOKIE") If Not StringInStr($varstring, $sVar&"=") Then Return "" $vars = StringSplit ($varstring, "; ", 1) For $i=1 To $vars[0] $var_array = StringSplit ($vars[$i], "=") If $var_array[0] < 2 Then Return "error" If $var_array[1] = $sVar Then Return _cgiURLDecode( $var_array[2] ) Next Return "" EndFunc Func _cgiSetCookie( $sCookie, $sValue ) If Not BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsAppStarted ) Then SetError( 3 ) Return EndIf If BitAND( $__WebPageInitializationFlags, $__WebPageFlagsDataSent ) Then SetError( 1 ) Return Else $__WebPageInitializationString[2] &= "Set-Cookie: " & $sCookie & "=" & _cgiURLEncode( $sValue ) & @CRLF EndIf EndFunc Func _cgiURLEncode( $sText ) Local $sReturn="" For $i=1 to StringLen( $sText ) Switch StringMid( $sText, $i, 1 ) Case '0' to '9', 'A' to 'Z', 'a' to 'z' $sReturn &= StringMid( $sText, $i, 1 ) Case ' ' $sReturn &= "+" Case Else $sReturn &= "%" & Hex( Asc( StringMid( $sText, $i, 1 ) ), 2 ) EndSwitch Next Return $sReturn EndFunc Func _cgiURLDecode( $sText ) Local $sReturn For $i=1 to StringLen( $sText ) Switch StringMid( $sText, $i, 1 ) Case '+' $sReturn &= " " Case '%' $sReturn &= Chr( Dec( StringMid( $sText, $i + 1, 2 ) ) ) $i += 2 Case Else $sReturn &= StringMid( $sText, $i, 1 ) EndSwitch Next Return $sReturn EndFunc
theguy0000 Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 (edited) i know this thread is kinda dead, but...i added die ( ) and made it so that you don't have to put a title for _StartWebApp ( ). If you don't enter a title, it doesn't start the html for you. but it still needs to be at the top of the app or you will get a "500 Internal System Error". edit: and just added documentation in the first post for both of these. Edited September 10, 2006 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
spyrorocks Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 I am half done a autoit blog system that is webbased and uses this. I dont know why, but it is kinda cool. [center] My Projects: Online AutoIt Compiler - AutoForum - AutoGuestbook - AutoIt Web-based Auto Installer - Pure AutoIt Zipping Functions - ConfuseGen - MindReader - P2PChat[/center]
theguy0000 Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 spyrorocks said: I am half done a autoit blog system that is webbased and uses this.I dont know why, but it is kinda The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
theguy0000 Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 i found out how to do cookies, will be adding that soon The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Paulie Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 (edited) can someone help me, I don't understand give me a sample source to a "Hello World" web page and tell me where to put it cause i'm lost Edited September 10, 2006 by Paulie
theguy0000 Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 (edited) _StartWebApp ("I am a cool web page...") echo ("Hello world and all who inhabit it!<br />") _WebCounter ("Yay! you are visitor number % to this web page!")edit: and be sure to follow the instructions in the first post to get your server up and running. after you have your server installed, scripts go in C:\Program Files\Abyss\htdocs\filename.au3 and then can be accessed from Edited September 10, 2006 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
theguy0000 Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 (edited) hey what if instead of leaving parameters blank like i say in the first post, what if I put \ErrorStdOut. I think that would make it write errors to the browser's screen right? like php does.edit: yes this does exactly what I want.For people who already have it set up...1. Go to your Abyss Web Server Console (usually )2. Click the Configure button next to the Default Host row in the Hosts table3. Click Scripting Parameters4. In the row that contains your AutoIt interpreter in the Interpreters table, click the pencil. It's the row that has the path to your AutoIt beta exe.5. In Arguments, put "/ErrorStdOut" without the quotes.6. Click OK.7. Click OK again.8. Click the Restart button at the top. Edited September 10, 2006 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
theguy0000 Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 Added session capability. I know I promised cookies but that would be way too hard to work with, so just use session vars instead. updated code and lots of info on the new functions in the first post._Cookie ( )_StartWebApp_Session ( )_GenerateSId ( )_GetSID ( )_Session_set ( )_Session ( ) The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
theguy0000 Posted September 16, 2006 Author Posted September 16, 2006 added _Mail ( ) The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
dandymcgee Posted September 16, 2006 Posted September 16, 2006 (edited) theguy0000 - this is really cool man, I suck at making webpages, and have 0 knowledge when it comes to HTML. Maybe I can learn a little bit about webpages with this. Thanks EDIT: Hey theguy0000, is there any possible away with Abyss to rename the webpage to something rather than my IP address? Like or something with words like that? Like I said, I have no knowledge what so ever about webpages, so if this is a really dumb question just say "NO!". If there isn't maybe we could "hack" a way with autoit to make it let you, lol. Just wondering. Edited September 16, 2006 by dandymcgee - Dan [Website]
theguy0000 Posted September 17, 2006 Author Posted September 17, 2006 (edited) dandymcgee said: theguy0000 - this is really cool man, I suck at making webpages, and have 0 knowledge when it comes to HTML. Maybe I can learn a little bit about webpages with this. ThanksEDIT: Hey theguy0000, is there any possible away with Abyss to rename the webpage to something rather than my IP address? Like or something with words like that? Like I said, I have no knowledge what so ever about webpages, so if this is a really dumb question just say "NO!". If there isn't maybe we could "hack" a way with autoit to make it let you, lol. Just wondering.its not that stupid of a question, actually.It's very need:1. a domain. You get get one for only only about $10 per year. try the coupon code gdh0727 to drastically reduce this, not sure if it works though.2. a dns server, for windows. maybe ZoneEdit? untested. Edited September 17, 2006 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
BasicOs Posted September 17, 2006 Posted September 17, 2006 (edited) has somebody something like an address book with this new cgi udf or other web based autoit udf?....... or maybe other database scripts? I congratulate super great UDFs thanks Edited September 17, 2006 by BasicOs - Foro Autoit en Español Word visitors Image Clustrmap image: - Football Spanish team - Spanish team: Casillas, Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Puyol, Campdevilla, etc..Programando en Autoit+Html - Coding Autoit-Html - Arranca programas desde Internet - Preprocesador de Autoit a http
theguy0000 Posted September 17, 2006 Author Posted September 17, 2006 BasicOs said: has somebody something like an address book with this new cgi udf or other web based autoit udf?....... or maybe other database scripts? I congratulate super great UDFsthanks thanks The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
dandymcgee Posted September 17, 2006 Posted September 17, 2006 I'm having troubles with Abyss. I got a small webpage set up with just three lines and a title of text, but it isn't allowing anyone but me and my sister (we're on a router) veiw it. My IP address is, and when I type it in I get the webpage the way I'm supposed to, but when other people (I'm talking to friends on Yahoo!) try it, it doesn't work. Do I have to reconfig my router to allow something? Please help. - Dan [Website]
theguy0000 Posted September 17, 2006 Author Posted September 17, 2006 (edited) dandymcgee said: I'm having troubles with Abyss. I got a small webpage set up with just three lines and a title of text, but it isn't allowing anyone but me and my sister (we're on a router) veiw it. My IP address is, and when I type it in I get the webpage the way I'm supposed to, but when other people (I'm talking to friends on Yahoo!) try it, it doesn't work. Do I have to reconfig my router to allow something? Please help.Yes. I need your router manufacturer. Lynksis, D-Link, etc...and model number.edit:but i have to go sorry. will help tomorrow! Edited September 17, 2006 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Onoitsu2 Posted September 17, 2006 Posted September 17, 2006 the 192.XXX number is your internal router IP address, for your friend to look at your page, you will need to provide them with your external IP, which is your IP address on the internet, which will be completely different from the one you posted. You can also use a application from, which can allow for a named address to the computer it is running on, i.e. (there are many others than that you can use). And you will have to allow ports that are incoming on port 80 (or whatever port you are hosting web pages on) to be forwarded to YOUR computer (or whichever one is actually hosting them) Hope this will clarify things a little more for you. Laterzzz, Onoitsu2 Things I have made:[font="Trebuchet Ms"]_CheckTimeBlock UDF(LT)MOH Call Ignore List (MOH = Modem On Hold)[/font]
Sunaj Posted September 17, 2006 Posted September 17, 2006 Hi theguy0000 Honestly I think I'm a lot more positive about your invention than the majority of users here (it seems at least!). Think you're totally on the right path by allowing the same programming language (i.e. AutoIt) to span multiple domains - the old school attitude of: "hell if you're going to write a local application at least use straight Assembler" or "the only language for the dynamic web development is PHP/RUBY/etc./etc." is -SO- outdated. Of course there's going to be some idiosyncrasies at the very start of a project like this. But, ultimately you're providing AutoIt scripters with the freedom to move beyond the realm of local app development and towards the interweb without them having to dedicate uncessesary braincycles to learn yet-another-programming-language that take up valuable time that could have been used to do something useful instead! So, what I'm really getting at here is: Thank you a LOT for your work on this project! It GREAT! [list=1][*]Generic way to detect full path to default browser, List/ListView Events Using GuiRegisterMsg (detect doubleclick and much more)[*]Using dllcall for full control over fileopendialog, Make DirMove act somewhat normally (by circumventing it...)[*]Avoid problems with "&" (chr(38)) in code, Change desktop maximized area/workspace (fx to make deskbar type app)[*]Change focus behavior when buttons are clicked to work closer to 'standard windows' app[*](Context) Menus With Timed Tooltips, Fast Loops & Operators in AU3[*]Clipboard UDF, A clipboard change notification udf[/list]
theguy0000 Posted September 17, 2006 Author Posted September 17, 2006 Sunaj said: Hi theguy0000Honestly I think I'm a lot more positive about your invention than the majority of users here (it seems at least!). Think you're totally on the right path by allowing the same programming language (i.e. AutoIt) to span multiple domains - the old school attitude of: "hell if you're going to write a local application at least use straight Assembler" or "the only language for the dynamic web development is PHP/RUBY/etc./etc." is -SO- outdated. Of course there's going to be some idiosyncrasies at the very start of a project like this. But, ultimately you're providing AutoIt scripters with the freedom to move beyond the realm of local app development and towards the interweb without them having to dedicate uncessesary braincycles to learn yet-another-programming-language that take up valuable time that could have been used to do something useful instead! So, what I'm really getting at here is: Thank you a LOT for your work on this project! It GREAT! well thank you very much The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
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