theguy0000 Posted July 12, 2008 Author Posted July 12, 2008 (edited) Ok, I figured out the problem with the web server. turns out, it couldn't start because MySpace IM for some reasons, does all of its communications on port 80! Wtf?? Anyway, It's fixed now. Edited July 12, 2008 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
steve8tch Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Hi theguy0000,If you want it, here is the source to AuCGI.exe (click).Website down again. muttley Anyway you can get this code up onto the forum storage.Looks like you have done some good work here - just we can't see it !!
2words4uready Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 cool muttleyim a little lost what excactly does this do
theguy0000 Posted July 14, 2008 Author Posted July 14, 2008 Hi theguy0000,Website down again. muttley Anyway you can get this code up onto the forum storage.Looks like you have done some good work here - just we can't see it !!I am sorry. This will not happen again. It does work now. The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Colin Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Great! Got the files. Thank you so much. Now I can get started on trying to get this working... Heh, actually, I have to wait for IT to set up a test website for me. I'll let you know!
Dellairion Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 It's been a while i checked this topic, just one question: Did someone get the _post working or is there any work around out yet? It would make this script even more usefull if i could use it to create a site with login system. Thnx, Dellairion Hot Key ControllerPinball Trainer?
theguy0000 Posted July 15, 2008 Author Posted July 15, 2008 Yes, it has. I just haven't updated the first post. The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Dellairion Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 (edited) Cool muttley I'm going to test this out right now. Btw, thank you for the fast replies. Dellairion Edited July 15, 2008 by Dellairion Hot Key ControllerPinball Trainer?
Dellairion Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 (edited) I tryed to create my own web server. so far so so good. (This is still in beta stages, dont expect too much of this) expandcollapse popup; AutoK Web Server ; Made by Kris ; Last release @ 16 juli 2008 ; Version ; ; ======= AU3 CONFIG ======= ;#NoTrayIcon #RequireAdmin #include <Array.au3> #Include <Date.au3> ; ======= MAIN VARS ======== $Title = "AutoK Web Server" $Version = "" $Version_HTTP = "1.1" $Configfile = @ScriptDir&"\config.ini" $Server_IP = IniRead($Configfile, "server", "ip", @IPAddress1) $Server_Port = IniRead($Configfile, "server", "port", 80) $Server_Filetype = IniRead($Configfile, "server", "filetype", ".htm,.html,.aux") $Server_Index = IniRead($Configfile, "server", "index", "index.htm,index.html,index.aux") $Server_Httpdir = IniRead($Configfile, "server", "httpdir", @ScriptDir&"\httpdocs") $Messages_Level = IniRead($Configfile, "messages", "level", 2) ; 1=critical,2+=non-critical,3+=debug,4+=fulldebug $Log_Level = IniRead($Configfile, "log", "level", 5) ; 1=critical,2+=non-critical,3+=connections,4+=pages,5+=debug $Log_Logdir = IniRead($Configfile, "log", "logdir", @ScriptDir&"\logs") $Log_Timestamps = IniRead($Configfile, "log", "timestamps", 1) $Time_GMT = IniRead($Configfile, "time", "gmt", "+1") $Module_List = IniReadSection($Configfile, "module") Global $Client_List[1], $Client_Current = 1 ; ====== CHECK VARS ======= If Not _IsIP($Server_IP) Then $Server_IP = TCPNameToIP($Server_IP) If Not _IsIP($Server_IP) Then If $Messages_Level > 0 Then _Message("Invallid ip specified "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&"."&@CRLF&"Error code: 0x0100") If $Log_Level > 0 Then _Log("Invallid ip specified "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&". Error code: 0x0100") Exit EndIf EndIf If Not _IsPort($Server_Port) Then If $Messages_Level > 0 Then _Message("Invallid ip specified "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&"."&@CRLF&"Error code: 0x0101") If $Log_Level > 0 Then _Log("Invallid ip specified "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&". Error code: 0x0101") Exit EndIf $Server_Httpdir = _PathFix($Server_Httpdir) $Log_Logdir = _PathFix($Log_Logdir) If $Server_Index = "" Then If $Messages_Level > 1 Then _Message("Warning, no indexes specified.") If $Log_Level > 1 Then _Log("Warning, no indexes specified.") EndIf If $Server_Filetype = "" Then If $Messages_Level > 0 Then _Message("No filetypes specified."&@CRLF&"Error code: 0x0102") If $Log_Level > 0 Then _Log("No filetypes specified. Error code: 0x0102") Exit EndIf If Not IsArray($Module_List) Then Global $Module_List[2][2] Else For $i = 1 To UBound($Module_List)-1 If $Module_List[$i][1] <> "" Then $Module_List[$i][1] = _PathFix($Module_List[$i][1]) Next EndIf ; ====== TCP SERVICE ====== Opt("TCPTimeout", 100) TCPStartup() $Server_Connection = TCPListen($Server_IP, $Server_Port) If @error Then If $Messages_Level > 0 Then _Message("Could not start the server at "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&"."&@CRLF&"Error code: 0x0103") If $Log_Level > 0 Then _Log("Could not start the server at "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&". Error code: 0x0103") Exit Else If $Messages_Level > 2 Then _Message("Server started at "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&".") If $Log_Level > 0 Then _Log("Server started at "&$Server_IP&":"&$Server_Port&".") EndIf ; ======= MAIN LOOP ======= While 1 $Client_New = TCPAccept($Server_Connection) If $Client_New > 0 And $Client_New <> "0" Then _ArrayAdd($Client_List, $Client_New) If $Messages_Level > 3 Then _Message("Client "&SocketToIP($Client_New)&" connected.") If $Log_Level > 2 Then _Log("Client "&SocketToIP($Client_New)&" connected.") EndIf If $Client_Current > UBound($Client_List)-1 Then $Client_Current = 1 EndIf If UBound($Client_List) > 1 Then $Client_Data = TCPRecv($Client_List[$Client_Current], 2048) If @Error Then _ClientDisconnect($Client_Current) ElseIf $Client_Data <> "" Then If $Log_Level > 4 Then _Log("Recieved data from "&SocketToIP($Client_List[$Client_Current])&": "&$Client_Data) _Answer($Client_Current, $Client_Data) EndIf EndIf $Client_Current += 1 WEnd ; ====== FUNCTIONS ======= Func _IsIP($IP) $IP_Test = StringSplit($IP, ".") If $IP_Test[0] = 4 And $IP <> "" Then If $IP_Test[1] < 256 And $IP_Test[2] < 256 And $IP_Test[3] < 256 And $IP_Test[4] < 256 Then Return 1 EndIf EndFunc Func _IsPort($Port) If $Port > 0 And $Port < 65535 Then Return 1 EndFunc Func _Message($Message) MsgBox(0, $Title&" - Message", $Message) EndFunc Func _Log($Message) $Timestamp = "" If $Log_Timestamps = 1 Then $Timestamp = @YEAR&"-"&@MON&"-"&@MDAY&" "&@HOUR&":"&@MIN&":"&@SEC&" > " If $Log_Level > 4 Then ConsoleWrite($Timestamp&$Message&@CRLF) FileWrite($Log_Logdir&"\"&"Log_"&@YEAR&"-"&@MON&"-"&@MDAY&".log", $Timestamp&$Message&@CRLF) If @error Then If $Messages_Level > 1 Then _Message("Unable to create a log file at "&$Log_Logdir&"."&@CRLF&"Log is now disabled."&@CRLF&"Error code: 0x0200") $Log_Level = 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _PathFix($Path) $Path = StringReplace($Path, "/", "\") If StringRight($Path, 1) = "\" Then $Path = StringTrimRight($Path, 1) If StringLeft($Path, 1) = "\" Or StringLeft($Path, 1) = ".\" Then $Path = @ScriptDir&"\"&StringTrimLeft($Path, StringInStr($Path, "\")) EndIf Return $Path EndFunc Func _DateCurrent() $WDay = @WDAY If $WDay = 1 Then $Date = "Sun" If $WDay = 2 Then $Date = "Mon" If $WDay = 3 Then $Date = "Tue" If $WDay = 4 Then $Date = "Wed" If $WDay = 5 Then $Date = "Thu" If $WDay = 6 Then $Date = "Fri" If $WDay = 7 Then $Date = "Sat" If $Time_GMT = 0 Then $Time_GMT = "" $Date &= ", "&@MDAY&" "&_DateToMonth(@MON)&" "&@YEAR&" "&@HOUR&":"&@MIN&":"&@SEC&" GMT"&$Time_GMT Return $Date EndFunc Func _FileLastmodified($Filepath) $Date = FileGetTime($Filepath) If Not @error Then Return $Date[0]&"-"&$Date[1]&"-"&$Date[2]&" "&$Date[3]&":"&$Date[4]&":"&$Date[5] EndFunc Func _Answer($Client, $Client_Data) $HeaderMain = StringSplit(_HeaderGet($Client_Data, ""), " ") If $HeaderMain[0] > 1 Then $Filepath = _FileGet($HeaderMain[2]) Else $Filepath = _FileGet("/") EndIf If @error = 1 Then $Server_Data = _PageStatusSet("", 404) If $Log_Level > 4 Then _Log("Sending response to "&SocketToIP($Client_List[$Client])&": "&$Server_Data) TCPSend($Client_List[$Client], $Server_Data) _ClientDisconnect($Client) Return ElseIf @error = 2 Then $Server_Data = _PageStatusSet("", 202) If $Log_Level > 4 Then _Log("Sending response to "&SocketToIP($Client_List[$Client])&": "&$Server_Data) ; Download TCPSend($Client_List[$Client], $Server_Data) _ClientDisconnect($Client) Return EndIf $Source = _SourceGet(_PageStatusSet("", 200), $Filepath) If $Log_Level > 4 Then _Log("Sending response to "&SocketToIP($Client_List[$Client])&": "&$Source) TCPSend($Client_List[$Client], $Source) _ClientDisconnect($Client) EndFunc Func _SourceGet($Data, $Filepath) If $Module_List[1][1] = "" Then $Source = FileRead($Filepath) $Source_Length = StringLen(Binary($Source)) $FileLastmodified = _FileLastmodified($Filepath) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Last-Modified", $FileLastmodified) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Content-Length", $Source_Length) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Etag", StringReplace(StringReplace(StringStripWS($FileLastmodified, 8), "-", ""), ":", "")&$Source_Length) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Source", $Source) Else ; EndIf Return $Data EndFunc Func _FileGet($Filepath) ; Error:1=not_found,2=exists_but_not_valid $Indexes = _IndexGet() $Filetypes = _FiletypeGet() If $Filepath = "" Then $Filepath = "/" EndIf $Filepath = $Server_Httpdir&$Filepath If $Indexes[1] <> "" And StringRight($Filepath, 1) = "/" Then For $i = 1 To $Indexes[0] If FileExists($Filepath&"\"&$Indexes[$i]) Then Return $Filepath&"\"&$Indexes[$i] Next ElseIf StringRight($Filepath, 1) <> "/" Then If FileExists($Filepath) Then For $i = 1 To $Filetypes[0] If StringRight($Filepath, StringLen($Filetypes[$i])) = $Filetypes[$i] Then Return $Filepath EndIf Next SetError(2) Return EndIf EndIf SetError(1) EndFunc Func _ClientDisconnect($Client) $Client_ID = SocketToIP($Client_List[$Client]) If StringLen($Client_ID) < 7 Then $Client_ID = "unknown" If $Messages_Level > 3 Then _Message("Client "&$Client_ID&" disconnected.") If $Log_Level > 2 Then _Log("Client "&$Client_ID&" disconnected.") TCPCloseSocket($Client_List[$Client]) _ArrayDelete($Client_List, $Client) EndFunc Func _HeaderGet($Data, $Header) If $Header = "" Then Return StringLeft($Data, StringInStr($Data, @CRLF, 1)-1) If $Header <> "" Then If $Header = "Source" Then Return StringTrimLeft($Data, StringInStr($Data, @CRLF&@CRLF, 1)) Else $Data2 = StringRegExp($Data, $Header&": (.*)"&@CRLF, 1) If Not @error Then Return $Data2[1] EndIf EndIf EndIf SetError(1) Return "" EndFunc Func _HeaderSet($Data, $Header, $Value, $Overwrite = 1) If $Data = "" And $Header = "" Then Return $Value&@CRLF If $Data <> "" And $Header = "" Then $Line1 = StringLeft($Data, StringInStr($Data, @CRLF)-1) If StringInStr($Line1, ":") Then Return $Value&@CRLF&$Data Else If $Overwrite Then Return $Value&StringTrimLeft($Data, StringInStr($Data, @CRLF)-1) Return $Data EndIf EndIf If $Data = "" And $Header <> "" Then Return $Header&": "&$Value&@CRLF $Data2 = StringSplit($Data, @CRLF&@CRLF, 1) If $Header = "Source" Then If $Overwrite Then Return $Data2[1]&@CRLF&@CRLF&$Value If $Data2[0] < 2 Then Return $Data2[1]&@CRLF&@CRLF&$Value Return $Data ElseIf $Header <> "" Then If StringInStr($Data2[1], $Header) Then If $Overwrite Then $Data2[1] = StringRegExpReplace($Data2[1], $Header&": (.*)"&@CRLF, $Header&": "&$Value&@CRLF) If $Data2[0] > 1 Then Return $Data2[1]&@CRLF&@CRLF&$Data2[2] Return $Data2[1] EndIf Return $Data Else $Data2[1] &= $Header&": "&$Value&@CRLF If $Data2[0] > 1 Then Return $Data2[1]&@CRLF&@CRLF&$Data2[2] Return $Data2[1] EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _IndexGet() $Indexes = StringSplit(StringStripWS($Server_Index, 8), ",") Return $Indexes EndFunc Func _FiletypeGet() $Filetypes = StringSplit(StringStripWS($Server_Filetype, 8), ",") Return $Filetypes EndFunc Func _PageStatusSet($Data, $Code) Switch $Code Case 200 $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "", "HTTP/"&$Version_HTTP&" "&$Code&" OK") Case 202 $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "", "HTTP/"&$Version_HTTP&" "&$Code&" ACCEPTED") Case 404 $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "", "HTTP/"&$Version_HTTP&" "&$Code&" NOTFOUND") ; EndSwitch $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Date", _DateCurrent(), 0) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Server", $Title&"/"&$Version&" (Win32)", 0) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Accept-Ranges", "bytes", 0) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Connection", "close", 0) $Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8", 0) ;$Data = _HeaderSet($Data, "Content-Encoding", "gzip") Return $Data EndFunc Func SocketToIP($SHOCKET) Local $sockaddr = DLLStructCreate("short;ushort;uint;char[8]") Local $aRet = DLLCall("Ws2_32.dll","int","getpeername","int",$SHOCKET, _ "ptr",DLLStructGetPtr($sockaddr),"int*",DLLStructGetSize($sockaddr)) If Not @error And $aRet[0] = 0 Then $aRet = DLLCall("Ws2_32.dll","str","inet_ntoa","int",DLLStructGetData($sockaddr,3)) If Not @error Then $aRet = $aRet[0] Else $aRet = 0 EndIf $sockaddr = 0 Return $aRet EndFunc Grtz, Dellairon Edited July 16, 2008 by Dellairion Hot Key ControllerPinball Trainer?
UnixWolf Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 (edited) OK, recognizing that this may be a really stupid question, but I think I've done my homework, so here goes.I searched this entire topic for anything referencing Apache. I found four pages, but all seem to address using AuCGI as a cgi. I need to use AuCGI in a <?au3 ?> context. How do I configure Apache for that use? Suggestion: what about a sticky topic that collects all the info scattered through the topic about configuring?Here's what I'm trying to do.I'm developing a USB application using PortableApps and Uniform Server (which, IMHO, is the best of the WAMPs, and the only one I could find that supported VirtualHosts.) The autorun.ini executes a batch file (Start.bat) which starts a Firefox page (howto.php) with instructions how to initialize the application, then starts (and waits for) RTFM.exe (an AutoIt3 process, so I can build the text dynamically) which tells the user to read the instructions and close RTFM when he is ready to continue. When the user exits RTFM (hopefully after reading the directions), Start.bat starts (and waits for) UniCenter (an AutoIt3 application incidentally, which led me to AuCGI). UniCenter controls starting and stopping Apache and MySql. The user has been instructed how to start these processes from UniCenter, and to exit UniCenter when that has been accomplished, which allows Start.bat to open the application (http://localhost). I know this will be confusing to a new, non-technical user. It confuses me sometimes, and I wrote it!!What I would like to do is start UniCenter directly from within howto.php like this:<html> <head> . . . <?php blah(); ?> </head> <body> . . . Tell user how to start servers . . . <?au3 Run("G:\UniformServer\uc_server_control_2.exe"); ?> . . . Tell user how to configure application . . . <a href="http://localhost">Continue to application</a> </body> </html>eliminating all the back-and-forth and the user won't even see UniCenter. Edited July 20, 2008 by UnixWolf
theguy0000 Posted July 20, 2008 Author Posted July 20, 2008 In the first post I give instructions for configuring with apache... The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
NELyon Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 I've been thinking a bit. Perhaps to avoid conflict with PHP pages, it should be changed from <?au3 ?> to <au3></au3>. I know it's easy to do with a simple mod of the AuCGI.au3 source, but maybe you should distribute it like this. That way, people can set the AuCGI interpreter to all extensions (Just use an asterisk in the extensions box if you use Abyss) without conflict with anything. I tried this with the <?au3 ?> conventions, and it screwed with PHP pages and Gif images. Thoughts?
theguy0000 Posted July 20, 2008 Author Posted July 20, 2008 I've been thinking a bit. Perhaps to avoid conflict with PHP pages, it should be changed from <?au3 ?> to <au3></au3>. I know it's easy to do with a simple mod of the AuCGI.au3 source, but maybe you should distribute it like this. That way, people can set the AuCGI interpreter to all extensions (Just use an asterisk in the extensions box if you use Abyss) without conflict with anything. I tried this with the <?au3 ?> conventions, and it screwed with PHP pages and Gif images. Thoughts?that shouldn't screw up a [properly configured] php installation, but I do see your point. On a side note, just so that people know before following Kenton's idea, that could WILL slow down the rendering of all pages, even ones that don't use autoit in them. By how much, I'm not sure, but I will definitely do some tests. Also, changing that would break scripts that people have wrote, and while it's not that much of a pain to fix, I don't like doing that. How about we plan on making that change in the next version I release. Until then, you're going to have to mod it yourself muttley The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
NELyon Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 that shouldn't screw up a [properly configured] php installation, but I do see your point. On a side note, just so that people know before following Kenton's idea, that could WILL slow down the rendering of all pages, even ones that don't use autoit in them. By how much, I'm not sure, but I will definitely do some tests. Also, changing that would break scripts that people have wrote, and while it's not that much of a pain to fix, I don't like doing that. How about we plan on making that change in the next version I release. Until then, you're going to have to mod it yourself muttley I did do it myself. SciTe's Find and Replace function is a lifesaver
novi Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 I use as a server Dwebpro staff. But when I add this AuCGI.exe I do not want to run. I open a page. Html and your horses:<?au3msgbox(0,"","")?>but the script does not work, I get this message: "what are you trying to do?"help? [COLOR=green]
JRowe Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 Ok, so whenever I run a script, I get a nice little popup window and a "boop". Webserver and everything is installed normally, scripts run just fine, but... msgbox and a beep whenever a page is loaded. Not a huge deal, but... argh. Anyone know how to fix it? [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
JRowe Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 Also, novi, use the _msgbox function in the Web.au3 udf in order to use the web based message boxes and things like that. [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
JRowe Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 Easy little demo that I'm getting the annoying beep on. ##WebApp <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <p><?au3 echo("Hi there")?></p> <p>Test</p> </body> </html> [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
JRowe Posted August 10, 2008 Posted August 10, 2008 I recompiled the AuCGI.au3 and replaced the downloaded version. Apparently, line 12 was uncommented and was sending a blank msgbox to the server, requiring it to be clicked before the rest of the page could execute. Now for the fun stuff. posts, databases, and ajax time [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
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