kenunloaded Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 could you guys post a working POST example please.
scriptguru Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 I can post example here but your code seems to be OK - I don't know where is the trouble. Local $data="url="& euc($url) &"&title=" & euc($title) & "&tags=" & $tags & "&access=" & $access & "&body=" & euc($cbd) & "&DMSID=" & $session ;alert($data) Local $filenames Local $socket=_HTTPConnect($deepmemo_host) If $make_shot Then _ScreenCapture_Capture("screenshot.png", 0, 0, -1, -1, false) Dim $filenames[1]=["screenshot.png"] _HTTPPost_files($deepmemo_host, $add_path, $socket, StringSplit($data,"&",2), $filenames) Else _HTTPPost($deepmemo_host, $add_path, $socket, $data) EndIf Local $response=_HTTPRead($socket, 0) It is working for me. Maybe the problem in absolute/relative file local path? Also the problem maybe in server side (I'm not proficient in server-side programming so I cant give any advices). BTW now I working on proxy support for this UDF. When it will be done I'll upload whole UDF here.
ttxtty Posted April 18, 2009 Posted April 18, 2009 scriptguru, I'm trying to use your function but something doesnt work. have a look at my case: i have apache + php installed correctly (other php apps currently running on the server) a php page to receive the uploded file : uploader.php a html page with form to test uploading through browser: form.html the upload works. I find the uploaded file inside the "/upload" folder. now, i want to code an AU3 script UPLOADER.au3, to send the file without using browser. uploader.php <% $target_path = "upload/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['filename']['name']); if( move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], $target_path) ) { echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['filename']['name']). " has been uploaded"; echo "<p>Parameter ..... P= " . htmlspecialchars($_POST['p']); } else{ echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!"; } %> form.html <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploader.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="200000000" /> P = <input type="text" name="p" value="1" /><p> Choose a file to upload: <input name="filename" type="file" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Upload File" /> </form> the UPLOADER.au3 so far: #include <Base64.au3> #include <_HTTP.au3> #include <_HTTPPost_files.au3> #NoTrayIcon $BYTES=0 $host='localhost' $port=80 $page='/php_file_upload/uploader.php' $SOCKET = _HTTPConnect($host, $port); #1 dim $data[1] dim $filenames[1] $data[0] = _HTTPEncodeString( "p=1000000" ) $filenames[0] = "C:\Tools\Autoit\alex\UPLOADER\hello2.exe"; this is a very small file 73 bytes ; being .exe has nothing to do. i tried with .zip, txt, and other types with no success $BYTES= _HTTPPost_files($host, $page, $socket, $data, $filenames ); #2 $closeit = _HTTPClose($socket) ; #3 the script executes, ..... #1, #2, #3 return success codes , no @error, no @extended the $BYTES variable ends with some value > 0 but the file is not uploaded into "/uploads" Maybe you have already resolved the problem To make it work with your example, I did the following changes in _HTTPPost_function: For $i=0 To (UBound($filenames)-1) $arr=StringSplit($filenames[$i],"\",2);get filename $fieldname=$arr[uBound($arr)-1] $fileName = $fieldname ; keep trace short original file name $arr=StringSplit($fieldname,".",2);chop extension $fieldname=$arr[0] $fh=FileOpen($filenames[$i], 16) $image=FileRead($fh) FileClose($fh) $str=_Base64Encode($image) $command &="--"& $b _ &@CRLF&"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=filename; filename="& $fileName _ &@CRLF&"Content-Type: application/upload" _ &@CRLF&"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"&@CRLF&@CRLF _ &$str &@CRLF Next In uploader.php, the id for file upload is a fixed value as 'filename', so should it be in the post request After that, the upload works for me, but I just got the Base64 encoded string in the file. I will study that (I'm quite new in http protocol)
uaemon Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 The script works well on my Windows XP in French but the function _HTTPRead doesn't work on Windows XP Chinese. Some ideas ?
uaemon Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 The script works well on my Windows XP in French but the function _HTTPRead doesn't work on Windows XP Chinese. Some ideas ?I found that the error was from TCPRecv($socket,16): I compared the packets received in Chinese Windows with the packets received in French Windows, some packets were wrong, sometimes there was missing byte, sometimes there was modified byte. I changed the receive length (the whole file can be held in) to TCPRecv($socket,2048) and it was OKI did the test with Wireshark as tracer: the trace in Wireshark was OK
SainTRC Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 (edited) <snipped> User did nothing but quote the first post </snipped> Edited May 22, 2009 by SmOke_N
Smitro Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 As per post above, I'd love it if someone could give us a POST example. I've tried, but with no luck. #include <http.au3> #include <array.au3> $host = "www" $port = "80" $page = "/test/post.php?test_get=got" $post_data = _HTTPEncodeString("data1=123") $socket = _HTTPConnect($host, $port) $get_req = _HTTPGet($host, $page, $socket) $post_req = _HTTPPost($host, $page, $socket, $post_data) $returned_data = _HTTPRead($socket) Run("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") Send($returned_data) When I run the above: 1. the GET variables work 2. The POST don't work 3. It only returns 7 characters of the page. I've tried changing the first line of the return to different charicters but it doesn't make and difference. Strangely though, if you set the page to a wrong location you'll get the full out put of a 404 error. This same problem occurs both when returning as an array and a string. Please help, I feel I'm so close! (Is this a false hope)
roka Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 Hi, I got the same problem - POST isn't working for me ether. It's annoying, the HTTP POST doesn't seem to be that difficult but I still can't get it to work. Does anybody have a working solution for this? I don't want to use IE.au3 though. Thanks Ronny
mungushume Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 Using this UDF to download .torrent files finds an interesting issue. As .torrent files have part text, part binary content trying to _HTTPRead them will mix strings with binary data. This is due to the way TCPRecv handles data. For backwards compatibility reasons this function will try to return strings by default. If null (0x00) characters are received then the return value will be a binary type To fix this issue you can use the following code If $recv <> "" Then $bytesreceived = $bytesreceived + StringLen($recv) $timer = TimerInit() If IsBinary($recv) Then $data &= BinaryToString($recv, 0) Else $data &= $recv EndIf ;~ ConsoleWrite("Bytes downloaded: "&$bytesreceived&@CRLF) EndIf
KarlosTHG Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Cool, this work good, but in a advance project I found the need to read compress/encrypt data: header: Content-Encoding: gzip data: <3†¹ÓÎÏÐœ-.....and more foreing characters> how can I read the plain text?, how can I decompress the data?
KarlosTHG Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 for the new ones with HTTP i found this program than can help to understand the comunication between the server and the client: the program capture the http traffic and you can found the information that you need. if someone needs help with this can ask me, and i will try to help. i think that my english is poor... sorry bye and thanks
tinkumanoj Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 Any one add the latest and working Get and post request examples..... When i debug the examples given i am getting some errors.... and could any post the latest HTTP.au3 file also because i installed the "autoitV3" but i didn't see the HTTP.au3 file in the "include" folder
Splash Posted December 5, 2009 Posted December 5, 2009 Good work! Useful for work with Twitter/Youtube or other online services API. Automatic Update UDF - IP Address UDF - WinPcap AutoIt _FindDevice()[font="Verdana"][size="2"]AutoIt Spanish/Brasil/World community!!![/size][/font]Use you wanna a domain please use my link:
motionman95 Posted June 26, 2010 Posted June 26, 2010 Does this work with latest versions of AutoIt...?
tijiez Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 I've been using this UDF for over a year now, but now I need it to work with HTTPS. Is there any hope?
Proph Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 I've been using this UDF for over a year now, but now I need it to work with HTTPS. Is there any hope?I need to do this with https too. I tried the WinHTTP UDF posted as well but can not figure it out since there are not many examples on how to use it properly.
Saladin Posted January 30, 2011 Posted January 30, 2011 I hate to bump old topics but is this still relevant? or is this obsolete? Need to use this for an idea i had just so i can learn how to send and recieve info .. as i going to make a program (go figure) but needs to talk to a php file and well i just need to know if this is the best? or is there better .. looking for easy at this point:)
MegaGamerGuy Posted April 7, 2011 Posted April 7, 2011 very great udf by the way!althou it would be useful if on the HTTPRead() u have an option to return, umm lets say 'Bytes Read' during transferbut im not talking about only bytes read after a transfer; but bytes read During transfer Thanks, Mega
cronodragon Posted May 13, 2011 Posted May 13, 2011 Excellent UDF. I want to share the file uploader I made, because it took some hours to put the pieces together, and I think other people will have the same problem. Setup: 1. Download the latest AutoIt. 2. Setup a server with PHP, i.e. WampServer. 3. Get Base64.au3 from: 4. Get HTTP.au3 from: 5. Get HTTPPost_files.au3 from (copy code and paste to au3 file): 6. Create an "uploader/" dir inside the public dir (i.e. "www/") of your server 7. Find a small JPEG image (< 1MB) and save as "uploader/Image.jpg" 8. Copy and save this code as "uploader/Uploader.au3"... I got this code from another post #Include <Base64.au3> #Include <HTTP.au3> #Include <HTTPPost_files.au3> $BYTES = 0 $host = 'localhost' $port = 80 $page = '/uploader/upload.php' $SOCKET = _HTTPConnect($host, $port) dim $data[1] dim $filenames[1] $data[0] = _HTTPEncodeString( "p=1000000" ) ; just for testing $filenames[0] = @ScriptDir & '\Image.jpg' $BYTES = _HTTPPost_files($host, $page, $socket, $data, $filenames) MsgBox(0, "Uploader", _HTTPRead($SOCKET)) ; debug $closeit = _HTTPClose($socket) 9. Copy and save this code as "uploader/upload.php" (notice this is PHP code): expandcollapse popup<?php // Silence stupid errors. error_reporting(E_ALL^E_NOTICE); define('PICTURE_SIZE_ALLOWED', 1024*1024); // bytes $filename = ''; $result_msg = 'OK'; $uploaded_file = 'Image'; // _HTTPPost_files() sets the file name as the field name // Create upload dir. $upload_dir = 'uploads/'; @mkdir($upload_dir); if (isset($_FILES[$uploaded_file])) { if ($_FILES[$uploaded_file]['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) // no error { if(filesize($_FILES[$uploaded_file]['tmp_name']) <= PICTURE_SIZE_ALLOWED) { // Retrieve uploaded file from temp dir. $filename = $_FILES[$uploaded_file]['name']; move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$uploaded_file]['tmp_name'], $upload_dir.$filename); // Decode file from base64 overwriting... shouldn't the server do this automatically!? file_put_contents($upload_dir.$filename, base64_decode(file_get_contents($upload_dir.$filename)), LOCK_EX); } else $result_msg = 'ERROR: The uploaded file exceeds '.PICTURE_SIZE_ALLOWED.' bytes'; } elseif ($_FILES[$uploaded_file]['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) $result_msg = 'ERROR: The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; else $result_msg = 'Unknown error'; } //echo '$_FILES = ', json_encode($_FILES), "\n\n"; // uncomment to debug uploaded files echo $result_msg; ?> 10. Run Uploader.au3... will show "OK" if the file was sent and saved as "uploads/Image.jpg", otherwise will show an error Regards! -Marco Wiliat87 1
USMC85 Posted May 28, 2011 Posted May 28, 2011 I am trying to do a simple script to open an Outlook Webmail site (https) then long in automatically. This is the closest Ive found to that but it gives me errors. I have the latest Scite and AutoIt, so that may have something to do with it since some of these posts are old. Can anyone point me to a script already built for this purpose? The Record function doesnt produce usable code for me. Thank!!! K Note that it requires Base64.au3 expandcollapse popup; =================================================================== ; _HTTPPost_files($host, $page, [$socket], [$data], [$filenames]) ; ; Executes a POST request on an open socket. ; Parameters: ; $host - IN - The hostname you want to get the page from. This should be in the format "" or "localhost" ; $page - IN - The the file you want to get. This should always start with a slash. Examples: "/" or "/somedirectory/submitform.php" ; $socket - OPTIONAL IN - The socket opened by _HTTPConnect. If this is not supplied, the last socket opened with _HTTPConnect will be used. ; $data - array of data to send in the post request. This should first be run through _HTTPEncodeString() ; $filenames - array of paths for files to send ; Returns: ; The number of bytes sent in the request. ; Author: Val Polyakh <> ; Requires: Base64.au3 ; Remarks: ; Possible @errors: ; 1 - No socket supplied and no current socket exists ; 2 - Error sending to socket. Check @extended for Windows API WSAGetError return ; =================================================================== Func _HTTPPost_files($host, $page, $socket, $data, $filenames) Local $b="---------------------------0123456789012" Local $fh,$image,$str,$picdata,$fieldname, $arr, $header Local $command If $socket == -1 Then If $_HTTPLastSocket == -1 Then SetError(1) Return EndIf $socket = $_HTTPLastSocket EndIf $command="" ;$command &= $data&@CRLF For $i=0 To (UBound($data)-1) $arr=StringSplit($data[$i],"=",2) $command &= "--"& $b &@CRLF &"Content-Disposition: form-data; name="& $arr[0] & @CRLF&@CRLF & $arr[1] &@CRLF Next For $i=0 To (UBound($filenames)-1) $arr=StringSplit($filenames[$i],"\",2);get filename $fieldname=$arr[UBound($arr)-1] $arr=StringSplit($fieldname,".",2);chop extension $fieldname=$arr[0] $fh=FileOpen($filenames[$i], 16) $image=FileRead($fh) FileClose($fh) $str=_Base64Encode($image) $command &="--"& $b _ &@CRLF&"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" & $fieldname &"; filename="& $filenames[$i] _ &@CRLF&"Content-Type: application/upload" _ &@CRLF&"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"&@CRLF&@CRLF _ &$str &@CRLF Next $command &= @CRLF&"--"& $b &"--"&@CRLF Dim $datasize = StringLen($command) $header = "POST "&$page&" HTTP/1.1"&@CRLF $header &= "Host: " &$host&@CRLF $header &= "User-Agent: "&$_HTTPUserAgent&@CRLF $header &= "Connection: close"&@CRLF $header &= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" & $b & @CRLF $header &= "Content-Length: "&$datasize&@CRLF $header &= ""&@CRLF $command= $header & $command Dim $bytessent = TCPSend($socket, $command) If $bytessent == 0 Then SetExtended(@error) SetError(2) return 0 EndIf SetError(0) Return $bytessent EndFunc One more thing you should know is format of data you need to send. For example if your data in url-encoded format looks like xxx=1&yyy=2&zzz=3 then you should pass to this function array as follows ["xxx=1","yyy=2","zzz=3"]
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