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Posted (edited)

how do string and number comparisons work such as


if not $a==$b Then MsgBox(0,"no","foobar does not==1")
if $a==$b Then MsgBox(0,"yes","foobar==1")

which by the way when i run the script neither if statement gets executed which seems impossible.

Edited by dark_jedi
Posted (edited)


if $a==$b Then 
MsgBox(0,"","Didnt Match")
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<> (not equal to) is for comparisons

guess i don't know exactly what you are asking

Edited by death pax
Posted (edited)

first of all the code below outputs the same thing as if you not the if statement


if $a==$b Then 
MsgBox(0,"","Didnt Match")

second of all how do you not understand what im asking... how are the string and number being compared?

most languages will not allow you to compare a string and number. I read in help file that a string will default to 0 in certain situations or take the first numbers if they are present.

Edited by dark_jedi
  • Developers

which by the way when i run the script neither if statement gets executed which seems impossible.

You use wrong logic in your If Not statement.

Should be:

if not ($a==$B) Then MsgBox(0,"no","foobar does not==1")
if $a==$b Then MsgBox(0,"yes","foobar==1")

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You use wrong logic in your If Not statement.

Where can I read which is the right logic for 'If Not'?

I searched in the help file and the forum, but I didn't find anything.

For this reason I write my scripts without 'If Not'. :D

  • Developers

Where can I read which is the right logic for 'If Not'?

I searched in the help file and the forum, but I didn't find anything.

For this reason I write my scripts without 'If Not'. :D

I shown it in the post but let me explain a bit more:

When you take this statement:

if not 5=6 Then MsgBox(0,"test1","test1")

It will resolve "Not 5" first giving this statement:

if False=6 Then MsgBox(0,"test1","test1")

When you take this statement:

if not (5=6) Then MsgBox(0,"test2","Test2")

It will resolve "5=6 first giving this statement:

if not (False) Then MsgBox(0,"test2","Test2")

See the difference?

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Posted (edited)

Where can I read which is the right logic for 'If Not'?

I searched in the help file and the forum, but I didn't find anything.

For this reason I write my scripts without 'If Not'. :D

JdeB added braces to force $a==$b rather then If Not $a as "Operator precedence" takes place with Not being evaluated 1st without the braces used in the above code.


Edited by MHz

@JdeB and MHz,

thanks for patience and explanations (I understood).

I know the section about operators in the help file. But I didn't find 'For using "If Not" you have to bracket the expression' or something like this there (maybe I'm the only). :D



Review of operater precedence as you still seem unsure?

From highest precedence to lowest:



* /

+ -


< > <= >= = <> ==


Not has highest precedence. Any value next to Not will be evaluted 1st. Not "If Not", just "Not" is the concern.

The examples below as quoted on the help page are quite good at explaining how to use braces to change precedence of how you want which expressions to be evalutated first.

First precedence of evaluation in bold

If Not 0 = 1 Then

as above Not 0 becomes 1.

Now to force a change of precedence, use braces.

If Not (0 = 1) Then

as above, 0=1 will be evaluted before Not does it's evaluation. A precedence change done with braces.

Hope alittle clearer. :D


Thanks MHz,

you're very tirelessly. I really understood. But it is a difference between reading and understanding something. :D

I know I still have much to learn to code with AutoIt and ... english. :">

These are enough reasons for me to be a member in this forum.

again thanks

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