Kickassjoe Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 (edited) if... you drop the ore while the rock has no ore in it... it saves a lot of time! can I edit your script a little? maybe add randoms detection? and dropping of ores? or do you want to do that... or want me not to do that? Edited August 16, 2006 by Kickassjoe What goes around comes around... Payback's a bitch.
Home Bunny Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 if... you drop the ore while the rock has no ore in it... it saves a lot of time! can I edit your script a little? maybe add randoms detection? and dropping of ores? or do you want to do that... or want me not to do that?However the question is not adressed to me, I would like that feature Greetz,
Kickassjoe Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 hmmm... when I drop it if the place it is being dropped in is in the scan screen... it just picks it back up again... i dont think there is any way around that, that i know of..... What goes around comes around... Payback's a bitch.
jvanegmond Posted August 17, 2006 Author Posted August 17, 2006 (edited) If you like, you can pick up my project as it where yours, just don't forget who did the initial work. There are lots of options still to be made: I don't have a lot of time, so please do.Edithmmm... when I drop it if the place it is being dropped in is in the scan screen... it just picks it back up again... i dont think there is any way around that, that i know of.....Ah yes, I remember that problem. Maybe you can get the exact color of the dropped ore and set it not to pick up that color? Or set the miner to use different mining spots: It will switch place when it drops the full inventory.. That would be nice. Edited August 17, 2006 by Manadar
Kickassjoe Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Ah yes, I remember that problem. Maybe you can get the exact color of the dropped ore and set it not to pick up that color? Or set the miner to use different mining spots: It will switch place when it drops the full inventory.. That would be nice.I dont even know how to quote right lmaoI think getting the color of the ore dropped would be easier/possibler then moving to different mining spots... but I wouldnt know how to do that... because, say I'm mining iron, and it gets the color... it already has the color... so i cant make it not click on the dropped ores...WAIT! I have an idea! the check function could look for the color of dropped ores before looking for the color of the rock... and then set the coords of the dropped ores to vars... and if the color found when looking for the rock to click was in a certain pixel range of the coords of the dropped one... then search again? That would be like my only idea on how to do that... if i'm like way off could u point me in the right direction? Or if I have the right idea could you please say so? Thanks!P.S. thats what ima look like after i figure this out! and after I try my pathetic attempts at random detection (thts gonna take a WHILE, but i will post here if I ever figure out how, because manadar was so nice and posted his script here and let me edit it a little (or a lot) Thanks Manadar! ) What goes around comes around... Payback's a bitch.
jvanegmond Posted August 18, 2006 Author Posted August 18, 2006 Seems like you're getting excited about this project. So am I still. They all sound like good attempts at improving the AutoMiner. I have also tried to make the checking-region modify to the average position of the clicks. It failed, but it is very much possible. Here is a example of how it would work: - User sets up AutoMiner - AutoMiner starts mining, stores the X and Y position of the clicks on the ores in a array. - AutoMiner continues mining but after Z amount of clicks the average X and Y coordinates are calculated, and also the average distance between clicks. It will then modify the region where it is clicking. This will be a good way to go around the process of setting the red box to exactly the right size.
Kickassjoe Posted August 18, 2006 Posted August 18, 2006 I am excited about anything about runescape-related macroing... I have a habit of starting sumthing and then working way to hard to get it how i like it wouldnt checking for the color of a dropped ore and then setting it to a var... and then not clicking 25 - 50 pixels from that color? I havent known autoit for all that long... only like 2 or 3 months now... but I like doing things that make me think (i hate school tho... dumbass teachers), and then beating all my friends in games tht we play What goes around comes around... Payback's a bitch.
Cloud Posted October 16, 2006 Posted October 16, 2006 Good work. Havn't tried it yet due to I quit gameing. School Grades went up! I worked made one of the best autospammer bots for rs. It had a gui that allowed you to choose x number of messages. If you wanted a certain color or random also special effects and time delay. Had hotkeys to start/stop messages/reset options/turn off. Also another automator (Did I spell that right?) was a autosmither. It would take certain ores out and smith them in falador. But I quit doing it because Had no gui or configs, just had to manually edit script for x/y/colors. I just told this long story to support people makeing more programs like these and that It can be done. Unfortuntly I lost both of them when hd went bad.
jvanegmond Posted October 17, 2006 Author Posted October 17, 2006 Sorry to hear that, Cloud. I would have loved to see your autosmither in action. My little brother and sister were hooked on runescape, and my parents forbid them from playing runescape. So, because I'm such a good sport, I stopped playing too. School grades still are going everywhere but up. Nice to hear your story, and thanks.
ttocszed Posted February 23, 2007 Posted February 23, 2007 Im new to Autoit scripting and have created a little auto miner program. which uses mouse clicks x/y cordnates. which i know is bad for other people because of differnet resolutions. expandcollapse popup$mine = "0" $loop = "0" Do Do MouseClick("left" , 373, 364) Sleep(9195) $mine = $mine + 1 Until $mine = 28 Sleep(900) MouseClick("Right", 714, 370) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 708, 413) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 753, 370) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 732, 411) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 800, 373) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 769, 407) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 842, 372) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 800, 416) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 713, 409) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 709, 446) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 756, 407) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 737, 445) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 799, 406) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 772, 449) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 839, 409) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 772, 446) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 717, 444) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 711, 482) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 757, 440) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 736, 481) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 799, 442) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 785, 490) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 841, 445) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 802, 483) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 716, 480) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 706, 516) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 759, 476) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 747, 519) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 798, 480) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 773, 518) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 841, 481) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 801, 516) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 714, 516) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 712, 553) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 757, 514) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 738, 552) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 799, 518) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 789, 554) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 842, 515) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 804, 555) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 716, 553) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 710, 567) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 755, 550) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 743, 572) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 798, 553) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 782, 567) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 841, 552) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 809, 569) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 716, 586) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 713, 575) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 800, 588) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 790, 572) Sleep(40) MouseClick("right", 840, 584) Sleep(40) MouseClick("left", 800, 569) Sleep(500) $mine = 0 $loop = $loop + 1 Until $loop = 100your can set the loop to 100. after the Sleep(9000) that is the scrip i use to empty the entire inventory of get this working just go to an ore and stand NORTH of the ore and rune the script. it will mine 28 ore then empty inventory the only problem is that i based on the average time it takes to mine 1 iron ore. and it kinda messes up if it takes longer than about 3.4 secs it clicks again and throws off the number of ore in inventory
ttocszed Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 Manador, i love ur auto mining script and im creating and inventory emptier based on ur script. and this is what i've gotten so far. im not sure if it is searching or not im trying ot get it to search within the red rectangle and right click on found ore types and drop them. any help would be appreciated. once i get this working i'll try and find a way to put it into your script. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $CurrentColor = "0xAF0000" Global $ScanWidth = 180, $ScanHeight = 250 Global $StartX = 688 Global $StartY = 315 Global $x = $StartX, $y = $StartY Global $ColorClay = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Clay", "?") Global $ColorCopper = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Copper", 9003840) Global $ColorTin = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Tin", 7432553) Global $ColorIron = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Iron", 4072732) Global $ColorSilver = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Silver", 16777215) Global $ColorCoal = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Coal", 3815975) Global $ColorGold = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Gold", 10193720) Global $ColorMithril = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Mithril", 5329529) Global $ColorAddy = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Addy", "?") Global $ColorRunite = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Runite", "?") $GUI = GUICreate("",110,40,$x,$y,$WS_POPUP) $ColorLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Ore in inventory",0,1,110,20,$SS_CENTER) SetColor() WinSetOnTop($GUI,"",1) GUISetState() $Top = GUICreate("Top Line", $ScanWidth, 2,$x,$y + 40,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $Left = GUICreate("Left Line", 2, $ScanHeight,$x,$y + 40,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $Right = GUICreate("Right Line", 2, $ScanHeight,$x + $ScanWidth - 2,$y + 40,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $Bottom = GUICreate("Bottom Line", $ScanWidth, 2,$x,$y + 40 + $ScanHeight,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $menu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu ($ColorLabel) $MenuClay = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Clay", $menu) $MenuTin = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Tin", $menu) $MenuCopper = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Copper", $menu) $MenuIron = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Iron", $menu) $MenuSilver = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Silver", $menu) $MenuCoal = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Coal", $menu) $MenuGold = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Gold", $menu) $MenuMithril = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Mithril", $menu) $MenuAddy = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Adamantite", $menu) $MenuRunite = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Runite", $menu) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $MenuClay $CurrentColor = $ColorClay SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuTin $CurrentColor = $ColorTin SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuCopper $CurrentColor = $ColorCopper SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuIron $CurrentColor = $ColorIron SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuSilver $CurrentColor = $ColorSilver SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuCoal $CurrentColor = $ColorCoal SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuGold $CurrentColor = $ColorGold SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuMithril $CurrentColor = $ColorMithril SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuAddy $CurrentColor = $ColorAddy SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuRunite $CurrentColor = $ColorRunite SetColor() EndSelect WEnd Func SetColor() GUICtrlSetBkColor($ColorLabel,$CurrentColor) GUISetBkColor($CurrentColor,$GUI) EndFunc Func Check() Sleep(Random(0,500,1)) $Pixel = PixelSearch($x+2,$y+42,$x+2+$ScanWidth,$y+42+$ScanHeight,$CurrentColor) If Not @error Then MouseClick("Right", $Pixel[0],$Pixel[1],1,2) EndIf EndFunc
ttocszed Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 Nvm i found the problem i never created a start menu item. it works great just now gata think of a way for it to click drop. EDIT: how do i get it to rescan after it clicks drop to get it to continue looping till noe ore can be found. then restart the mining process.
ttocszed Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 ok i've got it working this is an script to empty out an entire inventory of a certain ore. this is created bassed on manador's mining script. so most of the credit goes out to him. im gonna post the code because i dont know how to upload the script. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $CurrentColor = "0xAF0000" Global $ScanWidth = 180, $ScanHeight = 250 Global $StartX = 688 Global $StartY = 315 Global $x = $StartX, $y = $StartY Global $ColorClay = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Clay", "?") Global $ColorCopper = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Copper", 9003840) Global $ColorTin = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Tin", 7432553) Global $ColorIron = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Iron", 4072732) Global $ColorSilver = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Silver", 16777215) Global $ColorCoal = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Coal", 3815975) Global $ColorGold = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Gold", 10193720) Global $ColorMithril = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Mithril", 5329529) Global $ColorAddy = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Addy", "?") Global $ColorRunite = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Runite", "?") $GUI = GUICreate("",110,40,$x,$y,$WS_POPUP) $ColorLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Ore in inventory",0,1,110,20,$SS_CENTER) SetColor() WinSetOnTop($GUI,"",1) GUISetState() $Top = GUICreate("Top Line", $ScanWidth, 2,$x,$y + 40,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $Left = GUICreate("Left Line", 2, $ScanHeight,$x,$y + 40,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $Right = GUICreate("Right Line", 2, $ScanHeight,$x + $ScanWidth - 2,$y + 40,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $Bottom = GUICreate("Bottom Line", $ScanWidth, 2,$x,$y + 40 + $ScanHeight,$WS_POPUP,-1,$GUI) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) GUISetState() $menu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu ($ColorLabel) $Start = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Start!", $menu,-1,1) $Stop = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Stop", $menu,-1,1) $MenuClay = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Clay", $menu) $MenuTin = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Tin", $menu) $MenuCopper = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Copper", $menu) $MenuIron = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Iron", $menu) $MenuSilver = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Silver", $menu) $MenuCoal = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Coal", $menu) $MenuGold = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Gold", $menu) $MenuMithril = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Mithril", $menu) $MenuAddy = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Adamantite", $menu) $MenuRunite = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Runite", $menu) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $Start Check() Case $msg = $MenuClay $CurrentColor = $ColorClay SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuTin $CurrentColor = $ColorTin SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuCopper $CurrentColor = $ColorCopper SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuIron $CurrentColor = $ColorIron SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuSilver $CurrentColor = $ColorSilver SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuCoal $CurrentColor = $ColorCoal SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuGold $CurrentColor = $ColorGold SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuMithril $CurrentColor = $ColorMithril SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuAddy $CurrentColor = $ColorAddy SetColor() Case $msg = $MenuRunite $CurrentColor = $ColorRunite SetColor() EndSelect WEnd Func SetColor() GUICtrlSetBkColor($ColorLabel,$CurrentColor) GUISetBkColor($CurrentColor,$GUI) EndFunc Func Check() Do Sleep(Random(0,500,1)) $Xdif = 0 $Ydif = -35 $Pixel = PixelSearch($x+2,$y+42,$x+2+$ScanWidth,$y+42+$ScanHeight,$CurrentColor) If Not @error Then MouseClick("Right", $Pixel[0],$Pixel[1],1,2) sleep(20) Mouseclick("left", $Pixel[0] - $Xdif, $Pixel[1] - $Ydif) EndIf Until @error EndFunc
jvanegmond Posted March 9, 2007 Author Posted March 9, 2007 The problem with dropping the ore, as I can remember because that was a long long time ago, is that the autominer sees the ore on the ground and recognizes it as an ore rock, and picks up the dropped ores.. That would just cost you a lot of time trying to pick up the ores that you just dropped...
RìggnÃX Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 hi,u guys do good work here, AutoMiner is great!The problem with dropping the ore, as I can remember because that was a long long time ago, is that the autominer sees the ore on the ground and recognizes it as an ore rock, and picks up the dropped ores.. That would just cost you a lot of time trying to pick up the ores that you just dropped...what about this: if a ore is found, check if its distance to the character is big enough, so it won't take ores, that have been dropped on the place, the character is standing... and if the character moves, it would take not more then 1 ore.../signed greetz, RìggnÃ
jvanegmond Posted March 15, 2007 Author Posted March 15, 2007 what about this: if a ore is found, check if its distance to the character is big enough, so it won't take ores, that have been dropped on the place, the character is standing... and if the character moves, it would take not more then 1 ore.../signedNot a bad idea. Thinking about this another idea occurred to me. Just check the top left corner whether your target is an 'Ore Rock' or is not e.g. 'xxx ore'.
timmy Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 I can't seem to get it working Any tips or help I am new to Autoit
NavigationMaster Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 lolz-i dont no how to start the auto minerrrr can u email me some help or post it here? b my mail!
pplpplplease Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 hey i just made a autoit account today....i play runescape and would like an AutoMiner. I downloaded this miner.exe or watever (the link u had at the bottom of ur topic) and it took like 1 second. I opened my Winrar and i saw the miner.exe, so i opened that and it had a "read me.txt" file and the "RS Auto-Miner.au3" file. I clicked on the read me and read what to do. I logged on runescape and clicked the "RS Auto-Miner.au3" file, then a weird thing popped up that i think is the script: this is wat the beggining looked like:: #NoTrayIcon #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> HotKeySet("!^x", "Abort") Global $CurrentColor = "0xAF0000" Global $StartX = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Pos", "X",0) Global $StartY = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Pos", "Y",0) Global $x = $StartX, $y = $StartY Global $ScanWidth = 110, $ScanHeight = 120 Global $T1[5],$T2[5] Global $SleepCheck = 500, $SleepMine = 4000 Global $Idle = 0 Global $MoveMode = True Global $AppTitle = "RS Auto-Miner" Global $ColorClay = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Clay", "?") Global $ColorCopper = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Copper", 9003840) Global $ColorTin = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Tin", 7432553) Global $ColorIron = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Iron", 4072732) Global $ColorSilver = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Silver", 16777215) Global $ColorCoal = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Coal", 3815975) Global $ColorGold = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Gold", 10193720) Global $ColorMithril = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Mithril", 5329529) Global $ColorAddy = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Addy", "?") Global $ColorRunite = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Colors", "Runite", "?") ;beta below Global $Sens = IniRead("MineData.ini", "Beta", "Sensitifity", 8) Global $AverageX, $AverageY, $i I thought a window was supposed to pop up to begin the automining?? Ya so can u reply and tell me wats wrong plzzz THANK YOU
_Kurt Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 This is because this is the uncompiled script, meaning that it merely has text that will tell what the program should do once it's compiled. You need to run a file with the extension EXE (compiled). Either download autoit and use the compiler, or get someone to compile it for you (I'm too lazy). Kurt ... it's hard speaking 'idiot' ... Awaiting Diablo III..
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