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SciTe 1.61 released


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JdeB -- regarding tidy (a very useful utility), :huh2:

If you would allow, perhaps you can add a checkbox in the starting gui of tidy that gives the option whether or not to save a backup of the original script? I usually forget that an old version is saved each time I tidy my script, and they usually get to be quite a few. (or maybe an option to delete the old file if there are no errors encountered)

One more (sorry :D ), since I'm not a very good scripter, I have code that don't have anythng between the IF and ELSE (works for me though :) ) lines like :

If $A <> 0 Then

I found that this produces a tidy error?

Thanks, and nice work with Scite.

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If you would allow, perhaps you can add a checkbox in the starting gui of tidy that gives the option whether or not to save a backup of the original script? I usually forget that an old version is saved each time I tidy my script, and they usually get to be quite a few.  (or maybe an option to delete the old file if there are no errors encountered)

Don't think I will ever implement an option that will get rid of your original script and only keeps the version generated by Tidy. I appreciate the faith you have in the program but I don't want to be responsible for messing up your script code. :)

One more (sorry :D ), since I'm not a very good scripter, I have code that don't have anythng between the IF and ELSE (works for me though  :huh2: ) lines like :

If $A <> 0 Then

I found that this produces a tidy error?

Will look at this issue later today and post an update. tnx for letting me know.

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uploaded a new http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/jdeb/scite4autoit3.exe which has the following updates:

*** Updated Lexer to highlight comma as operator.

*** Updated Lexer use fold.compact on Commentlinesblocks, #Region-#EndRegion, Preprocessor blocks.

*** Updated Lexer not to fold inside commentblocks unless "fold.comment=2" is specified

*** Updated Tidy description page to Helpfile explaining the Tidy Error checking.

*** Updated Getting started page in helpfile.

*** Added Scite/AutoIt3 lexer page to Helpfile explaining the Syntax Highlighting and Folding.

*** Updated AUT2EXE wrapper script which allows you to compile with options.

*** Fixed Tidy issue with IF/Else .... (tnx kalayaan)

*** Fixed Icon refresh to the correct position (tnx josbe)

Edited by JdeB

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Guest Guest_ghettochild

Up until now i was using notepad!!!! Why didnt anybody slap me silly and tell me about this???!!! :D:huh2::)

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Small bug similar to josbe's: Resizing the Compile window deforms/stretches the icon.

Suggestion: If the user enters non-matching passphrases, you should clear the passPhrase text boxes and give one cursor focus.

SciTE keeps getting better! And the Compile GUI is excellent :D

Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!
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:huh2::):lol::):( product you've got happening here...

Two questions:

  • 1. Should the syntax builder be invoked for a commented line such as => ; @OSBuild value of 3790 is used to detect if the OS is Windows 2003. @OSVersion does not report Windows 2003
  • 2. Have Jon and you colluded to ensure this is the default editor for the 3.0.102 stable
:D Edited by AndrewL
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CyberSlug, thanks for your feedback .....

Uploaded http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/jdeb/compileau3.exe ver 0.5 that has the below fixes/changes.

Small bug similar to josbe's:  Resizing the Compile window deforms/stretches the icon.

Changed the window so it's not resizable.

Suggestion:  If the user enters non-matching passphrases, you should clear the passPhrase text boxes and give one cursor focus.


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Updated the following in http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/jdeb/scite4autoit3.exe to support the listing of AutoIt Error in the Output Window (new commandline parameter /ErrorStdOut ):

  • Updated other.properties to display the errors messages in Red/Bold
  • Updated other.properties to display the Code portion with the error in Courier New
  • Updated au3.properties with:

    # this GO command will display errors in the Output window

    # command.go.*.au3=$(autoit3dir)\autoit3.exe /ErrorStdOut "$(FilePath)"

    # this GO command will display errors in a seperate window use with 3.0.101 or lower

    command.go.*.au3=$(autoit3dir)\autoit3.exe "$(FilePath)"

  • Updated the Helpfile, added an Run Errors Section
  • Updated Compileau3.exe (ver 0.6) ... added command line /comp to be insync with Aut2Exe
The default is still the MSGBOX with error since the last official release of AutoIt3 doesn't support the /ErrorStdOut parameter.

If you are using version 3.0.102 for F5 then read the Helpfile section:

Getting started/Run errors on how to change this to show errors like this:


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WICKED! I love the new error parsing!

So, what happened to the option in Scite setup to set the default action for scripts to edit?

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" -Dante (Hicks)

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WICKED!  I love the new error parsing!

So, what happened to the option in Scite setup to set the default action for scripts to edit?

Didn't you get a seperate page when you ran the installset asking this specific question ? :D

It defaults to you last setting and recomments to change it to EDIT..

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I didn't.  I even went slow and looked for it.

The Open action for AU3 files can be changed on this screen that will appear during instalation ( it will default to its current setting):


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It doesn't appear in the version I just downloaded (I thought it was intentional and I was glad :D  )

The installset should always show the option screen unless the following is true:

ReadRegStr $1 HKCR "AutoIt3Script\Shell" ""
  StrCmp $1 "" Fin

Shouldn't that always be filled when the AutoIt3 install was run ?

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Possibly not in the current unstable - I made it not delete the edit related keys on uninstall if they were not set to "notepad" (to preserve any non defaults).

What would you suggest to do for this install set logic ?

Leave as is or just comment the StrCmp $1 "" Fin statement so it will always show the options menu. It will then default to EDIT

Function PageOption
; Read current default for opening AU3 file
  ReadRegStr $1 HKCR "AutoIt3Script\Shell" ""
  StrCmp $1 "" Fin
  StrCmp $1 "Run" OpenRun ShowOpt
 ; No AutoIt installed
  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "Scite4AutoIt3.ini" "Field 2" "State" "0"
  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "Scite4AutoIt3.ini" "Field 3" "State" "1"

  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "Scite4AutoIt3.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "Select Default option for Open or Double click."
  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "Scite4AutoIt3.ini" "Field 2" "Text" "Edit the Script   [Recommended]"
  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "Scite4AutoIt3.ini" "Field 3" "Text" "Run the Script"
  !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Defaults for *.AU3" "Define here what you would like to do when you Open or Double-Click a .AU3 file."
  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "Scite4AutoIt3.ini"

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This key is always present if AutoIt is installed:

HKLM "Software\HiddenSoft\AutoIt3" "InstallDir"

Out of interest, do all your batch files and exes default to open in editors? :huh2:

Never run an *.AU3 script... only the compiled versions...... :D

I like the fact that the "Source" always open in the Editor by just doing a Double click on them.....

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Never run an *.AU3 script... only the compiled versions......  :D

I like the fact that the "Source" always open in the Editor by just doing a Double click on them.....

ditto, if I'm running it uncompiled it's either in a shortcut that's specifies the app or hitting f5 in scite...

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" -Dante (Hicks)

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