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I'm not sure if this is an autoit or WMI issue but anyways-

Is there a way to set a max timeout time for and ObjGet command?

Specifically im useing WMI on a remote machine - ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $MachineName & "\root\CIMV2")

but sometimes it will hang forever on this line.

I do my best to make sure it will support wmi first (I check the OS and make sure it's on ect.) but the bottom line is it hangs on the ObjGet forever on some occations...

Is there anyway to set a timeout limit of say 3 seconds to the function?



have you tried to set a hotkey to end the script or exit the func?

So long,


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I'm probably not very qualified to help here as I've just started exploring the wide world of DLLs and 'Obj'.. but..

Can you somehow implement the "IsObj" command? (Perhaps that's only useful after you've used the ObjGet, which is where you're having a problem.)

Alternately, could you copy the file to your machine locally so that you're not loading it over the network? I'm not familiar with WMI so perhaps that's not an option.

And are you sure it's not failing? Have you checked for @error after attempting ObjGet? I assume you're checking to make sure the file exists at the given path as well.

Good luck.


have you tried to set a hotkey to end the script or exit the func?

Yes. But there are two problems with this-

1. AutoIt is in a sort of 'softfreeze' while its doing ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $Mname & "\root\CIMV2"). Meaning that if I set a hotkey to some button and press it, the function will only run after the ObjGet command finishes (up to 2 or 3 minutes sometimes)

2. I would like it to automatically break not me have to tell it when.

I'm probably not very qualified to help here as I've just started exploring the wide world of DLLs and 'Obj'.. but..

Me too^^ Welcome to the club :D

Can you somehow implement the "IsObj" command? (Perhaps that's only useful after you've used the ObjGet, which is where you're having a problem.)

I don't think so...like you said the "ObjGet" command RETURNS an object (or should) so you'd test the return value...I guess I'm looking for an "IfWouldBeObj" command :D

And are you sure it's not failing? Have you checked for @error after attempting ObjGet? I assume you're checking to make sure the file exists at the given path as well.

Yes, in fact I'm sure it's failing on these occasions (if it takes more than a few seconds). I put message boxes right before and after-

MsgBox(0,"Test","Starting - " & $Mname)
    $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $Mname & "\root\CIMV2")
    MsgBox(0,"Test","Ending - " & $Mname)

It will give the first Msg but not the second (until some minutes later)

The path "winmgmts:\\" & $Mname & "\root\CIMV2" should exist on every WMI compatable computer if I'm not mistaken.

I do make sure it's on and all that. Plus this is being ran in a lab where 25 computers are all imaged the same. Only on some occations will this freeze but only on 1 computer...it usually works fine


I have been having the same problem with a few polling WMI scripts I have been working on. Running a quick search with regard to your problem; I came up with a few articles which seemed worth the read:



MSDN WMI reference guide:


Hope this helps, my idea was that you ran either the command FileGetVersion or checked a registry value to make sure that WMI was the same on the remote computer as on the one where you're not getting the error.

Hope this helps, and good luck,



Yes, I looked though most of the WMI documentation, but it didn't really have any applicable advice to this situation. See the problem is that the GetObj commands just takes forver if for some reason WMI doesn't want to work.

Hope this helps, my idea was that you ran either the command FileGetVersion or checked a registry value to make sure that WMI was the same on the remote computer as on the one where you're not getting the error.

No. I know they have WMI becuase the base image does and they are all imaged the same. Additionally it's not an individual computer that I'm having problems with. It may run fine on the whole lab one day and the next minute one of them may freeze on the GetObj command.

What I'm really looking for is a either a wasy to tell WMI to stop trying to connect after about 5 seconds or tell the ObjGet command to stop trying the function after about 5 seconds. As is it will keeptrying to connect for a a few minutes, during which time the script stops responding (it will usually recover after a few mintes and the GetObj returns a nothing - "" ).


I am having the exact same issue - when dealing with remote computers, every now and then the wmi is broken - and the script freezes indefinately. I am to the point that I am willing to compile the WMI check portion of my script as a seperate executable and run it with the machine name as an argument - if it runs too long or gets hung up, the main program can terminate the process. I just do not have a clean way of getting th results back to my main program yet - however, I would love to have this available in the language so that I do not have to fiddle around with it.

Anyone have a TRS 80 Model III for sale?

I guess you could use that COroutine UDF in the scripts and scraps (by neogia)... but thats kind of a not so elegant work around IMO. No one knows a way to make WMI or GetObj have a max timeout? Maybe it could be somthing added to the next beta?(who wrote the Com/Obj stuff?). I think I heard someone say that autoit should never hard crash which it appears to be doing....so maybe its a bug?

  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

I guess you could use that COroutine UDF in the scripts and scraps (by neogia)... but thats kind of a not so elegant work around IMO. No one knows a way to make WMI or GetObj have a max timeout? Maybe it could be somthing added to the next beta?(who wrote the Com/Obj stuff?). I think I heard someone say that autoit should never hard crash which it appears to be doing....so maybe its a bug?

Having the same problem to, if the WMI doesnt answer, autoit hangs when it comes to "ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $computername & "\root\CIMV2")" for about 30-60secs :) then it continues the script ...

Edited by rehnmark
  • 7 years later...

Hello, I am having the same issue. After a couple of tests on my network I found it was the firewall (set differently o different machines).

My script basically pings the machine, if it is on/responding (always allowed by all different FW policies) it tries to GetObj. The problem is that some machines have the ports closed by the firewall and others don't. When it connects to a machine with open ports it works like a charm in seconds but when the ports are firewalled it freezes for one minute or so.

Hence, same weird randomness of working/failing on similar PCs.

I came here looking for an option to set a timeout period but it seems there is no way, OK I'll have to wait for it. But I wanted to post here why it happened here that some computers work and others don't. Sorry for waking up this dead post but I thought the information may come in handy to someone else having this problem now.

Another problem is that WMI/DCOM answers on random ports so there is no easy way to tell the firewall what to allow. Workaround: setting a small range for the random ports locally on every machine and setting a firewall rule to allow connection on that range. There is plenty of information on the web about it.

AutoIt is a blessing, I don't know how I was able to use my computer before [Auto]It :-S


This thread is about 7 1/2 years old. Please do not necro such old threads :naughty:

Please start a new one and link to this one if needed.

Windows and AutoIt have changed a lot during this time. So what was true 7 1/2 years ago is not necessarily true today.

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