CrashOverRideZX Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 So a while ago I wrote here asking for help with a problem I am having with a couple of dll used for automation. These dlls are part of the open standard called OPC. I have no problems making com calls to any of the interface except for the last one in the tree. Data Access Auto dll OPC Server ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Groups ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Group ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Items ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Item ..... I can get the container but when access interfaces it tells me they don't exist Historical Data Access dll HDA Sever ... Good HDA Items .... Good HDA Item .... Can get the container and but again methods and properties are none existant I have reviewd both with OLE Viewer and have rewrote this in VBA to prove the dlls work. These same dlls I can use with perl but want AutoIT support for more testing capabilities. ANY HELP I can provide code dlls help files all of which is open to the public to view PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Little Help?
Simucal Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 Well to start, I would attach your DLL and your autoit source with your attempt at calling them. AutoIt Scripts:Aimbot: Proof of Concept - PixelSearching Aimbot with several search/autoshoot/lock-on techniques.Sliding Toolbar - Add a nice Sliding Toolbar to your next script. Click the link to see an animation of it in action!FontInfo UDF - Get list of system fonts, or search to see if a particular font is installed.Get Extended Property UDF - Retrieve a files extended properties (e.g., video/image dimensions, file version, bitrate of song/video, etc)
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 Well to start, I would attach your DLL and your autoit source with your attempt at calling them.$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler $strServerName = ("Matrikon.OPC.DesktopHistorian.1")$oHDA=ObjCreate("Matrikon.OPCHDA.Automation.1")$testID=$oHDA.Connect($strServerName,"localhost")$ServerName = $oHDA.ServerNameMsgBox(4096,"Connected to ...",$ServerName) $OPCItems = $oHDA.OPCHDAItems;$OPCBrowser = $oHDA.CreateBrowser(); $OPCItem1=$OPCBrowser->GetItemID('Random.Int1');$OPCItems.AddItem('Random.Int1',0)$OPCItem1=$OPCItems.Item('Random.Int1')$Count=$OPCItems.CountMsgBox(4096,"OPCItem1",$OPCItem1)MsgBox(4096,"Item Count",$Count)$NumItems = 1For $OPCItem In $OPCItems $ServerHandles=$OPCItem.ServerHandle ;MsgBox(4096,"OBJName",ObjName($OPCItem)) MsgBox(4096,"Handle",$ServerHandles)Next$ItemID=$OPCItem1.ItemID$ClientHandle =$OPCItem1.ClientHandleMsgBox(4096,"Test",$ServerHandles)$OPCItem1=$OPCItems.GetOPCHDAItem($ServerHandles)$ServerHandles=$OPCItem1.ServerHandleMsgBox(4096,"Test",$ServerHandles)$ClientHandle =$OPCItem1.ClientHandleMsgBox(4096,"Test",$ClientHandle)$TimeStamp="04/24/2006 14:22:33.000"$Values=100$Qualities=262336MsgBox(4096,"OBJName",ObjName($OPCItem1));$OPCItem1.Update($TimeStamp,$Values,$Qualities);$OPCItems.SyncInsert($NumItems,$ServerHandles,"04/24/2006 14:22:33.000",$Values,$Qualities); This is my custom error handler Func MyErrFunc() $HexNumber=hex($oMyError.number,8) Msgbox(0,"","We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _ "Number is: " & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "Windescription is: " & $oMyError.windescription ) SetError(1) ; something to check for when this function returns Endfunc
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 So a while ago I wrote here asking for help with a problem I am having with a couple of dll used for automation. These dlls are part of the open standard called OPC. I have no problems making com calls to any of the interface except for the last one in the tree.Data Access Auto dllOPC Server ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Groups ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Group ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Items ..... Good All Methods and Properties are accessable OPC Item ..... I can get the container but when access interfaces it tells me they don't existHistorical Data Access dllHDA Sever ... GoodHDA Items .... GoodHDA Item .... Can get the container and but again methods and properties are none existantI have reviewd both with OLE Viewer and have rewrote this in VBA to prove the dlls work. These same dlls I can use with perl but want AutoIT support for more testing capabilities.ANY HELP I can provide code dlls help files all of which is open to the public to viewPLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Little Help?
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 Just a note to all who have an interest in technology. OPC is an open standard that gets data from any device. If the deevice provides data in any format OPC handles it. A guy took a MODBUS device and connected his house to it. Now all the lights power etc in house including his security system were connected and he could control his whole house. Production plants, Oil refineries etc all use OPC. OPC IS REALLY GREAT STUFF
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 On this website is all the docs and info about OPC and the specs aswell as the documents for the dlls. PLEASE ANYONE. I know that AutoIT should be able to do this. If it can then there are so many things that we can add to it. I already have created several remote monitor systems as well as a testing framework for autoit. It would be a real shame if I had to drop AutoIT and reauthor everything in perl
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 [Option Compare Database Option Explicit Option Base 1 Const MaxItemCount = 100 Dim WithEvents OPCMyserver As OPCServer Dim WithEvents OPCMygroups As OPCGroups Dim WithEvents OPCMygroup As OPCGroup Dim OPCMyitems As OPCItems Dim OPCMyitem As OPCItem Dim ItemCount As Integer Private Sub Class_Terminate() Dim Errors() As Long On Error Resume Next OPCMygroup.IsActive = False OPCMygroups.Remove OPCMygroup.ServerHandle Set OPCMyitems = Nothing Set OPCMyitem = Nothing Set OPCMygroups = Nothing Set OPCMygroup = Nothing OPCMyserver.Disconnect Set OPCMyserver = Nothing End Sub Function Connect(ServerName As String) On Error GoTo ConnectError Set OPCMyserver = New OPCServer OPCMyserver.Connect ServerName, "" Connect = True Exit Function ConnectError: Connect = False End Function Function AddGroup(Optional OPCGroupsName As String, Optional Active As Boolean, Optional UpdateRate As Long, Optional CallBack As Long) As Variant On Error GoTo AddError Set OPCMygroups = OPCMyserver.OPCGroups If Not OPCGroupsName = "" Then Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.Add(OPCGroupsName) Else Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.Add End If If Not Active = "" Then If Active = True Then OPCMygroup.IsActive = True Else OPCMygroup.IsActive = False End If End If If Not UpdateRate = "" Then OPCMygroup.UpdateRate = UpdateRate End If If Not CallBack = "" Then Select Case CallBack Case -1 'No CallBack Case 0 'AutoDetect Case 1 'Advise 1.0a Case 2 'Connection Points 2.0 End Select End If AddGroup = OPCMygroup.ClientHandle Exit Function AddError: AddGroup = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetClientHandle(GroupName As String) Dim tHandle As Long tHandle = OPCMygroup.ClientHandle GetClientHandle = tHandle End Function Sub Advise(bAdvise As Boolean) On Error Resume Next OPCMygroup.IsActive = bAdvise OPCMygroup.IsSubscribed = bAdvise If bAdvise = True Then Dim anItem As OPCItem For Each anItem In OPCMygroup.OPCItems anItem.Read OPCCache ', value, qual, time ' If subscribed, don't do this! ''Cells(anItem.ClientHandle, 2) = anItem.Value 'Cells(anItem.ClientHandle, 3) = anItem.TimeStamp ' Cells(anItem.ClientHandle, 3) = DateAdd("h", 9, anItem.TimeStamp) 'Cells(anItem.ClientHandle, 4) = anItem.Quality Set anItem = Nothing Next anItem End If End Sub Sub UnAdvise() OPCMygroup.IsSubscribed = False End Sub Sub SyncWrite() On Error Resume Next Dim anItem As OPCItem For Each anItem In OPCMygroup.OPCItems 'anItem.Write Cells(anItem.ClientHandle, 2) Set anItem = Nothing Next anItem End Sub Private Sub OPCMygroup_DataChange(ByVal TransactionID As Long, ByVal NumItems As Long, ClientHandles() As Long, ItemValues() As Variant, Qualities() As Long, TimeStamps() As Date) Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To NumItems 'Cells(ClientHandles(i), 2) = ItemValues(i) 'Cells(ClientHandles(i), 3) = TimeStamps(i) ' Cells(ClientHandles(i), 3) = DateAdd("h", 9, TimeStamps(i)) 'Cells(ClientHandles(i), 4) = Qualities(i) Next i End Sub Private Sub OPCMyserver_ServerShutDown(ByVal Reason As String) MsgBox "Server shutdown" End Sub Function GetStartTime() As Date GetStartTime = OPCMyserver.StartTime End Function Function GetCurrentTime() As Date GetCurrentTime = OPCMyserver.CurrentTime End Function Function GetLastUpdateTime() As Date GetLastUpdateTime = OPCMyserver.LastUpdateTime End Function Function GetMajorVersion() As Integer GetMajorVersion = OPCMyserver.MajorVersion End Function Function GetMinorVersion() As Integer GetMinorVersion = OPCMyserver.MinorVersion End Function Function GetBuildNumber() As Integer GetBuildNumber = OPCMyserver.BuildNumber End Function Function GetVendorInfo() As String GetVendorInfo = OPCMyserver.VendorInfo End Function Function GetServerState() As Long GetServerState = OPCMyserver.ServerState End Function Function GetBandwidth() As Long GetBandwidth = OPCMyserver.Bandwidth End Function Function GetClientName() As String GetClientName = OPCMyserver.ClientName End Function Function GetOPCGroups() As OPCGroups Set GetOPCGroups = OPCMyserver.OPCGroups End Function Function GetPublicGroupNames() As Variant GetPublicGroupNames = OPCMyserver.PublicGroupNames End Function Function GetLocaleID() As Long GetLocaleID = OPCMyserver.LocaleID End Function Function GetServerName() As String GetServerName = OPCMyserver.ServerName End Function Function AddItem(lClientHandle As Long, strItemID As String, Optional AccessPath As String) As Long On Error GoTo Error Dim TEMP As OPCItem Set TEMP = OPCMyitems.AddItem(strItemID, lClientHandle) AddItem = TEMP.ItemID Error: AddItem = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetItemValue(ServerHandle As Long) As Variant Dim AnOPCItem As OPCItem Dim Value As Variant Dim strTemp As String Set AnOPCItem = OPCMyitems.GetOPCItem(ServerHandle) AnOPCItem.Read OPCCache Value = AnOPCItem.Value If IsArray(Value) Then 'strTemp = StrConv(Value, vbUnicode) GetItemValue = "Array?" Else GetItemValue = Value End If End Function Function GetItemQuality(ServerHandle As Long) As Long Dim AnOPCItem As OPCItem Set AnOPCItem = OPCMyitems.GetOPCItem(ServerHandle) AnOPCItem.Read OPCCache GetItemQuality = AnOPCItem.Quality End Function Function GetItemTimeStamp(ServerHandle As Long) As Date Dim AnOPCItem As OPCItem Set AnOPCItem = OPCMyitems.GetOPCItem(ServerHandle) AnOPCItem.Read OPCCache GetItemTimeStamp = AnOPCItem.TimeStamp End Function Function GetItemID(ServerHandle As Long) As String Dim AnOPCItem As OPCItem Set AnOPCItem = OPCMyitems.GetOPCItem(ServerHandle) AnOPCItem.Read OPCCache GetItemID = AnOPCItem.ItemID End Function Function GetDefaultGroupIsActive() As Variant On Error GoTo Error GetDefaultGroupIsActive = OPCMygroups.DefaultGroupIsActive Exit Function Error: GetDefaultGroupIsActive = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetDefaultGroupUpdateRate() As Variant On Error GoTo Error GetDefaultGroupUpdateRate = OPCMygroups.DefaultGroupUpdateRate() Exit Function Error: GetDefaultGroupUpdateRate = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetDefaultGroupDeadBand() As Variant On Error GoTo Error GetDefaultGroupDeadBand = OPCMygroups.DefaultGroupDeadband Exit Function Error: GetDefaultGroupDeadBand = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetDefaultGroupLocaleID() As Variant On Error GoTo Error GetDefaultGroupLocaleID = OPCMygroups.DefaultGroupLocaleID Exit Function Error: GetDefaultGroupLocaleID = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetDefaultGroupTimeBias() As Variant On Error GoTo Error GetDefaultGroupTimeBias = OPCMygroups.DefaultGroupTimeBias Exit Function Error: GetDefaultGroupTimeBias = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupsCount() As Variant On Error GoTo Error GetGroupsCount = OPCMygroups.Count Exit Function Error: GetGroupsCount = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupName(Key As Integer) As String On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.Item(Key) GetGroupName = OPCMygroup.Name Exit Function Error: GetGroupName = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupIsPublic(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupIsPublic = OPCMygroup.IsPublic Exit Function Error: GetGroupIsPublic = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupIsActive(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupIsActive = OPCMygroup.IsActive Exit Function Error: GetGroupIsActive = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupIsSubscribed(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupIsSubscribed = OPCMygroup.IsSubscribed Exit Function Error: GetGroupIsSubscribed = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupClientHandle(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupClientHandle = OPCMygroup.ClientHandle Exit Function Error: GetGroupClientHandle = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupServerHandle(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupServerHandle = OPCMygroup.ServerHandle Exit Function Error: GetGroupServerHandle = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupLocaleID(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupLocaleID = OPCMygroup.LocaleID Exit Function Error: GetGroupLocaleID = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupTimeBias(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupTimeBias = OPCMygroup.LocaleID Exit Function Error: GetGroupTimeBias = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupDeadBand(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupDeadBand = OPCMygroup.DeadBand Exit Function Error: GetGroupDeadBand = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function GetGroupUpdateRate(GroupName As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Error Set OPCMygroup = OPCMygroups.GetOPCGroup(GroupName) GetGroupUpdateRate = OPCMygroup.UpdateRate Exit Function Error: GetGroupUpdateRate = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function RemoveGroup(GroupName As Variant) As Variant On Error GoTo Error OPCMygroups.Remove (GroupName) RemoveGroup = "Group " & GroupName & " was removed." Exit Function Error: RemoveGroup = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Function RemoveAllGroups() As Variant On Error GoTo Error OPCMygroups.RemoveAll RemoveAllGroups = "All Groups were removed." Exit Function Error: RemoveAllGroups = Hex$(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description End Function Sub ActivateItem(ItemID As Long, Activate As Boolean) Dim AnOPCItem As OPCItem Set AnOPCItem = OPCMyitems.GetOPCItem(ItemID) AnOPCItem.IsActive = Activate End Sub
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 I have discussed this know with several oof our developers here and it does seem like the flaw maybe in the way AutoIT handles object ...... This is what they believe anyways. We have lots of scripts written in vba that work fine. Has anyone had any luck? Just give a shout out if you're workin on some ideas. Thanx
jpm Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 I have discussed this know with several oof our developers here and it does seem like the flaw maybe in the way AutoIT handles object ...... This is what they believe anyways. We have lots of scripts written in vba that work fine.Has anyone had any luck? Just give a shout out if you're workin on some ideas.ThanxBe patient our main Dev SvenP as very little time to give you some support but I warn him on the subject.You will get an answer.
SvenP Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Hello CrashOverRideZX, I was trying to run your AutoIt sample code, but I guess I am missing a DLL. The code stops at the line $oHDA.Connect(), stating that it can't find the object with AppID: Matrikon.OPC.DesktopHistorian.1 On a usercode/password is required to download the software. Could you provide me the missing files? On what line of your sample script did you get the error? What was the exact description of that error? The file opchdaauto.dll seems to be allright for AutoIt: All interfaces are inherited from Idispatch and all properties/methods are defined in the type library. Could be something in AutoIt, but I can't test it. Regards, -Sven
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 26, 2006 Author Posted April 26, 2006 Fantastic thanx Sven for replying.I will make this somewhat easier for you.The Matrikon.OPC.DesktopHistorian.1 is the ProgID for an HDA Server. Unfortunatly I cannot provide this as it is licenced software but when we can do is get you the Simualtion server. server supports DA and is open to the public.Now in the next reply I will add the code test. The problem with this is that it cannot get the interfaces from the last collection Item.
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 26, 2006 Author Posted April 26, 2006 $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler $strServerName = ("Matrikon.OPC.Simualtion.1") $oDA=ObjCreate("OPC.Automation.1") $Output = "" Dim $arItems[4] $arItems[0]="Random.Int1" $arItems[1]="Random.Int2" $arItems[2]="Random.Int4" $arItems[3]="Random.String" ;Begin Testing of the Server Object Methods ;GetOPCSERVERS $OPCServers = $oDA.GetOPCServers For $OPCServer IN $OPCServers $Output = $Output & @CRLF & $OPCServer NEXT MsgBox(4096,"Test",$Output) $testID=$oDA.Connect($strServerName,"localhost") MsgBox(4096,"Test",$testID) ;Begin Testing of the Server Object Properties $Output = $oDA.ServerName MsgBox(4096,"Test",$Output) $Output = $oDA.StartTime & @CRLF & $oDA.CurrentTime & @CRLF & $oDA.LastUpdateTime MsgBox(4096,"Test",$Output) $Output = $oDA.MajorVersion & @CRLF & $oDA.MinorVersion & @CRLF & $oDA.BuildNumber MsgBox(4096,"Test",$Output) $Output = $oDA.VendorInfo & @CRLF & $oDA.ServerState & @CRLF & $oDA.LocaleID MsgBox(4096,"Test",$Output) $Output = $oDA.Bandwidth & @CRLF & $oDA.ServerNode & @CRLF & $oDA.ClientName MsgBox(4096,"Test",$Output) $OPCGroups = $oDA.OPCGroups $GroupsDebug=0 $OPCGroup1=$OPCGroups.Add("Test1") If ($GroupsDebug=1) Then MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups Parent...." & $OPCGroups.Parent) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupIsActive...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupIsActive) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupUpdateRate...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupUpdateRate) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupDeadBand...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupDeadBand) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupLocaleID...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupLocaleID) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupTimeBias...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupTimeBias) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups Count...." & $OPCGroups.Count) $OPCGroup2=$OPCGroups.Add("Test2") $OPCGroup3=$OPCGroups.Add("Test3") $OPCGroup4=$OPCGroups.Add("Test4") MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups Parent...." & $OPCGroups.Parent) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupIsActive...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupIsActive) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupUpdateRate...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupUpdateRate) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupDeadBand...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupDeadBand) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupLocaleID...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupLocaleID) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups DefaultGroupTimeBias...." & $OPCGroups.DefaultGroupTimeBias) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Groups Count...." & $OPCGroups.Count) EndIf $GroupDebug=0 If ($GroupDebug=1) Then FOR $OPCGroup IN $OPCGroups ; Here it starts.. MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group Active...." & $OPCGroup.IsActive) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group Name...." & $OPCGroup.Name) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group Parent...." & $OPCGroup.Parent) ;MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group IsPublic...." & $OPCGroup.IsPublic) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group IsSubscribed...." & $OPCGroup.IsSubscribed) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group ClientHandle...." & $OPCGroup.ClientHandle) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group ServerHandle...." & $OPCGroup.ServerHandle) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group LocaleID...." & $OPCGroup.LocaleID) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group TimeBias...." & $OPCGroup.TimeBias) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group DeadBand...." & $OPCGroup.DeadBand) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Group UpdateRate...." & $OPCGroup.UpdateRate) NEXT EndIF $OPCGroup1ID=$OPCGroup1.ClientHandle $OPCItems=$OPCGroup1.OPCItems Dim $arError[4] $ItemsDebug=1 IF ($ItemsDebug=1) Then MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items Parent...." & $OPCItems.Parent) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items DefaultRequestedDataType...." & $OPCItems.DefaultRequestedDataType) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items DefaultAccessPath...." & $OPCItems.DefaultAccessPath) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items DefaultIsActive...." & $OPCItems.DefaultIsActive) $OPCitems.DefaultIsActive=False MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items DefaultIsActive...." & $OPCItems.DefaultIsActive) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items Count...." & $OPCItems.Count) ;$arError=$OPCItems.Validate(4,$arItems) ;$OPCItem1=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[0],$OPCGroup1ID) ;$OPCItem2=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[1],$OPCGroup1ID) ;$OPCItem3=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[2],$OPCGroup1ID) ;$OPCItem4=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[3],$OPCGroup1ID) ;MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items Count...." & $OPCItems.Count) EndIF $OPCItem1=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[0],$OPCGroup1ID) $OPCItem2=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[1],$OPCGroup1ID) $OPCItem3=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[2],$OPCGroup1ID) $OPCItem4=$OPCItems.AddItem($arItems[3],$OPCGroup1ID) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Items Count...." & $OPCItems.Count) $aProps=ObjectGetProperties($OPCItem1) for $Property in $aProps; Display each property in Editbox MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","OPCITEMS Property....." & $Property) Next ;$OPCItem1HandleIS = $oDA.OPCGroups.OPCGroup.OPCItems.OPCItem.ClientHandle ;***********THIS IS WHERE PROBLEMS BEGIN****************!!!!! $OPCItem1ClientHandle = $OPCItem1.ClientHandle $OPCItem1ServerHandle = $OPCItem1.ServerHandle a MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","OPCITEMS Property....." & $OPCItem1HandleIs) ;$OPCItem=$OPCItems.OPCItem ;MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Testing.,.." & $OPCItems.AccessPath) $ItemDebug=0 If ($ItemDebug=1) Then FOR $OPCItem IN $OPCItems MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Item ..." & $OPCItem) MsgBox(4096,"Test Debug","Item ClientHandle..." & $OPCItem.AccessPath) NEXT EndIF Func ObjectGetProperties($oObj) ;DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the description of all writable properties of the given Object. ;REQUIRES: tlbinf32.dll (distributed with Visual Studio) ;PARAMETERS: $oApp - Pointer to an active object ;DATE: 2006-01-29 ;AUTHOR: SvenP ;CREDITS: To Dale Holm Dim $oTLA, $oTLI, $TLIMember, $aProperties[1] Const $cINVOKE_FUNC=1 ; A method (=function) Const $cINVOKE_PROPERTYGET=2 ; Read-only property Const $cINVOKE_PROPERTYPUT=4 ; Read/write property Const $cINVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF=8 ; Reference property if not IsObj($oObj) then Return $oTLA = ObjCreate("TLI.TLIApplication") ; oTLA is a _TLIApplication interface $oTLI = $oTLA.InterfaceInfoFromObject($oObj) ; oTLI is a InterfaceInfo interface For $TLIMember in $oTLI.Members ; This interface contains both methods and properties if $TLIMember.InvokeKind=$cINVOKE_PROPERTYPUT then ; Get only WRITABLE prperties Redim $aProperties[uBound($aProperties)+1] ; We don't know the number of properties in advance $aProperties[uBound($aProperties)-1]=$TLIMember.Name ; Add the name of the property to array. EndIf Next return $aProperties EndFunc ; This is my custom error handler Func MyErrFunc() $HexNumber=hex($oMyError.number,8) Msgbox(0,"","We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _ "Number is: " & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "Windescription is: " & $oMyError.windescription ) SetError(1) ; something to check for when this function returns Endfunc
CrashOverRideZX Posted April 28, 2006 Author Posted April 28, 2006 Just checking to see if anyone has had any luck with this.... Sven were you able to get the OPCItem interfaces?
SvenP Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Hello CrashOverRideZX,It took me some time to create a reliable testing environment. Your code relies on interaction with a lot of external objects/interfaces, so I had to be sure I use a clean system for debugging.I have located the problem, but it's difficult to solve. The errors are caused by a safeguard I built in.Because AutoIt is a autonomous scripting language (not embeddeded in the OS, like VBScript), I had to be sure that it is safe for the script to call external functions. One rule in AutoIt developing says: prevent Windows exceptions errors at all cost (we don't like sending automatic error reports to Mr. Microsoft).In this case, when methods or properties of external objects are being called, I check every time if the interface being called supports the IDispatch type interface. If not, the script refuses to use it. Unlike VBScript, which does not make this check at all (In VB/VBA the code knows in advance which objects it's going to use, because it will be pre-compiled).I have checked the automation interfaces derived from Matrikon.OPC.Automation and Matrikon.OPCHDA.Automation. They all support IDispatch properly, but I noticed a weird omission in the interfaces called OPCItem and OPCHDAItem. According to the type library, both are inherited from IDispatch, but they fail with error E_NOINTERFACE when I ask them to give me the IDispatch interface.If I talk 'weirdo language', you can see a visualization of the problem in this screenshot of OleView:I only know of two ways to solve this:A. I disable the safeguard in AutoIt.B. You ask MatrikonOPC to add support for QI IDispatch to these two interfaces.I opt for solution B, because they did implement it properly for their other interfaces. Furthermore, I have never run into this specific problem with any other object. And I can assure you, I have tested many weird automation Objects in AutoIt.-Sven
CrashOverRideZX Posted May 1, 2006 Author Posted May 1, 2006 Thanx alot Sven. Well I guess my next question would be how to disable the safegaurd. I am looking into adding the support to the dlls but we do have some concerns about doing so..... And as I am the only one with the schedule for it I guess I must learn how to add the support. But THANX ALOT FOR ALL WHO HELPED OUT WITH THIS AUTOIT ROCKS
SvenP Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 CrashOverRideZX, It has been fixed in AutoIt beta version, but I'm currenly not able to test it. Please confirm if this version has solved your problem. Regards, -Sven
CrashOverRideZX Posted May 2, 2006 Author Posted May 2, 2006 Sven this worked fantastically. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH.
Sayen Posted March 1, 2009 Posted March 1, 2009 (edited) Hi Crash I am trying too to connect to OPC but it does not work. Could you help me a little? The Connection to the OPC Server works (thaks to BugFix from the German Forum), but i cant get any Groups or Items... Edited March 1, 2009 by Sayen
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