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Posted (edited)

Update 9/2/2014:

The updated version of this toolbar can be found here:

'?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

Thanks BrewManNH for his wonderful work on maintaining this tool!


Update 8/30/2007: I've stopped working on this project due to other interested and other issues coming up. If someone would like to continue this project, and make improvements, by all means do. I will keep the code available for anyone to use as they see fit. Enjoy!


Update 1/9/09:
jennico has made a new version at the bottom of this thread. Enjoy!

Thanks jennico!


Other information:
In tweaking SciTe, I found if you want to add items to the right click menu, you simply need to make a small change to the au3.properties file. On line 23, you can add items to show up in the list. Once you save your changes to the file, you will need to restart Scite for the items to show up. A example of how I changed mine to add some features:

user.context.menu=||Go|303|Compile|301|Syntax Check|1103|AutoIt Helpfile|901|||Find|210|Add as Snippet|1116|Run Tidy|1109|Block Comment or Uncomment|243|Stop Execute|304|Show Calltip|232|Jump to function|1120|Scite Config|1114

For a list of the settings, you will find it at the end of the script that is available in this post.

With lots of help from JdeB and Gafrost, we made a toolbar that takes some of the shortcut keystrokes and put them into a toolbar that makes things easier when using SciTE.
Version 1.7...............Updated on 5-5-06

Additions and Fixes:

  • Processor time running high - fixed
  • When SciTE was minimized, it would make itself active - fixed
  • Child windows would lose focus - fixed
  • Exit button added
  • INI file now used to add buttons - Thanks Gary!
  • Icons added to bin folder
  • Colors changed so to match SciTE color scheme
  • Controls would loose tips after being clicked - fixed
  • Options menu to allow for adding and removing buttons
  • Dividers more closely match SciTE's toolbar
  • Script will now make the ini file.
  • Divider bars will now divide by group.

Items put in the toolbar are:

  • Run
  • Compile with CompileAU3.exe
  • Run with Beta
  • Compile with Beta
  • Beta AutoIt Helpfile
  • Syntax Check Beta
  • Function Popup
  • AutoIt Window Info
  • AU3Recorder
  • Macro Generator
  • Tidy AutoIt Source
  • Code Wizard
  • GUI Builder
  • Koda(FormDesigner)
  • AutoIt Forum
  • Insert Bookmarked Line(s)
  • Debug to MsgBox
  • Debug to Console
  • Debug Remove Lines
  • Full Screen
  • Show Call tip
  • Complete Symble
  • Selected text Uppercase
  • Selected text Lowercase
  • Block comment or uncomment
  • Box Comment
  • Insert Abbrevation
  • Clear output
  • Macro list
  • Options GUI
  • Exit SciTE toolbar

Item 1: The icons must be in a sub folder called "bin" where the script is located.
Item 2: I've put all the files into one zip file to make downloading easier, and to save space.
Item 3: Not all the icons match the icon used in the application that the toolbar references. This is due to I do not have access to the icons. If the owner of the icons for those applications wishes to provide them, I will add them in.
Item 4: I've only added items that were either built in to the AutoIt version of SciTE, or I added a web link. If you use a custom tool, you will need to add it yourself. I thought of adding some things, but for the sake of users who do may not have the exe or file needed for the function, I decided not to do this.
A possible workaround would be putting in a button that would open the post where the file could be found. If this is something that interest you, let me know, and I will add it in.

How to use:
Have all the icons in a sub directory (called "bin") of the script location. If you compile the script, then run it as a EXE, it will run SciTE for you if it isn't running. The idea is so you can use this to start SciTE, and have the toolbar running in one step.

scitetoolbar_V1_7.zip - Full Package

Scitetoolbar_v1_7.au3 - Script only

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Item 2: button 2, Compile with CompileAU3.exe, is for the moment, not very stable. It usually works, but sometimes not. (for some reason the Send("^{F7}") doesn't always want to work) If you wish to change how the the button works, you can remark out line 95, and make line 96 active.

I have no time to test now but why did you change to using the Send Command? I assume the reason for it not being stable is that when you click the button this script gets the Focus in stead of SciTE so you have to make sure you WinActivate SciTE first before doing the sent command. But the SciTE Director interface should not have that problem.

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Gary, I'm getting a error:

I just updated to the latest beta last night.

Did you extract the ini file from the zip and put it in the same folder as the au3?

also put the icons in the folder icons in the folder the au3 resides in.

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


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I tested it, and it parked itself between the 2 toolbars built into SciTE (vertical), but in the correct position horizontally. I like the idea of the ini file, and I'm thinking of making a GUI that would allow for someone to add or remove buttons they want. (Something along the lines of how the office toolbar allows for you to customize.) Thoughts?


I tested it, and it parked itself between the 2 toolbars built into SciTE (vertical), but in the correct position horizontally. I like the idea of the ini file, and I'm thinking of making a GUI that would allow for someone to add or remove buttons they want. (Something along the lines of how the office toolbar allows for you to customize.) Thoughts?

in the ini file change




46 was centered for me

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.



in the ini file change




46 was centered for me

Has anyone checked to see if these number differences are resolution based? I would think there would be some way to devise the height of the current tool bar. Also I guess the toolbar could be different sizes due to the user's customizations.

Just a thought,


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Works good on my work PC. I need to test it on my home PC to make sure. I'm still thinking of the idea of making a toolbar that works like the office toolbar, but be docked to SciTE.

@Frost: If it looks good at home, I'll move the file to the header of the thread to download, and make sure you get credit for your work.

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Posted (edited)

It is using a lot of CPU at this moment... think the updating of the TraySetToolTip and the For..next loop to update the GUICtrlSetTip() are the source of it.

Couple suggestions:

- I am missing the production Go,Compile and Help...

- CompileAU3 is now AutoIt3Wrapper, but i would change "Compile with CompileAU3.exe" to "Compile with Beta"

EDIT: Also add this test to save CPU:

Case Else
            If $msg > 1 Then  
                For $x = 0 To UBound($go) - 1
                    If $msg = $go[$x] Then
;~                  ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("menucommand:11%02d",$x) & @LF)
                        If $x < 100 Then $x = $x + 1100
                        SendSciTE_Command($My_Hwnd, $Scite_hwnd, StringFormat("menucommand:%04d", $x))
Edited by JdeB

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Posted (edited)

If we add everything, it will get cluttered with lots of buttons. Some people would like the choice of what buttons to add. I'm going to take a stab at making it so users can add or subtract buttons to their taste. Odds are, (like 9-10) that I will fail in the attempt. wish me luck!

@Jdeb: Tried your code, still having the processor problem.

Edited by vollyman

If we add everything, it will get cluttered with lots of buttons. Some people would like the choice of what buttons to add. I'm going to take a stab at making it so users can add or subtract buttons to their taste. Odds are, (like 9-10) that I will fail in the attempt. wish me luck!

@Jdeb: Tried your code, still having the processor problem.

I think we can eliminate the process comsumption using a true tool bar on the gui and using the WM_Notify_Events like I did in the Code Snippet script.

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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Posted (edited)

I think we can eliminate the process comsumption using a true tool bar on the gui and using the WM_Notify_Events like I did in the Code Snippet script.

The CPU hunger comes from the "classname=SciTEWindow" tests.

When i retrieve the SciTEHwnd one time and replace all check for "classname=SciTEWindow" with a check for that Handle, the programs performs as expected..

Edited by JdeB

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New version 1.6 is now available. Enjoy!

Many thanks goes to Jos - Your help was invaluable in correcting the problems we ran into. Thank you so much! :think::(

Gary - Your idea on the ini, FANTASTIC! Works like a champ! It will allow for a GUI to be made that will allow for a user to select the buttons they like to have displayed. :);)

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