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Why does this work correctly:


Func Test($a=0)
    If $a == 0 Then MsgBox(0, "", "This does work!")

But this does not:

Opt("OnExitFunc", "Test")


Func Test($a=0)
    If $a == 0 Then MsgBox(0, "", "This doesn't work!")
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As far as i know, OnAutoItExit() doesn't allow any parameters....

I understand that, but if the parameter is set within the function should it not work?
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I understand that, but if the parameter is set within the function should it not work?

If no parameters are processed then $a isn't initialised and thus will error out...

You can test this by added a Global $a = 0 statement. You will see that the error disapears.

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If no parameters are processed then $a isn't initialised and thus will error out...

You can test this by added a Global $a = 0 statement. You will see that the error disapears.

This somewhat limits your abilities when using the on exit function.
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Posted (edited)

This somewhat limits your abilities when using the on exit function.

I just send it to another function... and set my parameters that way.


If I remember correctly, Call() used to be this way also but since has changed...

Anyway, this is what I meant before the edit:

Opt('OnExitFunc', 'SetParams')

Func SetParams()
    If 1 + 1 = 2 Then Test(2)

Func Test($a = 0)
    MsgBox(0, '', $a)
Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


as i understand this

OnExitFunc Sets the name of the function called when AutoIt exits (default is OnAutoItExit).

it makes sure that this function is ran when autoit exits

here is a good example of its use... by greenmachine

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$MagWidth = InputBox ("Magnify Area", "What should the WIDTH of the magnified area be?")
$MagHeight = InputBox ("Magnify Area", "What should the HEIGHT of the magnified area be?")
$MagZoom = InputBox ("Magnify Area", "What should the ZOOM of the magnified area be?", 2)

Global $SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020
Global $dll[3], $DeskHDC, $GUIHDC

$dll[1] = DllOpen ( "user32.dll")
$dll[2] = DllOpen ( "gdi32.dll")

Global $GUI = GUICreate ("Zoom x2 Au3", $MagWidth * $MagZoom, $MagHeight * $MagZoom, _
    MouseGetPos (0), MouseGetPos (1), $WS_POPUP+$WS_BORDER, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)


Global $LastPos[2] = [0,0]

While 1
    $MousePos = MouseGetPos()
    If ($LastPos[0] <> $MousePos[0] Or $LastPos[1] <> $MousePos[1]) Then
        WinMove("Zoom x2 Au3", "", $MousePos[0] + $MagWidth/2 + 5, $MousePos[1])
        $LastPos[0] = $MousePos[0]
        $LastPos[1] = $MousePos[1]

Func MAG()
    $DeskHDC = DLLCall("user32.dll","int","GetDC","hwnd",0)
    $GUIHDC = DLLCall("user32.dll","int","GetDC","hwnd",$GUI)
    If Not @error Then
        DLLCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "StretchBlt", "int", $GUIHDC[0], "int", _
            0, "int", 0, "int", $MagWidth * $MagZoom, "int", $MagHeight * $MagZoom, "int", $DeskHDC[0], "int", _
            MouseGetPos (0) - $MagWidth/2, "int", MouseGetPos (1) - $MagHeight/2, "int", $MagWidth ,"int", $MagHeight, _
            "long", $SRCCOPY)

Func OnAutoItExit()
    DllClose ( $dll[1] )
    DllClose ( $dll[2] )




This somewhat limits your abilities when using the on exit function.

no it doesn't, the $a could just as easily been declared and set in the function as in the arguments section.

You could do this:


Func OnAutoItExit ( )

Msgbox(0,"The Exit Codes was:",@ExitCode)


Is that more like what you were looking for?

"So man has sown the wind and reaped the world. Perhaps in the next few hours there will no remembrance of the past and no hope for the future that might have been." & _"All the works of man will be consumed in the great fire after which he was created." & _"And if there is a future for man, insensitive as he is, proud and defiant in his pursuit of power, let him resolve to live it lovingly, for he knows well how to do so." & _"Then he may say once more, 'Truly the light is sweet, and what a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to see the sun.'" - The Day the Earth Caught Fire

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