ChrisL Posted March 24, 2006 Posted March 24, 2006 Is there anyway to make splashimage smooth I.E. you want to scroll through several images as splash images, as it updates the first image dissapears then the second image displays a second later. Can this be made any smoother, I dont mind the graphic just changing but I dont want to see it dissapear then re-appear. Thanks [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
Nuffilein805 Posted March 24, 2006 Posted March 24, 2006 maybe you should just build up a gui #include <guiconstants.au3> dim $picture[11] $picture[1] = "first pic" $picture[2] = "second pic" ... $picture[10] = "10th pic" guicreate ("", @desktopwidth, @desktopheigth + 20) $pic = guictrlcreatepic ($picture[random(1,10,1)], 0, 0, @desktopwidth, @desktopheigth + 20) guisetstate() $str = timerinit() while 1 if $timerdiff($str) > 2000 then guictrlsetimage($pic, $picture[random(1,10,1)]) $str = timerinit() endif wend how bout this - it's a nice screensaver as well my little chatmy little encryption toolmy little hidermy unsafe clickbot
GaryFrost Posted March 24, 2006 Posted March 24, 2006 there's no easy way to do what you want Global $destination[3], $x $destination[0] = @Systemdir & "\oobe\images\mslogo.jpg" $destination[1] = @SystemDir & "\oobe\images\prodkey.gif" $destination[2] = @SystemDir & "\oobe\images\oemlogo.gif" For $x = 0 to 2 SplashImageOn("Splash Screen", $destination[$x],250,50,-300,-60) $hwnd = WinGetHandle("Splash Screen") DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", 250, "long", 0x00090000);fade-out Sleep ( 50 ) WinMove("Splash Screen","",(@DesktopWidth/2) - 125, (@DesktopHeight/2) - 25) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", 4000, "long", 0x00080000);fade-in Sleep ( 5000 ) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", 4000, "long", 0x00090000);fade-out Next SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
ChrisL Posted March 24, 2006 Author Posted March 24, 2006 (edited) there's no easy way to do what you want Global $destination[3], $x $destination[0] = @Systemdir & "\oobe\images\mslogo.jpg" $destination[1] = @SystemDir & "\oobe\images\prodkey.gif" $destination[2] = @SystemDir & "\oobe\images\oemlogo.gif" For $x = 0 to 2 SplashImageOn("Splash Screen", $destination[$x],250,50,-300,-60) $hwnd = WinGetHandle("Splash Screen") DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", 250, "long", 0x00090000);fade-out Sleep ( 50 ) WinMove("Splash Screen","",(@DesktopWidth/2) - 125, (@DesktopHeight/2) - 25) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", 4000, "long", 0x00080000);fade-in Sleep ( 5000 ) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", 4000, "long", 0x00090000);fade-out Next Very nice.... I'm not sure I can fit that in with what I am trying to do.. It's a Directory copy with progress but using the adlib to change an image behind it, I tried Nuffilein805 idea but it is very very flickery during the image change, so at the minute it just has a blank gui behind it, which is better but still not quite right. Any ideas? expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $Run1 = 0, $tosearch, $OverallQty, $Overall, $source, $overallpercent, $Progress0Text, $progressbar1, $Progress1Text, $progressbar2, $Progress2Text, $Gui, $splash, $SPSearch AdlibEnable("Adlib", 5000) $SPSearch = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "\Splash\*.jpg") $graph = GuiCreate ("Splash", @Desktopwidth, @Desktopheight+14, -1, -1 ) GuiSetState() DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0) ProgressCopy(@scriptdir & "\KioskSetup", "d:\") GuiDelete ($graph) SplashOff ( ) Run ("D:\Kiosk\setup.bat", "D:\Kiosk") Func ProgressCopy($current, $destination) ;FirstTimeRun Get original DirSize and set up Gui If $Run1 = 0 Then If not FileExists ($Destination) then DirCreate ($Destination); This is why it was failing, the dir did not exist $source = $current If StringRight($current, 1) = '\' Then $current = StringTrimRight($current, 1) If StringRight($destination, 1) <> '\' Then $destination = $destination & "\" $tosearch = $current $Overall = DirGetSize($tosearch, 1) $OverallQty = $Overall[1] $Gui = GUICreate("Copying Files", 420, 100, -1, -1, $WS_POPUPWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $Progress0Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Wait", 10, 5, 400, 20, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) $progressbar1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 20, 400, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 32250) $Progress1Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 44, 400, 20, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) $progressbar2 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 60, 400, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH) $Progress2Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 82, 400, 20, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) GUISetFont(10, 600) $Progress2Text2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 150, 62, 400, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xffffff); not working with Windows XP Style if not using windows classic style GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSetData($Progress1Text, "Working Directory " & $tosearch) GUICtrlSetColor($Progressbar1, "0x00AB39") GUICtrlSetColor($Progressbar2, "0x00AB39") $Run1 = 1 EndIf $Size = DirGetSize($current, 3) $Qty = $Size[1] Local $search = FileFindFirstFile($current & "\*.*") While 1 Dim $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Or StringLen($file) < 1 Then ExitLoop If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($current & "\" & $file), "D") And ($file <> "." Or $file <> "..") Then $Qty -= 1 $LocalPercent = 100 - (($Qty / $Size[1]) * 100) $OverallQty -= 1 $overallpercent = 100 - (($OverallQty / $Overall[1]) * 100) GUICtrlSetData($Progress0Text, "Total Progress " & Int($overallpercent) & "% completed") GUICtrlSetData($progressbar1, $overallpercent) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar2, $LocalPercent) GUICtrlSetData($Progress2Text, "Copying File " & $file) FileCopy($current & "\" & $file, $destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file,1) FileSetAttrib($destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file, "-R") EndIf If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($current & "\" & $file), "D") And ($file <> "." Or $file <> "..") Then DirCreate($destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file) FileSetAttrib($destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file, "-R") GUICtrlSetData($Progress1Text, $current & "\" & $file) ProgressCopy($current & "\" & $file, $destination) EndIf WEnd FileClose($search) ;when overall percent = 100 set end gui text, delete gui and reset run1 to 0 If $overallpercent = 100 Then GUICtrlSetData($Progress0Text, "Total Progress 100% completed") GUICtrlSetData($progressbar1, 100) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar2, 100) GUICtrlSetData($Progress2Text, "Done!") Sleep(2000) GUIDelete($Gui) $Run1 = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>ProgressCopy Func Adlib() $splash = FileFindNextFile($SPsearch) If @error then $SPsearch = FileFindFirstFile(@scriptdir & "\Splash\*.jpg") Return Endif Splashimageon ("Update",@scriptdir & "\splash\" & $splash, @DesktopWidth , @Desktopheight , -1 , -1 , 3) EndFunc Edited March 24, 2006 by ChrisL [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
GaryFrost Posted March 24, 2006 Posted March 24, 2006 expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Terminate") Global $destination[3], $x $destination[0] = @SystemDir & "\oobe\images\mslogo.jpg" $destination[1] = @SystemDir & "\oobe\images\prodkey.gif" $destination[2] = @SystemDir & "\oobe\images\oemlogo.gif" $Gui = GUICreate("Main Gui", 250, 50, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP) GUISetState() $child = GUICreate("Splash Screen", 250, 50, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_CHILD), $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $Gui) $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic($destination[0], 0, 0, 250, 50) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $child) AdlibEnable("_FadeImage") While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit WEnd Func _Terminate() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Terminate Func _FadeImage() AdlibDisable() For $z = 255 To 0 Step - 1 WinSetTrans("Splash Screen", "", $z) Sleep(10) Next For $y = 1 To 2 GUICtrlDelete($pic) $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic($destination[$y], 0, 0, 250, 50) For $x = 0 To 255 WinSetTrans("Splash Screen", "", $x) Sleep(10) Next For $z = 255 To 0 Step - 1 WinSetTrans("Splash Screen", "", $z) Sleep(10) Next Next GUICtrlDelete($pic) $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic($destination[0], 0, 0, 250, 50) For $x = 0 To 255 WinSetTrans("Splash Screen", "", $x) Sleep(10) Next AdlibEnable("_FadeImage") EndFunc ;==>_FadeImage SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
ChrisL Posted March 24, 2006 Author Posted March 24, 2006 Thanks for that [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
HJW Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 I have been digging around with this script but did get it working. What do I want? I want it not to fade out but just fade in the new image. So old image should stay on background until new image totally has faded in.. So somekind of overlay with 2 images is that possible? Thanks HJW
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