ConsultingJoe Posted May 9, 2006 Author Posted May 9, 2006 ps. can you add support for directory listing and file downloading from the remote comp. for this script?I should already have directory listing. try typing: dir*C:\*.*I could add downloading and uploading no what happend with your computer, what was the problem? Check out
jacksont123 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 I should already have directory listing. try typing: dir*C:\*.*I could add downloading and uploading no problem.sorry. what i meant was for you to add directory listing support for the other remote control script you made (the one you can access with a phone)so what happend with your computer, what was the problem?i honestly have no idea
ConsultingJoe Posted May 9, 2006 Author Posted May 9, 2006 sorry. what i meant was for you to add directory listing support for the other remote control script you made (the one you can access with a phone)But you can access this one with a phone. Check out
jacksont123 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 but the one i have is the 1st remote control script you made, not this one and i want to intergrate the directory listing support in that one, rather than getting an entirely new page and script
ConsultingJoe Posted May 9, 2006 Author Posted May 9, 2006 but the one i have is the 1st remote control script you made, not this oneand i want to intergrate the directory listing support in that one, rather than getting an entirely new page and scriptohh, umm I'll see what I can do. I really dont like that one though. why do you still like that one. the new one is cooler and faster and more stable Check out
jacksont123 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 (edited) i'm glad that you'll look into it i'm not exactly sure why i like your first one, but i'll find out a proper answer and get back to you. Edited May 9, 2006 by The Great 'Awesoma-Powa!'
AutoItKing Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Hey, Zero, how 'bout putting the actual files here so that I can easily download them? Site is DOWN | My deviantART | No Topic Topic - Don't do it!-------------------- UDF's/Scripts:AutoIt: [BenEditor 3.6] [_ShutDown()]PHP: [CommentScript]Web Based AutoIt: [MemStats] [HTML to AU3] [User LogIn and SignUp script]
ConsultingJoe Posted May 9, 2006 Author Posted May 9, 2006 Hey, Zero, how 'bout putting the actual files here so that I can easily download them?Ok, lazy check the first post. they're right there for Check out
AutoItKing Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Thanks! Hey what can you expect? I'm a 15 year old brat! Site is DOWN | My deviantART | No Topic Topic - Don't do it!-------------------- UDF's/Scripts:AutoIt: [BenEditor 3.6] [_ShutDown()]PHP: [CommentScript]Web Based AutoIt: [MemStats] [HTML to AU3] [User LogIn and SignUp script]
ConsultingJoe Posted May 9, 2006 Author Posted May 9, 2006 Thanks! Hey what can you expect? I'm a 15 year old brat! Well I'm only 18, so that what because I'm 3yrs older I have to slave over a hot stove for you? The abuse, LOL Check out
jacksont123 Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 (edited) so... anyone figure out a way to get the directory listing script to work on the old remote control server? and is there a way to modify the 'commandme.html' and/or 'action.php' to work with this script? here's the code: #include <array.au3> Case $gettext[1] = "dir" Dim $dir _ArrayDelete($gettext, 0) $directory = _ArrayToString ( $gettext, "*" ) $directory = StringReplace($directory, "dir*", "") $directory = StringReplace($directory, "\\", "\") $search = FileFindFirstFile($directory) $dir = _ArrayCreate("") Edited May 10, 2006 by The Great 'Awesoma-Powa!'
jacksont123 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 (edited) that means i'm repeating the previous post i madeAnywho, I think I sort of figured it out.I tried to combine commandme.html, action.php, and remoteaction.php to one file [commandme.php]. This worked.expandcollapse popup<html><head> <title>Command ME</title> </head> <body> <center> <form action="commandme.php" method="post"> <font color="black"> <select name="pcname" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="pc1">PC 1</option> <option value="pc2">PC 2</option> <option value="pc3">PC 3</option> <option value="pc4">PC 4</option> <option value="pc5">PC 5</option> <option value="pc6">PC 6</option> <option value="pc7">PC 7</option> <option value="pc8">PC 8</option> <option value="pc9">PC 9</option> <option value="pc10">PC 10</option> <option value="pc11">PC 11</option> <option value="pc12">PC 12</option> <option value="pc13">PC 13</option> <option value="pc14">PC 14</option> <option value="pc15">PC 15</option> <option value="pc16">PC 16</option> <option value="pc17">PC 17</option> <option value="pc18">PC 18</option> <option value="pc19">PC 19</option> <option value="pc20">PC 20</option> <option value="pc21">PC 21</option> <option value="pc22">PC 22</option> <option value="pc23">PC 23</option> <option value="pc24">PC 24</option> <option value="pc25">PC 25</option> <option value="pc26">PC 26</option> <option value="pc27">PC 27</option> <option value="pc28">PC 28</option> <option value="pc29">PC 29</option> <option value="pc30">PC 30</option> <option value="pc31">PC 31</option> <option value="pc32">PC 32</option> <option value="pc33">PC 33</option> <option value="pc34">PC 34</option> <option value="pc35">PC 35</option> <option value="pc36">PC 36</option> <option value="pc37">PC 37</option> <option value="pc38">PC 38</option> <option value="pc39">PC 39</option> <option value="pc40">PC 40</option> </select> <select name="commandmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">General Menu</option> <option value="opencd">Open CD Tray</option> <option value="closecd">Close CD Tray</option> <option value="screenshot">Get Screenshot</option> <option value="windowshake">Window Shake</option> <option value="screenflicker">Screen Flicker</option> <option value="beep">Beep</option> <option value="exit">Exit Server</option> </select> <select name="musicmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">Media Menu</option> <option value="runwm">Run WMP</option> <option value="playsong">Play / Pause</option> <option value="stopsong">Stop</option> <option value="nextsong">Next Song</option> <option value="backsong">Previous Song</option> <option value="volup">Volume Up</option> <option value="voldown">Volume Down</option> <option value="volmute">Mute Volume</option> </select> <select name="closemenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">Close Menu</option> <option value="wmplayer">Close WMP</option> <option value="explorer">Close Explorer</option> <option value="winword">Close Word</option> <option value="excel">Close Excel</option> <option value="window">Close Current</option> </select> <select name="shutdownmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">Shutdown Menu</option> <option value="monitortoggle">Monitor On/Off</option> <option value="logoff">Logoff</option> <option value="reboot">Reboot</option> <option value="shutdown">Shutdown</option> <option value="suspend">Suspend</option> <option value="hibernate">Hibernate</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Send Command"><BR> </form> <br> <form action="commandme.php" method="GET"> <input name="textin" type="text" size=40> <input type="submit" value="Send Command"> <form action="commandme.php" method="GET"> <input name="textout" type="hidden" value="1"> <input type="submit" value="Update Output"> </form> <br> <? $fp = fopen("rom.con", "r"); $read = fread($fp,1000); fclose($fp); echo $read; ?> </center> </html> <?php if($_GET["clear"]==1){ $fp = fopen("rom.con", "w"); fwrite($fp, ""); fclose($fp); }; if($_GET["textout"]==1){ $fp = fopen("rom.con", "r"); fclose($fp); }; if ($_GET['textin']!=""){ $textin = $_GET['textin']; $fp = fopen("rom.con", "w"); fwrite($fp, $textin); fclose($fp); }; php?> <?php $spot_code1 = $_POST['commandmenu']; $spot_code2 = $_POST['musicmenu']; $spot_code3 = $_POST['closemenu']; $spot_code4 = $_POST['shutdownmenu']; $spot_code5 = $_POST['pcname']; // Open the file and erase the contents if any $fp = fopen("com.con", "w"); fwrite($fp, $spot_code1); fwrite($fp, $spot_code2); fwrite($fp, $spot_code3); fwrite($fp, $spot_code4); fwrite($fp, $spot_code5); fclose($fp); ?>I tried combining the commands for: remoteaction.au3, and commandme.au3. But that didn't work as wellApparently what the script at the top, whether it be old or new would work.expandcollapse popup#include <Inet.au3> #include <FTP.au3> #include <array.au3> HotKeySet ( "^!+x", "e") $server = '' $username = '*' $pass = '*' $vol = 50 Global $TimeInt = 3000;refresh time Global $phpurl = "http://*";php location for command exchange AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) AutoItSetOption ( "TrayIconHide", 1 ) While 1 InetGet("http://*", "com.con", 1) $file = FileOpen ( "com.con", 0 ) $con = FileRead ( $file ) FileClose ( $file ) script1() Sleep (1000) Wend While 1 $text = _INetGetSource ( "http://*" ) ;_INetGetSource ( $phpurl & "?clear=1") <=CLEARS FILE, NOT NEEDED BECAUSE TEXTIN CLEARS FIRST If $text <> "" Then $text = StringMid ( $text, 1, StringInStr($text, "<!" )-1) ConsoleWrite($text & @CR); PUTS OUT CURRENT COMMON FILE TEXT $func = funcfind() If $func <> "" Then _INetGetSource ( $phpurl & "?textin=" & $func & " at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) $text = "" EndIf Sleep($TimeInt) WEnd Func script1() if StringInStr ($con, "pc17") > 0 Then Select Case StringInStr ($con, "opencd") > 0 CDTray ( "d:", "open" ) Case StringInStr ($con, "closecd") > 0 CDTray ( "d:", "close" ) Case StringInStr ($con, "nextsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_NEXT}") Case StringInStr ($con, "backsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_PREV}") Case StringInStr ($con, "voldown") > 0 $vol = $vol - 20 SoundSetWaveVolume ( $vol ) Send("{VOLUME_DOWN 5}") Case StringInStr ($con, "volup") > 0 $vol = $vol + 20 SoundSetWaveVolume ( $vol ) Send("{VOLUME_UP 5}") Case StringInStr ($con, "stopsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_STOP}") Case StringInStr ($con, "volmute") > 0 Send("{VOLUME_MUTE}") Case StringInStr ($con, "playsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}") Case StringInStr ($con, "monitortoggle") > 0 MonitorToggle() Case StringInStr ( $con, "screenflicker") > 0 screenFlicker() Case StringInStr ( $con, "windowshake") > 0 windowShake() Case StringInStr ($con, "logoff") > 0 clear() Shutdown (0) Case StringInStr ($con, "shutdown") > 0 clear() Shutdown (9) Case StringInStr ($con, "reboot") > 0 clear() Shutdown (6) Case StringInStr ($con, "suspend") > 0 clear() Shutdown (32) Case StringInStr ($con, "hibernate") > 0 clear() Shutdown (64) Case StringInStr ($con, "wmplayer") > 0 ProcessClose ("wmplayer.exe") Case StringInStr ($con, "explorer") > 0 ProcessClose ("explorer") Case StringInStr ($con, "winword") > 0 ProcessClose ("WINWORD.EXE") Case StringInStr ($con, "excel") > 0 ProcessClose ("EXCEL.EXE") Case StringInStr ($con, "beep") > 0 Beep(500, 1000) Case StringInStr ($con, "unblock") > 0 BlockInput ( 0 ) Case StringInStr ($con, "block") > 0 BlockInput ( 1 ) Case StringInStr ($con, "window") > 0 WinClose ( "" ) Case StringInStr ($con, "runwm") > 0 run ("C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe") Case StringInStr ($con, "screenshot") > 0 $date= @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC Sleep(1000) DllCall("captdll.dll", "int", "CaptureScreen", "str", @ScriptDir & "/TempPS.jpg", "int", 40) Sleep(1000) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') Sleep(1000) $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) Sleep(1000) $Ftpp = _FtpPutFile($Conn, @ScriptDir & "/TempPS.jpg", $date & 'TempPS.jpg') Sleep(1000) $Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open) Case StringInStr ($con, "exit") > 0 Exit Case Else $con = "" EndSelect if $con <> "" Then FileOpen ( "com.con", 2 ) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTPDelFile($Conn, '/com.con') $Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) $Ftpp = _FtpPutFile($Conn, @ScriptDir & '/com.con', '/com.con') $Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open) endif Endif EndFunc Func funcfind() $gettext = StringSplit($text, "*") $ubound = UBound($gettext)-1 If $ubound > 0 Then ;ConsoleWrite($ubound) Select Case $gettext[1] = "quit" Exit Case $gettext[1] = "dir" Dim $dir _ArrayDelete($gettext, 0) $directory = _ArrayToString ( $gettext, "*" ) $directory = StringReplace($directory, "dir*", "") $directory = StringReplace($directory, "\\", "\") $search = FileFindFirstFile($directory) $dir = _ArrayCreate("") If $search = -1 Then Return "No files/directories matched the search pattern" EndIf While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop _ArrayAdd ( $dir, $file ) WEnd FileClose($search) $dirout = _ArrayToString ( $dir, "&" ) $dirout = StringReplace( $dirout, "&", "<br>" ) Return "Files in folder: " & $directory & "<br>" & $dirout & "<BR><BR>Directory listed " Case $gettext[1] = "timeint" And $ubound=2 $TimeInt = $gettext[2] Return "Time set" Case $gettext[1] = "say" And $ubound=2 _TalkOBJ($gettext[2], 3) Return "Said: " & $gettext[2] Case $gettext[1] = "close" And $ubound=2 $return = WinClose($gettext[2]) If $return = 1 Then Return "Closed: " & $gettext[2] Else Return "Could not close: " & $gettext[2] EndIf Case $gettext[1] = "kill" And $ubound=2 $return = WinClose($gettext[2]) If $return = 1 Then Return "Killed: " & $gettext[2] Else Return "Could not kill: " & $gettext[2] EndIf Case $gettext[1] = "processclose" And $ubound=2 ProcessClose($gettext[2]) Return "Process Closed: " & $gettext[2] Case $gettext[1] = "filedel" And $ubound=2 $gettext[2] = StringReplace($gettext[2], "\\", "\") FileDelete($gettext[2]) Return "File deleted: " & $gettext Case $gettext[1] = "filerun" And $ubound=2 $gettext[2] = StringReplace($gettext[2], "\\", "\") AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) Run($gettext[2]) If @error = 1 then $return = "Error running program: " & $gettext[2] AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 1) Return "File ran: " & $gettext[2] Case $gettext[1] = "filemove" And $ubound=3 $gettext[2] = StringReplace($gettext[2], "\\", "\") $gettext[3] = StringReplace($gettext[3], "\\", "\") FileMove($gettext[2], $gettext[3], 9) Return "File moved from: " & $gettext[2] & " to " & $gettext[3] Case $gettext[1] = "filecopy" And $ubound=3 $gettext[2] = StringReplace($gettext[2], "\\", "\") $gettext[3] = StringReplace($gettext[3], "\\", "\") FileCopy($gettext[2], $gettext[3], 9) Return "File Copied from: " & $gettext[2] & " to " & $gettext[3] Case $gettext[1] = "beep" And $ubound=3 Beep($gettext[2], $gettext[3]) Return "Beeped on freqency: " & $gettext[2] & " for " & $gettext[3] & " milliseconds" Case $gettext[1] = "media" And $ubound=2 Select Case $gettext[2] = "open" AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) Run('C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe') If @error = 1 then $return = "Error opening Windows Media Player" AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 1) Case $gettext[2] = "next" send("{MEDIA_NEXT}") Case $gettext[2] = "back" send("{MEDIA_PREV}") Case $gettext[2] = "play" Send("{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}") Case $gettext[2] = "stop" send("{MEDIA_STOP}") Case $gettext[2] = "up" send("{VOLUME_UP}") Case $gettext[2] = "down" send("{VOLUME_DOWN}") Case $gettext[2] = "mute" send("{VOLUME_MUTE}") Case $gettext[2] = "fullscreen" WinActivate( "Windows Media Player" ) Send("{Alt}{Enter}") EndSelect Return "Ran media command: " & $gettext[2] Case $gettext[1] = "au3" $gettext[2] = StringReplace($gettext[2], "\'", "'") $gettext[2] = StringReplace($gettext[2], "\", "'") AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine ' & '"' & $gettext[2] & '"') If @error = 1 then $return = "Error running interpreter: " & $gettext[2] AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 1) Return "Ran command: " & $gettext[2] ;case Else ;Return "Error or at Idle" EndSelect EndIf EndFunc Func _TalkOBJ($s_text, $s_voice = 3) Local $quite = 0 Local $o_speech = ObjCreate ("SAPI.SpVoice") Select Case $s_voice == 0 Return Case $s_voice == 1 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mary", "Language=409").Item(0);female Case $s_voice == 2 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mike", "Language=409").Item(0);male Case $s_voice == 3 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Sam", "Language=409").Item(0);sam EndSelect $o_speech.Speak ($s_text) $o_speech = "" Sleep(1000) TrayTip("","",1) EndFunc;==>_TalkOBJ func clear() FileOpen ( "com.con", 2 ) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTPDelFile($Conn, '/com.con') $Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) $Ftpp = _FtpPutFile($Conn, @ScriptDir & '/com.con', '/com.con') $Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open) endfunc MonitorToggle(1) Sleep (50000) MonitorToggle(0) Func MonitorToggle($Off = 1) $opt = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) $WM_SYSCommand = 274 $SC_MonitorPower = 61808 $Power_Off = 2 $Power_On = -1 $Off = 1 $HWND = WinGetHandle("classname=Progman") If $Off Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $HWND, "int", $WM_SYSCommand, _ "int", $SC_MonitorPower, "int", $Power_Off) Else DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $HWND, "int", $WM_SYSCommand, _ "int", $SC_MonitorPower, "int", $Power_On) EndIf Opt ("WinTitleMatchMode", $opt) EndFunc func screenFlicker() Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) $WM_SYSCommand = 274 $SC_MonitorPower = 61808 $Power_On = -1 $Power_Off = 2 $X = 1 $HWND = WinGetHandle("classname=Progman") DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $HWND, "int", $WM_SYSCommand, "int", $SC_MonitorPower, "int", $Power_Off) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $HWND, "int", $WM_SYSCommand, "int", $SC_MonitorPower, "int", $Power_On) endFunc func windowShake() ; script to shake the current window... $windowArray = WinList() ; set up some of the shake parameters $numShakes = 50 $shakeIntensity = 50 $shakeDelay = 20 For $i = 1 to $windowArray[0][0] ; loop through to find the active window... and shake it... If $windowArray[$i][0] <> "" AND isVisible($windowArray[$i][1]) And winActive($windowArray[$i][0]) Then $posArray = WinGetPos($windowArray[$i][0]) ; shake it like a salt shaka For $x = 1 to $numShakes if Random(0,1) = 1 then $shakeIntensity = $shakeIntensity * -1 WinMove ( $windowArray[$i][0], "", $posArray[0]+$shakeIntensity, $posArray[1]+$shakeIntensity) sleep(10) WinMove ( $windowArray[$i][0], "", $posArray[0], $posArray[1]) Next EndIf Next endFunc func isVisible($handle) If BitAnd( WinGetState($handle), 2 ) Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc func e() exit endfunc--------------------------------------------------------------------------------for the commands from commandme.au3 to work, I'd have to put:While 1 InetGet("", "com.con", 1) $file = FileOpen ( "com.con", 0 ) $con = FileRead ( $file ) FileClose ( $file ) script1() Sleep (1000) Wendon top ofWhile 1 $text = _INetGetSource ( "" ) ;_INetGetSource ( $phpurl & "?clear=1") <=CLEARS FILE, NOT NEEDED BECAUSE TEXTIN CLEARS FIRST If $text <> "" Then $text = StringMid ( $text, 1, StringInStr($text, "<!" )-1) ConsoleWrite($text & @CR); PUTS OUT CURRENT COMMON FILE TEXT $func = funcfind() If $func <> "" Then _INetGetSource ( $phpurl & "?textin=" & $func & " at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) $text = "" EndIf Sleep($TimeInt) WEnd--------------------------------------------------------------------------------for the commands from remoteaction.au3 to work, I'd have to put:While 1 $text = _INetGetSource ( "" ) ;_INetGetSource ( $phpurl & "?clear=1") <=CLEARS FILE, NOT NEEDED BECAUSE TEXTIN CLEARS FIRST If $text <> "" Then $text = StringMid ( $text, 1, StringInStr($text, "<!" )-1) ConsoleWrite($text & @CR); PUTS OUT CURRENT COMMON FILE TEXT $func = funcfind() If $func <> "" Then _INetGetSource ( $phpurl & "?textin=" & $func & " at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) $text = "" EndIf Sleep($TimeInt) WEndon top ofWhile 1 InetGet("", "com.con", 1) $file = FileOpen ( "com.con", 0 ) $con = FileRead ( $file ) FileClose ( $file ) script1() Sleep (1000) Wendget it? What I want to do is to have both the parts of remoteaction.au3 and commandme.au3 to be running not just one or the other.Thanks for reading and the help so far. Edited May 11, 2006 by The Great 'Awesoma-Powa!'
jacksont123 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 (edited) also how would i get the commands on remoteaction.au3 to work on multiple computers like the way commandme.au3 would? if StringInStr ($con, "pc1") > 0 Then^ i'm taking about using something like that for remoteaction.au3 Edited May 11, 2006 by The Great 'Awesoma-Powa!'
ConsultingJoe Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 also how would i get the commands on remoteaction.au3 to work on multiple computers like the way commandme.au3 would? if StringInStr ($con, "pc1") > 0 Then^ i'm taking about using something like that for remoteaction.au3WOW I dont even know what is going on any more. since you messed with my code sooo much, you should just open your own topic. For different computers you would have to do something other that stringinstring because it would mess up all the other commands. You could try to have it at the beginning of the file and then when it is read, it deletes that section after it is sent to the right computer, then continues to do the command. Check out
jacksont123 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 good news: i got both of them to work together bad news: i still need to create a "identifier" for the commands from remoteaction.au3. if i can't use stringinstr what else can I use?
ConsultingJoe Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 good news: i got both of them to work togetherbad news: i still need to create a "identifier" for the commands from remoteaction.au3. if i can't use stringinstr what else can I use?say the com.con file says: 4*say*hello therethe 4 could be the ID and the say is the command and hello there is the parameter for the commandJust bump up the * if its 2 make it 3do you know what I mean??? Check out
jacksont123 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 (edited) exactly, i totally understand what you mean, except how to do it. 1. Do I modify the php file? 2. If yes, what exactly do I do to the script so it 'listens' for that number (ie. 4 from "4*say*hello")? Edited May 11, 2006 by The Great 'Awesoma-Powa!'
ConsultingJoe Posted May 12, 2006 Author Posted May 12, 2006 exactly, i totally understand what you mean, except how to do it.1. Do I modify the php file?2. If yes, what exactly do I do to the script so it 'listens' for that number (ie. 4 from "4*say*hello")?No. you should never have to mod the PHP unless you just want to make it cooleryou would just type 4*say*hello into the PHPYou have to mod the server script. you no know how the * are the delimeters, well before it looks for the commands have it look at the first array after it processes the string that it downloaded.if you still dont understand, just post the most updated working code that you want to do this with and I will do it for you. just give me some time though, Cool?? Check out
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