Helge Posted March 24, 2006 Posted March 24, 2006 I had the same problem as lapasuc. Other than that, great stuff !
AutoItKing Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 FYI Any ip like this: 192.168.0.x, is a network ip. It's your ip on your network, do you really have 44 computers in your network? is like a callback, or it's just localhost. Any other ip is an internet ip. I like this, although I'll stick with apache! Maybe you should try and integrate php? MySQL? Perl? ASP? Cgi? http://www.autoitking.co.nr Site is DOWN | My deviantART | No Topic Topic - Don't do it!-------------------- UDF's/Scripts:AutoIt: [BenEditor 3.6] [_ShutDown()]PHP: [CommentScript]Web Based AutoIt: [MemStats] [HTML to AU3] [User LogIn and SignUp script]
nfwu Posted May 3, 2006 Author Posted May 3, 2006 FYIAny ip like this: 192.168.0.x, is a network ip. It's your ip on your network, do you really have 44 computers in your network? is like a callback, or it's just localhost. Any other ip is an internet ip.I like this, although I'll stick with apache! Maybe you should try and integrate php? MySQL? Perl? ASP? Cgi?Thanks for the feedback!I just wanted a webserver which I can easily customize to my needs and I know exactly what it does, inside out. (Helps for website debugging)I'll do CGI first, it's simple!Step 1: Rename <script>.cgi to temp.exeStep 2: Run the exe and collect the data on the output streamStep 3: Post the data to the client.Step 4: Delete temp.exeMaybe when I'm free?#) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
eltorro Posted May 4, 2006 Posted May 4, 2006 @nfwu The issue with standard compliant browers is that the mime type in the header is being sent as text/plain instead of text/html. I did a quick hack on the script last week some time and the html pages now appears as they should. Most of the changes in the script are in the main while loop. I also added an internal 404 page as an experiment. My intentions were to use the script as a white list/ black list proxy server but I had to table the project temporarily as another project came up. Please look at the code. pm me if you have any questions. expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <File.au3> ;;#include "DSO.au3" ;#include "RSUDF.au3" Global $mime = "" Global $filetypes = _ArrayCreate("html","text/html","htm","text/html","gif", "image/gif", "bmp", "image/x-xbitmap", "jpg", "image/jpeg", "jpeg", "image/jpeg", "jpe", "image/jpeg", "ppt", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "xls", "application/vnd.ms-excel", "doc", "application/msword", "swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash") Global $newsession = 1 Global $listen Global $sock Global $serverName[100] Global $serverPids[100] Global $serverSPtr = 0 Global $recv Global Const $IP = InputBox( "Wood's General Server", "Input IP address:", _GetIP() ) Global Const $PORT = 80 Global Const $a= "'" Global Const $E404 = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb_2312-80"><title>%IP%:%PORT% - Error 404 - File %REQUEST% not found.</title>'& _ '</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><h1>Wood'&$a&'s Technologies General Purpose Server</h1><h2>Error 404: File %REQUEST% not found</h2>'& _ '<p>The server which you are requesting the file"%REQUEST%" from cannot find the file.</p><hr><address>Wood'& _ $a&'s Technologies General Server (1.2.0), IP: %IP%, PORT:%PORT% (%_MDAY%/%_MON%/%_YEAR% %_HOUR%:%_MIN%:%_SEC%)</address></body></html>' TCPStartup() $listen = TCPListen($IP, $PORT, 100) If $listen = -1 Then $err = @error MsgBox(16, "Error", "Unable to connect." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "dec: " & $err & @CRLF & "hex: 0x" & Hex($err, 8)) EndIf While 1 $sock = TCPAccept($listen) ;;Poll the socket for commands If $sock >= 0 Then $recv = _SockRecv($sock) ;;Get Command from socket _DSO_Referer($recv) ;;Do some DSO related stuff $recv = StringSplit($recv, " ") ;;Split up the Command $recvRequest = StringSplit($recv[2], "?") ;;Split up the Request If StringInStr($recv[2], "woodserverexeoutput=") Then $html = _VarsInterpret(_Server_Execute($recvRequest[2])) ;;Server-Related Command ElseIf StringInStr($recv[2], "directserveroutput=") Then $html = _VarsInterpret(_DirectServerOutput($recvRequest[2], _URLDecode($recvRequest[1])));;'DSO'-Related Command Else $html = _Get(_URLDecode($recvRequest[1])) ;;Normal file request EndIf consoleWrite(_URLDecode($recvRequest[1])&@lf) $mime = _GetFileType(_URLDecode($recvRequest[1])) consoleWrite("mime>"&$mime&@lf) $send = _SockSend($sock, _GetHeader($mime) & $html) ;;Send the data EndIf TCPCloseSocket($sock) Wend Exit ;;;;Functions Func _Server_Execute($aVar="") Return EndFunc ;;Get Functions ;Gets the document header FUNc _GetHeader($filetype="text/plain") Return 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK' & @CRLF & 'Content-Type: ' & $filetype & @CRLF & @CRLF EndFunc ;Gets the filetype for the header using the extention Func _GetFileType($ext) For $i = 0 to UBound($filetypes)-1 Step 2 If StringInStr($ext, $filetypes[$i]) Then Return $filetypes[$i+1] Next Return "text/plain" EndFunc ;Get a file normally Func _GET($filename) ;;Default to index.html If $filename = "/" or $filename = "\" or $filename = "" Then $filename = "\index.html" $file = @ScriptDir & "\" & $filename ;;If file does not exist, send an error 404 If Not FileExists($file) Then ConsoleWrite("File>"&$file&@crlf) if FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\" &"ERROR_404.html") then Return _GET("/ERROR_404.html") Else consoleWrite($E404) return _VarsInterpret($E404) EndIf EndIf ;;Check for Unauthorized access If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($file), "D") And IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\variables.ini", "Permissions", "folders", 0) = 0 THen Return _GET("/ERROR_401.html") If StringInStr($file, "..") And IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\variables.ini", "Permissions", "prevdir", 0) = 0 THen Return _GET("/ERROR_401.html") ;;Read the data from the file $data = FileRead($file, FileGetSize($file)) ;;If html file, transalte %% macros if StringInStr(FileGetExt($file), "htm") Then $data = _VarsInterpret($data) Return $data EndFunc ;;Sock Functions ;Recieve Data on a socket Func _SockRecv( $iSocket, $iBytes = 2048 ) Local $sData = "" ;;Loop Until you recieve data on the socket While $sData = "" $sData = TCPRecv($iSocket, $iBytes) Wend ;;Flash a MsgBox MsgBox(0,"",$sData) ;;Log the Command _FileWriteLog( @ScriptDir&"\log.txt", $sData ) Return $sData EndFunc ;Send Data on a socket Func _SockSend( $iSocket, $sData ) ; ConsoleWrite($sData&@crlf) Return TCPSend($iSocket, $sData) EndFunc ;;OnExit Function Func OnAutoItExit() TCPCloseSocket($sock) TCPCloseSocket($listen) TCPShutdown() Exit EndFunc #cs The old code dump: $send = _SockSend($sock, _GetHeader(_GetFileType(FileGetExt(_URLDecode($recv[2])))) & $html) #ce Global $DSO_REFERER = "" Global $DSO_REFERER_ALLOW = 0 Func _DirectServerOutput($input, $file) $str = StringTrimLeft($input, StringLen("directserveroutput=")) Switch $str Case 'of0' If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib(@ScriptDir&'/'&$file), "D") THen Return _DSO_Dir($file&'/') Return _Get($file) EndSwitch EndFunc Func _DSO_Dir($s_Path) ;$data = '' ;#CS $s_Mask = '*' Local $html = '<table border=1><caption>Directory Listing of '&_URLEncode($s_Path)&'</caption>' $html &= '<TR><TH>Name<TH>Ext<TH>Attrib<TH>Size<TH>Created On<TH>Modified ON<TH>Accessed On<TH>Link' $h_Search = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & $s_Path & $s_Mask) $s_FileName = FileFindNextFile($h_Search) If Not @error Then While Not @error $s_FullName = $s_Path & $s_FileName $i_ExtMarker = StringInStr($s_FileName,'.',0,-1) If $i_ExtMarker Then $html &= '<TR>'&'<TH>'&StringLeft($s_FileName, $i_ExtMarker - 1)&'<TH>'&StringMid($s_FileName, $i_ExtMarker + 1) Else $html &= '<TR>'&'<TH>'&$s_FileName&'<TH>'&'' EndIf $html &= '<TH>'&FileGetAttrib(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName)&'<TH>'&FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName)&'<TH>'& _ FileGetTime(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName,1,1)&'<TH>'&FileGetTime(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName,0,1)&'<TH>'& _ FileGetTime(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName,2,1)&'<TH>'&'<a href="http://%IP%'&$s_FullName&'?directserveroutput=of0">'& _ 'Open</a>' $s_FileName = FileFindNextFile($h_Search) WEnd EndIf $html &= '</table>' ;#CE ;$PID = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c DIR "'&@ScriptDir&'\'&$s_Path&'"', '', @SW_HIDE, 2) ;Do ; $data = $data & StdoutRead($PID) ;Until @error ;Return $data Return $html EndFunc Func _DSO_OpenFile($file) If Not FileExists($file) Then Return _GET("/ERROR_404.html") If StringInStr($file, "..") And IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\variables.ini", "Permissions", "prevdir", 0) = 0 THen Return _GET("/ERROR_401.html") If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($file), "D") THen Return _DSO_Dir($file) $data = FileRead($file, FileGetSize($file)) if StringInStr(FileGetExt($file), "htm") Then $data = _VarsInterpret($data) EndIf Return $data EndFunc Func _DSO_Referer($recv) $recvparams = StringSplit($recv, @CRLF) $DSO_REFERER = '' For $i = 1 to $recvparams[0] If StringLeft($recvparams[$i], StringLen("Referer: ")) == "Referer: " Then $DSO_REFERER = StringTrimLeft($recvparams[$i], StringLen("Referer: ")) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _DSO_Login() EndFunc Func _QuickArraySearch($array, $val) For $i = 0 to UBound($array)-1 If $array[$i] = $val Then Return $i Next EndFunc ;;Var Functions Func _VarsInterpret( $sData ) Local $sFile = @ScriptDir & "\variables.ini", $aVars = IniReadSection($sFile, "Variables") If @error Then SetError(1) Return $sData EndIf For $i = 1 to $aVars[0][0] $sData = StringReplace($sData, $aVars[$i][0], Execute($aVars[$i][1])) Next Return $sData EndFunc Func _VarsGet($varlist="") Return StringSplit($varlist, "&") EndFunc ;; By: MrSpacely ;; At: Dec 21 2005, 06:08 AM (+8 GMT) ;; In: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18448 Func FileGetExt($inputfilename) If StringInStr($inputfilename, "\") Then $inputfilename = StringRegExpReplace($inputfilename, ".*\\([^\\])", "\1") If StringInStr($inputfilename, "/") Then $inputfilename = StringRegExpReplace($inputfilename, ".*/([^/])", "\1") If StringInStr($inputfilename, ".") Then Return StringRegExpReplace($inputfilename, ".*\.([^.])", "\1") Else Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>FileGetExt ;;STACK UDFs by nfwu Func _StackPop(ByRef $avArray) Local $sLastVal If (Not IsArray($avArray)) Then SetError(1) Return "";$_StackEmpty EndIf $sLastVal = $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] If UBound($avArray) = 1 Then $avArray = "";$_StackEmpty Else ReDim $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] EndIf Return $sLastVal EndFunc ;==>_StackPop Func _StackPush(ByRef $avArray, $sValue) If IsArray($avArray) Then ReDim $avArray[UBound($avArray) + 1] Else Dim $avArray[1] EndIf $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] = $sValue SetError(0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StackPush ;=============================================================================== ; _URLEncode() ; Description: : Encodes a string to be URL-friendly ; Parameter(s): : $toEncode - The String to Encode ; $encodeType = 0 - Practical Encoding (Encode only what is necessary) ; = 1 - Encode everything ; = 2 - RFC 1738 Encoding - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt ; Return Value(s): : The URL encoded string ; Author(s): : nfwu ; Note(s): : - ; ;=============================================================================== Func _URLEncode($toEncode, $encodeType = 0) Local $strHex = "", $iDec Local $aryChar = StringSplit($toEncode, "") If $encodeType = 1 Then;;Encode EVERYTHING For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex(Asc($aryChar[$i]), 2) Next Return $strHex ElseIf $encodeType = 0 Then;;Practical Encoding For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] $iDec = Asc($aryChar[$i]) if $iDec <= 32 Or $iDec = 37 Then $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex($iDec, 2) Else $strHex = $strHex & $aryChar[$i] EndIf Next Return $strHex ElseIf $encodeType = 2 Then;;RFC 1738 Encoding For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] If Not StringInStr("$-_.+!*'(),;/?:@=&abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", $aryChar[$i]) Then $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex(Asc($aryChar[$i]), 2) Else $strHex = $strHex & $aryChar[$i] EndIf Next Return $strHex EndIf EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; _URLDecode() ; Description: : Tranlates a URL-friendly string to a normal string ; Parameter(s): : $toDecode - The URL-friendly string to decode ; Return Value(s): : The URL decoded string ; Author(s): : nfwu ; Note(s): : Don't mess with the $mode parameter unless you know what ; you are doing!!! ; ;=============================================================================== Func _URLDecode($toDecode, $mode=0) local $strChar = "", $iOne, $iTwo Local $aryHex = StringSplit($toDecode, "") For $i = 1 to $aryHex[0] If $aryHex[$i] = "%" Then $i = $i + 1 $iOne = $aryHex[$i] $i = $i + 1 $iTwo = $aryHex[$i] $strChar = $strChar & Chr(Dec($iOne & $iTwo)) Else $strChar = $strChar & $aryHex[$i] EndIf Next if $mode = 0 Then Return StringReplace($strChar, "+", " ") Else Return $strChar EndIf EndFunc Oh, I added html and htm to the $filetypes array. Ideally, the script should parse html file for a content type before make another determination of its type. Hope it helps, Steve Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
Richard Robertson Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 This is nice. Now for the real challenge, try writing this in C. I wrote a C# webserver, but I have problems with certain files. Any idea why some files will load, some will not?
Dhilip89 Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 very nice script.... [u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠2[/quote]
spyrorocks Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 I love the autoit webservers. they are simple and they work. the webservers that are like 10 mb are so complacated to get them to work, but these autoit webservers are so nice [center] My Projects: Online AutoIt Compiler - AutoForum - AutoGuestbook - AutoIt Web-based Auto Installer - Pure AutoIt Zipping Functions - ConfuseGen - MindReader - P2PChat[/center]
nfwu Posted May 13, 2006 Author Posted May 13, 2006 Update! v0.4 ---------------- Tweeked 'Direct Server Output' functionality a little. Added some of eltorro's code. Added a tutorial for the DSO interface and added a very simple demo game server DSO. See under the /DSO/ directory. #) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
Dhilip89 Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 Update! v0.4----------------Tweeked 'Direct Server Output' functionality a little.Added some of eltorro's code.Added a tutorial for the DSO interface and added a very simple demo game server DSO. See under the /DSO/ directory.#)Thanks for the update... [u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠2[/quote]
nfwu Posted May 14, 2006 Author Posted May 14, 2006 No problem! Any suggestions for improvement? #) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
Dhilip89 Posted May 14, 2006 Posted May 14, 2006 No problem! Any suggestions for improvement? #) I did some modification on your script : expandcollapse popup#cs GET /i.html HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, */* Accept-Language: en-us Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Host: Connection: Keep-Alive #ce #cs From: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=19696&view=findpost&p=136138 GET request format: http://<url>?<name_of_input>=<data>&<name_of_input2>=<data> #ce #include <Array.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <File.au3> ;;#include "DSO.au3" #include "RSUDF.au3" Global $filetypes = _ArrayCreateVals("html","text/html","htm","text/html","gif", "image/gif", "bmp", "image/x-xbitmap", "jpg", "image/jpeg", "jpeg", "image/jpeg", "jpe", "image/jpeg", "ppt", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "xls", "application/vnd.ms-excel", "doc", "application/msword", "swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash") Global $newsession = 1 Global $listen Global $sock Global $serverName[100] Global $serverPids[100] Global $serverSPtr = 0 Global $recv Global $DSO_FORCE_MIME = "" Global Const $IP = InputBox( "Wood's General Server", "Input IP address:", _GetIP() ) Global Const $PORT = 80 Global Const $E404 = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb_2312-80"><title>%IP%:%PORT% - Error 404 - File %REQUEST% not found.</title>'& _ '</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><h1>Wood'&"'"&'s Technologies General Purpose Server</h1><h2>Error 404: File %REQUEST% not found</h2>'& _ '<p>The server which you are requesting the file"%REQUEST%" from cannot find the file.</p><hr><address>Wood'& _ "'"&'s Technologies General Server (0.4), IP: %IP%, PORT:%PORT% (%_MDAY%/%_MON%/%_YEAR% %_HOUR%:%_MIN%:%_SEC%)</address></body></html>' TCPStartup() $listen = TCPListen($IP, $PORT, 100) If $listen = -1 Then $err = @error MsgBox(16, "Error", "Unable to connect." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "dec: " & $err & @CRLF & "hex: 0x" & Hex($err, 8)) EndIf While 1 $sock = TCPAccept($listen) ;;Poll the socket for commands If $sock >= 0 Then $recv = _SockRecv($sock) ;;Get Command from socket _DSO_Referer($recv) ;;Do some DSO related stuff $recv = StringSplit($recv, " ") ;;Split up the Command $recvRequest = StringSplit($recv[2], "?") ;;Split up the Request If StringInStr($recv[2], "woodserverexeoutput=") Then ;$html = _VarsInterpret(_Server_Execute($recvRequest[2])) ;;Server-Related Command (not yet implemented) $html = "Sorry, WSE not yet implemented. Please intergrate your application into the server. Refer to DSO.txt" ElseIf StringInStr($recv[2], "directserveroutput=") Then $html = _VarsInterpret(_DirectServerOutput($recvRequest[2], _URLDecode($recvRequest[1])));;'DSO'-Related Command Else $html = _Get(_URLDecode($recvRequest[1])) ;;Normal file request EndIf $mime = _GetFileType(_URLDecode($recvRequest[1])) If $DSO_FORCE_MIME <> "" Then $mime = $DSO_FORCE_MIME $DSO_FORCE_MIME = "" EndIf $send = _SockSend($sock, _GetHeader($mime) & $html);;Send the data EndIf TCPCloseSocket($sock) Wend Exit ;;;;Functions ;;Get Functions ;Gets the document header FUNc _GetHeader($filetype="text/plain") Return 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK' & @CRLF & 'Content-Type: ' & $filetype & @CRLF & @CRLF EndFunc ;Gets the filetype for the header using the extention Func _GetFileType($ext) For $i = 0 to UBound($filetypes)-1 Step 2 If StringInStr($ext, $filetypes[$i]) Then Return $filetypes[$i+1] Next Return "text/plain" EndFunc ;Get a file normally Func _GET($filename) ;;Default to index.html If $filename = "/" or $filename = "\" or $filename = "" Then $filename = "\index.html" $file = @ScriptDir & "\" & $filename ;;If file does not exist, send an error 404 If Not FileExists($file) Then If FileExists("ERROR_404.html") Then Return _GET("/ERROR_404.html") Else Return _VarsInterpret($E404) EndIf EndIf ;;Check for Unauthorized access If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($file), "D") And IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\variables.ini", "Permissions", "folders", 0) = 0 THen Return _GET("/ERROR_401.html") If StringInStr($file, "..") And IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\variables.ini", "Permissions", "prevdir", 0) = 0 THen Return _GET("/ERROR_401.html") ;;Read the data from the file $data = FileRead($file, FileGetSize($file)) ;;If html file, transalte %% macros if StringInStr(FileGetExt($file), "htm") Then $data = _VarsInterpret($data) Return $data EndFunc ;;Sock Functions ;Recieve Data on a socket Func _SockRecv( $iSocket, $iBytes = 2048 ) Local $sData = "" ;;Loop Until you recieve data on the socket While $sData = "" $sData = TCPRecv($iSocket, $iBytes) Wend ;;Flash a MsgBox MsgBox(0,"",$sData,1) ;;Log the Command _FileWriteLog( @ScriptDir&"\log.txt", $sData ) Return $sData EndFunc ;Send Data on a socket Func _SockSend( $iSocket, $sData ) Return TCPSend($iSocket, $sData) EndFunc ;;OnExit Function Func OnAutoItExit() TCPCloseSocket($sock) TCPCloseSocket($listen) TCPShutdown() Exit EndFunc #cs The old code dump: $send = _SockSend($sock, _GetHeader(_GetFileType(FileGetExt(_URLDecode($recv[2])))) & $html) #ce Global $DSO_REFERER = "" Global $DSO_REFERER_ALLOW = 0 Func _DirectServerOutput($input, $file) $str = StringTrimLeft($input, StringLen("directserveroutput=")) Switch $str Case 'of0' If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib(@ScriptDir&'/'&$file), "D") THen Return _DSO_Dir($file&'/') Return _Get($file) EndSwitch EndFunc Func _DSO_Dir($s_Path) ;$data = '' ;#CS $s_Mask = '*' Local $html = '<table border=1><caption>Directory Listing of '&_URLEncode($s_Path)&'</caption>' $html &= '<TR><TH>Name<TH>Ext<TH>Attrib<TH>Size<TH>Created On<TH>Modified On<TH>Accessed On<TH>Link' $h_Search = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & $s_Path & $s_Mask) $s_FileName = FileFindNextFile($h_Search) If Not @error Then While Not @error $s_FullName = $s_Path & $s_FileName $t_Created = FileGetTime(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName,1) $t_Modified = FileGetTime(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName,0) $t_Accessed = FileGetTime(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName,2) $i_ExtMarker = StringInStr($s_FileName,'.',0,-1) If $i_ExtMarker Then $html &= '<TR>'&'<TH>'&StringLeft($s_FileName, $i_ExtMarker - 1)&'<TH>'&StringMid($s_FileName, $i_ExtMarker + 1) Else $html &= '<TR>'&'<TH>'&$s_FileName&'<TH>'&'' EndIf $html &= '<TH>'&FileGetAttrib(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName)&'<TH>'&FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & $s_FullName)&'<TH>'& _ $t_Created[0]&'/'&$t_Created[1]&'/'&$t_Created[2]&' '&$t_Created[3]&':'&$t_Created[4]&':'&$t_Created[5]&'<TH>'&$t_Modified[0]&'/'&$t_Modified[1]&'/'&$t_Modified[2]&' '&$t_Modified[3]&':'&$t_Modified[4]&':'&$t_Modified[5]&'<TH>'& _ $t_Accessed[0]&'/'&$t_Accessed[1]&'/'&$t_Accessed[2]&' '&$t_Accessed[3]&':'&$t_Accessed[4]&':'&$t_Accessed[5]&'<TH>'&'<a href="http://%IP%'&$s_FullName&'?directserveroutput=of0">'& _ 'Open</a>' $s_FileName = FileFindNextFile($h_Search) WEnd EndIf $html &= '</table>' ;#CE ;$PID = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c DIR "'&@ScriptDir&'\'&$s_Path&'"', '', @SW_HIDE, 2) ;Do ; $data = $data & StdoutRead($PID) ;Until @error ;Return $data Return $html EndFunc Func _DSO_OpenFile($file) If Not FileExists($file) Then Return _GET("/ERROR_404.html") If StringInStr($file, "..") And IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\variables.ini", "Permissions", "prevdir", 0) = 0 THen Return _GET("/ERROR_401.html") If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($file), "D") THen Return _DSO_Dir($file) $data = FileRead($file, FileGetSize($file)) if StringInStr(FileGetExt($file), "htm") Then $data = _VarsInterpret($data) EndIf Return $data EndFunc Func _DSO_Referer($recv) $recvparams = StringSplit($recv, @CRLF) $DSO_REFERER = '' For $i = 1 to $recvparams[0] If StringLeft($recvparams[$i], StringLen("Referer: ")) == "Referer: " Then $DSO_REFERER = StringTrimLeft($recvparams[$i], StringLen("Referer: ")) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _DSO_Login() EndFunc Func _DSO_ProcessString($proc) ;;Get Rid of Starting and Ending slashes $c = StringLeft($proc, 1) If $c = "\" or $c = "/" then $proc = StringTrimLeft($proc, 1) $c = StringRight($proc, 1) If $c = "\" or $c = "/" then $proc = StringTrimRight($proc, 1) ;;Get Rid of Double Slashes while StringInStr($proc, "//") StringReplace($proc, "//", "/") wend while StringInStr($proc, "\\") StringReplace($proc, "\\", "\") wend Return StringSplit($proc, "\/") EndFunc Func _DSO_SetMIMEType($mime) $DSO_FORCE_MIME = $mime EndFunc Screenshot: [u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠2[/quote]
spyrorocks Posted May 14, 2006 Posted May 14, 2006 10/10 [center] My Projects: Online AutoIt Compiler - AutoForum - AutoGuestbook - AutoIt Web-based Auto Installer - Pure AutoIt Zipping Functions - ConfuseGen - MindReader - P2PChat[/center]
nfwu Posted May 16, 2006 Author Posted May 16, 2006 I did some modification on your script : [... code cut ...] Screenshot: Thanks for that suggestion. I'll modify the directory browsing DSO with your suggestions when I add in CGI support. I'll try checking out PHP and maybe add that in too. #) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
nfwu Posted June 6, 2006 Author Posted June 6, 2006 (edited) Gues what. I could not get the CGI function to work with linux-style CGI scripts.I mean those which are basically scripts with a !#/usr/perlor something like that attached to the front.Works with executables though.Updating now. When new update is released, (v1.0), it will have CGI support for compiled scripts (i.e. renamed exes), 3 seperate documentations for the user (user-friendly) and the programmer (non-user-friendly) and the DSO portion (n00b-programmer-friendly).Also, I'll add Dhilip's modification to the of0 (File Browser) DSO.Gonna add a Computer Control DSO.Also going to modify the DSO functionality from this: this: there are any more suggestions, disagreement, bugs, etc, or any more ways to make it user friendly, please post here!Hoping to complete this soon,nfwu#)Edit (at the next day): Screwed up my private copy of the Webserver, gonna redo from scrach via the public copy. Edited June 7, 2006 by nfwu TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
wizzardking Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Will this overcome the 10 user connection in xp pro and 2000 IIS? Also does it support user authentication? The reason I'm asking is I am currently writting a blog,email,game etc web server in autoit, but I am using IIS in win 2000 for the webs server part. I was actually on here for a file upload server script example, so that i could add users pics to thier profiles and forum/blog posts. If ya wanna check out what Ive done so far checkout www.garageaction.com let me know what ya think, and if you'd like to maybe work together to develope both our projects into one. just an idea. `Mitch
Wus Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 10 concurrent connection thing can be resolved by googling how to fix it...
nfwu Posted June 11, 2006 Author Posted June 11, 2006 Will this overcome the 10 user connection in xp pro and 2000 IIS? Also does it support user authentication?The reason I'm asking is I am currently writting a blog,email,game etc web server in autoit, but I am using IIS in win 2000 for the webs server part. I was actually on here for a file upload server script example, so that i could add users pics to thier profiles and forum/blog posts.If ya wanna check out what Ive done so far checkout www.garageaction.com let me know what ya think, and if you'd like to maybe work together to develope both our projects into one. just an idea.`MitchYou can easily extend this server using DSO.Refer to the README.txt file in the download for the WebServer.#) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
4gotn1 Posted June 12, 2006 Posted June 12, 2006 unable to connect:dec: 10048hex: 0x000027440its after i very first start and input my ip =Si've disabled my firewall, would my router be a problem?
nfwu Posted June 12, 2006 Author Posted June 12, 2006 1) Are you using the correct IP? [Test out with first] 2) If does not work, do you already have a webserver running? 3) Lastly, is port 80 in use? #) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
nfwu Posted June 18, 2006 Author Posted June 18, 2006 Repaired Basic WebServer (actually a modded version of 0.2) to work with FireFox. Added link to first post. Adding of features to the full version not yet complete... Still working on it. #) TwitterOut of date stuff:Scripts: Sudoku Solver | Webserver | 3D library (Pure AutoIt) | Wood's GadgetsUDFs: _WoodUniqueID() | _DialogEditIni() | _Console*() | _GetIPConfigData() | _URLEncode/Decode()
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