jackyyll Posted March 18, 2006 Posted March 18, 2006 Just thought i would post this. I have seen many others ones, but they didnt do what i wanted it to do, so i wrote my own using code snippets from theres... Here you go: Code to check if a new version is out (Put at the top of your main program) Local $verini = 'http://yoursitet.com/ver/ver.ini';site with the newest ver.ini (containing the current ver) Local $ping = Ping('www.google.com', 250);Website to ping to check if internet access is available If $ping = 0 Then;Start Auto updater // Test for internet access, if none exists, close program $msg1 = MsgBox(0, "title", "Error! No internet connection detected. Close program now?");Alert that there was an error and ask to close the program If $msg1 = 1 Then;If press OK Exit;Close the program EndIf EndIf ConsoleWrite("Ping: " & $ping) If $ping > 0 Then;If has internet access InetGet($verini, @ScriptDir & "\Data\ver.ini", 1);Download the newest version info If IniRead(@ScriptDir & '\Data\ver.ini', 'Version', 'FileVer', 'Not Found') > IniRead(@ScriptDir & '\Data\version.ini', 'Version', 'FileVer', 'Not Found') Then;Check if the current version is outdated SplashOff();Spalsh Screens off SplashTextOn("title", "A newer version has been found and is updating! Please wait, the program will now restart...");Inform user that the program will now update Sleep(2500);Wait 2.5 seconds SplashOff();Splash Screens off RunWait('update.exe', @ScriptDir);Run the update tool Exit;Close the program so it can be updated Else FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\Data\ver.ini');If the version is not outdated, delete the ver.ini EndIf EndIf;End Auto updater update.exe (will download the newest version) ProcessClose("MAINPROGRAM.exe") $newestver = IniRead(@ScriptDir & '\Data\ver.ini', 'Version', 'FileVer', 'Not Found') $website = 'http://yoursite.com/' & $newestver & '/MAINPROGRAM.exe' If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\MAINPROGRAM.exe') Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\MAINPROGRAM.exe') Else InetGet($website, "MAINPROGRAM.exe", 1) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & '\Data\version.ini', 'Version', 'FileVer', $newestver) FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\Data\ver.ini') Sleep(10) SplashOff() SplashTextOn("Updater", "Successfully updated to the latest version.") Sleep(5000) SplashOff() RunWait('MAINPROGRAM.exe', @ScriptDir) EndIf Exit Your servers should have these files: http://www.yoursite.com/ver/ver.ini http://www.yoursite.com/NEWESTVERNUMBER/MAINPROGRAM.exe (replacing NEWESTVERNUMBER with something like 1.5 and MAINPROGRAM.exe with your programs name) Your programs folder should have a Data folder which will have a version.ini in it that has the information on the current version (of the mainprogram that the user has now) The ver.ini on the server should hold the NEWEST version number. The ini's should look like this: [Version] FileVer=1.0 Hmm didn't think this post would be this long ~Marc
RazerM Posted March 18, 2006 Posted March 18, 2006 (edited) i used some of your script and others to make my own: Local $ping = Ping("www.google.com");Website to ping to check if internet access is available If $ping = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Title", "Error! Please connect to the Internet and try again!") If $ping <> 0 Then Local $Website = "http://www.yoursite.net/yourapp/yourapp.exe" Local $myini = "http://www.yoursite.net/yourapp/update.ini" InetGet($myini,"C:\Update.ini", 1) if IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVer","Not Found") > FileGetVersion("yourapp.exe") Then $msgA = Msgbox(4,"Update","Updates are available, Update now?") if $msgA = 6 Then ProcessClose("yourapp.exe") FileDelete(@Scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe") INetGet($Website,@scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe", 1, 0) yourapp.exe")) EndIf EndIf If IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVer","Not Found") <= FileGetVersion("yourapp.exe") Then Msgbox(0,"Latest","You currently have the latest version of yourapp") EndIf EndIf I like it because it only closes the program and deletes it if there is a newer version. The update.ini looks like this [Update] FileVer= Edited March 18, 2006 by RazerM My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
Zoldex Posted March 18, 2006 Posted March 18, 2006 [...] ProcessClose("yourapp.exe") FileDelete(@Scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe") INetGet($Website,@scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe", 1, 0) yourapp.exe")) [...] Ok cool, and what happens if file download fails? the main prog is gone and you've lost older & newer files! You should only Rename the main prog and delete it only when (and if) the newer version has been succesfully downloaded.
RazerM Posted March 18, 2006 Posted March 18, 2006 yes ill update my script. Thx My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
jackyyll Posted March 18, 2006 Author Posted March 18, 2006 i used some of your script and others to make my own: Local $ping = Ping("www.google.com");Website to ping to check if internet access is available If $ping = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Title", "Error! Please connect to the Internet and try again!") If $ping <> 0 Then Local $Website = "http://www.yoursite.net/yourapp/yourapp.exe" Local $myini = "http://www.yoursite.net/yourapp/update.ini" InetGet($myini,"C:\Update.ini", 1) if IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVer","Not Found") > FileGetVersion("yourapp.exe") Then $msgA = Msgbox(4,"Update","Updates are available, Update now?") if $msgA = 6 Then ProcessClose("yourapp.exe") FileDelete(@Scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe") INetGet($Website,@scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe", 1, 0) yourapp.exe")) EndIf EndIf If IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVer","Not Found") <= FileGetVersion("yourapp.exe") Then Msgbox(0,"Latest","You currently have the latest version of yourapp") EndIf EndIf I like it because it only closes the program and deletes it if there is a newer version. The update.ini looks like this [Update] FileVer= Mine also deletes the mainprogram. And if the download fails you can just run update.exe.
RazerM Posted March 18, 2006 Posted March 18, 2006 (edited) here is a far better version than my last it checks the filesize in bytes beforecontinuing to download EDIT: Added more checks and new version info, deletes update.ini after use and uses new ini key called FileVerDescript so you can have 0.4 as version instead of it is only used in a messagebox Local $ping = Ping("www.google.com");Website to ping to check if internet access is available Local $Website = "http://www.yoursite.com/yourapp/yourapp.exe" Local $myini = "http://www.yoursite.com/yourapp/update.ini" If $ping = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "yourapp - Update", "Error! Please connect to the Internet and try again!") Global $exesize = InetGetSize("http://www.yoursite.com/yourapp/yourapp.exe") If $ping <> 0 Then InetGet($myini,"C:\Update.ini", 1) If $exesize <> IniRead("C:\Update.ini", "Size", "Bytes", 0) Then MsgBox(48, "Error!", "Filesize stated in ini does not match file on server!") If $exesize = IniRead("C:\Update.ini", "Size", "Bytes", 0) Then if IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVer","Not Found") > FileGetVersion("yourapp.exe") Then $msgA = Msgbox(4,"Update","yourapp version " & IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVerDescript","Not Found") & " is available, Update now?") if $msgA = 6 Then ProcessClose("yourapp.exe") FileMove(@Scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe", @Scriptdir & "\yourappOld.bak.exe") INetGet($Website,@scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe", 1, 0) $updatecheck = FileExists(@Scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe") $exesize = InetGetSize("http://www.yoursite.com/yourapp/yourapp.exe") If $updatecheck = 1 And $exesize = IniRead("C:\Update.ini", "Size", "Bytes", 0) Then MsgBox(0, "Complete", "yourapp has been updated to: Version " & IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVerDescript","Not Found")) FileDelete(@Scriptdir & "\yourappOld.bak.exe") EndIf If $updatecheck = 0 Or $exesize <> IniRead("C:\Update.ini", "Size", "Bytes", 0) Then FileMove(@Scriptdir & "\yourappOld.bak.exe", @Scriptdir & "\yourapp.exe") MsgBox(48, "Error!", "The download failed - Updater has restored your previous yourapp file") EndIf EndIf EndIf If IniRead("C:\Update.ini","Update","FileVer","Not Found") <= FileGetVersion("yourapp.exe") Then Msgbox(0,"Latest","You currently have the latest version of yourapp") EndIf EndIf FileDelete("C:\Update.ini") EndIf The ini should look like [Update] FileVer= FileVerDescript=0.5 [Size] Bytes=232639 Edit:removed a reference to my program Edited March 18, 2006 by RazerM My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
jackyyll Posted March 18, 2006 Author Posted March 18, 2006 Whats the point of checking file size? And whats the point of FileVerDescription? It's kind of overkill
NegativeNrG Posted March 19, 2006 Posted March 19, 2006 i believe some of the code are taken from my updater example? just curious. [size=20]My File Upload[/size]Register at my site and upload.
jackyyll Posted March 19, 2006 Author Posted March 19, 2006 i believe some of the code are taken from my updater example? just curious.Yup
RazerM Posted March 19, 2006 Posted March 19, 2006 Whats the point of checking file size? And whats the point of FileVerDescription? It's kind of overkill It checks file size to make sure that it doesnt download an incomplete or corrupt file. FileVerDescript can be used for 0.4 instead of it is only used for the mesagebox My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
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