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Set HOT KEYS for up to 64 of your most frequently used programs and files.


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Please someone, why I get error when I run "HotKey.au3" and if I compile (Beta) and run I get "Unable to open script file" message.

This makes me crazy, the same error repeats in all scripts I download.

Thank you


If this error repeats in all scripts, then maybe something is wrong with your AutoIt configuration.

Try to uninstall it and install it again.

Before doing the above, you may also check if your beta is the latest beta. (I use v3.1.1.113 (beta) and have no problems)

Also, if you are useing any text editor (I use ConText) for editing and running scripts, you need to be sure you've configured it right (the paths to AutoIt3 and the parameters you pass to it).


If these advices don't help, try being more specific - tell me exactly the error message, the version of your AutoIt and the steps you make to receive the error message.

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  • 10 months later...

MAX_LINESIZE 4095 Maximum size for a line of script.

STRBUFFER 4095 Size of a general string buffer.

MAX_ENVSIZE 32767 Maximum size for an ENV variable.

WINTEXTBUFFER 32767 GetWindowText fails under 95 if>65535, WM_GETTEXT randomly fails if > 32767.

IDLE 10 ms Number of ms to wait when idling.

HOTKEYQUEUESIZE 64 Maximum number of queued hotkeys that can be buffered.

MAXEXECUTERECURSE 384 Maximum number of times the Execute() function can recurse to itself.

GUI_MAXWINDOWS 1024 Maximum number of simultaneous windows.

GUI_MAXCONTROLS 4093 Maximum number of controls in GUI box.

GUI_MAXCOLOURS 32 Maximum number of colour brushes to cache

GUI_MAXPOINTS 256 Maximum number of points by graphic info page.

COM_MAXEVENT 64 Maximum number of COM events that can be buffered.

VAR_SUBSCRIPT_MAX 64 Maximum number of subscripts for an array.

MAIN_TIMER_DELAY 750 ms Tray icon hiding/flashing/drawing is checked every 750ms.

CMDLINE_MAXPARAMS 63 Maximum number of parameters.

CMDLINEPARAM_MAXLEN 4096 Each parameter can be this many characters.

TRAY_MAXITEMS 505 Maximum number of items in the tray menu.

TRAY_MAXEVENT 32 Maximum number of events that can be buffered.

TRAY_TOOLTIPWIDTH 64 Maximum number of characters displayed in a tray tooltip.

Edited by Secure_ICT
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