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Yes, there is... there's a thing you can download... lemme look & see if i can find it

AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!
AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!

What you really want to look at is this post: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...topic=20450&hl=

“Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.”AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity.

  • 2 years later...

What you really want to look at is this post: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...c=20450&hl=

I tried this and other solutions, but seem to have some problems (old code and a bit confused). Can someone help me to use firefox embedded in a script? thanks!

SFTPEx, AutoCompleteInput_DateTimeStandard(), _ImageWriteResize()_GUIGraduallyHide(): some AutoIt functions.

Lupo PenSuite: all-in-one and completely free selection of portable programs and games.

DropIt: a personal assistant to automatically manage your files.

ArcThemALL!: application to multi-archive your files and folders.


I tried this and other solutions, but seem to have some problems (old code and a bit confused). Can someone help me to use firefox embedded in a script? thanks!

check out the mozilla developer help here about embedded gecko which is the layout engine used by firefox.

most likely you would not need to embed all of firefox. just the engine, and some interface options you pick your self.

If you find that you need more, you can look into the embedded mozilla project here

hope this helps


check out the mozilla developer help here about embedded gecko which is the layout engine used by firefox.

most likely you would not need to embed all of firefox. just the engine, and some interface options you pick your self.

If you find that you need more, you can look into the embedded mozilla project here

hope this helps

Thank you, very useful links.. and if instead I would like to embed only a webpage in a GUI, but using firefox and not IE?

SFTPEx, AutoCompleteInput_DateTimeStandard(), _ImageWriteResize()_GUIGraduallyHide(): some AutoIt functions.

Lupo PenSuite: all-in-one and completely free selection of portable programs and games.

DropIt: a personal assistant to automatically manage your files.

ArcThemALL!: application to multi-archive your files and folders.



$Main = GUICreate("Your Gui Name", 800, 600, -1, -1)

to create a gui to display it on

WinWaitActive("Window Title")

to run it and wait for it to show

;$Window_Handle = WinGetHandle("Window Title")
;WinSetState($Window_Handle, "", @SW_HIDE)
;_WinAPI_SetWindowLong($Window_Handle , $GWL_STYLE, $WS_POPUP)
;WinSetState($Window_Handle, "", @SW_SHOW)

so that you only get the web page displayed

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()

    $gui_pos = WinGetPos("Your Gui Name")
    WinMove("Window Title", "", $gui_pos[0] + 5, $gui_pos[1] + 30, 600, 400)

    If WinActive("Your Gui Name") = False Then
        WinSetOnTop("Window Title", "", 0)
        WinSetOnTop("Window Title", "", 1)

    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

for the loop to set the browser on top if the gui is selected to make it look embeded and move it to the right pos

i think you need to add some more stuff aswell to make it move with it and look right but that should cover a basic functionality of embedding any program into a gui

Interpreters have great power!Although they live in the shadow of compiled programming languages an interpreter can do anything that a compiled language can do, you just have to code it right.

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